Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Events (From left to rIght) Jaso n Mears, TravIs Sewell and Matt Haag were the top overall 80cc Open ride rs of the year in the Red BudIDutch Sport Park Super Series, and were presented with the third-, secon dand first-place awards , resp ectively, at the gala banquet held in Bucha nan, Michiga n. competition now, es p eci ally afte r th is weels (Lem ). rr« JR: 1. Bryan Chri.'!te llllC..-n (KTMl. 60 BEG: 1. Cod y Brown IKa w ); 2. Bob by Wo r th (KT M ); 3. ZIlch Adams (; 4. Bra nd on [o h nso n (Kaw); 5. Z1cll<1ry Buzzard (KTM). 60 JR: 1. Nathan Mahoney (KTM); 2. Ryan Jo nes (Ka w) . 60 1!'IT 1. Andy Straight. : 80 BEC : I. Kyle jon es (Ka w ); 2. Kirk Payne (Hon); 3. Chris Me9lIkk (Kawl ; 4. Jo hn Mah oney (Ya m ); S. Jeffr ey Jen kin5 (Suz). HO J R: 1. Kyle Stri p p lem an (H a n); 2. Trenton Straub (Han ); 3. Jeff H.lymaker (lion); 4, Ryan Rubin'lOn (Yam ); 5. Stev e Whilborg (H on l. 80 OPEN ; 1. Kyle Strippleman (H o n ); 2. Timmy Buettner (Ka w ); 3. Rya n Rob inson {Ya m}; 4. Kirk Payne (Hon ); S. Jef fre y Jen kin'! (5uz). 125 BEG: 1. Jon Go r do n; 2. Aaron Pi p ist r a n to n o (Ya m ); 3. Bobby How a rd (Suz) ; 4. Sha ne Lang lo is (Ho n); S. Du s tin GIOOIiOp (Ha n). 125 JR 1. Jo n Sch w artzma n (Yam); 2. Corey Gutterud (Han); ; 3. Jim Vickf'n (Ka w) ; 4. M a lt Petrucci (Suz); 7. Ky le Kin sman (H an). 125 1"""1; 1. Matt he w Stephens (Suz); 2. Bra ndon Sch len sig (Yam) ; 3. Ja mC9 Stra ub (Hon); 4. I.R. Sche ll (Yam) ; 5. n a n Crossman (](a w). 250 BEC : I. Cody Rapoza (SuzJ; 2. Tyson Styl " (Su.i); 3. Do n Kri'!ke; 4. Sha wn Huddleston (tea w ). 250 L"IJT: 1. Aryin Van De Mar k (Suz); 2. Eric Ha vil\!l (Hon ). WMN : 1. Ke lly Yancey (Kaw ). VET BEC: 1. Do n Kriske (H on) ; 2. Tim Mad:'arth y (Yam ); 3. Frank Fasulo (Suz ); 4. Jo h n Flarnrnan g (Ya m) ; 5. Rick Bran ch (Han) . VET JR; 1. Da rrin Austin (Ho n); 2. Frnnk Victoriane ; 3. BiU flagg (Han). VETI!'IT: 1. David Erwin (Yam) ; 2. Lenny Suppes (Han). VETPRO: 1. Jimmy Lew elle n (Ya m ); 2. Brock Jud d (H on ). B/BK O P EN: 1, Matthe w Stephens (5uz ); 2. Jim m y Lewellen (Yam ); 3. j.R. Sch (Yam) ; 4. Brand on Schlcn'lig (Yam ); 5. Chrts eU Pedersen (Kaw l. Perris R a aeew y Kevi n Cla rk. 80 OrE.~ : 1. Ma tt HaaK: 2. Tra vi8 Sew e II; 3. JalIOtI Mea rs . 16-24; 1. Jo n Logan; 2. Derek H u ffma n; 3 . Greg A ndre~; 4. Danny Beckett. 125 (12-151: 1. M itch Sluder; 2. To m ~m.ialowslti; 3, Derek Rose 4. Da nny Beckett. ; 125 C: 1. An d y Sherwood; 2. Kyril Bro wn ; 3. Konr ad Johrulon ; 4. Kyle Bag lad i; 5. Tm y Bloomquist. 250 C: 1. Andy Burger; 2. Larry Shu U; 3. Ryan Shoe ma ker ; 4. Dan Davis; S. O uis D!!U. 125 B: t. To m Osmialo wski ; 2. Ad am Bur ke; 3. Mitch Slu der; 4. Jon Logan;5. Derek Huffman. 250 B: 1. Ad am Bu rke ; 2. Joe Ker9anty ; 3. Jerem ia h 8.ldg ley ; 4. Ton y Mil ks . 125 A: 1. Greg Andrews; 2. John Pe nrod; 3. Dannie Lard er. 250 A: 1. Joh n Penrod; 2. Jason Vienot; 3. Ja y Wagner. 25+: 1. Darren Borcherding; 2. Sh uelle; 3. Todd Fliclr.enPiel'; 4.J ay Wagner. 30+: 1. Larry Witmer; 2. Da rren Borcht."J'ding; 3. Victor Edga r; 4. Tudd Flick en ger . 35+: 1. Dou g Foro; 2. Todd f1icken~r; 3. Fisher; 4. Ronni e Wf'atheTh olt. 40+: 1. Larry Wilm er; 2. Rick Wa llOworth; 3. Da ve Bowman. NON -euR: 1. Konr ad Johnson; 2. Jeremiah Bad gkoy. SMU RF crIY SH ERIFF; Jaco b McCral\l'T. PA RENTS O F THE YEAR: Rick a nd PauLl DeJvin. Srr5MNSHP; Oa lTt-'T1 Borcherdin g. Canyon Olfroad Park Jones screams in the Canyon By zack McK inley GLENDALE, AZ, NOV, 7 The weather on Sunday , Novem ber 7, was perfect for a day of racing · 80 degrees and overcast. And for roun d five of the Holiday Blowout Series - spo nson.>d by Sunstate Equip men t, ROO, Premier, Pi per , Co nc re te Wo rks, Su llivan Builder s, Spooners Au tomotive, Valley Kawasaki, and E&E Paving - Canyon Offroad Park was in the bes t shape it's been in since the early '70s. Kyle Jones took ad vanta ge of the cond itions and screa med through the Canyon to a perfect 1-1 score, showi ng tha t he is ready to take the step up to the junior class. The COP track crew - Zack McKinle y and Jeremy Anderson , with so me help from Sunstate, ROO, and Race Trucking's Rowdy Briggsspe nt the entire week before the race bringing in di rt and sp reading it around the 2-mil e tr ack. Between the tra ck an d the weather, the racers couldn't believe they were in Arizona: no rocks; sandy dir t; three to fou r ruts in each turn . In the first moto , Jones stayed in first place from wire to wir e. "Jefro" Jeffrey Jenki ns took second . Kirk Pay ne wa s third . John Mahoney had a grea t bat tle going with Ch ris Messi ck, goi ng ba ck and fort h th roug hou t the wh ole moto, with Mahoney coming ou t on top for the fou rth-place spo t. Chase Sims finis hed six th, Bell takes a toll at Perris By Kenny Morris PERRJS, CA, OCT. 31 Jeff Bell wo n moto two to score first overall in the SOcc Beginner class at the first roun d of the Holid ay series at Perris Raceway. Hallow een d ay was the opener for the Holiday series, and on the day tha t ghosts and goblins are traditionally on the loose, Bell was ou t to spook his competition. Wh en the ga te dropped for moto one , Bell snagged the huleshot, followed by Mark PatTZ.llek and Tyler Sievers, With a couple of lap s left, Patrza lek fou nd an inside line arid wor ked his w ay in to th e lead , Perha ps Bell was a little wrung ou t du e to the long two-minute-plus lap tim es. At the che ckered flag, it was Patrzalek with a well-deserved win, followed by Bell and Sievers. . In mo to tw o, Bell gra bbe d th e hol es hot again, followed by Sievers and Andrew Alcon. Bell stayed out front wi th a stro ng lead . Alcon was looking to get around Sievers for second . Sieve rs, ridi ng d efen sively, mad e a little mistake, allowing Alcon in to second . At the checkered flag, Bell took the second-moto win and the ove rall, Alcon took second , with Sievers in third , Levi Reed swep t the 125cc Pro class by winning both motos. In the first moto, the holeshot went to Garre t Ord elman, followed by Reed and Dusty Walters. Reed stuck to Orde lma n's rea r fender and bega n to look for an oppo rtu nity to pass. Going throu gh the rhythm sectio n side by side, Reed held the insid e in the left-hand er and went into the lead. Ordelman then fell victim to Walters. When moto one came to an end, it was Reed, Walters and Ordel ma n. In mo to t w o, Or delma n grabbed t he holes hot again , with Reed and Walters in tow . Ordel ma n wa s looking strong in the lead when he appeared to have bike prob lems. Reed inherited the lead . Walters never got close enough to make a pass for the lead , At the checkers, Reed took the win, follow ed by Walters and Hawk White. Results 50 (1-8): 1. Jo hn ny Jeld crda (Cu b ); 2. Wa itei' Guen th er CLem). 50 MO D ('-8): L Jo h nn y Jddcrdil (Co b ); 2. M;m :us C a rr illo (lem ). 60 BEG: 1. TeTTel1 CYDelI (KI w i; 2. Ma rcu.'1Ca m llo ' (Kaw ); 3. Jona than HOIhiln ( ). 60 NOV : 1.Geor g e Jf'ffers (IcrM); 2. Cody Tltho f ( Lem ). 60 OPEN: 1. Shawn Uayes (KIM); 2. Te rren O'De ll (](aw); 3. Cody Tit hof (lem ). 80 BEG: 1. Jd f Bell (Su z ); 2. Tyler Sil"V (Kaw); 3. B.J. Kun tz erll (Yam) ; 4. Dan Manwi.ll (Yam ); 5. Ma rk Pa trza l.·k (Ya m) . KO NOV : 1. Jam es Tu rn er (}(aw ); 2. Na tha n Salgado (y ilm); 3 , Da ne Jacbu n (Ya m); 4. Cam· tt Iwa nit'k i (Suz); S. Weston Pe ick (Yam ). 80 INT : I. M icha el laPag lia (Suz ); 2. C hd'O(' Meineke (Ya m). SOO Pl; N; 1. Ty ler Du ncan (Yam ). 5 / MIN I: 1. Chase Meil\l·ke (Yam) ; 2. [a mes T urner (Kaw ); 3. Kenny O ar k (Ya m). 125 BEG: I. Ryan Campbell (Ya m); 2. lA'nn ", Va n AUa (Kaw); 3. Ga m·tt Andrews (Ya m ); 4. J.1n.-d Minor (lion); 5. Kev in Ceepentt>r(Kaw ). 125 NOV; 1. Brand on Nu rto n (Ya m) ; 2. Scott Bu ttrel l (Ya m); 3. Da ni el Nelson (Yam); 4. Spence Mdnl·kc (Ya m); S. jason Wenr dollcz (Suz) . 125 I;\IT: 1. Na tha n Cr.1ig (Yam) ; 2. J Eidl' rra m); 3. Richie eff OwCI\!I (Ya m ); 4. Ant h lltly Hrn sn-1l11 (Hon ); 5. Mark v alccre (Y.l m). 125 P RO: 1. Le vi Ree d (Ya m) ; 2. Dusty Wa lters 1Ya m ); 3. H awk Wh itl' CSuz); 4, G1m.>tOrd clman (Yam ). 250 NO V: 1. Dev ey Farey (Hon): 2. Kris Bowers (H o n); 3. Ma rk i'L1 (Ka .....); 4. Roland Mu no z (H an ). rt 2SO INT ; I. Kev in G1 ha n (Ya m ); 2. Bomber Herna ndez (Suz) ; 3. Donnie Full e r (Ya m) ; 4. Ed d ie Ca rey (Ya m ); 5. LaIl (1' G a rza (y am ). • 250 PRO : I. Dusty Waltl 'Tl'l (Yam ); 2. Cord o n Ward (Vor). 25+ BEG: 1. Eric Shenna n (Hon). 2.5+ NO V: 1. Ryan MaJ;8in (5uz); 2. Jilwd Sroggin (Kaw ); 3. Ca no n Squ i"-'S (Ya m). 25+ INT : 1. Bryan Landbom (Ya m ). 30+ BEC : 1. Seen Magin (Suz ). 30+ INT: 1. Randy Da ny lo(lYw). 4(). BEG: 1. Jeff Harris d set off after Ma thei s. In t he w an in g laps, it seemed the two front-run ners were never more than a wheel apart . Math eis held on for the win. The same basic scenario was replayed in the' Over 30 B class, as Matheis again came aw ay wit h t he w in, closely foll owed by Hetrick . CR250 rid er Rick Russell finished third in the Over 30 class after an awes ome start, closely followed by Collins and CR12Srid er Roland Lehr, Results P / W 50 ; 1. A le x Ra tai (Ya m ); 2. M ilt on G ra y (Ya m ); 3. AIf'l(.iInd ra McCambrid g e (Yam ); 4. A us tin Coon (Yam ). 50 (44)): 1. Christia n Pa rTish (Cob) ; 2. A nthon y Corrad o (Poll; 3. Rud y Lu m s (Co b); 4. G.1ge Rushing (KIM). 50 (7-8 ): 1. Kri !>t phe r Ne lso n (C o b); 2. Andre w Mu r ra y o (Cob); 3. Za ck Wht'Cland (Co b); 4. Al l'll Rit.1i (Cob). &5 1. Bra ndon 8orgt'Tl (Kaw); 2. Joe y Lead beater (; 3. ; Molf'CU5 Will is (Kaw ); 4. Ton y Wortsc.-I (Kaw); 5. Krist op ht>r NelI so n (Kaw ). M INI JR: 1. Bran d on Borgen (Kaw) ; 2. Haven Ho ld croft (Suz); '3. Tre n t Wo r t!iC (K,lW); 4. Joey Lead bcate r (Ka w ); 5. Ca me ro n 1l Rea gan (Suz ). MIN I SR: L Michael Will iard (Suz); 2. Nick C arTO (Kaw ); 3. ll Kyle Cl'l.lney (Yam ); 4. Cra ig Ga lTl'tl (H on l; 5. Ia n Gluck (H a n). SC Ii BY: 1. Chris Lc a d be at er (Ya m ); 2. Jo h n Wi se n ba rg cr (Yam); 3. Ca!ll'Y Livin gstn n (li o n); 4. T)'ll'T Womdl ()(a w). 1n-24: 1. Tra vif; Hartshorn (Ya m ); 2. R01>S Ada ms (Suz); 3. Eric Biddl e (Ho n ); 4. Tr av i.1Ward (fG1W); S. Bria n Bid dll' (Ha n). ' 25+ : 1. Br y an t Torre s (Ka w l; 2. Rob Bin gman (Ya m) ; 3 . Rola nd Lohr (H an ); 4. Cary Lemun (Kaw); 5. Ti mo thy Su hr ()(a w ). 30+ A : 1. Rich.lrd Ro biru;on (H on). 30+ B: 1. Mar k Ma t hl'is (Yam ); 2. C h uc k Hetrick (Ha n ); 3. Rick Ru ssell (Hon ); 4. Jl'lC Co llins (KIM); 5. Rolan d Lohr (H o n). 40+: I. Mark Mathl'is (Ynm ); 2. Chuck Hetri ck (H o n); 3. Jut. ' Co llins (KTM ); 4. Stev e Wollam (Hon); S. Bill Hansom (Ya m ). 125 B: 1. Chris Lead bc,1ter (Ya m ); 2. R('l!I Ad am5 (Suz); 3. Rob s Bingman (Ya m); 4. N..than Wills. (Suz); 5. Jeremv Ramsev (Suz). 125 C: 1. Joh n WiM'nbar grT (Yam); 2. Eric BidJ I.. ( Ho~); 3. c.owy Livingllto n (Hon); 4. Den nis Gl'ft"n ~); 5. Richard Biddll!'(Hoo ). 250 B: 1. Tra vis H amhorn (Y,lm); 2. Timothy Suhr ()(a w ); 3. A ndy WilIi.ud (Kaw ); 4, Bryant Tor res ()(a w l; 5. Jer emy R.1m~y (Suz ).

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