Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

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Thor/Parts Unlimited Northeast Classic Motocross Series Round 1: Ooublin Gap Motocross Park Kevin Crlne (66) sailed to win both motos in the 250 Open Expert class at round one of the 2001 Thor/Parts Unlimited Northeast Classic series. STORY AND PHOTOS BY JIM P. SANDERSON SHIPPENSBURG, PA, MAR. 25 ationally ranked Pro riders Tom Welch and Kevin Crine topped the podium in the 125cc and 250cc Open Expert classes, respectively, each with a perfect I-I tally, at the opening round of the Thor/Parts Unlimited Northeast Classic Motocross Series. Just under 600 riders signed up to race the 25 classes slated. Welch led the pack out of the first turn in the first 125cc Expert moto, with David Kratz, Kevin Brodsky, David Ginolfi and J. Bowlin trailing. Welch led by three seconds by the end of lap two. The top three remained unchanged at the start of lap three, with Paul Corey moving up to fourth. Bowlin held on to fifth. Paul Veracka was picking off riders quickly after gating around 10th. Crine passed Bowlin for fifth at the start of lap three but was quickly relegated to sixth by the hard-charging Veracka in the infield section about halfway through the lap. Welch and Kratz had pretty much checked out by lap four, but there was quite a battle brewing for third. Corey caught up with Brodsky, while Veracka quickly reeled in both riders and made two successive passes to take third. Then Brodsky dropped out of the top five. Crine picked up his pace and moved up to fourth. Welch held on for the first-moto win, with Kratz, Veracka, Crine and Corey trailing. Ginolfi piloted his Yamaha to the front of the pack in moto two. N Ginolfi's lead was very shortlived, as Welch rounded the first turn right on his heels in second and made the pass for the lead by the fourth turn and began to pull away. The top five at the start of lap two were Welch, Ginolfi, Ryan Mills, Aaron Dieter and Veracka. Welch had a five-second lead by the start of lap three, with Ginolfi and Mills holding second and third. Veracka and Kratz were now running fourth and fifth. Veracka passed Mills for third shortly after the start of lap three. Veracka then reeled in Ginolfi and made the pass for second on lap four, and then began to chip a\\!ay at Welch's lead, but he ran out of time. Had there been another lap, Veracka may very well have made the pass for the lead. Welch got the checkered flag and the second-moto win. Rounding out the top five were Veracka, Ginolfi, Mills and Crine. Welch topped the 125cc Expert podium, with Veracka earning second overall via a 3-2 score. Kratz's 2-6 tally was good enough for the final spot on the podium. Dieter got a great start and took the early lead in the first 250cc Open Expert moto and managed to stay out of the huge pileup that happened in the third turn that put almost half of the class on the ground. Trailing Dieter were Robert Stillwell, Welch, Crine and Stratton. Dieter remained in the point position at the start of lap two. Crine worked his way up to second. Welch held third, Stillwell dropped to fourth and Stratton was hanging tough in fifth. Crine had the lead when the leaders exited the Experts Only section on lap two. Dieter dropped to second. Welch was still third, Stratton moved up a spot to fourth and Veracka was now fifth. Crine began to pull away and had a seven-second lead by lap three and then increased it to II seconds by lap four, but it was still anyone's race for second. About halfway into lap four, Stratton went down, allowing Veracka and Gaylon Dickson to move up to fourth and fifth. Stratton remounted in sixth. When the white flag came out, Crine's lead was 14 seconds. Dieter was still holding second, with Veracka third. Welch was relegated to fourth and Stratton was now back in fifth. Veracka was flying, and he quickly closed the gap and made the pass on Dieter for second with less than half a lap to go. Crine finished the moto with a 14-second advantage. Rounding out the top five were Veracka, Dieter, Welch and Stratton. Welch got the jump on the pack in the second moto and piloted his RM into the early lead. In tow were Casey Clark, Crine, Dieter and Stratton. Welch had a four-second advantage at the start of lap two. Crine was now second. Dieter dropped to third, Clark dropped back to fourth and Stratton held on to fifth. Veracka passed Stratton for fifth at the start of lap four. By the time the white flag came out, Crine had closed the gap on Welch and made the pass for the lead with about half a lap to go. The second moto went in the record books as Crine, Welch, Veracka, Clark and Stratton. Crine topped the 250cc Open Expert podium, with Veracka and Welch finishing second and third overall, respectively. eN lAbove) Paul Veracka (25) finished second overall In both the 125 and 250cc Open Expert classes at round one of the Northeast Classic Series. (Left) Tom Welch (69) rode to a perfect 1-1 finish and the top spot on the 125cc Expert podium at round one of the Northeast Classic Series. 60 (10-11): 1. William Duffy (KTM); 2. Sean Hackley Jr. (Kaw); 3. Lowell Spangler (Kaw); 4. Marshall Hurd (KTM); 5. Bryan Wallace (Kaw). 80 (7-11): 1. Sean Hackley Jr. (Kaw); 2. Brian Shuckhart (Kaw); 3. Colton Slliley (Suz); 4. Michael Picone (5uz); 5. Brandon Meier (Suz). 80 (12-13): 1. Derrick Wile (Kaw); 2. Zachary Miller (Kaw); 3. Chad Wages (5uz); 4. Mark Undsay Jr. (Kaw); 5. Andrew Kronel (KllW). 80 (14- I 5): 1. Broc Hepler (Suz); 2. Jacob Morrison (Kaw); 3. Todd Wilcom (Yam); 4. Brian Murphy (Yam); 5. Joshua Campbell (Kaw). MINI (9-13): I. Zachary Miller (Kaw); 2. Phillip Nicoletti (Hon); 3. Michael Picone (5uz); 4. Robert Garthe (Kaw); 5. Jason Bradley (Kaw). 5/MINI: 1. Jacob Morrison (Kl!lw); 2. Chad Wages (Suz); 3. JllY Weller (Kew); 4. Todd Wilcom (Yam); 5. Brian Murphy (Yam). 125 A: I. T. Welch (Suz); 2. P. Veracka (Kaw); 3. D. Kratz (Hus); 4. K. Crine (Hon); 5. R. Mills (Hon). 125 B: 1. C. Ellis (Suz); 2. N. Mowry (Suz); 3. J. Haines (Kaw); 4. M. Schneck (Yam); 5. T. Baldauf (Yam). ] 25 C: 1. Ashlee Woskob (Yam); 2. Lawrence Gill III (Hon); 3. Derek Wilt (Yam); 4. Craig Kellmer (Yam); 5. Jason Doyle (Yam). 250 A: I. K. Crine (Hon); 2. P. Veracka (Kaw); 3. T. Welch (5uz); 4. A. Dieter (Yam); 5. B. Stratton (Suz). 250 B: 1. N. Mowry (Suz); 2. P. Benner (Yam); 3. Z. 'Hill (Hon); 4. M. Schneck (Yam); 5. C. Bruneau Jr. (Hon). 250 c: 1. Micheel Felust (Hon); 2. Todd Altland (Kaw); 3. Jeff Cagle (Han); 4. Alex KOS8tschkow (Vern); 5. Lyle Thompson (Kaw). SCHBY: 1. Ryan Mills (Han); 2. Broc Hepler (5uz); 3. Jedediah Haines (Kew); 4. Chad Dowling (Suz); 5. Brad Smith (Yam). CLGBY: 1. P. Veracka (Kaw); 2. J. Sterrill (Yam); 3. P. Corey (Yam); 4. C. Ellis (Suz); 5. J. McNeill (Hon). 25. A: 1. G. Dickson (Kaw); 2. D. Kratz (Hus); 3. J. Grove (Suz); 4. T. Welch (Suz); 5. R. Stilwell (KTM). 25. B: 1. J. Ford (Kaw); 2. C. Sokol (Yam); 3. J. Benkowitsch (KTM); 4. T. Griffin (Yam); 5. E. Coshom (Vam). 30. A: I. B. Strallon (Suz); 2. J. Grove (Suz); 3. G. Dickson (Kaw); 4. T. Schmelyun (Kaw); 5. D. Summers (KTM). 30. B: I. G. Lykens (Kaw); 2. J. Ford (Kaw); 3. T. Griffin (Yam); 4. T. Sellick Sr. (Yam); 5. S. Bruzgulis (Suz). 40+: 1. B. Huston (Han); 2. C. Leinbach (Yam); 3. E. Elsenfelder (Suz); 4. R. Wenger (KTM); 5. J. Fisher (KTM). 30+ C: 1. Joseph Farnish (Kaw); 2. Alex Jaroshevich (Yam); 3. Paul Cogle (Hon); 4. Edward Kerlin (Suz); 5. Ron Spicer (Kaw). WMN: 1. Abbie Jo Bardo (Suz); 2. Melissa Peterson (Suz); 3. Nichol Balboni (Suz); 4. Jamie Ports (Suz); 5. Olga Wood (Suz). Doublin Gap Motocross Parte Shippensburg, Pennsylvania Results: March 25, 2001 (Round 11 50 (4-6): 1. Troy Davis (Cob); 2. Kameron Page (Cob); 3. Justin Foster (Cob); 4. Dominic Mark (Hon); 5. Tyler Murphy (Cob). 50 (7-8): I. Jacob Grove (Cob): 2. Albert Catanzaro; 3. Dylan Brajkovich (Cob); 4. Zachary Rosch (Cob); 5. Jason McConnell Jr. (Cob). 50 STK (4-8): 1. Kameron Page (Yam); 2. Joshua Villarreal (Yam); 3. Dominic Mark (Yam); 4. Justin Foster (Yam); 5. Josh Swartz (Yam). 60 (7-9): 1. Colton Bailey (KTM); 2. Garret Toth (KTM); 3. Ryan Blizzard (KTM); 4. Anthony Peregrin Jr. (KTM); 5. Broc Schmelyun (Kaw). cue I e n e _ s • APRIL 25, 2001 27

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