Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'4 • • On Any Sundey Revlalted • Time to Ride • MX Video Megezlna • Gary Bailey's Hal_hot:a e • Steve Lamson's Racing Tachniquea • • A·Z of British Mot:arycles [Set:/3) • Best: of British: Vincent • • 2000 Indoor World Trials Review • Millennium Hevoc • Colley Nan·Stop • • On·Bike TT Experience 5 • 2000 Isle of Man TT [Long Review) • 1*1602) _ "-.:TTsqa .... 1ll.-, ....... SmlI1, W~ lWriocII "" """'" _they llde. varlIty of BMW. fm911Ml hurt of Ihe SIn . . . ~ , 60 nwues In:m Pfiet Star Procill::tictlI $24..15 1*1,7~ Route 66 n. ~,1Iom Ae-ivt no! jLtllt!he belli action from !hi '801, but Il1o !he 10 very besI , . . as chosen & preMnt8CI by !lllI starllhImseNeI: Reiley, Sc:hwanIz, MJng, _ , Go_, Pans,-, lawMln, Aobefts ancl Sarron. 55 rniMtI from WhIte Starltltile Video. S3U5 ...-Chemp',--_ . . 1*1494) Rainey's Year: 1992 ~_ io9" '*'.. WlllIlI9'" "P GP _"Konny _ ... IlOm~ w::DoJIl'ICI. 7S ft'II"d8I from WhiIII ~ YIdIo. 1hII S34.I5 propn",_ _ ....... tr1l1b"lQ Amara'. beIcM!d O-.:ago"Loe ,..... Anwica till modem Ireeway nonrwc_. why I'lenl • aucn lJ'NI ir'IIIfIIiIln rIIIDmg Itl&IIJIC8 01 ~ 105 rftroteI ttwn WhilI9IrtOtice VIdeo, $24.95 ('1521) Schwantz: World Champion 1993 ""_oI1'-looIlIge. 6O_1lOm _ _ " ..... $34.15 (*1916) 1997 AMA Superbike Series Review 1*5903) Champion: K~J.~oberts A"..." .. raci1g _ " . . . mftJt8s from While StarIDuke VIdeo. S34.95 Konny - . . . 59 1*1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way A"'4" \1sVll'*' ... Krmy _ T _ CImp. _gp..-.he""Arndy _ _ '" bMIfiII 01 PISII'1O Ihlw ~ on 10 55 """'" IlOm _ _ Video. $34.95 '*"""""'- 1*5904) Champion: Barry Sheene ~ ... Beny -.e. 55 mirIAM from WI'iItI StariOIM V'lCIeo. S34,95 i*5932) Champion: Mick Doohan /*12931 Postcard from Davtona Jo., twJ mIiions who meka IhIlhe workt.biggest &moll """" Hog perty. CNoer _ _ "" 0eylDne Boech & dlIICl 0lJI 0Im0IIi0n defbles, ShIN demoI. n ItI'b.lmed _ ...-vWng"' _ _ 1lOm " ' _ cilri'lg Bb Week '96. 61 mlnlllet from Whtte StarJOuke VIdeo, 534.15 DIRT TRACK st=:1:n~c;r~~:':-Mdl Oootwl '*"l"""'' fails Iwe 1*5942) Champion: Carl Fogarty !he lIm_ _ 1lI1W1', _ biilg "'"', and UlI taC8f American to hate. r ika you from his early career to tris fourth WOl1d Superblke crown, 90 rnnutea from WhitI ~ VIdeo. S18.95 (*5901) Champion: Geoff Duke 11182) Smooth Moves proliO"'" ooang '"""'" . . _ s:sus GooIl DUco. 59 A rni'II4II from WhM ~ VIdIo.- review of 1hrI1990 CaneI Pro SentI~. as SCott Parker n Owls em duaIId II year tor the tIIie. 50" nw'lII8S IlOm Moelng Lri VIdoo. S3U5 1*5902) Champion: Giacamo AQostinl (*183) Rickv Graham: The Career Year Gieamo Agcelri. 15 _1lOm _ $34.95 l ~ G ", tI'b.£. to 0f'II of the greataIl Grrd NItion8I Greh-.l_'" moIOftydIl'ICI'Ig I88D'lIlMlr Md the man who I1lWI' I09>od 1UplOIIlO. 180 _1lOm _ SlatINe VidIO. '3US (*1800) 1999 World Superbike Series Review ~ _"""_,,*,",,,__ ~ 1898-1929·'"TM Aoneers", 1930-1949· wsc hid""" (*1801) 1999 World Supersport Series Review (j1296) Fans' IT _, Mad ""II" COil_""""...... _lido""" sun~e _1lOm plilo fl) 50 rnirldII from Who SllwtDl*8 V'"1dllo. $34.15 ~}=i=JJ " , , - - - . . . g experience 5 ...iI" • _~_",op.-_a1_poi1IO. 90 tlWLIIIIlrom wtHl SlartOUle VdIo. S3U5 1*1622) 2000 Isle of Man IT 1*1490) On-Bike GP Experience 00llI0II . . . . paclc Ii'" """ just """"WI 1lOm ... CaIIlOf8J 8<.IlOl1> IOlI1do 01 GP blkea in Idlon in 1uI1l8r8o, with roar 'IOil::e-oYefs. 65 minutes from Wh~e Star/Ouke Video. $3U5 \dt of YII~· . h Long Rmew_1he firII: TT,.. of the new century wllonMlr be I1lITl8mbered !of !he ~ hal: Iric:ks ..".,.j by Jo\>. Not "' ... poIIlcaIy COIlOd raIeIy 00IlId0ua. 40 minutes from X-Factof. m .• or - . ...... iIJlIIan ""-'*l: ""'Y..nng. 011_" 00"" Redlile Jim of Yn::e & ..... 100mlUilllrom ~ Meda. S3UI5 ('171 E) SWeet Spot Video: Dialing In CoYorI: T_amg; cIIling .... 1Ib lor rldel', Ilytr "" _...- JeI'>g: lielLrWlg: "" geftlg (/nckIleean--._1 _ _ nKLr1Hd, 18- (*115) Open Throttle """-"""'-.pian""_..........i.IWlonco - . " Dyncjet Je/I_"_ - ' , ... . . . - .... g8IlI1l '" bad-boy, NgllIy 1IegaI, ..... . - . . _ , ".1lno_by'" ExllUghl _ _ _ 1lOm SoaIlIo. Not .... _ely poIIlcaIy 544.95 MoIorcycie r-. OM _ " IJuIdvnIn Roclno: .... Jim Leonard of Vance & Hines. 90 mlntJles from DlveBified MedIa. torTId. not ...., and not tor lhel8l'd of heart. ExpIicI e:ontenl 45 miUea from Impact VIdeo. $24.95 1*171 F) Sweet Spot Video: Motorcycle Hygiene 1*5552) The Ultimate Ride CIeri1g ... .-tjdo (prooiJc1I "" 11'..,.. wi1tol1zlng"" _ _• ee-.: * NeI_,_, P"IlP"'.l "'" BlS_"" $21.85 ~ r:rif need appt( as we &trap you 1m rMl20 ~ rdoo""'-dng"'T...--...,GPOika, paradunt, eec. eo nWIlA8S frtJ'n White Star1tlukI VIdIo. $34.95 ~) _ _ Jel1Heyoor.... _ _". RobOougla" 5O ....... 1lOm _ _ 1*1034) V-Four Vielory A..tourly _ JStmr _ (*5556) _ lhaI ...... 2 1l1ll1y _Ultimate RidejlU_lWoyl_ S2A.95 ~" your chance 10 loin owe Roper atOtn:IlhIlsIe 01 MII'l TT drcuII on • MaIchIea l;so wiIh aI the citsIlc DId lOCI IIiltG an'" bog "'lie. 30 _1lOm _ _ VIdoo. ... _IlOm ... . , lJIIIer GP Ifld Honda Yl. SuzI.«I~. chaIIIngI. pU' _ _ "" " ... TT ...... wiIl Joey so mnMl!n:lm 'NtIIe ~ Video. GUS AmIrica·. S1IrIOIJIlans Greg _ "" Sly HemI deplh_ ...... _ slDlyllOm" _ .... arrnnentI trIdI cI #Ie 181h C8lIUry !hrouItllhe ijtIry yeat1 of world.-tjdo """'" --.0.10 "'lhIIary dinu. '" rrniellrom While Stlw/tII.M Video. $34.115 £nioy n",,""''''''''. _byllNce _ _ -.ey, "" _ _. 50 _1lOm AAZ VIdoo. $20.95 lUI,_-."..._"......_ ""'HAll"""''''925_..... lInoI_ 18IeI. (*5950) Champion: Barry Briggs A,""",,,,,,,, lIgrndlwy _ world _ _Beny Briggs. 75 _1lOm _ _ VIdoo. ~ "BIadl; Pm:e" modIIs 0130 yen EYoca!Ivt t'IIITlIIlIJdl RJpiOo "" Bled< _ oro blol9rt bid< to II. with dItaIed museLm ~ Ind IClIOn on !hi roed. 70 millAel horn WhIte StarItlI.*e Video. S3US ,,_, ean-.o. FREE RIDING & CRASHES $34.95 INSTRUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL 1*170) Sweet Spot Video Library Set "f"""_..,..... ~."'''-~pot1omlJn(:o -""""II CI1aM& _'~5 (*87) Team X-Treem: Vol. 1 Todd & Lori Colbert_ _ 1Mn_1ollIIgo1oelumgTodd ~. _ _ I1oI1g,_ ...... "" """"Wa1CI1,. .... Lori Colbert, the lkst .... ~ . . " iw world. Ho6d on "jlU-' "'..- . 1'l/1_.-tjdo . . . ~ 30 lTWIAIsfrorn X.fCklr S2U5 _" &iYe_--__ (*87A) Team X-Treem: Masters of Mayhem Team X·treem·s Todd & Lori CobK1 tlrj'lIiljW IhiI video """'*'II "",-", _ _ world " " " " _ . "'-.. comes new ~ stLI'1Im8s1er CraIg Jones. Achievlng a top world &lUllI rider rankilg In LnSer two yam.. Jones hal brIJtql1 aportI)ike control into a new dmens!on. Wltn Lr1Ique footage, wild wheeliel, unbelievable SIDppIe& and muctll1'IOrI•• .Jones ~ truly amasler of ptMel' nt precISion. 30 mh.rteIlrom X-Fadof. $29.95 (*5203) '99 European Stunt Riding Championship F~ ~ tn::m tiIld'l rotnl Wltlal hi tarWIc IZWlII, ~ ~ sndtrnOUlg reerlnlh _love. 65 II'li"UM from wtlIe ~ VIdao. $2Ui5 ('1793) Evel Knlevel's Spectacular Jumps Io""'.._a1 _ _ Conyan. E"' ..,.,,. _ ..._Caoser'.PeMat repIIIion • Iha woMs brmls1 dlndevl ReIYI M grIIillst _,"",.~_with"._ _,, _ 3O_1lOm SlatINe Video. 519.95 (*1792) Evel Knievel: Last of the Gladiators The increlibIe story at !tie WOl1d'& gf88le&1 dal'ldevll as lolll by Evel Knlevel hlmselll Reveals lhe true saga 01 , 20lh eenwry gladiatcr. 100 minutes from While StarlDoke VlcSeo. 524.&5 (*5260) Bike Havoc Herlem, _.~, Thorpe. Pans, Saoron, GWw, "'bomb out In spedaclJlar style 1'1 CIWl' 150 ncr:tenta from fOld GP'. 10M TT, MX. D..r20001i .. Il'lOII a-.& ..... m:mlhl~ pKiedworld , , _ _ " " . . , , , . . ""'" pia II"'" IlOm ... _ " " _ an--. _ _ """"" Ill""'" 110m _ _ Video. S2U!5 nvn. 1*46BI '99 AMAIFIM Speedway World Qualifler pasllO present 75 rninuleI from _·s SPEEDWAY The 31s1 nul rurrWlg of IhIIY'l1i .... the 'IIII'bsl " years as 20 of beI* speedway rtter1 came to 1hll oc F~ In Costa MellI tor ItII CIM wiww take ,. war. Bruce FIInder1I1ld Terry '1tI. CIllntcn callhe action from lhe lamota buhg. 60 mlOUt8llrom RAZ Video. $29.95 ~ll086) Best of British: Triumph s:; biOCl 11IqlJII11hIIe guys are ...... r..- CIl protdln. Not lor ....... 80 _1lOm In'I'Od VIdoo. $2U5 (*8) Castrol History of Motorcycle Get your engines finKf up as you relIYe ttWseason oIlpl1CtaCUlar action. From Laguna SIca to Colorado spmga to lhe IfTIImJ rouncI at Sears Point See naedilIIlootage of NCt1 round as Mel _ , MIguel 0t.IlJmel '"" Dcx.g ChJndor ..... '" 1Upl'WNlCy. MIhe action .. hn In thiI comprIhInIIYe 1997 rI'WW. 48 milu&8S from Whil8SlarlOtU VIdeo. S34.15 _lim quJllly, """.... """"*""'Y' aazy _ _1lOm _ SlatINe VIdoo. S2A.95 Honda-ll &Nonon CorwoI1hl 52 _1lOm WhIte S1IrIllUe"" ... only """"l 1114) HI mI'f be lP'lIlrom 1t1I1C8lI- bU Ihn', you ca'I Kilg Kem", hie WlIo_,. .... WOItd~, willi music Inrn CMwI. tdn r.-Idion one"' _rilIng_ " Ilridgo_""",,,..._ o, .-cIng lhe proper let kit. how 10 use c:arb stidcI and 4-gas wIyzotJ). ~" FIdllIy Profeablll Ttri'lg. 110 ITIIr'lutIII from Dtver1ified MedIa. E>NllS1Sye1em."_ SyelemI:"t);eIOog.; ""- - _ _ an _I"",.-tjdo--=- _.loaIlmg each tope. Total line II 6 tapes, 9 houri & 45 mi'IJtes from DMltIIiad MIdIa. $2DU5 (*171 A) SWeet Spot Video: Track Preparation body ....... _ ee-.:_....,_ _ gIoIoe._lICII_r..-tjdo"""""'(~ Cllfllr* _ """"'" "" tiIg will 1lleIgleIe. _ las1ene1l, ~ to l'ItTlOYIlor Ihe race ll'aCl ....... pletee);.-n _ _ can bottles. Feattnd experts.,. StotVrton SmelKl of~; Tror """""""" TK DerIgne; Gaty _ 0I1lody by Nor1hItar, JIn Leonarcl of Vance & Hines; RIc*. Mart'! 01 Fog Cl1y, .... AlHelhlwey,lRRSCNelTedVI"'" 113 minutes from Drverslfiecl Media. $29.95 Ilch'-'" '_or. 1*171 B) Sweet Spot Video: tim, Che_, , Su,peniion IP_,damP"'l,_, CoYeB: s. compression. IIg, trail nde he9tI with ened 10 chassis _1;--1"'--_"'''''111;'''- ...,""'*' pattern (DOT ¥I. t808. ccmpotI'ld. carcass, wheel slze and In hell lie _ . - ... bla, ~"" '"""" ..., omg"'ln, cycIee, pelch, _ . JCUlling. _ . . 0eII_ MOVIES (*138) Easy Rider ThiI it III ClUIIc)'OUltt film of the 1960'. whk::h reftected!he ........""Iangilge""""" on aT... (Peew FondI nl 0ImiI Hopper1Imbatk ~ coast-uKoUt 0/fJysfJI6f irl teIn::h of the ,., Ammca. 94 ITII'dII trom ~ lleli9t $3T.95 (*139) The Wild One jllU II": to .... • ., -vY yolntJ Marb1 &wdo 1ClDrd"IeI1he tc:r'I8tIl'ltiI -"'SOIa.odoalc.79 ....... 1lOm ~ ~ $3T.95 """".JoIml'.-.g egeinIfI- _ (*140) On Any Sunday 8Nce Brown'. duIic 19711tn wt.a. cowrs virIuat( fNtf'/ loon ".-qde~IlOm"'_'.Gr.Ir

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