Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o pen up some day ligh t. Morrow eked o ut the w in o ve r Ca md e n . bu t t he o v e ra ll 125 c c Novice pla cings wou ld see th em flip -flopped . wi th Camden beatin g Mo rr ow, Geib took th e hard-ea rned th ird overa ll, ahea d of Page and Tr av is J ack son . R e s u lts ~U.N'.£DP 'rRAD IAL ROVER 50 BE G: I. K illi an Wod ~r (Pol) ; 2. Bobby Har din (KTM); 3 , Ma!lOn Rodriguez (Cob ): 4. Tommy KrauM' (Pol ); 5 . Shane U1nt (Pol) . 50 NOV; I. Dalton Davis (Pol) ; 2. CoI~ N aM~Y (Cob) . 50 INT I . Branden Brown (Pol) : 50 OPEN : I. Brl:lnden Bro wn (Pol ); 2. Delto n Dll vi s (Pol): 3. Mason Rocingulez (Cob): 4 CoI~ Nllrvwy (Cob ): 5. Killian W~ (Pol) . 65 BEG: l. ~~ R~ (Kll w): 2. Ce~y ""'ello (KIl w): 3. K~1rl Kd~ (KT,II\): 4. ShIll.rl HlI; 5Ol'1 (KT/'I\); 5 T~ Willard (IITM). m 65 NOV: I. Zachary Fuut'U (KTM); 2. Dylan Hcndenon (KTM). 65 INT: L f'nnce Kapohulriwa (KTM) : 2. Joey MDrmez (KT M) . 65 OPEN : I . Pnnce Kllpahul ~hua (KT/'I\): 2. Zachary Fus~ 1I (KTM); 3. ~y MartJMz (KTM): 4 ~ R~ (Ka w); 5. Shaun HamS(X'l(KTM ). JR SP'fSIo\N: 1. Virnnl Zampa (K_): 2. Nichl* Durand (Kaw); 3 . Jennd n- Broughton IKllw) 85 BEG: L SMne K0:t8 ( ~w): 2. Randy Guzman (Kew ): 3. Alell Malt eson (Su z): 4 . Nathan Ambr o st' (KII ....; 5. Rya n Undt'rbr ink ) (KlI w). 85 NOV : l. Tony Cl:lputo (Hon) ; 2. Carf'"Ofl Rodrigu~z (Suz); 3. W"l~y Hl:l rls (Yem); 4. Cor~y Bel:ldl~ (Suz); 5. Pnoce Kepahulf'hu a r (Suz). 85 1N I. Tony Esposito (Suz); 2. JO!\h U1Fountllin e (Suz). T; : e 85 OPEN \. Josh U1Founl ll lO (Suz): 2. Tony oposilO (Suz); 3. Cor~y Beedle (SuzJ; 4 . Tony Ceputo (Hon); 5. Dominic D ~Slmon ~ Pro National Racing Sunday 1 pm July 1 5 Rain or Sh i n e (Hon) . 125 BEG: I. Da me 1 Nordwig (Sw ): 2. Josh Domsky (K l:lw ); 3. Nick ~ arlo (Suz); 4. Tommy RamIrez (Suz) : 5. Kd l~y Gross (Hon ). 125 NOV: 1. Josh Cemden (Suz); 2. T y Morrow (Sw); 3. Chad Pro Qualifying Satu r day July 14 Gt'ib ( Yam ); 4 . ~tf PI»Q~ (YlIm); 5. Tra VIS Jackson (Hon). 125 INT: l. Bee Krll hm buhl (Sw.): 2. John Stll tford (Hon); 3 . Rodnt'y Honber9"r ( Yam ): 4. Kyle Ctwlmbtflalrl (SuI). 250 B EG : I . Patri ck Snydn- (KTM); 2. Tim Hal~y (Yam); 3. Andr_ Latendresse (Suz); 4. Tom BoIwl'l (Su;z); 5. :'ieal W~ch. 250 NOV : I. Tod d Paul son ; 2. Andr~w C a m p~lI ( Hon); 3 . Danny Doyw [Scz]: 4. Cody f"\oyn-; 5. Kurt Nelson (IIT,"\). PRO: l. Derid Flores (Hen). B/B K 0PE."'t: J. Ty fo'iorrow (Suz); 2. Glenn Wednan (Suz); 3. K~lth Clegg (Suz) ; 4 . David U1w (Yam ); 5. Bee Krahenbuhl (Sw ) 25. BEG: I. 6nlIn Wilson (Hon): 2. Paul BMla (Suz); 3. Michad AppI~b"um (Hon ). 25. NOV: I. Danny Doyl e ( 5 Ul ); 2. Jeff Pnd~ ( I<.IIW). 30. BEG : I. St~'W~ Budd s (Hon); 2. /'I\l chll;~ 1 DItt o ( Yam); 3 . Patric k McV~y (Yam ): 4 . Jay Burkett (Yam ), 30. NOV: I. Donny Russell (Suz); 2. · Skidmark - (Hon): 3. Kirk l.e' is (Yam); 4 . Rich G~rin (Yll m) : 5. George KoutsouMs (Kaw ). w 3O. INT J. Glenn Wetdm4n (Suz ); 2. KeIth Clegg (Sw). : 40. BEG: 1. Eric Nordin (SUlI 40 . NOV: 1. Kurt Nelaon (KTMI 40. EX: l. Men Hermann (Hon) . SPTSMN: t . Briml Broughton (Hon): 2. David CO)'Tl" ; 3. Cohn Ama t e ur Raci ng Friday & Satu rday July 13 - 14 TICKETS: $45 Fri-Sun $35 Sat-S un $25 Sun Kids 6-12 $10 Flat Fee ,A,dlI;ms (Hon ). Sandusky Valley Riders Clubgrounds M iller M ops Up at SVR MX ..!~.=;~~~lg~el~ll~f~~~~lklk ~ _ FOR MORE INFORMATION Phone: 607·965-8784 ::; E-mail: info@unadill B y C ARL D A VIS TiffiN. OH , MAY 20 Pro Source Suzuki-mounted Br ent Miller put on a dazz ling di sp la y of riding ab ility at th e Sandusky Valley Riders MC m ot ocross event. Miller manhandled the 85 cc ( 12- 15 ) cl ass and als o came away with the mo to-one Pro -class win and nearly the ove rall v ictory at thi s MRA points event. M iller took un contest ed w ins in the Mi ni cl ass, in whi ch he was nat out fly ing throu gh the tums with styl e. Carl Custa rd was one of the few riders abl e to keep Miller in sight, and he finished second o n th e d ay, with Justi n North riding hard for third ove rall , One of the best battles of the da y cam e in the la st m oto of th e da y, T he 12 5 / 250 cc Experts and the 250cc Intermedia tes ran in a staggered st art that wa s awesome fr om th e drop of the gate. In m oto o ne, Miller had tak en the win over a surprised Jake and J ohn Dav is afte r both brothers went down , John had led m ost of m ot a on e, on ly to ha nd th e lead to Mill er on the white nag -lap , whil e a very deter mined Joe Lew is wa s running hard near the front of th e fou r-rid er battl e. Lew is got cro ssed up with som e leppers, allo wing Jake to sneak by into thi rd . and the m ota ended in that order. Th e m ot e -tw o sta rt had it s sha re of excitem ent, as the ride rs came into th e first turn and got tangled up : Lew is went flyi ng th roug h the fen ce as spectato rs sc atte red . This del a yed th e sec ond gate drop for th e 2 50 Intermediates , wh o had to wa it for Lew is to remou nt an d resume racin g . When th e Int ermedi ates' g a te finally d ro p ped , an oth er hu g e pi le u p occurred, resulti ng in a red flag . At he restart , it was all Ja ke Da vis , as the UFO -cl ad rid er took off a nd left his broth er J ohn to battle Miller , but Mi ll er blasted pa st the J oh n at the wh ite flag . T he d et ermined yo unge r Davis came back in th e sta rt tum to re t a ke th e lead . a nd th ey fi nis he d i n that order. with all three ride rs tied for the overall win. Miller had an outstanding day. and he will be a rider to wat ch in the future. UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER@ Route 8 New Berlin, NY r ~PG Trac k located directly on Route #8, fi ve miles north of New Berli n, NY RESTRICTIONS: NO • DOGS/PETS ON GROUND STRICTLY ENFORCED NO -Alcohol. glas s . b icycles . scaffolding. pop-up s t racks ide ROUND THREE DP Moonshine 100 July 7 & 8 By Kahoka, MO 660.727.3301 cue I e neVIl's JUNE 27. 200 1 79

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