Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

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85 (1.11), I. Colton /'ley..... (50<); 2. Bobby TieoIe< (Kaw); 3 Freoeman (Suz); 4. Max Rash (Kaw): 5. Cameron Smhh (Yam). 85 JR /lU1'tJ (9-13): 1. Cotten Maynard (Suz): 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Max Run (Kaw): 4. Jesse Freeman (Su:z.): 5 lucas Crespi ersports/Hansen's Energy-b~cked KTM 300. David Taylor and Gary Wetherell rounded out the top 10. (""'I. holding it wide open. A lap later, Skinner was lost and came around in fifth, behind Dyess. The order was set. Lundy shot to the front in moto two. Truman moved into second, ahead of Skinner, Stewart and Boni. Lundy started to pull away but it all came apart on lap two. Lundy's mishap put Truman into the lead. Skinner Spare Parts Motorcycle Club Eugene. Miasouri Results: September 22, 2002 (Round 14) 85 (12.13): 1. Kyle Tobin (Sul): 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Kyle Keylon (""'); 4 Donaid Solley (Suz); 5. T"'Y DaVIS (Vom). 85 (14-15): I. K~ Meeks (Sul); 2. Dustin Jensen (Yam); 3. T"'Y 5oyo.- (""'); 4 Cole Che ("",). S,"",. 105 (12·15); I. Ky~_ (50<1; 2. Ky~ Keylon (""'I; 3. Tyler TIffany (Yam); 4. RIcky Renner (Yam); 5. Danny Wey« Jr. (Han). 125 YTH (12·15): 1. Jonathan Camp (Vam); 2. Matt Bonl (Kaw); 3. Dy... (50<); 4. Shaun _ (50<); 5. Alan CIlbum (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1 Troy Adams (Yam); 2. Paul Cunie (Sul): 3. Jarrett Tlpplng (Sul): 4. Paul P~jnoI (Vam); 5. Jason Baker (Yam). 125 '" I. Do'" G _ (lIT"'); 2. Ronnie _ (Vom). 125 8: I. Dan Tnunan (Kaw): 2. Shaun SkJnnrer (Suz); 3. Matt Bon! (Kaw); 4. Dean Dyess (Sul); 5. Eric Stewatt (Yam). 125 C: L Jonathan Camp (Yam): 2. Matthew PMrero (Kaw): 3. Joe Bak« (Suz); 4. Camden Cruz (Kaw); 5. David Earley (Kaw) 250/500 PRO: 1. Kyle Farnell (Hon); 2. Paul Cun1e (Sut): 3. Po" (Vom); 4. A..~ Liebe< (50<); 5. _ &d.. ("",). 250/500 A; 1. Jason Bak« (yam): 2. Brendon Bud« (Sur): 3. KarJten ButI« (Suz); 4. R4y Hansen (KTM): 5. T.J. Fontenot (KT"'). 250/500 B: 1. Dan Truman (Kaw): 2. Quinton Bi~1ow (Vam); 3. Shawn McKenna (Hon); 4. Steve Dumond (Suz): 5. Justln Tank moved up to second, as Boni passed Stewart for third. J.D. Heap and Dyess passed Stewart to round out the top five. The first 250cc B moto saw Lundy out front. Quinton Bigalow, Truman, Mike Finnegan and Shawn McKenna played catchup. Truman motored to the front, putting Lundy in second. Bigalow finished third. The second moto was Truman's, as Lundy suffered a DNF. Bigalow moved up to second, as Daie Kump recovered from a bad first moto for third. Dumond came back to beat out McKenna for fourth. o..n """'Jnot Dade City Raceway Dade City, Florida Resulbl. September 29, 2002 (Round 3 of 7) (Vam). 250/500 C: I. Jonathan Camp (Vam); 2. But Sima (Hen); 3. Cale Flage (Yam); 4. Edward Higgins (Yam); 5. David Earley (Kalil). WMl"l: 1. MariN Hampshire (Kawl: 2. Jacqueline Ron (Kaw); 3. Sara Hamp.hlre (Kaw); 4. A.shley Jones (Sut): 5. Kirsten Banka (Yam). 16-24: 1. Dan Truman (Kaw): 2. lack Lundy (Hon); 3. Dale Kump (Yam): 4. Blake Koch (Suz); 5. Ryan Warren (Kaw). 25.; 1. Paul Currie (Suz): 2. Jat'Tett Tipping (Suz); J. Marcul Pedmo (Suz): 4. Shawn McKenna (Hon); 5. Jimmy PensId (Hon). 30.; I. Tlmothy Eggers (Hon); 2. Steve Dumond (Suz); 3. Bryan Abel (HOl'l); 4, Brandon CunnIngham (Hon); 5. Klrtc Layfield (Hon). 35 t: I. Timothy Eggen (Hon); 2. Kirtc layfield (Hon); 3. Joe Cartier (Yam); 4. John lLmdy (Hon); 5. Lee MdIvalne (yam). 40.: I. Timothy Eggen (Hon): 2. John Lundy (Hon); 3. Let _ (Han); 4. John Sll_(Han); 5. WUI. Bn>ck (Han). 45.: 1. La Bunaide (Hon); 2. John ec»eman (KTM); 3. Kevin Wilson (Sw.); 4. Rodney JoeII (Kaw); 5. Bun Gennony (Yam). 4-STRK: I. Paul Perebljnos (Yam): 2. Quinton Bigelow (Yam): 3 Kyte WilliarNOn (Yam); 4. Deny! Und (Yam): 5. Shawn Pettit (Can). 50 OIlAf"(J STK: I. R.J. Hampshire (Yam); 2. Cody Chl,holm (Yom); 3. loch Duchaine (Yam): 4. Brlmdon P1olc:atrl (KTM): 5. Clint Comballt (Yam). 50 STK (4-6): 1. Tyler Meyer (tITM); 2. Brandon Slane (Cobl: 3. R.J. Harnplhire (Vam); 4. &.ndon P10ialtri (KTM); 5. Dalton Myers (Cob). SO STK (7-8): I. Kory K~ylon (KTM); 2. Donak! DIperna (KTM); 3. Collin Cabre (KTM); 4. Clifford Sanders (Cob); 5. Austin Cole (Cob). 65 (7·9): I. Wilfredo Guzman (KTM); 2. Kalen Fitzpatrick (lIT"'); 3. Ju>l!n Slarilng (""'); 4. K~. aoen.. (""'); 5. Cody SmIth (lIT"'). 6S (IG-ll); t. Cameron Sm"" (IIT"'I; 2. K~ Combee (Kaw); 3. Cody Cleveiand (Suz); 4. Wayne Marion (Kew): 5. Gavin Oallagher (lIT"'). Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Round 14: Spare Parts Motorcycle Club Forrester Carves Out Another One seconds over the next two laps despite a few miscues. "I fell three times the third lap, once in the creek just before the check," Forrester explained. "I ~lso stopped for gas th~t lap, and I figured Steve was going to catch me then. I rode as hard as I could go after that, because I didn't want to get into a battle with him." Leivan had some trouble of his own and lost some time after drawing as close as 27 seconds behind the leader heading into lap four. Forrester had performed flawlessly during that lap and opened a gap of 50 seconds going into the final lap. Leivan was comfortable in second, while Nesbitt checked in alone in third and was just over the two-hour mark on his Pro Circuit/IMS/Maxima/Factory EffexfTeam Green 10<250, meaning the battle for the win was a two-man affair. Actually, it wasn't much of a race at 2111, as Forrester knocked off another consistent lap to take victory number six of the season, 53 seconds up on Leivan. For the third time during the 2002 c8mpaign, Lelvan finished in the runner-up position on his VZ25OF. "I knew the st~rt was critical and I got off the line good," said Dunlop/Silkolene/ Answer/Clarke/DP Brakes-backed Leivan, "but then I fell and lost some time in the dust. I rode as hard as I thought was safe ~nd I just couldn't make up any time on Brandon. I hope he was h8ving a good ride, because he was kicking my butt.· Nesbitt finished third, and then came the winner of the A class, Anthony Meyer. The young YZ250F rider improved one position per lap and hunted down class champion Rick Matteson, taking the lead on the final lap and c18iming his second class win of the se8son and a career-high overall placing. Lars Valin claimed fifth overall on his Moose/Motui-backed Honda in his last ride before heading off to the ISDE in the Czech Republic. Matteson was just five seconds behind Valin on adjusted time for sixth overall, but he scored more than enough points to clinch his class title and a trip to the AA division in 2003. Seventh overall (and third A rider) was Mark Gay, who has put together a very impressive string of finishes since starting out the year with an injured shoulder. Tracy Bauman claimed eighth overall on his Jones Pow- Bv FRANK lEJVAl'l EUGENE, MO, SEPT. 22 In a dominating perform~nce, Team Green/ J&W Cycles rider Brandon Forrester claimed the overall win at round 14 of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship. Forrester took the e~rly lead with a fast trip through a creek section just after the start lind continued in the front-running position until the checkered flag fell after two hours and 24 minutes. The Spare Parts Motorcycle Club ventured to a new piece of property and laid out a 9.7-mile course that featured a mix of virgin single-track and established two-track trail. There was also a creek section that measured nearly a mile and had about everything a creek could throw at you. Slick rocks, deep w~ter and soft whoops gave the riders trouble throughout the event. In addition to the creek, incredibly thick dust played a role in the race. The rem~ining 8 1/2 miles of trail was very dry due to the lack of rain for more than three weeks. Deep powder formed in nearly every corner and kept visibility to a minimum, making wheelto-wheel racing nearly nonexistent As a 5maller-than-normal field of AA riders lined up at the start, a couple of key players were absent. Chris Thiele, who will probably fmish in third place for the season, was on the sidelines with a broken navicular bone in his wrist th~t he suffered while pr~cticing a week prior. Holeshot master Doug Stone was also a no-show. Back in action for the first time since early June, when he suffered a broken shoulder blade, was Bobby Duncan, on his KTM 200. Aaron Shaw led the field into the woods and enjoyed a mile of dust-free trail until he hit the creek section and Forrester went blazing by. SCR/Yamaha-backed Steve Leivan was off to his best start of the year in third but fell early on when he hit something in the dust that he couldn't see. Chris Nesbitt rode past and into third on his Kawasaki. Leivan was able to make a couple of quick passes in the creek and move into second, but Forrester w~s already beginning to pull away. The Moose/Devol/Factory Connection/M2R/ Scott-backed rider held a iead of nearly 40 seconds after lap one, and he lost only a few 58 OCTOBER 23. 2002 0 cue I • n __ s O/A: I. Brandon forrest« (Kaw): 2. Steve Letvan (Yam); 3. Chris Nesb/tI. (Kaw): 4 Anthony Mt1:y« (Yam); 5. Lars Valln (Hon); 6. Rick Matt80n (I(aow); 7. Marlt Gay (yam); 8. Tracy Bouman (KTM); 9. DavId Toyloo- (lIT"'); 10. Ga'Y (Kawl. AA:. I. ~ Leivan (Yam); 2. Chris Nesbitt (Kaw); 3. laB VaUn (Han); 4 K.... Ilau (50<); 5. Mn>n Shaw (KTM). A:. I. Anthony Meyer (Yam): 2. Rick MatletOn (Kaw): 3. Mark Gay (Yam): 4. Trecy Bauman (KTM): 5. Dovld Taylor (KTM). oPEN B; 1 John _ (IIT"'I; 2. Raymond Otia (lIT"'); 3. w......., POI Welch (lIT"'); 4. _ _.. (lIT"'); 5. _ Sm'" (lIT"'). 250 8; I. DoMy CRwfcnl (Han); 2. Ga:y Wolf (""'); 3. Da>rid ""He.. (lIT"'); 4. Jaon R;egeI (Kaw); 5. Todd eaw"(KTMI 200 8: I. M1~ HamIlton (Kaw); 2. Davkl VOl'l HoI~ (KrM); 3. Brandon Vaughn (KTM): 4. Scott Lappe (KTM); 5. Greg SIgwing (lIT"'). 4-STRK B: 1. MIke Rozter (Yam); 2. Ralph Gring (Yam); 3 Midloel Brady (Sur); 4 Josh WaIte'S (HOl'l): 5. Glen 0sIe Sr. (Sul). VET: ). Kevin Ruckdesc:hell (KTM); 2. Neal SoenJuen (KTM): 3 Elston Moore (Yam); 4. Robert Armon (KTM): 5. Jerry McCasland (Han). S/!; I. K<.g Somom (Yom); 2 Jom Hrid Dam (Vam); 5. Mik.llenohan (Han). SIS/!; I. RIck Whelove (lIT"'); 2. G«old Fm>d<. (KTMI; 3. BIll JohMon (Yam). 200 C: 1. lack Bryant (Suz): 2. Matt Neal (Sw:): 3. Charla HoonnoM (Kaw); 4 Niek F.... 5<. (KTM); 5. John _ (50<). OPEN C, I. Dam"", Mahoney (Han); 2. DavId ......... (Yom); 3. Klint Griffin (KTM); 4 Kun. Schaben (HOl'l): ~. Keith V,* (Yam). WMN; 1. Midlele Eldam (KTM); 2. Donna Moore (KTM); 3. Cindy Bame<: (Han). JR: 1. Jeremy Hansen (Kaw); 2. Collin Johnson (Kaw): J. Cameron Mittelberg (Yam): 4. Nkk Bryant (Sw:): ~. Keifer Rosier (Vom). BEG: I. George OJwald (Suz); 2. Nick Smith (Suz); 3. Jim Williams (Kaw); 4. Chad Maedor(Hon); 5. Darrell Wllbers (Kaw). Nevada State Championship Series Round 7: Honey Lake Motocross Park Siminoe Superior at the Lake B V CASHEL HACKlAl'ID MILFORD, CA, SEPT. 29 Honey L~ke Motocross Park in California played host to the seventh round of the Nevada State Championship Series on Sunday, September 29. As the we~ther is cooler and a little more "racer-friendly" closer to the coast, more than 300 riders geared up to show off their talents. Moto one of the 50cc (7 and older) class had an array of stars and starlets. As the kids took to the line, they could be seen grooming the starting-gate area and pumping themselves up. Off the gate first was Ty Siminoe, who h8i1s from Reno, Nevad8. Siminoe is already established among Nevada riders and is definjtely not a newcomer to Honey Lake. Siminoe shows no sign of inhibition and strong signs of determination. C1~iming the holeshot, he was fallowed onto the track by Chase Eichele, Matthew Bisceglia ~nd Mark Hansen, all hot on his tail. The Pee Wee track is a scaled-down version of the "big" track, complete with tabietop, whoop section and double jumps. These boys were tearing up the track. Opening his iead considerably, Siminoe had the win in the bag early in the race, leaving Eichele, Bisceglia and Hansen vying for second position. Eicheie chose a wide outside line before the tabletop section, ~lIowing Bisceglia to sneak past him. Eichele was not giving In easily, however, and he launched himself off the face of the double jumps, clearing them and regaining second position all in one fell swoop. The checkered flag went up and Siminoe came out victorious, with Eichele 8nd Bisceglia in second and third, respectively. In moto two, Bisceglia lined up with renewed determination. Bisceglia and Siminoe battled for the holeshot, with Bisceglia using his early gate pick to his advantage ~nd tuming onto the track with the holeshot. The two battled out front for almost the whole of the first lap until eventually Siminoe pulled out front and didn't give Biscegli~ another chance at first place. Siminoe went 1-1 for the overall win. Biscegli~ (3-2) was second overall, and Eichele (2-4) was a well-deserved third overall. "I like to win because it is more fun than losing," Siminoe said, ever the mllster of understatement. Honey Lake had another large turnout in the 250cc Pro class. In moto one, Ty Carson, Beau Judge and Kenny Lash battled it out from the drop of the gate all the way up the straight, with Carson quick on the take to claim the holeshot. Lash ~nd Carson found themselves in a two-man race e8rly in the moto. Lash ran into some difficulty, ~s he couldn't find the opening he needed to pass Carson, who led for the first three laps, with Lash close behind ~nd closing in. The two came over the tabletop and C8rson rounded onto the double jumps just seconds ahelld of Lash. Being one of the very few riders who can clear this section, Lash did as expected and put Carson in second position. Lash proceeded to lead the rest of the race, and he took the overall with a 1-1 tally. Local talent will out, and this seems to be more and more evident at each race, lIIS the Robik boys and Beau Meier are quickly making their way up the ranks. Meier was both a strong competitor and finisher in the 2001 Arenacross Series. The boys have been using Honey Lake Motocross Park: Ty Siminoe topped the 50cc (7 and Older) Division Two contest at the seventh round of the Nevada State Championship Series In Milford, California. His racing philosophy? "I like to win because It is more fun than losing."

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