Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AHRMA Vintage Racing AHRMAISpeed & Sport National Vintage MX Sef"ies Round 2: Motocf"OSS of Maf"ion County specialty-framed Yamaha thumper to solid wins in the +40 Expert category. Rick Hudson, Kevin Hodge and Benny Durrough gave chase, but could never reel in the flying younger Higgins. Barry's smiling dad, Harry Higgins, was slated to ride the next day's vintage National, at the young age of 82. The +40 Intermediates saw John Munich pilot his Honda to a 2-1 score to beat Ed Sherry's 1-2 and the pair of thirds from Randy Studer. While the Post-Vintage bikes were cooling off, the vintage classes took over. David Mellis easily dominated the Vintage 500cc Expert with his Yamaha, ahead of John Hanford's CCM and Roy Maley's Maico. Matt Smoczynski swept both of the Intermediate motos ahead of Dave Curci and Dave Tucker, on a Maico and a BSA, respectively. In 250cc Vintage Expert, it was another Yamaha, this one under Jack Weaver, that collected both moto wins ahead of Michigan's John Deemer and Spencer Ballentine. eN MuIuc:i _ at Ibn.... Caunty Ileddlcll, Flori... IIiIsuJtI: M8rch 2, 2081 HIST 125 EX: 1. Robert Borg (Suz). HIST 125 INT: 1. Cleave Miller (Vam); 2. Ron Adams (Vam). HlST 125 NOV: J. Randy Sheckel (Han); 2. Brian Glendening (Suz). • HIST 250 EX: 1. Tim Marks (Han); 2. Corky Root (Bul); 3. Brad Kennard (Pen). HIST 250 INT: 1. Randy Studer (Han); 2. Steve Smith (Suz); 3. Fred l.osseler (Yam). HIST 500 EX: 1. David Keith (Vam); 2. Kevin Hodge (Hus). HlST 500 INT: 1. John Rodis (Bul); 2. Justin Dixon (Mai). HlST 4-S EX: I. Paul Havir (BSA); 2. Steve Tucker (BSA); 3. Brian O'Conner (Tri). HlST 4-S NOV: I. Thomas Grimmel (Vam). GP 125 EX: 1. Randy Bailey (Hon). GP 125INT: I. Gordon Oreskl (Hon). GP 125 NOV: I. Jason Swinks (yam). GP 250 EX: I. Randy Bailey (Mai); 2. David Ellis (Hon); 3. John Garmon (Hon); 4. Ed Gartin (Hon); 5. James Taylor (Hon). GP 250 INT: 1. Barry Lee (Han); 2. Bryan Bigsby (Mon); 3. Danny Baxley (Vam); 4. Thor l.owson (Hon); 5. Chris Tanner (C-A). GP 250 NOV: 1. Steve Papenfuss (Hon); 2. Eric Kaumeyer (Yam); 3. Buddy Levin (Suz); 4. Thomas Grimme! (Hon). GP 500 EX: 1. Furo Franceschi (Villa); 2. Luigi Mazzoni (Mai); 3. Greg Bames (Mai); 4. Ray Weir (Cl): 5. Fabrizio Grossi (Suz). GP 500 INT: 1. Ed Sherry (Hus); 2. Rick Smith (Hon); 3. Eric Krobath (Hon); 4. Mark Thompson (Mai): 5. Scott Dowler (Mai). C1LT 125 NOV: I. John Hemandez (Suz). C1LT 250 INT: 1. James McCulloch (Han); 2. Thor l.owson (Hon). OlT 500 EX: 1. Van Aderhold (Mai); 2. Paul Burrows (Mai). NOV: 1. Mike Sarver (Yam); 2. George Wilenski (Mai); 3. Mark Davenport (Hon). +40 EX: 1. BarTy Higgins (Yam); 2. Rick Hudson (Mai); 3. Benny Durrough (Mai); 4. Kevin Hodge (Hus); 5. Jay Stuiso (Hus). +40 INT: 1. John Munich (Han): 2. Ed Sherry (Hus); 3. Randy Studer (Hon); 4. Thor l.owson (Han); 5. Eric Krobath (Hon); 5. Bigsby (Mon). +50 EX: 1. Tom Boyd (Hus): 2. Alex Krisher (CA); 3. Jean Ramsey (Mai); 4. Jeff Smith (CA); 5. Van Aderhold (Mai). +50 IN.T: Kim Armstrong (Mai); 2. Robert Egan (Han); 3. Joseph Lennert (Mai); 4. Fred l.osseler (Suz): 5. Curt Kennelly (Pen). +50 NOV: 1. John Webb (Suz); 2. George Wilenski (Mai). OPEN AGE EX: 1. Greg Barnes (Mal): 2. Chris Richardson (Pen). OPEN AGE INT: 1. Thor Lawson (Han). OPEN AGE NOV: 1. James Lane (Hon). V1NT 125 (NT: 1. John Stackus (Zun); 2. Gordon Oreski (DKW). VlNT 125 NOV: 1. John Hemandez (Hon). VINT 250 EX: 1. Jack Weaver (Yam); 2. John Deemer (Mai); 3. Spencer Balenstine (Pen). VINT 250 INT: I. Shane Arndt (Mai); 2. Don Dotson (Yam); 3. Dennis Brown (Cl); 4. Thomas Cole (HD); 5. David Brown. VINT 250 NOV: J. Jack Cowen (Cl); 2. Joseph Anderson (Hus). VINT 500 EX: 1. David Mellis (Yam); 2. John Hanford (CCM); 3. Roy Maley (Mai); 4. David Keith (Suz); 5. Dan Rainey (CZ); 6. Robert Berg (ESO). VlNT 500 INT: 1. Matt Smoczynski (Mai); 2. Dave Curci (Mai); 3. David Tucker (BSA); 4. JP Antoon (Cl); 5. Ray Arndt (Mai). VlNT 500 NOV: 1. Buddy Lavin. 64 MARCH 21,2001 • III U III • STORV AND PHOTOS BV MATT BENSON REDDICK, Fl, /\\ARCH 3 he legends of motocross were in fine form this day, with a pair of past world champions and America's first professional motocross rider all scoring popular wins in their classes - Brad Lackey in +40 Expert, Jeff Smith in +60 Expert and Barry Higgins in Premier 500cc Expert. The legendary crowd was rounded out by the presence of special guests Bill Nilsson, the first-ever World 500cc Motocross champion (1957), and Arthur Lampkin, a top British racer from the 1950s and early '60s. The Reddick event attracted more than 450 entries to compete on a vintage-friendly, Dick Mann-designed track that wound around the tabletop jumps, whoop sections and other modern obstacles. The sandy course was long and challenging, especially under the blazing sun and record-high temperatures. Surprisingly, despite the conditions, dust was virtually a non-factor until the very end of the program. As Canada's Rick Hudson grabbed the holeshot of the first +40 Expert moto on his Maico 450, Lackey gated poorly and worked his way to the front, taking over the lead on the third of five laps. At the point, the 1982 World Champion, mounted on a CZ 400, proceeded to stretch his lead over Honda-mounted Greg Peterson, Yamaha-rider Jack Weaver and CZmounted Elmar Kruza. Lackey was never headed in the second moto, as Peterson again earned ,a second- 7 e n e _ os Round two of the Nnlonal Vintage MX Seri•• took _ r Reddick, Florida, on March 3, and David Boydstun rode his .uper-clean Cotton to victory In the Premier LIghtweIght Expert cl.... place finish, while Kruza was third for the day with 4-3 finishes. In +60 Expert, 1964 and '65 World Champion Jeff Smith employed his usual strategy of measuring up the leader before making his move to the front at some point. In moto one, Corky Root and his Bultaco were the prey for the BSA B50MX rider, as Smith waited for the last lap before taking the lead over the large jump next to the starting straight. Yamaha rider John Huegel was Smith's quarry in the second moto, but this time the retired AHRMA executive director waited only until the second lap to move to the lead and begin motoring away. Second for the day went to Huegel's 3-2 placings. Barry Higgins, the first American to ever earn a paycheck for racing motocross, had to work a bit harder than his fellow legends to earn a win. He found himself chasing Arizona's David Boydstun in the first moto, with Boydstun on a 1956 BSA 500cc Gold Star and Higgins on the '58 version. Higgins kept the pressure on, but Boydstun made no mistakes and earned the race win. The second time out, Higgins made sure he got the holeshot so that it would be Boydstun who had to do the work. But just as Boydstun got himself in a position to mount a challenge, he broke a clutch cable and had to back off the pace slightly to make sure he didn't stall the big single. There was no lack of close racing among the "civilians," either. In Sportsman 250cc Intermediate, consistency was the key for Ohio's Jeffrey Clark, who earned the overall with 2-2 finishes on his '74 Honda Elsinore behind moto-one winner Shane Arndt, on a Maico and mototwo victor Roger Davis, on a Honda both of whom wound up fifth in their opposite races in this closely matched class. Even with 5-1 finishes, Davis was second overall for the day over Gene Brown's 3-3. In Open Age Intermediate, Davis and Suzuki 400-mounted Bob Frederick traded moto wins in fast-paced action, with Davis getting the overall for the day, William Alexander's 3-3 was good for third, and Clark teok fourth with 4-4 finishes, Steve Tucker came from Quebec to earn a pair of class wins, in Classic 250cc Expert and Classic 500cc Expert. In the 500cc race, Tucker won the opening moto over Paul Havir and James Smith, all three on BSA 441s. The second-moto win went to Jay Stuiso, who earned second for the day with 4-1 finishes. The Mount family also had a good day, with Wayne earning wins in Classic 500cc Novice and +60 Novice and wife Tammy' Ritzheimer-Mount doubling in Premier 500cc Novice and Women Novice. _ M ....... CalHIty IIelIlIIcIl, FIerNIi ....Ils: IbrcII 3, 2.1 PREM LIW EX: 1. David Boydstun (Cot); 2. Paul Havir (BSA). PREM LIW INT: I. Dan Beher (Due); 2. Terry Pratt (BSA). PRE'" lrw NOV: 1. Ron lancaster (H-D); 2. Neal Siegel (Aer); 3. Harry Higgins (BSA). PREM 500 EX: 1. Barry Higgins (BSA); 2. David Boydstun (BSA); 3. Corky Root (BSA); 4. Jerry Rewerts (BSA); 5. Graham Foster (AJS). PREM 500 INT: 1. Ron Winget (BSA); 2. Terry Pratt (BSA). PREMo 500 NOV: 1. Tammy Ritzheimer-Mount (BSA); 2. Jim Cameron (BSA); 3. Harry Higgins (BSA). PREM TWIN NOV: 1. Cliff McGaughey (H-D). PREM TWIN INT: I. Dan Beher (BSA). PREM TWIN EX: 1. Beno Rodi (Nor); 2. Brad Kennard (Tri); 3. Brian Holzigal (Tri). ClSC 125 EX: 1. Tim Marks (Cl); 2. Curtis Comer (Hon); 3. Robert Brown (Hon); 4. Peter Pileskl (Hus). ClSC 125 INT: I. Andy Blackburn (Cl); 2. Gordon Oresti (DKW); 3. Richie Baulch (Mnk); 4. John Stackus (Ric): 5. Bob Egan (Mon). CLSC 125 NOV: 1. Michael Gontesky (Han); 2. Tony Glueck (Mon); 3. Sam Blanton (Hon). ClSC 250 EX: 1. Steve Tucker (BSA); 2. Paul • Havir (BSA); 3. Lee Allison (Oss). CLSC 250 INT: 1. Terry Gates (Oss); 2. Louis Hamil (Oss); 3. David Brown (Hus); 4. Fred Mork (Cl). CLSC 250 NOV: I. Todd Newell, Osa; 2. Mike Gontesky (Tri) 3. Charles Goman (Oss); 4. Joe Anderson (Hus). CLSC 500 EX: I. Steve Tucker (BSA); 2. Jay Stuiso (BSA); 3. James Smith (BSA); 4. Paul Hl!Ivir (BSA); 5. Eamon Massett (BSA). CLSC 500 lNT: 1. David Tucker (BSA); 2. Jamie Unxwiler (Tri); 3. Ron Winget (BSA); 4. David Deen (BSA); 5. Ike Winchell (Ric). CLSC 500 NOV: 1. Wayne Mount (BSA). SPTMN 125 EX: 1. Tim Marks (Han); 2. Carl Mabrey (Hon); 3. Bill Nazelrod (Hon); 4. James Hamer (Hon); 5. Darron Masters (Hon). SPT"'N 125 INT: I. Patrick Miller (Han): 2. Gerald Gresham (Hod): 3. Fred Kipp (Han); 4. Peggy Cozart (Han); 5. Bobby Lewis II (Han). SPTMN 125 NOV: I. Jonathan Bren (Han); 2. Brian Glendening (Suz); 3. Marc Pape (Hon); 4. John Hemzmdez (Hon); 5. Johnnie Gilmore (Bul). SPTMN 250 EX: 1. Tim Marks (Hon); 2. Jack Weaver (Yam); 3. Mark Mackay (Hon); 4. Greg Peterson (Hon); 5. Brandon Ghidiu (Hon). SPTMN 250 INT: 1. Jeffery Clark (Han): 2. Roger Davis (Hon); 3. Gene Brown (Han); 4. Shane Amdt (Mai); 5. Ed Sherry (Hus). SPTMN 250 NOV: 1. Roy Brees (Hus); 2. David Holland (Hus); 3. James Street (Cl); 4. Jonathan Bren (Mon); 5. Tom Grimmel (Hon). SPTMN 500 EX: 1. Randy Bailey (Suz); 2. Elmar

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