Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and everyone knew that there were still many miles to go. Trail boss Ryan Clay gave the riders a real treat by utilizing some of the lesser-known trails of the area and did an excellent job of marking the course. The last 20 miles of the second loop were so fun, it would even make an Oregon hippie drop his bowl of granola and chum up a good roost of traction-flowers on his soy milk-powered three-stroke. The final 20-mile loop kept the die-hards going in survival mode. The sixth and final special test was again at the pits, capping off another outstanding race by the Mount Scott Motorcycle Club. Other notable finishers included Mario Cerruti in third overall, and Mitch Jueneman, who won the Open Expert class. Greg Summers had a great ride in the Over 30 Expert class, as did Rick Crosland and Scott McNew in the Over 40 Expert and Four-Stroke Expert classes, respectively. Overall Amateur honors went to Reid Brown, who posted excellent times riding a KX 100 in the 200cc Amateur class while finishing on a flat tire. In the 50cc Amateur class, top honors went to Robert Whitcomb - yes, the father of Tyler and Tommy. After six or seven hours of unencumbered trail-racing bliss, most contestants were quite pleased to end the day but still had smiles on their faces - especially Tyler Whitcomb. eN 1evll'1 .... EMNn nu--k,DI ....Ita: ...... ZI, 2111 O/A: 1. Tyler Whitcomb; 2. Matt Faletti; 3. Mario Cerruti; 4. Tommy Whitcomb; 5. Mitch Jueneman. AA: 1. Tyler Whitcomb; 2. Tom Unville; 3. Jason Metheney. OPEN EX: 1. Mitch Jueneman; 2. Jeff Pratt; 3. Mike Pilister. 250 EX: 1. Matt Foletti; 2. Mario Cerruti. 200 EX: 1. Tommy Whitcomb. 4-STRK EX: I. Scott McNew. 30. EX: 1. Greg Summers; 2. David Clldy; 3. Adam Achepohl; 4. David White; 5. Dave White. 40+ EX: t. Rick Crosland; 2. Steve Branstetter; 3. Don Hom; 4. Tom Niemela; 5. Brent Be.rclay. OPEN AM: I. Cody Horns. 200 AM: I. Reid Brown; 2. Travis Merklin; 3. Steve Matson. 4-STRK AM: 1. Dole Wolker; 2. Scott Autry; 3. Brody Jensen; 4. Keith Bott; 5. Brod Hohn. 30+ AM: 1. Jason Webber: 2. Steve Webber. 40. AM: 1. Neil lee; 2. Rick Nice: 3. Don Matheney; 4. Scott Summers; 5. Nick 50. AM: I. Robert Whitcomb; 2. Mike Walsh; 3. Eric Mz.tson. IMS PrI SerieslCanllina Ultra Series Rould 9: lip 6.1 MX Parle Allison, Flowers Split Top Gun Laurels Allison and Flowers are not strangers, as they have done battle throughout this entire series. Allison claimed both 125cc C motos over Flowers and Malcolm Klepp, who split second-place finishes. Jeremy Saunders and Corey Richey rounded out the top five. A protest was filed saying Allison's machine was an illegal 125, but after proper procedures were followed and the machine was inspected by the track officials and referees, the protest was denied and the win stood. By DAVID ELLER UNCOLNTON,NC,AOG.25 Round nine 30f the IMS Pro Series/Carolina Ultra Series was held on August 25 at Top Gun MX Park in Lincolnton, North Carolina. Jeremy Allison, the 125cc C National Champion from nearby Charlotte, once again proved he can win by claiming top honors in the 125cc C division. He was also runner-up to Travis Flowers in the Schoolboy class. Flowers would get his revenge by winning moto two and the overall over Allison in the Schoolboy class. In Pro action, the rider of the day was Kevin Walker, who won five of six motos, making him the top money winner. In the only moto Walker didn't win, he was runner-up to Georgia's Robbie Horton in the 250cc class. Horton was leading moto two when a stomach virus sidelined him and gave the win to Walker, who was right on his fender anyway. The overall runner-up on the day was Maryland's Aaron Day, with consistent 3-3 moto finishes. Danny Smith, Paul Justice and Zack Bradshaw completed the top five. In the 125cc Pro class, Horton and Walker traded the lead several times before Walker railed an outside line to take the lead for good. Horton was second both times out. Day, again being consistent, netted third with 4-4 finishes. Justice finished third in moto one but fell in moto two and ended up seventh, which was still good enough for fifth overall. Walker returned to dominate the Over 25 A class, over Billy Ules and Jim Chester. After three months spent recovering from a hemia operation, Chester returned to action and appeared rusty but still fast. He said he would be ready when the PJl Arenacross series starts. Another impressive ride was posted by hometown hero Austin Stroupe, who killed the competition in both the 80cc (7 -11) class and the faster Supermini division. No one could match his pace as he jumped everything the track had to offer, and it looked as if he could have run with the Pro class. He pulled every holeshot and led every lap and left no question as to who was the fastest 80cc rider on that day. Daniel Nathan from Boone, North Carolina, scored the win in the Unlimited C class. He led the first moto and pulled away by as much as eight seconds. Behind him, Ryan Chappell and Charlie Wedmore were fighting it out, with Wedmore finishing second, followed by Chappell. Casey Shaw tried to stay in the mix, but a series of crashes kept him out of contention. Jacob Beck and A.J. Jesse were fourth and fifth. In moto two, Wedmore absconded with the lead early on, but Nathan made the pass before a complete lap was in the books. On lap three, Chappell also got by Wedmore to claim second and second overall. Jesse was past Beck and putting pressure on Wedmore also, but time ran out, leaving him in fourth and Beck in fifth - which was also how they finished overall. eN T..... MX " I I., IhrlII c..IIw IIaaoIIs: ...... 25, _1 l-....J II 50 SHAFT: 1. Moson Grogg (Yom); 2. Zoch Murphy (Yam); 3. Matt Cox (Yam); 4. Marcus Beosley (Yom); 5. Addison Porrish \Yom~ 50 (4·6): 1. Zach Murphy Cob; 2. Mason Gr0Wc (Cob); 3. Cod~ Ashley (Pol); 4. C ris Bowman (Cob; 5. Shone McElroth (Lem). (7-8): I. Seth Quesinberry (KTM); 2. Jock McMenomin IKTM); 3. Wliliom Dickson (Pol); 4. Joseph Bean Cob); 5. Brz.ndon Rowell (Cob). 65 (7-9): 1. Ryon Currie (KTM); 2. Brodley Bunch (KTM); 3. Zochory Alveor (KTM); 4. Wllllom Dickson \Kz.w); 5. Tanner Wilson (KTM). 65 (: 0-11): I. Les Smhh (Kow); 2. Tyler Clork (KaW~, 3. Kody Foster (KTM); 4. WiUlem McQuay (KTM ; 5. Brondon Rent (KTM). 8 (7 11): 1. Austin Stroupe (Yam); 2. Ryan Currie (Yom); 3. Tyler Bright (Kow); 4. fyler Clork (Kow); 5. Brodley Bunch (Suz). 85 0: 1. Brod Rokotz (Han); 2. Josh McColl (Suz); 3. Christopher Haas (SUI); 4. Adam Rowe (Suz); 5. Jonathan Lee Man (Hon). 85 (12-13): 1. Chris Osborne (5uz); 2. Josh.o Schmitt (Suz); 3. Matthew Wnnoms (Han); 4. Tleler Dodge (Suz); 5. Eric Beon (Suz). 85 (14-15): 1. Steel. Borber (Yom): 2. Chevis King (5uz); 3. Clyde Roberts (Kow); 4. Brion wood (Yom); 5. John Hopkins (Yom). S/MINI: 1. Austin Stroupe (Yam); 2. Chris Osborne (SOl); 3. J.J. Jackson (Yam); 4. Davin Price (Kow); 5. Les Smith (Kow). SCHBY: 1. Travis F'"lowers (Kaw); 2. Jeremy Allison (Suz); 3. J.J. Jackson (Yam); 4. Kevin Com~u (Kaw); 5. Joshua Schmitt (Suzl. 125 A: 1. Kevin Wolker (Yom); 2. Robbie Horton (Yom): 3. Aeron Doy (Yom); 4. Donny Smith (KTM): 5. Poul Justice (Suz). 125 B: 1. Joson Wiley (Yom); 2. Ryon Burkett (Yam); 3. Zachery Kutschenko (SUI); 4. Jacob a.ertleln (Yom); 5. Jeremy Hln (Suz). 125 t. Jeremy Allison ~UZ); 2. Travis Flowers (Kow); 3. Malcolm K1epp Yom); 4. Jeremy Sounders (Yom); 5. Corey Richey \ n). 125 D: 1. James Spooner Yam); 2. Joseph Dixon (Yam~; 3. David Growe (Hon); 4. Patrick McMenamin KTM); 5. Jesse Charles (Yam). 250 A: . Kevin Walker (Yam); 2. Aaron Day (Yom); 3. Donny Smith (KTM); 4. Poul Justice (SUZ); S. Zack Bradshaw (Yam). 250 B; I. Joson Wiley' (Yom); 2. Jeremy Hill (Suz); 3. Juslin Brooks (Yam); 4. Brian Bfshop (Hon); 5. Ryan Burkett (Yam). 2S0 C: 1. Willy Beker (Suz); 2. Stephen Prltchord (YO~; 3. Travis Rominst:!. (SOl); 4. Brandon Lowe (Yam; 5. Chris Coogler (1\ 1M). 0: 1. David Growe (Hon); 2. George Weeks (Kaw); 3. ltair Docarmo (Hon); 4. Jassen Volk (Hon); 5. Jomes Rollins (KTM). U/L AM: 1. Molcolm Klepp (Yom); 2. Justin Brooks (Yam); 3. Chandler Joyner (Hon); 4. Wesley Sopp (KTM); 5. Corey Richey (Han). UIL C: I. Donlel1'l0thon (Han): 2. Ryon Choppell (Yam); 3. Charlie Wedmore (Hon); 4. A.J. Jesse (5uz); 5. Jocob Beck (5uz). 4·STRK: 1. Dz.vid Albert (Hus); 2. Jeremy Saunders (Yem); 3. Richard Thomas (Yam); 4. Ronnie Ung (Yom); 5. Ryon Schofer (Yom). 25. A: 1. Kevin Walker (Vam); 2. Billy Liles (Suz); 3. Jim Chester \SUI); 4. Richard CUppard (Han); 5. Andrew MItchel (Han). 25. 8: l.Chad Perry (Hon); 2. Brian Bishop (Hon); 3. Motthew Unkous (Yom); 4. Chris Gonowoy (Yam); 5. Kris Frost (Yam). 25. c: 1. Stephen Pritchard (Yam); 2. Monte Lewis (Han); 3. Derek Brown (Yom); 4. Chris Coogler (KTM); 5. Steven Simpson (Kow). 30. A: 1. Jim Chester (5uz); 2. Billy Liles (Suz): 3. R;chord Cllppord (Hon); 4. Dovid Albert (Hus); 5. Andrew Mitchell (Hon). 30. B: I. Steve Stroupe (Kow); 2. Jeff Musholo (Yam); 3. Richard Thomas (Yam); 4. Matthew Unkous (Yoml; 5. TImothy Comp (Suz). 30. C: . Derek Brown (Yam); 2. Steven Simpson (Kow); 3. Steve Fosh (Han); 4. John Schofer (Yom); 5. MIke McMenomin (Yom). 35.: I. BBly Liles (Suz); 2. Dovid Albert (Hus); 3. Nicky Boker (Suz); 4. MIke MoMenomin ('10m); 5. David Eller (Kow). 40.: 1. Nicky ~ker (Suz); 2. Thomas Perkins (Hon); 3. Gregory West (Yam); 4. Benny Stone (Hon); 5. Stuort English (Han). o 4 c: o m Stlllbs Cycle Stars Over Teus Night Series Reund 4: Highlands MDtlIcron Parle Shade, Marshall Victorious' By BRIAN COMEAU Top Gun MX Park: Kevin Walker (859) was the top Pro at round nine of the IMS Pro series/carolina Ultra series In Lincolnton, North Carolina, taking wins In the 125cc A, 250Cc A and Over 25 A classes. Here, he pulls the holeshot over Robbie Horton (55) in 125cc A action. 44 OCTOBER 3, 2001 • cue • • n __ S HIGHLANDS, TX, AUG. 25 ighlands Motocross Park was the place to be for summer racing under the lights. Being round four of the five-race series meant riders still H had a chance to gain a few more points on the field one more time before the series finale. Some 250 entrants came out to take part in a great night of racing that ran smoothly. The 125cc and 250cc Expert and Intermediate classes were combined

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