Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Events Toby Jorgensen Memorial Short Track &IT for a showdown between Northern California's top steeplechase rid ers. Although generally regarded as one of the district's top shor t-trackers, Tony Souza scored one of his patented holeshots and then basically got out in front and checked out for the day. Considerably farther back down the track, Allen Yarrow had assumed the runner-up position , u nawa re tha t Michelle DiSalvo was right on his coattails and read y to sneak by . When the hal fway flags flashed , DiSalvo cra nked u p the throttle and passed Yarrow, and then pursued the flying Souza . With the lead er s comfor tably ou t ahea d, HarleyDavidson rider Rober t McDonnell closed on fourth-place contende r Arbogast. In a dra ma tic move, McDonnell passed Arbogast on the white-flag lap and then sprinted after Yarrow, nipping him by inches at By Mike Law Photos by Stewart Barber LaD!, CA, ocr. 23-24 enny oyes of Con cord po wer ed his Lineaweaver Hu saberg to the wi n n er's circle in the cra s hmarred and shortened main-event tribut e to Toby Jorgensen at the Lod i Cycle Bowl. An im pressive field of Expert riders lined up to awai t the startin g light, only to have Tony Meiring, Rob Damron, Shawn Raggio, Tony Souza and Hisat eru Tanagu chi banished to the penalty line for being too an xious. Brandon Carnahan, in an ou tstanding debut as an Expert, jumped into th e lead fro m the front row when the starting light flashed, followed closely by Noye s and Jeff Gabhart. Sev era l laps later, No yes made his move around Carnahan, who was then dropped back even furt her when Gabhart and Kevin Bricker moved into second and third , respectively. On approxima tely the eighth lap, Gabhart tan gled wi th another rid er, and he hit the gro und hard. More riders fell in a domino effect, wi th Mark Corsetti taking the brunt of the punishment. Co rse tti 's bike was literally ripped in half, and the race was stopped . Since much of the track was covered with fuel and oil, race officials called the race complete, in the interest of safety. Sou rces later reported that Corsetti had suffered several brok en ribs and had also reinjured an an kle. "We had t h e b ik e runnin g pre t ty mu ch perfectl y for the last race of the season," Noyes sai d with mixed emotions. "It was kind of a ...vild race, with so mu ch goi ng on. I'm glad that no one was h urt seriously . This w as my first win in th e O pen A class, and since it was Tob y' s mem orial race, it was real speci al to me. I just w ish that it could have gone the full 20 laps." Armando Rodriguez made fast wo rk of the com petition in the Open B main event and scored a wire- to-wire win . The Yamaha rid er got the perfe ct holeshot, ahead of Jerem y Hannah and Ton y Rose. Whil e Rod rigu ez continued to open up his lead , third-placed Rose picked up the pa ce and bega n challeng ing for seco nd , making attempts to go undern eath Han nah , and then finally made the successful maneu ver near the ha lfw ay poin t throug h the north turn. Rose was clearl y on the move, but there we re sim ply too l!! . 1l E ~ Q 46 (Abo ve) Jason Grewe fl ew to th e 100cc (Under 16) vi ctory at th e Toby Jorgensen Memorial Short Tra ck and TT in Lodi. Cali fornia. (Righ t) Stewart Barb er Jr. took the aGee A win bot h days at th e Lodi Cycle Bowl. few la ps rem a in in g for him to reel in Rodriguez, who took the checkered flag by a margin of well over 12 bike lengths. Oren C rid er Scott Marqu is ga ve new meaning to the w ord " persis tence" in the main event by coming from third off th e li n e, b eh ind Franko H annah and Ga ry Ki n g . H annah r od e fast a n d s m oo t h ly, and he a p pea re d to ha ve thing s sewn up, but he was u naware of the chase behind him. On lap thr ee, Marqu is passed King and then set his sights on the leader . Hannah clea rl y had th e horsepower down the straightaways, but Marqu is' determination to try d iffer ent and faster lines through the turns finally prevailed on the last turn of the last lap, when he mad e a n insid e pass that car ried him to victory by inches. Freddy Poli and Jason Grewe dueled in a classic 250cc battle that looked more like David vs. Goliat h, on ly with a different outcome. The sub-l oa-po und Grew e was sent to the pen alty line, alo ng with se ve ra l o ther rid ers, incl u ding Corey Eaton and Casey Yarrow . With his main co m petit io n now tw o rows ba ck, the equally talent ed and fullba ck-sized Poli now had a clear advantage w hen the s ta r ti ng light fl a shed . Poli q uickly zi p ped into the lead . Th e d im inu tive Gr ewe's philosophy was basica lly that anythi ng less than first was sim ply no t an option, a nd he work ed his way up a nd in to sec ond p lace by the halfw a y flags. G rewe co ntinu ed to ad vance on Poli at a rapid pace, bu t the grou nd lost in the penal ty-line banishmen t was simply too mu ch for the flyin g teena ger to retake. Wh en the checkered flag flew, Poli co mf ortably won by a m argin of about 10 bike lengths . On Sunda y, Billy Arbogast proved to be a Ii ttle too anxious for the starter in the Open A ma in event and was sent back to the penalty line, there by setti ng the stage wit h Arbogas t and David DeCamp in hot • pursuit. The aggressive Arbogast moved within striking distance several laps later and attempted a pass, bu t both rid ers blew the corner, and the quick-th inki ng and hard-riding DeCamp seized th e moment and passed them both for the lead. While DeCamp pulled away from the dicing d u o, mid pack rider Barber high-sid ed in the hairp in, which broug ht out the red flag. Barber go t up quickly a n d was ab le to make the si ngle-file restart, but this time it was DeCamp with the hol esho t, followed by In golia and Arbog as t. DeCamp ma in tained the lead over Ingo lia and Arbogast before Arbogast sneaked into second for good . At the checke re d flag, th e s moo th -rid in g DeCa mp cruised home in front by a lead of abo ut seven bike lengths. CN Lod i Cycle Bowl Lodl , Californ ia Results: October 23-24. 1999 Sho rt Tra ck PfW STK A: 1. Kyle Ans elmi (Yam); 2. Danielle Caldei ra (Yam ); 3. Chad C~ (Yam ); 4. Bobby Caldeira (Yam) . ., PIW STK D/ C : 1. Jeff H odges (Suz) ; 2. Coleton Gal inski (Ya m) ; 3. Jamie Pahcl (Ya m); 4. Shane Jones (Yam ); 5. Angela Fragoso (Yam) . PIW M O O, 1. D.J. Sharkey (Yam); 2 Danielle Caldeira (Yam ); 3. Chad (HM); 4. Garrett Adams (KTM). 60 A: 1. Sean Jones ( ); 2. Joe Hernandez (Ka w ), 3. Lauren Wallace (K.1w). 80 A: 1. Stewart Barber (H on); 2. ~ick Moore (Yam); 3. Fra n kie Lane (S uz); 4. Bobby Fa ng (Kaw ): 5. Joe Hernandez (Yam) . 80 SI C: 1. Chris Borjas (H e n ): 2. William Rider (Yam); 3. A l vssa Brioeez (Yam) . 250: I. Freddv Poll (Hon); 2. Jason Grewe (Suz) ; 3. Casey Yarro w (Yam). VET A: 1. Bob Baccsa (Rtx); 2. William Rider (H a n); 3. Allen Yarrow (Yam) . VET D: 1. J.1.'Oon Pao li Oion); 2. Armando Rod rigu ez (Yam); 3. Jam es Mah e r (R tx). VET C: 1. Scott Jacq u e IHo n); 2. Bert Bern ad es (Rtx): 3. Tim Adams (Suz); 4. Cliff Hel ms (He n): 5. Cha rles Fabiani (Kaw). vrvr LM : 1. Ste ve Ha ll (Yam) ; 2. Robert Mo rri s (Yam); 3. Chris Ceilfus (Yam). VI NT 4 0/SO+: 1. Jon Eiche lba ug h (Ya m); 2. Roger Ha m ilton (Ya m) ; 3. Tom Booth (Yam); 4. Eric Turner (CCM); 5. Ralph Lee . VINT TW : 1. Jo n Eic helba ug h (Ya m) ; 2. Ch ris Gei lfus (H -D); 3. Ja co b La ti m e r (Ya m ); 4. W illiam McDonnell (Yam); 5. Steve Salt (Hen). KNBY: 1. Joe Cu n nington (Kaw): 2. Tro y Po ol (Ya m) . O PEN A: 1. Kenny Noyes (Hbg): 2. Kev in Bricke r (Han); 3. Ton y Meiri ng (Rtx); 4. Sha w n Raggio (Rtx); 5. Jesse Sanc hez (Rtx) . O PEN B: 1. A rma ndo Rodrigue z (Yam ); 2. To ny s Rose (Ya m); 3. Jerem y Ha nnah (Hon): 4. [e se Va nkol (Rtx) ; 5. Richard A!"old (}"'TM ). O PEN C: 1. Scott Marquis (Hon); 2. Fra nko Han nah (Hen): 3. Ga ry King IRtx): 4. Sco tt Jacqu es (Hon); 5. Gill Helms IHon). P RO SPT: 1. To ny Me ir in g (Rtx); 2. H isate ru Tan aguchi (Ho n); 3. Brandon Carnahan (He n): 4. Billy Hiles (W -R); 5. Shawn Raggi o IRtx) . PRO EX: 1. Michelle O&lvo (W-R); 2 Billy Ma rtin (Rtx) ; 3. To ny Souza (Rtx); 4. Robert Seay (W- R); 5. Rob Da mron (Hbg). IT _ PIW STK k 1. Chad (Yam); 2 Kyle Anselmi (Ya m); 3. Bobbv Ca ldeira (Yam) . PM STK B 1. Frankie Flo res (Yam); 2. Jamie Pahel : a- the checkered flag for third, behind Souza and DiSalvo. "Tha t was m y fir st IT race," sai d So u za of his runaway win . "I w as n' t familia r with the track, but I go t used to it by the mai n e ve n t. I kn ew tha t th e gu ys in my class would be fast, so I just wa nted to ge t a good start so I wo uld n' t be behind a bu nch of peop le. Aft er I took the lead, I never looked back." Stew art Barber had his work cu t ou t for him in the hotly contested 80cc Expert main . He nursed h is w a y to v ic to ry aboa rd his CR Honda and its ba ld tire. With plen ty of tread on the middle of the tire, Barber qu ickly jumped into the lead , ahead of a very determined Bobby Fong. Because of the tire tread in the middle, Barber was able to gain a little bit of precious distan ce on Fong on the straights, then backed off on the thro ttle th rou gh the tu rns to save the tire. For the entire race, Barber protected his lead while saving his tire as Fong waited for an opportu nity to strike. Althou gh the tire basically went away, Barber' s experie nce and determination prevailed , and he made no bobbles as he motored to victory. Barber re tu rned in the l 00cc (Und er 16) class, hop ing for ano ther wi n, but he had to settle for third, behind Grewe an d Eaton. Grewe used his power -to-weight advantage to its fullest potential and took the holeshot, ahea d of Barber and Eaton, and neve r looked back. Eaton im mediately became the man on the move, reeling in Barber each lap , and he pounced into second wh en Barber bobb led slightly. Eaton made the pass stic k and then se ttle d co mfo r ta b ly into secon d , a s Grewe was too far out in front to catch. Gr ewe continued at an awesome pace and motored home by a wid e margin to victory, ahea d of Eaton and Barber . IT ace Dorrey Ingolia flew into the lead of the 100cc Nat ion al main even t, a- (Yam) . PIW STK C: 1. Shane Jones (Ya m) ; 2. C h ristia n Hickman (Yam) . 60: 1. Sea n Jon es (Kaw); 2. JCk" Hernandez (Ka w ); 3. Cody Anselmi (Kaw). 80 A: 1. Ste.....a rt Barber (Ho n); 2. Bobby Fang (Kaw); 3. Nic ho las O hge IHon), 4. Joe Hernandez (Yam) . 80 D: 1. Ch ris Borjas (Ho n). 100 «()..16): 1. Jason Crewe (Ho n): 2. Corey Eato n (Ho n); 3. Stewart Barber ""'; (Han); 4. Jayson H u ghes (Suz); 5. Harlund Joh nson IHon ). 100 VET: 1. Troy Ro se (H o n) : 2. Bryan Wh yte (Han); 3. Richard Dayton (Hen). 100 NAT'L: 1. David Oc C a mp (Hen) : 2. Bill y Arbogast (Suz); 3. Dorrey Ingolia (H en ). 250 Al B: 1. Casey Ya rro w (Ya m ); 2. Fre d d y Po lj (Ha n); 3. Da nny Casey (Ya m ); 4. Jason Gre we (Suz). VET A: 1. AUe n Yarro w (Yam); 2. Da vid Wort he n (Yam). VET DIe : 1. Mi ke Fost er (Yam ); 2. Robert Steven so n (Kaw ): 3. Raymond Buck (Ha n), S/SR: 1. To m Boo th (Bul). PRO SPT: 1. H tsateru Tan agu ch i (Hen): 2. Jim my Ragsda le IRtx) : 3. Aaron n (W-R); 4. Kyl e Ragsdale (Rtx): 5. She rman Lee (Hen). OP EN A: 1. Tony SoU7.a (Rtx); 2. Mich elle DiSalvo ( W~ R); 3. Robert McDonne ll (1 -1-0 ); 4. Allen Yarrow (Ya m ); 5 . H isatcru Tanaguchi (Han). OPEN D: t. Ca sey Yarrow (Yam) ; 2. Tony Rose (Ya m ); 3 . Co ry Yarrow (Yam); 4. Ha rl u n d Joh nson (KTM); 5. Derrick O hls (KTM). KOTH: 1. Michelle DiSalvo (w-R); 2. Danny Casey (Rtx) . I r

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