Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 04 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Contents of this Issue


Page 73 of 109

P/W (7·9), I. l,1e< """"""" (KTM); 2. llanJeI Ell. (KTM~ 3. Teny Kirton Clem): 4. Dallas Bleke (Cob): 5. Katie Tatham (KTM). S/PIW: I. Myles Heath (KTM): 2. Tyler Albertson (KTM); J. Dalles Blake (Cob). 65 BEG: I. Zane Carney (Kew): 2. Caleb Street (Kew). 65 OPEN: I. Ryan Crowll!y (Kew); 2. Austin Klmes (Kew): 3. Zane Carney (Kaw): 4. Garm1 Smith (Kaw); 5. Justin McKing (KTM). 85 (7-11) BEG: 1. Justin fil\c:Kean (KTM); 2. Garrett Canto (Kew): 3. Zane Carney (Kew): 4. Chris Street (Suz:); 5. Travis Reilly (Hen). SS (12-15) BEG: 1. Jonathan Canto (Yam); 2. Danny King (Kew); 3. John Ellis (Hon); 4. Ken Kirton (Yam). 85 (7.11): I. lye Stokes (Hon): 2. Justjn Hammons (Suz:); 3. Austin Kmes (Kew). 85 (12·151' I. Ou

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