Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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motos, but it wasn't easy. Trimble hounded him in both heats and the two exchanged the lead several times in each. The 125cc Intermediate class consisted of three riders who gated alongside the lone 125cc Pro, Billy Jurevich. Though there were only four riders on the track, this event was arguably the most exciting of the morning. Mike Alessi was racing the Intermediate class, against Josh Cox and Robby Baptista. Weighing less than 100 pounds, Mike had a significant power advantage over his competitors, and he grabbed the holeshot in the first moto. He was followed by Baptista and Cox, who both seemed determined not to get beaten by an aD-pound 13-year-old. It was immediately obvious that these three riders possessed comparable speed, but the huge whoop section would separate the men from the boys. Alessi went down in the whoops a couple of laps into the race, handing the lead to Baptista. A few laps later, Baptista went down in the same section, and Cox charged by to take the lead - and the first-moto victory. The second moto looked similar. Alessi got a great start, but this time Cox was right on him. Mike had better drive onto the jump faces, but Cox caught and passed him for the lead in the whoops. The two diced back and forth for a few laps. What happened next blew the minds of everyone in attendance. The super-technical track had two huge jumps, both of which had bumps placed in front of them to discourage anyone from jumping them until the evening's program. The more difficult of the two was a 60-foot double that only had about a 40-foot approach coming out of a switchback, plus the bump right in front of the takeoff. After a signal from his dad on the side of the track, Mike hit that double and passed Cox in the air. He landed perfectly and continued to do it every lap until the end of the race. That small advantage helped Mike extend his lead a little bit until the checkers flew. The older, heavier riders just couldn't get enough speed after the bump to' clear it. With 2-1 finishes, Mike Alessi took the overall victory over Cox, who went 1-2. CN Results 50 FIT: I. Brandon Condley (KTM). 50 (0·6): I. Logan Poisall (KTM): 2. Michael Maze (KTM); 3. (llrey Maison (KTM); 4. D.J. Uoren (Yam). 50 (7-S): 1. Jessy Nelson (KTM); 2. Daniel Licon (Pol); 3. Dustin Conell (KTM); 4. Joshua Diercks (KTM). 50 OPEN; I. Zachary Summers (Cob); 2. Jacob Atkins (Cob). 60 (0-8): I. Matt Hopson (KTM): 2. J.J. Valles (Kaw): 3. Josh Hay. 60 (9-11): 1. Tucker Hicks (Kaw); 2. Daniel Pederson (KTM); 3. Allen Licon (Kaw); 4. Daman Iwanllga (Kaw); 5. Jerry Cox Jr. (Kaw). 60 NOV: I. Chris Plouffe (Kaw): 2. Kyle Kessinger (KTM); 3. David Fee (Kaw); 4. James Culbertson (KTM): 5. Kyle Smith (KTM). 60 X: 1. Chris Plouffe (Kaw); 2. Kyle Kessinger (KTM): 3. David Fee (Kaw): 4. Kyle Smith (KTM): 5. James Culbertson (KTM). 80 BEG 1: 1. Kyle Kessinger (Yam); 2. Nick Anderson (Yllm): 3. Brent Bowser (Yam); 4. Nacona -----------------------------------------------~m~v.~~~ YES! Start my subscription immediately to Cycle News. 1 year/50 issues for $45.00. (can be billed 2 monthly payments) o Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State Phone o Zip o o o p.o. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 o Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 '-- Please bill me 1 payment of $45.00 Bill 2 payments of $22.50 Enclosed is my check or money order VISA Charge my 0 Visa 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: I MC/Visa# This is a ew Subscription Q Renewal Order Date Send to: ~~, Inc. Signature Every week for two years (100 issues for $80.00) Six months second class (25 issues for $23.00) arne _ o Mastercard == One Yeilr (.50 l.!l5u~). 2nd cla~ Canada or Mexico and all olher foreign countrie $92.00 (US Funds), 18t claM and aannail rates available upon n.oquest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiration Date .----------------------------------------------n e _ os cue I e DECEMBER 5, 2001 33

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