Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

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T State Championship Series, Round 5 exas mER, TX, OCT. 23 hough he d id it the h ard way, Danny Kelsey p ro ved th at co nsistency p a y s off w he n he claimed the overa ll series win in th e 125cc Interm edia te ran ks at the fi na l ro un d of the Tommy's Cycle Supply/ MTA Brid g e sto n e-s p o n s o re d Texas State Cha mpionship Series. A list of 455 entered riders attended the last of the five-race se ries, for an average of 553 riders per eve nt, and many of the classes we re undecided right do wn to the fina l stretch. Two brand-new motorcycles , an array of mountain bik es and one- yea r passes for free racin g w ere give n away. This was in addition to overa ll contingencies and plaques awarded . Top ping the list of unbeat en, racers throughout the entire series, with 125 perfect po ints, p lu s an extra 10 points for attending all five rounds, were 50cc (4-5) racer Ca leb Dowell, 80cc Open (7-16) rider Jona than Kerr, Ov er 35 com pe titor Michael Clement and Over 40 rider Darwin Huckabee . The 125cc Beginner and Over 25 No vice classes bo th ended in a tie in points between the top two finishers; Shawn Parker won the Beginner class and De Thornton won the Over 25 di vision by way of overall-performa nce records . The final round was a two-d ay eve nt, in which several rid ers fou nd themselves in a precarious position wh en they inad vertently forgot that the first mot os were ru n on Saturday in order to allow ample time to distribute the awards on Su nday. On e such victim was Danny Kelsey, wh o lost a shot at a second-overall series win in the 125cc Open di vi s ion when h e missed the firs t-moto gate. Th e 125cc In termedi at es a nd Pr os ga te d together . Pro Der ek G erd e s [umped out front in sho rt order on his H onda of Houston CR . Intermed iat e ames Marshall p ut his Team Green KX at Ge rdes' rear wheel, while McDonald's Racing /PFC-backed McFly Scheel ra ced in third, foll owed by Hi ghland Kawasaki Pro rider Kyle Williams and D&S /MSR /Wiseco /FMF / Super Fas t Performance Fuels' Kelsey. "Becaus e we go t here late, I missed bot h practice and my first 125cc Open race, so I went out on the track blind," said Kelsey. Gerdes held the lead , with Marshall hold in g down s econd a n d Williams third after he passed Scheel on lap two. Kelsey u sed t~e first cou ple of lap s to ge t his bearings befor e he w as able to pass Schee l on lap three. Marshall too k the checkered flag wit h the Intermediate lead , behind Gerdes. Williams followed for second in the Pro rac e, and Kelsey as seco nd in th e In termediate. The in ts leader going int o this round, Vernon McKidd ie, finished beh ind them. Kelsey had to beat McKid di e in the second moto in order to ge t the overall title for the se r ies, as Ma r sh all h ad issed the first round and only held 60 oin ts to Kelsey' s 70 and McKiddie's 71. Wh en th e ga te droppe d fo r m ot o w o, Ge r des to ok th e hol eshot, o nce gai n fo ll owe d b y Marsh a ll a nd illiam s. Kelsey ga ted fourth, and they esumed the game of cat-and- mo use . McKiddie suffered a less-than-stellar start bac k in seventh pl ace and had to ork hard to catch up to the front-runers, but Kelsey held on to second to the inish for second -p lace points, giv in g im a total of 92 to McKiddie' s thirdlace overall finish of 89. In spite of his first -round abs ence, Marsh all fini sh ed the series with a respectable fourth-pla ce overall, behind Scheel's third overall. In the Over 25 Novice event, both the wi nner and runner-up tied in points after th e final round. Joe Thornton led th e charge onto th e co urse, chased by Bill DeBaca, who knew he had two points on Thornton going in to the final race, so the ove rall series win would rest on the better overall finish between the two . DeBaca passed Thornton on the first lap w hen Tho rn ton miscued , which allowed Mike Byrd, Ferrel Foosh ee and Junior Pirkle to get by. Thornton battl ed ba ck, p as sing fir st Foo shee a nd th en Pirkle. In the meantime, Byrd pa ssed DeBaca on the final lap to take the win, with Thornton fin ishing th ird behind DeBaca. In the second moto , Thornton was out fron t and determined to win, and he held off Byrd all the way to the checkered flag. DeBaca finished third . When the scorin g w as completed, it was Byrd with th e overall win, Thornton second and DeBaca third . Thornton' s 15-2-1-4-2 finis hes bea t out DeBaca's 2-3-10-3-3 finish record for the series overall, while Byrd, who missed the first roun d and had a dismal finish at round two , finished fifth overall in the series, behind thir d- placed Casey Ford and fourth-placed Fooshee. It was a showdo wn between 80cc (1415) racers Ernie Phillips and Jam es Pino fo r th e cov eted overa ll w in . Phillips lined up for the final race with a 1-3-2-1 win record and 92 points to Pino 's 2-1-32 for 89 points. Hou ston's Brad ley Mikolas absconded with.the holeshot in mot o on e, w ith Phillips in pursu it and passing Mikolas on the fi rst lap fo r th e lead. Mi kolas g ave ch ase, holdi ng Pin o in third but unable to catch the leader. The second-mot o start w as a re pea t of the first, with Phillips once again takin g over the lead on the first lap. Pin o had to wo rk his wa y up from fifth pla ce, passing John" Lea on lap two an d th en Austin Jones on lap three to finish third for third overall. Phillips took the series cap with 127 points to Pino's 119. Caleb Dowell was flawless in all five rounds of the series, winning every 50cc (4-6) event. Jona than Tawney's 2-2-5-8-2 award e d hi m se co n d o ve ra ll , whil e Jacob Turbyfill finished th ird with a 3-410-7-3 tally . Bryer Ca lley s ta r te d th e series with a 10th ove rall but improved throughout the next four rounds to finish wi th a 10-5-4-5-4 for fourth overa ll, while Mark Slad e capped off fifth place wi th a 6-7-7-4-7 sco re. " Ja mi s on Mill e r wen t into th e final rou nd lea di ng bo th the 50cc (7-8) and 50cc Open categories, bu t an unfortunate crash in the wooded sectio n of the course sent Miller to the hospital for some major h and repairs. H e retu rned with bandaged fingers to chee r on his fellow riders as a spectator. Miller had established enough point s, however, to still cla im third ove ra ll in the 50cc (7-8) category an d second over all in the SOcc O pen. Cha z H oll ada y took th e 50cc (7-8) w in in front o f Derek Barath by only three points at the final ro u nd, w hile Barath claimed th e ove ra ll Open w in CN wi th 119 total poin ts on the boar d . Swan Cycle Park Tyler, Texas Results: Oct ober 23, 1999 (Round 5 of 5) 50 (400), 1. Caleb Dowell (Cob); 2. Jona tha n Tawney (KTM); 3. Jacob Turbyfill (Co b); 4. Bryer Ca lley (KTM); s. Lance Begna ud II (Cob) . 50 (7--8): 1. Cha z Ho lladay (Cob); 2. Derek Barath (Cob); 3. Rodolfo Fernand ez (Cob) : 4. Zeb Smi th (Cob); 5. Danie l Reese (Cob). Events Danny Kel sey (24) captured t he 125cc Intermed iate series honors, but a faux pas cost him the 125cc Open title by only fi ve po ints! 50 O PEN: 1. Rod olf o Ferna ndez (Cob); 2. De rek Barath (Cob); 3. Dani el RL (Cob); 4. Jonathan Tawney 'eSe (KTM); 5. Jeremy Duminique (KTM). 60 (7·9 ): 1. Jos eph Ma rbu rger (Kaw): 2. Rodolfo Fernandez (Kaw), 3. Cody Stark (Ka w ): 4. Brad Bridges (Kaw): S. Cha z Holladay IKaw). 60 (l Dll): 1. Matth ew Lemo ine (Kaw): 2. Marshall Smith (Ka w ): 3 . Jake Lowry (Ka w ): 4. Ty ler Beque (Kaw): 5. Josh Ewe (Ka w) . 60 OP EN : 1. Matthew Lemoine ( Ka w) : 2 . Co dy Sta rk (Kaw): 3. Jak e Lowry (Kaw ): 4. Tyler Beque (Kaw) : 5. Josh Eure (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Chris Cotto n (Kaw) : 2. Jordan Cupples (Kaw): 3. Lance GaI7'.a (Hon) ; 4. Chris Milligan (Yam); 5. Brandon Ball (Kaw). 80 ('7.-11 ): 1. Vin ce Mo n te leo n e (Ka w): 2. Rya n G ra ntom (Kaw): 3 . Mars hall Sm ith (Ka w): 4. Brandon Knigh t (Kaw ): 5. Cody Stark (Ka w). SO (12·13): 1. Jon at ha n Kerr (Kaw); 2. Bryan Zacha ry 11 (Su z) : 3. Jose Fernandez (Ka w ): 4. Kyl e Coffman (Ho n); 5. Chase Guedry (Yam). 80 (14-16): 1. Ernie Phillips (Suz); 2. Brad ley Mikcl as (Kaw); 3. Ja mes Pino (H on): 4. Au stin jone (Hen) : 5. s Dustin Schultz (Ya m). 80 OPEN: 1. Jonathan Kerr (Ka w): 2. Bryan Zachary 11 (Suz); 3. Jose Fernandez IKaw): 4. Jam es Pine (Ho n): 5. Ernie Phillips (Suz). 125 BEG : 1. Shawn Parker (H e n) : 2. M ichae l Mo ut on (Yam); 3 . Chri s Lloyd (H o n): 4. Kevin Simmons (Kaw): 5. Kevin Liza rraga (Yam) . 125 NOV: 1. Adam Turner (Yam); 2. Glenn Herbert II (K aw) : 3. Bria n Starnes (H e n): 4. Brian Germa ny (Yam); 5. Jam ie Ellis (Yam) . 125 INT: 1. Jam es Ma rshall (Ka w ): 2. Danny Kelsey (Ka w ); 3. Jason Ga dd is (Kaw); 4. Ve rn o n McK idd ie (Yam); 5. Mcf1y Schee l (Suz). 125 OPEN AM: 1. Jam es Ma rsh all (Kaw): 2. Chase Romero (Hen): 3. Jaso n Gad d is IKaw): 4. Coy Hobgood (Yam); 5. Adam Tu rner (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Derek Gerdes (Hen); 2. Kyle Williams (Ka w ): 3. Kevin Vines (Suz): 4. Bria n Cro ft (Ya m) , 250 /650 BEG : 1. Ke vin Simmo ns (Kaw); 2. Joe La uren s (Kaw) : 3 . C ra ig Moran (Yam) ; 4. Rand y Fairburn (Yam); S. Micha el Allen (Yam). 250/650 NOV: 1. Glenn Herbert II (Ka w ): 2. Cha nce Miles (Hon): 3. Kevi n Lov ell (Ya m ); 4. Jason Lov ell (Yam); 5. Shaun Romero (Suz) . 2501650INT , 1. McFly Sche'e1(Suz) ; 2. Coy Hobgood (Yam); 3. Rand y Rector (Yam); 4. Tracy Franks (Yam); 5. Danny Waldrop (Yam). 2501650OPEN AM , 1. Coy Hobgood (Yam); 2. Cory Sa nders (Ha n); 3. David Hallmark (Yam); 4. Trey Fran ks (Yam); 5. Bria n Riggan (Suz). 250 /650 PRO: 1. De re k Ge rd e (Hen): 2. Mi cha e l s Cleme nts (Hen): 3. Dave Shade (Kaw). WMN: 1. Sn ook ie Ti n ne rman (Kaw ): 2. Taryn Covingto n (Ya m) ; 3. Liz McFarland IKa w ): 4 . Iack i Hud so n (Ha n); 5. Kri s ty Shea ly (Ka w ). 3501 650 O PEN AM: 1. Justin Duvall (Yam); 2. Brad Sm ith (KTM); 3. Bubb a Bardwell (H e n): 4. Terry Dike (Kaw);S. Cal in Ferr is (K.1W) . 25 + N O V: 1. Mike Byrd (Y.1m) ; 2. Joe Tho rnton (Ka w) : 3. Bill De Baca (Yam); 4. Cas ey Ford (Suz) : 5. Juni or Pirkle (Kaw). 25+ IN T : 1. Rand y Re ct o r (Ya m) ; 2. Sco tt Hei chel heim (He n): 3. C ar y Pratt (Yam); 4. Co rd Le e (Ya m); 5. Ori on Turbyfill (Hen). 25+ EX: 1. Dav e Shade Jr. (Kaw): 2. Sh.-lUn Ma rtin (Hon ); 3. Brian Cro ft (Yam ). 30+ N OV : 1. Terry Dike (Kaw): 2. Randy Whales (He n): 3. Eamie Mod e (Yam); 4. Mar k Chrisma n (Ya m); 5. Scan Marcantel (Yam). 30+ INT: 1. Orio n Turbyfill IHo n): 2. Tom Hu dso n (Kaw); 3. Dan Scheffle r (Hen): 4. Ron Wi pe (Kew): 5. Cra ig Co nnelly (Yam). 30+ EX: 1. Micha el Clement (Hen): 2. Hoot Parker (Kawk 3. S.. m Redmond (Ka w): 4. Shaw n Martin (Hon); r 5. Donn ie Elme r (Yam). 35 +: 1. M icha e l Cle me nt (Hon): 2. Hoot Pa rk er (Kaw): 3. Bubba Bardwell (Yam) ; 4. Sam Redmond (Kaw ): 5. Dan Scheffler IHon ). 40+: 1. Darwin Huckabee (Ha n); 2. Steve Mas sey (Kaw): 3. Steve McCo mbs (Kaw) : 4. Pey to n Treadwell (Hen): 5. Robert Port er (Yam). T EXAS ST ATE CHA MPIONSH IP SERIES FINA L POINT ST ANDINGS (Af ter 5 of 5 round ..): 50 (4-6): 1. Ca leb Dowell (135); 2. Jona than Ta wney (105); 3. Jacob Tu rb yfill (93); 4. Bry er Ca lle y (89); S. Mark Slade Jr. (85). 50 (7-8): 1. Chaz Hollada y (117); 2. Der ek Bara th (114); 3. Jam ison Mill er O lD); 4 . Rod olfo Fernandez (lOB 5. Zeb Sm ith (95). ); 50 O PEN: 1. Derek Barath (119); 2. Ja miso n Miller (109); 3. Cha z Hollada y (l OS 4. Rodo lfo Fe rnandez (93); ); 5. Daniel Reese (91): 60 (7 -9 ): 1. Joseph Marburge r (12 5) ; 2. Rodo lfo Fern a ndez (112); 3. Cha z Hollad ay (97); 4. Cody Stark (81); 5. Aa ron Stri cklan d m). 60 (10-11 ): 1. Marshall Sm it h (19); 2. Matthew Lemoi ne (116); 3. Tyler Beque (%); 4. Josh Eu re (94 ); S. Jake Lowry (87) . 60 O!'EN: 1. Matthew Lemoine (132); 2. Jake Lowry (106); 3. Rodolfo Fernandez (97) ; 4. Tyler Beque (%!i. 5. Cod y Stark (93). 80 BEG : 1. Chris Co tt on (124 ); 2. Jordan Cupples (11 5) ; 3. Ja so n Sonnier (87 ); 4 . David Slider (81); 5 . Brandon 8.111 (81). SO (7·11): 1. Vi nce Montel e on e (1 24) ; 2. Ryan G rantom (113); 3. Brandon Knight (95); 4. Rya n Hartley (94 ); S. Cod y Stark (81) . 80 (12·13): 1. Bryan Za cha ry (120); 2. Jose Ferna ndez (115); 3. Jona tha n Kerr (111); 4. Chase Guedry (93); 5. John Baker (88). 80 (14-16 ): 1. Ernie Phillips (127); 2. Jam es Pine (19); 3. Austin Jones ( 04 ); 4. Justin Sims (85); 5. Jacob &>d erka (83). 80 OPEN: 1. Jonat han Kerr ( 35) ; 2. Bryan Zacha ry (110); 3. Ern ie Phillip s (93); 4. Jam es Pino (88); 5. Jose Ferna ndez (79) . 125 BEG: 1. Sha wn Park er (112); 2. Mike Mou ton (112); 3. Chris Lloy d (106); 4, Kevin Simmo n' (102); 5. Kevin Lizarraga (75 ). 125 NOV: 1. Ada m Turner ( 15); 2. Glenn Herbe rt II (107); 3. Jami e Ellis (91); 4. Bria n Starnes (78); S. Joe y R,oed (76). 125 tNT : 1. Danny Kel s e y (102) ; 2. Ve rn o n McKiddie (99); 3. McA y Scheel (90); 4. Jam es Marshall (85); 5. Ch ris Ist re (60). 125 OPEN: 1. Iames Ma rshall (88); 2. Dann y Kelsey (83); 3. Ch ris Ist re (6) ; 4. Ada m Turner (67); 5. Jaso n Gad d is (67) . 250/500 BEG: 1. Kev in Sim mo ns (25); 2. Michael Elsbc ut (91); 3. Joe Lau rens (89); 4. Craig Mora n II (83); 5. Chet NO< (0). 2SO NOV: 1. Glen n H erbert II ( 17); 2. Cha nce Mil es (06); 3. Ke vin Lovell (106); 4. Sha un Rom e ro (90 ); 5. Jason Lovell (87). 250 INT: 1. McFly Scheel (124); 2. Coy Hobgood (99); 3. Tre v Fra nks (90); 4. Ra ndv Re ctor (85); 5. Da vi d Hallmark (85) . • 2SO O PEN: 1. Da vid Ha llmark (106); 2. Trey Fran ks (88); 3. Bri a n Riggan (82); 4. Eric Reed (70) ; 5. Co dy Sanders (63) . ~ WM N : 1. S noo kie Ti n n e r ma n (12 6) ; 2 . T ar yn Cov ingto n (12); 3. Elizabeth McFarland ( 06); 4. Iackl Hudson (93); S. Kath y Nielsen (6). 350/650 O PEN: 1. Justin Duvall (115); 2. Terry Dike (95); 3. Brad Smith (89); 4. Cali n Ferris (85); 5. Eric Mille (83) . 25+ NOV: 1. Jo e Tho rn to n (103 ); 2. Bill DeBa ca (103 ); 3. Ca sey For d (85); 4. Ferrel Fooshee (74 ); 5. Micha el Byrd (70). 2S+ [NT: 1. Gre g Lewi s ( 22); 2. Rand y Re ctor (111); 3. Sco tt Hei chelh eim (l OS); 4. C ra ig Co n nelly (92); S. Co rd Lee (9\) . 30+ NOV: 1. Alan Tramme ll (118); 2. Earn ie Mod e ( 14) ; 3. Mark Chris ma n ( 0 7 ); 4. Terry Dike (9 7); 5. Ferr el Fooshee (91). 30+ INT: 1. G reg Lewis (121); 2. C ra ig Co nne lly (104); 3. Ori on Turbyfill (101); 4. Dan Scheffler (89); 5. Q; Ron Wipf (88). .c dmond 35+: 1. Mich ae l Clement ( 35 ); 2. Sa m Re E (107); 3. Darwin H uckabee (89); 4. Da n Scheffler (86); 5. a> u Bubba Bardwell (78). . ~ 40+: 1. Darwin Huckabee ( 35): 2. Peyto n Treadwel1 (04).3. Steve McCombs (116); 4. Robert Port er (6); S. Lester Knight (76). ~ 47

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