Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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O~RP 2002 Championship Points Standings . . .lIIiIiiiIiIiIiiiI.....~ ~ Road Racin (After 3 of 10 rotrds~ AM ~ WlrId ~ Road Ratilg Series (Aft2r 3 of 16 rounds~ 1. VaiBliD fm;j [Hal], Ilatj [7O/2wilsJ (41/1 will 2. T lJkawa [Hall. • IinJ (39] 3. !Ja;'o IiBe. GA (116! [114] 4. 8ic Bostran (KawJ. las Vegas, NV [107] 5. Jamie Haciilg l&u), Qw. OC [1041 6. Pascal Pi:llle lD.x:1, Canada [1031 7. Mat MIadi1 l&uJ. AusIraIia 8. Blian l.ive!q:xxI l&u], SneIMIe, GA 1100] 9. lbJj Dlarder (D.x:1. Samlas, CA 199] 192) 10. Araew 0eatIe'age (arzl. CleIeIand, OH 48 MAY 15. 2002' Araew Nelsoo [Kaw), Canada .biro 8aMnan 1Fm], T~, FL 9aIl Hie. OH [501 AMA Nalirlal 0IampilllSIip Hln SairrIies Series (Aft2r 4M10 rounds~ 1. ihln GirnWrl[KlM], Bam Qoeei, CA (75/1 will 2. Jason Rare; lYamJ, SEfar, WA (69/1 will 3. fraj Araews [Kaw), Saie'TI, OH (61J 4. Du:I: Waxlftrd (Kaw), ft. t:laiH!, OH [58/1 will 5. I\Jss ~ lYam), las Vegas, NV (46J 6. Brian 8nJwn (Kaw), Base, 10 131J 7. Matt Karlsen lYaml, Denver, OJ 130/1 YMI 8. MIa ~ l&u), Saugus, CA 125] avis Gat (Kaw), Eagle, M (25] Scott F'Iessi'9!J' lYaml, HamiDn, OH 125] AMA/FMF Racing National EndIJrtl Series (Aft2r 2 of 8 rounds): 1. MW! l.affBty [KlM), Mi.1Ie, NJ (60/2 ~ns) 2. Oe'vid l~ lYaml, 8eIngtlam, WA 3. Fre!l Hoess [Husl, StanlqJe. NJ Matt ~ 1001. MllneapJis, MN 5. Randy HaMins lYaml, T rawIern Rest, OC Barry HaI\i( lYarnJ. &nithfield. PA 7. Tm Taber [KTM], Mofr1e, Il 8. FWie.Enks lYam], New Strailsl11e, OH 9. IJaig Haasek 1KlMJ, East~, MN 10. fi:h l.affBty [KlM1, MiMe. NJ Patey.lxlsoo (llil. Mab. OH (39) [31) [31) [25) [25] [19] 118] 117] (16) (16J ~ NalionaI ~ Hln & Hound Series AM 125cc WlrId ~ MOlllCrtISS Series (After 3 of 12 roundst. 1. MdaeI MasdWl [Kaw), Fm:e 163/1 will 154] 2. Ben TlM11Iey [KlM1. New ZeaIaOO PaIri:k ~ [K1MJ, 8eIgUn 154/1 will 4. Erit Egge!s 1KlMJ, NeIherilrds 151J 149] 5. ~~1KlMJ,9ot2Eriard 6. AD Puzir [ftJslllatj [44J 7. 9;M Ramoo 1KlMJ, 8eIgUn 138/1 will 8. T)ia RalU'ay [KlM), &:uIi Am [361 [341 9. l.tigi Se!PllYaml. France [32] 10. ArIlli'e lfleI1ier 1KlMJ, Frarce Off-Road RM WlrId Championship Trials 5er'es (Aft2r 1 of 8roundsl: 1. Ooog lamplUn IMon), England 2. Adam Raga (llil. Spall TakahSl ~ [Hal]• • Allert Cabestarrj 1Bet], Spain 5. Mart Freixa (9'Ie), Spall 6. Graham Jim; 15te), Er9aOO [40/2 v.insl [301 [301 [30] [211 120] (After 3 of 8 rotrdst. Ty ()e;is lYamJ. Hesperia, CA (&l/l will Brian 8nJwn (Kaw), Base. D (72/1 will Russ I'earsD1lYarnl, las Vegas, NV 162) [5OJ IJiMl ~ (Kawl, Paru:a, NV Oeslry AbIm IKaw), Peaia, AZ (48/111il1 91iIle Es!xlsiD (Kawl Rem, NV {33J illM!!BIas (Kawl, lake faTest. CA [32J a K1It Casal [KlM), PaindaIe. CA [29J (27] 9. Pdl ZirmemallYaml. Ala lmla, CA [27] Taber ~ [HalJ.l.llri.a. CA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. WlrId Off.RlJad Cllampionslip Series 1Aft2r 2 of 6roundsJ: 1. Mike ~ [arzJ. Saugus, CA [55/1 ..,] 2. Ty iJaIis lYam], Hesperia, CA [51/1] 3 Anbert NaughtDn l&u], Flagstaff. AZ (34] 4. Kurt CaseIl [KlMI, Pamda~, CA (29] 5. Oe'vid Pearsoo (Kaw!, Panuca, NV 127] 6. Oeslry Ablxitt (Kaw], Peaia. AZ 1251 7. illM! Net.meistl!r (KIM], lrMiIard. OJ (21J FW ~ lYam), las Vegas, NV (21J 9. lblney Sn1il1Fm), AAticdl, CA (18] ihln Gmhan [KlM1. 8wkIer Qoeei, CA (18)

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