Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AHA @YA So uth Fork Dirt Ride rs AMA_ ~ @ TOYOTA . ; :[~ d ::Y 9th Annual Lights! Camera! Action! B y B aoc MIKEl. TAYLORVILLE, IL, MAY20 NBC was on ha nd to film the races for an upcoming promotion, as well as a commercial that featured all of the rac er s of the day. The sta r of the show was To dd Sheedy , who won the Over 25 A, Over 30 A and 250cc A classes o veral l. Sheedy has won every mota he's raced in 200 I . Another strong rider of the da y was Hall's Husk y rider Jimmy Skeeters. He took second in the first 1250 c B mot o a nd then came ba ck and won the seco nd moto for th e overall. In the 14 ·24 class, S kee te rs placed his Husky th ird ove ra ll. In th e b ig g est cl ass o f t he d a y , S c o t t McAdams won the 125 cc C co ntest with a 2 -2 mo to score. After winning the first moto , Chad Stul ts co uld only manage a th ird for second overa ll . Kevi n Stei n pu t in a strong ride, winn io g the second m oto , but, mated with his first-moto fourth, it was only good enough for third overall. The biggest heartbreak of the da y ca me in th e Over 30 B class. In th e second moto. Geno Marchizza did not get the start he wan ted , but he worked his way to the front , moving into se co nd on the last la p - only to have his c hai n -adj uste r bolt bre a k , d ropping hi m t o fifth ove ra ll. MX Fa m ily was also in th e hou s e , giving out prizes an d ho lding fun events for all. If !'\X Famil y is there, yo u will hav e a good time. If you ge t a c ha nce, sto p by a nd check them out the ne xt time you see them a t a race. Res ults 50 JR I. Srth Bowman 2. Ga~ ~ 3. Jacob Smothers; 4. ; BradleeWiUiams: 5. Nick Hutchinson. 50 SR: 1. Tm'Of la~e-; 2. C(l5('Y Frerkhi; 3. Tykr Rz!k~; 4. Blake C~land; ~ . Nick Hutchinson. 65: 1. Mitchell COffif'lI; 2. Jeue Smothers; 3. Anthony Hubbard; 4. Ryan Plldgett; ~ . Trevor Lawrence. 80 JR: I. Mike MftwIlY 2. Bryce Bowman: 3. Brian Jeager; 4. t : Brenden Reich; 5. Tommy Howard. 80 SR: 1. Chels! Dunkenbarger; 2. Josh Durbin; 3. DU$l1tl J ohnlIOn; 4. Clayton Johnson; 5. Colby Eller. ; dt:r. 125 A 1. Alex R~o; 2. Chris Schmulb&ch 3. C.J . Low 125 B: 1. Jimmy Skeeters; 2. Evan Annstrong; 3. Travis Capps ; 4. Nick Cavanaugh ; 5. luke Armstrong . 125 C: 1. Scott McAdams; 2. Chod Stults; 3. Kyle Stein; 4. Der8. 1hornos; 5. Jeremy PIeper . 250 A: I. Todd Sh-dy; 2. Curtis To!Iylor; 3. Josh Decker; 4. Chris Schmulbech: 5. AaronCopeland. 250 B: I. KeIthMumper, 2. Justin Conway; J . Co!Ile SellllOn. 250 C I. Kyle Slem: 2. Sean KincaId; 3. JMOn Hoyle; 4 . David Coulter, 5. Anthooy Park. SCHBY: I. Scott McAdams: 2. J ordlln Dworzynski. 14·24: 1. Josh Decker; 2. C.J. Lowder; 3. J immy Skuten: 4. luke Armstrong; 5. Shane Larson. 25... A,: I. Todd Shttdy; 2. Alex Rossetto; 3. Chris Schmulb&c h: 4. Ark: Walton; 5. Curtis Taylor. 30 A: 1. Todd SMoedy; 2. VICtor ~vos; 3. Willi.vnBowman . 30 B: I. Tom Davis; 2. Mike Graham; 3. Kerry Slt'in: 4. Scott Marvel; 5. Gena .M.!lrchiua 3$...: 1. Jeff Mahon . 40... 1. K"'}" SteIn; 2. Ed Natway; 3. MtChae l W&de 4 . Marit : ; Rubenstein. 2·STRK: 1. Brian Hildebrand; 2. J.vt:d King; 3. Tim Coon: 4. Klilf Thaxton: 5. Shawn Sh4tlks . VlNT: 1. Tony Armslrong OPENA: 1. Aric Watton 2. Bill Hubbftrd. ; Gle n Helen Raceway Pa rk Entry Fee: $30.00, $25.00 for 2nd class, $15.00 for Pee Wee Gate Fee: $10.00 adults, $5.00 6-12 yrs, FREE for und er 6. Gates op en 6:00 am Amateur VI bueks for VI riders, Pee Wee, 60ee, 80ee, 125ee, 250ec, V Seniors, et, Jr. Vets, 4-Strokes and Quads Call fo r information: 909-880-3090 or www.glenhe Pick up $5.00 off entry coupon at participating Yama ha Dealers PARTIOPATING DEALERS Alba Yamaha B&B Cycles Bellflower Y amaha Bert's Mega Mall Champion Yamaha Chaparral'Motorsports Corona Yamaha Fun Bike Center Hahm Motorsports JMG Motorsports John Burr Cycles Kolbe Cycle Sales Long Beach Motorsports Malcolm Smith Motorcycles Mission Yamaha Montclair Yamaha Moto World of EI Cajon North Kem Motorsports North County Yamaha Simi ValleyYamaha Temecula Motorsports Thousand Oaks Yamaha West Coast Yamaha Yamaha of Goleta Yamaha of Cucamonga Yamaha of Red lands Poway Victorville Bellflower Azusa Costa Mesa San Bernardino Corona San Diego Anaheim Newhall Fontana Woodland Hills Long Beach Riverside Laguna Niguel Montclair EI cajon Delano Escondido Simi Valley Murrieta Thousand Oaks Perris Goleta Cucamonga Redlands 858 -486-4380 760-241-7387 562-925-5097 626 -974-6600 949-64 2-4343 909-889-2761 909-738-8111 858-278 -6635 714-5 63- 1700 661-259-8460 909 ·823-1338 818-34 8-7865 562-427-2779 909-687- 1300 94 9-582- 035 1 909-628-4748 619-442-3338 661-725-3841 760-432-9501 209-465-3200 909-6 98-4 123 805 -497-3765 909 -943-2061 805-967-9898 909-98 7-24 11 909-793-2 833 ~ MOT'ORSPORTS Fowler. White Mete It Out at REM MX B y ROCK HASH Y SAN BERNARDINO , CA, MAY 19 After a br ief la yoff while the AMA Natio nal s were in town, Racing Enterp rises Mo t orsports' weekly Sat urday motocross resumed action , with tight racing in many of th e classes. In the Over 50 Masters ra nk s, Tom White put t ogether two soli d m ot os to earn the ov erall wi n o n th e day . In the first m ota, Wh it e ripped the holeshot a nd ne ve r looked ba c k , ev entuall y winn ing th e race wi th 10 seco nds to s pare. Be hind him, Ray Pis arsk i, Be ng t Johans son and J od y We isel due led for seco nd pla ce. Just passed halfwa y. Weisel ste pped off and reti red with a badly twisted m ot or c ycl e. Pisarski and Jo ha nsso n co ntinued th eir battle to the c hec ke red nag, with Pisarsk i holding off Johansson for second. In mo to two , Ala n Ol s o n s ho t o ut fro nt with th e hc leshot . Weisel , with a fre sh j ersey and a ne w set of handlebars, tucked up into seco nd , while Pisar ski held down third. White wa s seventh but q uic kly move d u p to th ird p la c e b y lap two . Ou t fro n t , Olso n wa s smooth and fast . Whi te closed in on Weisel , Malcolm Smith's 1997/2nd Annual "Six Dags of Baja" (#214A) Have you ever wanted to ride with one of your heroes? Have you ever wan ted to explore Baj a Mexico, but do not have the time? Well the n, th is video is for yo u! Jo in Malcolm Smith and his budd ies fo r a six-day, 1300 mile, off-road adventure so uth of the bo rde r. This re lease features narrative from the legend himself, and is the next best thing to bei ng o n the ride . From the introdu ction, at the Mexican border, to the final awards dinne r, this ride is co vered in all as pects. The terrain is ca ptured in all of its breathtaking glory, and the vie wer is treated to excellent helmet ca mera footage. Watch a~ the part icipants struggle with gnarly terrain, endless obs tac les, all while having the time of their lives . If yo u ever thought ab ou t going to Baj a on a motorcycle. ge t this video and yo u will soon be packing yo ur bags. A must have fo r the d ie-hard off- reader, 60 mi nutes from L&M Video. T o O rd e r V id e os, C a ll 7 14 /75 1- 7 43 3 - C h a r g e to Order V id eos On-Lin e a t '=Z.:J ~ ~ This r el e ase $ 24 . 95 , _ . c yclen e' o .asp cue I e n e in cl u de s s hi p p i ng. _ S • JUN E 27 , 2001 83

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