Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Miller had taken the outside line in the corner but squared off the berm and cu t back across and block-passed Dou gh erty to retake the lead with only tw o tu rns to go. Miller took the win, followed by Dougherty, Robinson, Smith a nd Barney. Miller earned the top podium sp ot. Dough erty and Smith rounded out the pod ium. eN Broome-Tioga Spo rts Cente r Binghamton, New York Results: Octobe r 31, 1999 250 OPEN EX: 1. Barry Carsten; 2. Dave Burger; 3. Mike Doughe rty Jr.; 4. Tom Littman; 5. TOIn Cole. MINI COMB, 1. Ca leb Miller ; 2. Mi tch Dougherty; 3. H] . Smit h; 4. Allen Robinson; 5, Jam es Ayres. 50 (7·8); 1. Nick McPh l'c; 2. Ja ke Beebe; 3. John Verga lito; 4. Tyr on e Bapp Jr.; 5. Z acb Mauro. 50 (4-6) , 1. A.J. Kru eger . rtv« 1. Mik e Hale; 2. Step hen Pier ce; 3. Mich ael Rommel; 4. Jon at han Dan iels; 5. Jimmy Dooli ttle. JR M IN I Il&. 1. Mitch Do ug he rty ; 2. Justin Barn ey; 3. Josh Stood ley; 4. Ma rshall Hurd; 5. Scott Sea rs. 25... EX: 1. Randy Bar ker ; 2. Tom Co le; 3. Da rryl Smith; 4. Geo rge Austi n; 5. David Kent. 25+ AM: 1. Mike Meleski ; 2. Tim Hen ry ; 3. Lance Howa rd ; 4. Steve Ack le ; 5. Jeff AIIl"n. v 40 +: 1. Jarre tt N ewby ; 2. Marc Sleeper; 3. Jerry Zenzillo Sr.; 4. Denn is Hu nt; 5. Lione l Thurston . 30+ NOV: 1. Lou Giombo ni; 2. Robert Hagreeru 3. Pa trick Pa lme r; 4. Ridgely Thoreck.; 5. Rick Tatrault CLCBY: 1. Jason Fo x; 2. Rick Con ley; 3. Bear Hughson; 4. Jim my Miller; 5. Mike Ching. JR MINI 60, 1. Josh Stood ley; 2:-Sro tt Sca rs; 3. Mike Ca se; 4. Jerry Zenzillo Jr.; 5. Geoffrey Macewen. 250 O PEN NO V: 1. Da ve Ny zio; 2. Pet e O'Malley; 3. Ward Davis; 4. Richie Stru be; 5. Tom Berna rd . 30+ EX: 1. Barry Cars ten; 2. Dave Burger; 3. Darryl Smit h; 4. Alan Lend rum; 5. Joe Dibella. 30+ AM : 1. Henry Lucio; 2. Tim Thompson; 3. Tim s Henry; 4. Mike M ele ki; 5. Jeff Allen . 125 AM: 1. Jimmy Mitll'r; 2. Bear Hu gh son ; 3. Ricky Con ley; 4. Jim Joy; 5. Richard Yelle. 125 N O V: 1. Da ve Gr ov er ; 2. Michael Klin ger; 3. Derek Mant ei; 4..Doug Schloegel; 5. David Brocavich. 125 EX, 1. Barry Carsten ; 2. Mik e Dou gherty Jr.; 3. Da ve Burger; 4. Jason Fox; 5. Tom my Littman. 250 OP EN AM : 1. Bea r Hugh s on; 2. Ma tth ew Hib bard; 3. David Lcndrum; 4" Fred Metzger; 5. Jim joy. SR M INI : 1. Caleb Miller; 2. Jus tin Jackson; 3. B.J. S mith; 4. Adam De santis: 5 . Allen Robinson. SR MINI NOV : 1. Mo o se Hu g h s on ; 2. David Pet ers; 3. James Danquer; 4. Bobby Raym ond; 5. Brian Cook. California Racing Club Sponsorship Series Round 2:LosAngeles County Raceway Howe's howlin' Halloween By Greg Robe rtson PALMDALE, CA, OCT. 31 cott Howe proved to be scary-fast on Halloween day, as he tricked the rest of the 125cc Inter med iates wit h a pair of good starts and then treat ed himself to the overall win with a 2-1 showing at Los Angeles Co u nty Raceway durin g round tw o of Ca lifo rnia Racing Clu b's 11th annua l Spo nso rship Series. Honda rid er Tod d Gosselaar got the jump on a trio of Yama has ridden by John er Fa ulkner, Howe a nd Shane Smith ea r ly in moto o n e . H o w e got around Faul kner for seco nd place after a la p but w a sn't having much luc k in cat ching Gosselaar. Gosselaar put in a great ride, lead ing by five seconds at lap three and th en d ou b lin g th a t ma rg in ov er Howe by the time the checkers fell. Mik e Me ad ow s s ho wed so me good speed; com ing from a 12th-p lace sta rt to ea rn th ird ov er Fa u lk ne r, Sm it h and Shawn Trabert. Howe put his Rider's Choice Performance / O' N ea l / Fiu m Ra cing-ba ck ed YZ125 into the top spot while exi tin g turn one in mot o two to lead Gosselaar, George laMonte and Chaz Smit h. Cosse laar was all over Howe for .the firs t two laps before going down and d ro pping to fou r th. Mead ows onc e agai n S overcame a p oor start and slipped past Sm ith fo r se cond place. Smit h th en crashed himsel f ba ck to 12t h a short time later. The race wa s all Howe's, an d he collected the che ckers with an impressive 15-se cond lead over Mea dows. Tod d's br oth e r, C a leb Gosse laar, s low ly w orked his way up th rough the field to fi nis h third and ta k e fo ur th overa ll behind th e 5-4 score of Shane Sm ith. T odd G o ss e la ar e n ded up o n th e g round again b e fo re the end of th e moto bu t still salvaged fifth overall wi th 1-10 finishes. Ch ris Taylor had an easy time in the first 125cc Novice moto, taking the win over Ma tt Sim pson and Malt Gomez. Things were a little toug her for Taylor in round two , as Simpson nailed the hole shot and w as reluctant to give u p th e le ad . Taylo r h o u n d e d Si mpson throughou t the moto, finally taking the le a d w ith s lig h tly mo re th an a la p rem aining. Nick Cali almost caugh t Taylor at the line for a close seco nd . Simpson dropped to fifth place on the final circu it but still earned second overall, over the 3-8 of Gomez and the 8-4 of Josh Bagge. One of Team Gree n's newest recruits, Tren t Pu gm ire, was un tou chabl e in the 60cc (9-11) class on his new KX65. Pu gmir e en ded u p w ith a co u p le of co mmandi ng leads ov er runner-up Shawn Butler. KTM pilots Preston Lund in and Ken Sla ter cla imed th ir d and fou rth , respectively. CN 2SO BEG: 1. Aaro n Bjork (Ya m) ; 2. Grant Moore Jr. (Ho n); 3. Jaso n ReYl"S (Yam); 4. Bry an Ward (Yam); 5. Ch ris Ca rro ll (Suz) . 250 NOV: 1. Josh Ba gge (Ha n) ; 2. H en d en O le (Yam); 3. Jim my C ham berlin (Kaw ): 4. Neil Chish olm {H on): 5. Jord an Burroughs (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Brent Gillia m (Ya m); 2. Jon Zahrt (Suz); 3. Shan e Sm ith (Ya m ); 4. jo sh Mas on (He n): 5. Chris Thompso n (Suz ). 250 PR O : 1. Erik Keh oe (Ya m) ; 2. N or m Sc hie l (H en): 3. Fronk Cos tanzo (H en) . JR VET N O V: 1. Mike Em b ry ( He n): 2. Pasha Afsha r (Yam); 3. Bruce Richards (Ka w): 4. Eric Lathro p (l

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