Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Th e Veteran class topped the turnout
mark. bringing in 30 riders. The pride of the
With Rowell ' s win streak erased , Matt Van derwa ter no w has th e longest , as he won the
Veter an and Sen io r classes, Leonard " Th e
80cc (7 - 11) class for the fou rth week in a row,
An im a l" Mellg re n . raced in seven classes ,
this week with out opposition in his cla ss.
Severa l riders record ed th eir second victori es of th e series. After skipping last week's
event, M icky Gr iffin was again th e fastest
bringing home six win s.
In th e first ra ce. Amateur Formula GP ,
Dam ian Saaved ra was quickest off the line .
ta king a lead he would not relinquis h. Unfortu nately. due to m isfortu ne , th is was the onl y
race of the da y he wou ld co m plete. Mike Kelly
racer on the track. acing the 250cc Intermed ia te field on his Te mecula Motorsports/Noleen
ran second, with Rick Lasch runn in g thi rd and
Making it two weeks in a row were Craig
Da y fourth . On lap three. Kelly s lipped off
course, giving secon d to Lasc h. At the finish ,
Saavedra was first. Lasc h second. Kelly third
a nd Da y fourth.
In the afternoon race, the orde r was turn ed
up side do wn. with Day stealing po int, Kelly in
second , Las ch in th ird a nd Byron Wilson filling
the hole in fourth. Kelly a nd Lasch ha d a good
dice going until the la st tu rn of th e la st la p ,
whe n Las ch pulled off with mech anical gre m lins. Da y wo n , giving him the ove rall; Kelly
was se cond for second ove rall; Wilson ste pped
up to third for third overall; a nd Da n Cas he n
Koback in the Vet J uni or class and Da n iel
Arredondo in th e 60cc (0- 8 ) clas s . In 80cc
( 14. 16) co m pe tition , Bra nd on "Lit B" Hiner.
li ke Gr iffi n , was back in t he winner' s circle
after skipping a week . Syd Woods. last wee k's
Vet Begin ner ru nner -up , cl imbed back on to p
this ti me out .
Re s u lt s
came in fourt h for fo urth ov era ll.
Th e Am a te ur's second modified class, Formul a 50. fiel ded a ve ry co m pe t it ive group.
J im Ta kamoto took the early lead . but Tra vis
Viol ett e, John Sterli ng and Day were all ov er
him. By la p th ree , Day had fou ght up to se c on d , Violett e had droppe d out, Sterling held
dow n third , and Blair Sullenge r ha d mo ved
into fourth. Da y a nd Sterling foug ht a se esaw
ba ttle to the finish while Takamoto rode hard
fo r th e win . Day won the battl e for second, fol-
lowed cl osely by St erling in third . with Sul le nge r fou rth.
In the aft ernoon race, Ta ka moto, St erl in g
and DZlY resumed their th ree -wa y battle for
the lead, wi th nobod y finding a clea r advan -
tage. In the late stages. Takamoto dro pped his
bike , m ixing up everythi ng: Day came out in
the lea d; Sterling a lso dropped o ut. giving secand to Su ll en ger ; Violette returned to th ird,
and Doug Hopkins pu lled up into fourth . Da y
earned the overall win. S ulleng er too k second ,
Ta ka mot o surv ived to take thir d. and Hopkins'
consistency gave him fourth overall .
The Expert 80cc GP also featured an e xcit ing pair of races. Aaron " Elm o" Hammel fend -
ed off a ll c halle ngers to lead bot h rac es from
start to finish. Mo ritaka Kina gave cl ose pur suit in second, getting around Hammel m o re
tha n on ce . Ia n Ige rcic ha d th ird all to himself
in ra ce o ne . b ut he co uld n 't hol d off Skye
Gira rd in the latter stages of race two, falling
ba ck to a stron g fourth . After a bumpy sta rt in
rac e on e , Gira rd fought past And y Lenz a nd
then Ste ve S hima buku to take fourth . Ge tting
off th e line cleanly in race two, Girard's th ird place finish gave him third overall, with Igercic
loc k in g down fourth, be hind overa ll victor
Hammel and runner- up Mo ritaka.
R• • u lts
BEG STK I. J ason V Slyke; 2. Josh Kirst 3. Ayuma Ta keichi:
4. Alex Wood; 5. J .D. Schen deL
M STK.: I. BlaIr Sull~er; 2. Scott Ca~; 3. J eff Jones; 4.
DanCashen: 5. Rick Lasch.
EX STK: 1. Leona rd Mellgren ; 2. .M.orrt,,1uI Kina; 3. Jon S<:hendeI:
4. Frank. Rodrigue l ; 5. J ason Ta kamoto.
VETSTK 1. LeonardMellgren; 2. Vmny E~ IIn$: 3. Scott Ca rrera;
4. Leigh CrDwford; 5. Jon Schendel.
SR STK; I. Leonard Mellgren; Z. a m Lawleu; 3. Nick TIernO 4
Tommy Croll'llford; 5 . NlQ ,lrl\arshall.
BEG MOD: I. Stf:VeMorse ; 2. Jason Van S1~e; 3. Ayuma Ta ke.
'chi; 4 . Phrong Vu; 5. J .D. Schendel.
VET MOO: I. leonard Mellgre1 ; 2. Jason Taka moto: 3. Rd
Lasch; 4. Blair Sullenger; 5. Doug Hopkins.
SR MOD: I. Leonard MeU~ 2. Tomm y CrDwford;3 . Ken Gill;
4. J im Takamoto; 5 . Nick T IernO.
AM F·50 : l , MIk Day; 2. Bla ir Sul~ 3. Jun Ta kamoto ; 4
Doug Hopk ins ; 5. Rkk Lasch.
M F·GP: 1. Mike Day: Z. Mike KeDy; 3. Byron Wdson ; 4. Dan
Cashen; 5. Rick lasd'!.
EX F-GP: I. Leonard Mellgren; Z. Ben Mone; 3. Michael Chow
4. JMon Ta kamoto; 5. Frank Rodrig~l.
M ao GP: I. Mike Kelly; Z. Ashley CaJdweI1; 3. Damian Saavedra.
EX 60 GP; I. Aaron Hammel: Z. Montaka Kina ; 3. Skyt' Girard;
4. Ian 19t'rcic: 5 . Leonard Mellgren.
Eierste d t . Dav i s
Dominate REM M X
al s we re in town , Raci ng En te rp rise s Motorsports' weekly Saturday m ot ocross returne d to
actio n this week. With a large turno ut of riders
e njoying a perfe ct day for ra cing , as well as a
n e w se c t ion o f t r a c k ad d ed in t h e ba ck
ca nyon, there was tight raci ng in ma ny of the
cla sses.
JUNE 27,20 01 •
R&D/Barnettrrh ree Brothers Racing-ba c ked
KTM 520 SX.
In m oto one , Pro Va lvefWin d -TWS rider
Gord on Ward took the win on his brigh t blue
TM 250 . with Dav is running a clo se second
a nd White Brothers/Mot o cro s s Ac t io n rider
Willy Musgra ve filling out the top three. In the
second rnoto , Musgrave took the holesh ot, but
Davis shot past an d into the lead befo re the
first la p was over. On ce out fron t, Davis set a
bliste ring pa ce a nd ne ver loo ked back. He
eve ntu ally won th e m ot o with 10 secon ds to
VET BEG: I. Brian Pappala rdo (Suz) ; Z. Jim Roberts (Yam) ; 3.
Joe Sutter (Yam ); 4. Rob Shattuck. (Yam) ; 5. Eric Sherman (Yam) .
VET JR: I. Tm Murphy (Hon ); 2. Gary SaJU (Yam ); 3. KOI1 Beur
(Vam) ; 4. ChrisA1amangos (Hon ): 5. J im Nat'g le (Yam) .
VET INT: l. Bob Jd1mon (Yam); 2. CrolQ Sisino (Hon); 3. Fred
Nichols (Yam) : 4. Ken Mallow (Yam) ; 5. Stephen Watson (Hon).
409; J R: I. ,lrl\art<: Moore (Yam) ; 2. Frank Micrau (Kaw): 3 . Fronk
Villa(Han ); 4. rim Norton (KTM): 5. Caw Vlc:1oso (Yarn) .
40 . INT: 1. Rudy Chavez: (Hon) ; 2. Jt'ff N~ (Yam ); 3. Grt'g
BrtI~ (Yam ); 4. A1Ien Grant (Han): 5. Randy Scott (Yam) .
40. EX: I . Randy Skflner (Sud : 2. Tim TOOter (Yam ); 3. Ken
Ehlt'n (Ya m); 4. Rob Hedly (Yam); 5 . Pe(e Vetrano (TM).
40 . MSTR: I. Ridl Btorstedl: (Yam ); 2. Ron LaWSOl'l (KTM): 3 .
Willie Amaradio (Yam ); 4. Pa ~es (Yam) ; 5. /'I\a Ha ll (Yam).
50. MSTR: l. Tom White (Yam ); Z. Alan Olson (KTM); 3 . Jody
W..... (V
om): 4. 8