Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(#121) FLY , ,~) _ ~~TY'5 ~ (#150) Vidlots Anonymous The spring '96 release lromFox tunngFoxstersMcGrnltl, Bradstlaw,Metzger, ...t&ll Henry, Dowd, WindMm, andS8l'ge Guidelly. pulling 011 incredible aerial maneuvers at places like!he Paris andAl\flheim Supercrosses, Glamis Dunes,Secret H~ Test Tracks, WMeSands Ocotillo Wells and GalOlblltlt Music . bySmgle GunTheory. Ene B. & Raklm. Sprung Monkey. SNFU, ~ ~ NoFX. andShe~er. 35mlflUles lrom Fox VIOOo. $29 .95 ~""f Brian Ma . JeffWilioh,Dou; Parsons. JeffEmlg. Mike Cinqmal'S. MicIe1tl'OSS and nj l4l, mont. Am8din Weslem AuaI1alia, 0JeensIarKl New SouthWales, VICtoria. and Soutil Australia re-;;ons. 40mirWs Irom X·FactOl. $29.95 (#134) Organ Donors \ . ~ -- Thirty explosive rideslhaIwUltakeyourbfeath away! Nemesis rollereoaster. Europe's best aerobalics teams.lsle of ManTI , IceKarling. HoIRods& more HoIdonl . n minutes flO WMeStarfDuke Video. $34 m .95 (176A) Crash Impact II • Over100Clashes & spectacular mishaps in a dozen calegories 01 rnotoI$pOrI1. 55minutes1 10m PO'Neroporl1 Villeo. $24 .95 Variety mi~ed withrnsanityISthethe of this~ideo ...Freesfyte motocross, big me wavewatereraflaction, snowmobiles blastnggiaMsnow 'dunes in Alaska,brg i " aironquads, trialsIriclIe, ammore. 40minutes byPa Solomon forFusion l Films. lromX·Factor. $29 .95 (#143) 5th Gear Pinned u g A filmbyzeroed-In Productions, feat rin DamonHuffman. MikeCraig. r, caseyLyte, Kyie LewtS, Mike CIJ'lqmars, RaySommo, RictlTaylo and l (#145) Icons and Outcasts ~:~~~~~~I:~~ ~:~K~e::;::a ' Wha ma onean iconby hiSpeEIIS.butanOIItcaSt by \fie rest 01 society? t kes Follow the topSplitteamridersin snowboarding.skatebo arding. sunlng, wakeboaldlng.BMXandlreestyle MXarOtIDd the world 8lI1hey explore the concept. F~med in thebest skatep arks,top surl spo the'98Warped ts, Tour. EastCoIlS! tour andmon!!. 40minllle; fromX·Factor. $29 .95 ~~~.' ~np, Vk:Ious Rumors, Bouncing Souls 35miBUles fromX. (#143A) Filth Gear Pinned 2 The worthy loDow up, producedby Zeroed-In Productions. Fea turesthe lateslseria in&anily ondisplay by MikeCinqmal1, Seth Enslow. Brian l Dgegan, Mike Hams MikeJones KylelOWls, Bnan Manley, Jere , , my Steinberg & KrisRourke. MlJSicby Sugaf Ray RobZombie, GUllermouth, , Jugheads Revenge, Vandals, ON! Krupps. SlIltic·X andOneH~ Wond9f. 45minutes lromX·FaclO(. $29 .95 (#142) Full Power Trip THOR Racing's benchmark t991 videO by Fusion Films, featuring Ryan radio , Hughes larry Roeselel , Jeff Emig, Taylor, Antunez, lewis, W1IJoh, Ama , Torrontelasandmore,fU rt16d in Japan Hawaii, Mexico, and down . townLA 30 minutesfromX·Faelor Video $24 . .95 CoYers: CIeanirlg the motorcycle(productsand finishes); W1Ilterizmgand slO(ag& ~ubricams, fuelsyslem, carburetor, batlefy bikefinish amstoring apparel): prepprng , . yourbike for newseason (inspecIlon andselVicing 01tiles oils fuelandslarting). , , Featuredexperts areRobDouglas ofB!SImports andJell Haynor, the series host 60 (#39) Gary Semlcs MX Techniques #5: What To Do On Race Day minutes fromDiversifiedMedia $24.95 . Bleak! down& dellCribes howto pnrpare your1le" thlough racedsy. howto locus your energies whathabits to develop so you'll be ready , 10racewhen the gate dlops.andhow 10keep your1lelf in the right tta te of mindto perfor at yourbest. 40 minules tromGarySemlcs m Video $301..95 . MOVIE S (#138) Easy Rider (#40) Gary Semics MX Technique s #6: Eliminating Arm Pump ThiS is theClassic youth himof the1960 whic rellectedthe attitudes 's h andlongings 01 aneMire generation Twomo . torcyclists(Peter.Fonds andDennis Hopper) embar\( ona coas HlH:08Bl odyssey In S881ch ofthe resswe Desrgn. 537.95 realAmenca, 94minutesfromProg Training methods& strategieslor racing wilh strength & endurance in your arms,nott aclic acid "annpump: learn how to condilion yourarmsfor motocross performance. Includes (#139) The Wild One ~~~:~:ttr~~,:cea::.:7:o~~ a;:~~r'e~: ad~~i~fs with What'sJohnnyrebelling against? "What tIaveyou gol: he ~ as an angryyoung Marlon Brande 9COI'CtleS thescreen in thispowerful'50s cun _classic. 79minu lesfromProgressive Design. $37 .95 McGrath, Hughes & Metzgerin SoCal. 21 minutes 110m Gary Semics Video $24.95 . (#140) On Any Sunday (#42) Gary Semics MX Techniques #7: All About Cornering Bruce Brown's dasse 1971 film which covers virtually every lorm01 motorcycle compelilionlromthe AMA's Grand NatonalTour1 MotDCro6ll; DesellRacingto i 0 IceRaci g; the ISOT to theWlI:lowmaker Hillclinil ; the Bonnneville SanFlats to the n .95 Elsino reGrandPrix 90minutes fromX-Feelor. $44 · Onceyou knowall the basictechniques for cornering andbraking ifs time to learn and practice the metnods and stralegies found in Techniques Video '7. Thill videowill showyouthe mosl effective ways to practice in orderto improve your comelingspeedandcontrol. Branden Jesseman is the featuled rider, also eKBmples by McGralh, Dowd. Windhamandothel1. 45 minutes from . GarySemics Video $39.95 (#140A) On Any Sunday II The lOIIOw-tq) tothe original greatest motorcycle movie 01 alllime. Close-up looks at the motorcycle starsDImemid-7O's Inc:Iufjng Bruce PenhaJ. BredLactey BobHannah, , K9l'lflY Rltlerts.and momat!he topof theirform. 90mintJleslromX·Factor Video. $29 .95 r---------------------------------------------------------------- , Order Form & PHONE ORDERS (714) 751-7433 (Please fill out co mp letely clearly) 24- urFAX LINE·Crelli! CardOrders· (714 75 ' -6~85 Ho ) Name Address _ City State Phone (- l- - o VISA o ZIP Quant ity Tape #/Descri ptio n Price per Tape Totai $ $ # # $ $ $ $ _ Order Dale # _ - Card # Signalure Please rush the following tapes: # # # $ $ _ , xp. Dale E _ Send Check or Mone Order payable to: Cycle News Products y P.O. Box 5084. Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 or call (714) 751-74 during business hours. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Pacific Siandard Time 33 24-Hour FAX (Credit Card Orders only) (714) 751-6685 Order via Cycle News Oniine - Prices subjectto change _please use current order blank All of theseVHStapes are available free of shippingand handiing charges. from Cycle News Products. Orders Not Accepted Outside the Continental U.S. L R1999 $ $ # - - ""'=.,.,.,,--=:-::-::-::-:=-=-:=,-,.:::::-::;---- (Use additional sheet if neces sary for extra tape s) - - $ $ $ - $ Subtotal CA Residents add 7-1/4% Saies Tax $ $ S (Ord ers Not Accepted Outside the Con ti nen tal U. .) US Shippi ng & Handling FREE TOTAL $ _ _ _ ~

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