Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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j Order from the "gr~atest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI (#1480) Best Bike GPs of the 80's (#141 ) Legacy F8ICIllIlIllI 1lIIl1* nco the ~ 0( 1l\lJlGPteam as1he_ Woltd Che ~·. ~Maon~ l.I'lderlhe~ofKenny Robltrls. FoIoIrtlllft'ltrom tlltilg to lIle ftnIIW:torious race. 7'5 minIftt tmm White StarNe VIcIeo. S3U5 1n . ~ wmer·takHi lolmBl.. lor the 29lh CCll'llflOJlive 'fUl', the \tlp 161iPll8dway racers kcm \tieUnrted &ales meetII Onnge ...._ _ ~=" VIDEO MAGAZINES mmUles lrom'NhlteStarlDlIk81f1deo. 534.95 DIRT TRACK Aproftle oIlhe racing w eerof Australian GP star Miclt DooIwL 65/'IJl'IUI8Ilrorn lNhJIe Star10uke Vdeo $3US . (#2277)This Is Motocross (#5901) Champion: Geoff Duke New '0 Motocrou? Here',owrytting youneed10 18t youup l«lIis popUar sport, from starmg OUlI d'lOOIing blbt & ~ wl\allund at ckJbsto O join lop action& rider~ pas! heroes andmodamsupe!Q'OII. 55 , mmul 81 lrom WIlde Starttluke Video. S34.9 5 (#182) Smooth Moves A proftIe 01the rDIg carMI' of lhe Iegenda:yGeotI Duke. 59 llWIUl8lilrom WhIl SlarlDuke Video $3U5 e . Nicol• c:harglI CI* your IClMfI tIlroIJ¢..., WOIld IN'lCl 90ITIl'IUIlII IromWhile StarUuke Video. S i 3U5 (#2105) 1997World 250cc MX Series Review Everts. TorteI& ger"toeII1eed !he• ., ltwOI9l a ~ Mrie5lhal wi keep)'OU hookedlromstartlofnilh. n:u:ilIIellCllltCCCIITWTIelUry. 9OtlinuIeI fromWtile Stan'Duke VIdIO. SJU S (#2104) 1997 World 125cc MX Series Review 1997, IN between CI'lIodIl Puzar"' 101Omel1Nlbardl!llI aaoss mud& .-ld Ilry ItCU'd the WOIId. ~ everyIOlR1 90 minLJIw In:m WhIe Slar;0ukeVIdeO. . "'-""""" Tho_._--_"" ._ ~.",. 90 lTWIUleItrom yell' ArnencIIoIt MXctol tlonots. 'f SUPERCROSS -3_ '\> (#325H) Bar to Bar ~r....ErilJ 1'MJl8I1tle" pIa - ._If'llrom~ McGfBlI\. SeeIh8b8sItBIllnfonthe le . pIanelgo"Ba11o 8aI"In1tld te'VIeWoIlhe entire 19!17 AMA ~ Series Grnl . betft-!tlHceneIloolage IfId tIltrM fIIdno. one01 tile b8sl &.oercrou S8riee: ewer! 70 nwnutattom X ·FlICttIl'. S1U 5 (#3251) Bar to Bar 2 The Ouestlor V'k:lory_.iI in yourtlce r.::ing, IlWbest riders onthe ptanet. Relive the whole1998 ~ seaaonwJlIlyourtavorile riders Mke """"'''''''''''.E ......... ''''''''"''''m ...,.w.yW..,._ _,R ..... '''Y carmichael Doug Henry and many olhelLeomiluteslromX.f lldol . 51 5 1.9 TOURINGjROAD RIDINGJCRUISING (#l 06A) 50 Vears of Daylon a 400,000enthusiasls dellcended on Day10nalor the 1991 50thanrWefsa'Y 01BikeWaek. see the "'Mal Street"& HalleyICB 110m the bIggeIlI yea ....... 60mm l M r . Ule6 pn:OJced by Panacorn lromProgr8Saive Dnign. S22.5 t (#213)The Roads of Colorado Actualtootageoll8leCled medI andpoIf'Ils olll'llereatI!woughcut Colonldo. Thill W5eo makes an Ideal toolloranyone piannIlg a rnolorcycltI tIll lhtol4l1hll Roc:lUea. 90 S 2U5 (#230) Ride America: Highway 1 CalHOITia', legendary Highway 1 is sliIIonI of tI'lI ~I c:naDengea lor 1hllstreetncIng motoccycIst. TI'Is nde takeI »'OIl fromthe GOlden Gatt Bridge l!'IrouljI aorne 01 the II'lOII II'lOev8IOped and Ieat popuIaled.reaI II CaIilomIa. Rk)Bwrth jouma/islCharl8e EV'9ritl. WorldSpaedny C!IIqion Bna PartIal and 0Ihers fromS8nFrancilooon north ltm9l1he IW1Itlea along~ 1. 60mlrUes from Polar StarrPnxiJ:liona. '"'' ) Ride America: The Million Dollar Highway (#231 A fI"Mw 01the 1990camel Pm Sones~, • SCoa Parkerand CIlnsCarr dueIeclallyea'b' lhl!IlItle.80ffWlIlleslTomMiaafl,gl.enkVIliIo.$3U 5 - (#5902) Champion: Giacamo Agostini (#2106) 1997 World 500cc MX se ries Review semg 1hIIsenes l.I'lloid. fIWlWl;...watdl WI ...... !he!llg pe. Smets. ~ IIld 1:24.95 (#1293) Postcard from Daytona "*"""who Join. . fTlllkt II-.Ihe wcrtd's bIggesl & II'lOIIcoIolIIJHogparty Cn.IM . MainStl'MllWld Daylona 8Mc:h & d\edl cd demoIbondedlies. stL.rC demos. end ~ 1ourialL.-ythIng N ~ awayltcrnthe f8Cllll'adlS durng Bib . WMII "Il6 61 ~ from W!lile 5:ZaI1DuQ Vldto. S3U5 . A pro/iIeof ItIe racI'IQ carH r 01legendary IIiUn GP chimp Gl8C8Il'IO "fbct;yGo ll8lftlute lOoneollhe lJ1I8feSl: GrandNatIonalmotorcydaf1lCIfl\j_ /I't8f WId the men who lIrt lr.:lI f.:.JQ f'8COftl5. In 1993, Ray Gfat\Im showed Ihe WCIl1d that he wasrOMd oneoIltle bell GrWld NallOMl l'a:M 01 allin'll. 38 Illl'Ut88ITomChlltBurIwPnDJcliona. $19.95 """"* Aptn. 15 rnn.IIeS trom White StarItluXo VIdBo. $3U5 (#5900) Champion: Mike Hailwood A pdIe at !tie rIUIg career olllgendlly BritIIIlc:t\IrrlliOn WikI "TheBlke"~ 60 rnnJl8I ltom WhI8 StarlDuke VIdIIo. $34.95 Rellve the wery bell oIlhe '98 AM WOfId C'~ 500 GPSMIOfl in ltia oIfoBl3-tlolM' _ . fMnna .. oIltle top ac:bon on !he lrado:, from the .., lWld onIhe bikes. II'iIl video capftns the storyollWlOlhellegendary Ooohan lMIlIlilOf1, now Ihe second mostlll.flXeIIluIGP fIC8I everbehind IIaian legendGiacomo AgoItR. 180 fTIIf'lulH lromWlVte StM/Ouke Video. SJU5 A proIIeat lhI rIdng career a111genduyPtIIReed. 70 ninules fromWIlII* StadOuU · VIN·1MGE (#1540) CUlling Edge Bikes Fonner,.. Mal 0JUfy_It'll ~ G Prnac:r... ot '904 inCUIng Yd Ooo/WI'. 5OOa: Honda. fM!rI I 2SOcc Apria, and 5akala '. 125cc!Kloly Apr6a. 72 r.-. In:m WhIIt StarJUUle Video. S3U5 . ISLE 0 f MAN n (#1704) 1998 World Superbike Series Review Three hours ollldion andseason highIqlls onand olIthe tnlck. The best ol lhl!l racing IIQUipmenl, personatilietandIrackath,oughou!lh8 , season whenDuca~ '. KingCa llFogerty once again retgned supreme. 180minutes 1 While StariOuke Video. 534.95 rom (#41) Bike Expe ience ; RacewiItI Wayne Geldnef 81you crou:h CMll'!he' twldebats oIa 2CXI mph GrandPrix Honda acluall'8Oll condrtionlll60ITllIluI9I. FromPowerspolUl Vld9o. 534 In .95 (#1490 On·Bike GP Experience ) Race with the bell riders otthe '92 GPMason as lhe paclI gve ChafIe just inches away I1'Om the camera' SuperblIOUOdII of GPblkesIl'l actionInlull s19ftlO Wllh fider voice, overs 65 minutes lromWMtI StaIIDuke Video. $34.95 . (#1576 On-Bike GP Experience 2 ) AI·action compIIallOfl01the beat1990'son-blke recordings nght 141 to !he IaIl GP 01 '96. JumpiIto Ihe hot l8 al withDoohan, CrMIIe, CadaIora. Kocnski Railey, SChwantz. tIIc. . aa Randy Mamo/a', CCIlIImentary guideI youalOl.nd al lhet8fT'lOl.8 QICUils . 751T11lUles In:mWhileStalJtluka VidIo. $3 4.95 (#1537) On-Bike Nurburgring Experience " me ctIance to"fdI "fIII ll8INIncIngGerman an:uit& leamhowthe aql9ft8do illtlen rIciIwithHemuIDaIlne onIhelastest on-bikIlapcrItile "RIn( everrecorded. 55 rrtnutn 110m WMe SUlrltluke Video. $34.15 ~\' ~ !.. (#118) Enduring Memories .... _ .. _ (#155) John Dowd - The 4th Dimension GetIheIu'low1hlllilestyleatJoMDowd. Sl'lIwt\lthe'Sf8llly"'IIld 'liltly!le'80f11101 Ihe rtlOII..aked people iJ J.OC F<*lw Oowd lor• weell at010. l..nng lWld fun• he '\ ,....... ....... .. "' .. _2U 5' ........... --,,"""'Hemy... S" IroITIMX Fhs. -" ~ l FREE RIDING & CRASHES 8Ol1IfO~ ~ !tIe 1962& 196' Encuo This W»o Aatf8le&1lOW the 0ngfnaI rwratedb:Uge ofdU8lc Jd; Pine EnliJIo, and the 1959GIMIIhom • JuO ... ,.... """",,,I,,,,,, ......""" YIdoo. $34." (#1070) History 01lh e Isle of Man TT (#1007) Agalnstlhe Odds: Jarno Saarinen The crit In made inIhe 701 whdl d'IrondId Ihesholl, 0IZZIlrIg CIIr88l' 01 oneat Ihe mosttalentedmotofcVCIe f8C9fI of aI tme. 7S flWlUIeIln:m White &anOUle VIDeo. $34.95 =.:::.'":..."=::::.::.':.'::'::=' Wood. wtloee ardM maIeriIIit ~ unsurpassed. E¥ef)' s-w race'MmII" il lMlul8d andthere islCliOl'l Jrloll9IlOm II1e very tnt fIC8I nl every~ tram 192010 1996. A:Hape COIK1ion ewryIT Ian WI. c!lenshlor yen to COII'Ill. (Part I: The Early (#1027) Mulli-Cy linder Magic MYAgustaI, 6enaIlI; & the HlJnda.6, backon the traeb 01Europe .. '95 wilhIhe men wtlO made themlamous. A1881 treat lor !heeyeaandearl' V I'" 1907 Palt 2:The ~ Yl!laf5 1947·76; Paf'l ·39; 3: From Slrenglh 10Strengrh 19n·96j. 216rrftUIlotaI. lrom WIlde StarltMl Video. SSUS 70 nWUea tn:m WhiteStantII.Me Video. 534.95 (#1602)TT Classic Magic Anostalgic celebration 01dasslc TTs9l18 and sounds. InCludes h9ll 1ghts 01 Moto Guzzj's 75thanniY ry ;athenng. the '96Claasic Parade, VUCCralbes, em cUl rreetsandooiQuI!I ~-bite camera Ioolago. as minut9l lromWhite Slar!Dl.N Video. 534.95 (#1097) 1948Isle of Man TT Probably tile first Jo MTTIilrnproduced aItet WW11 this , recenlly lllIcovered'.m won anaward'or b enlhusiastic prodUC8f sam Colli. There is no sound Olhe ltlal the l intormedcom mentaryof Glaham Walker. Features an lhe pre-race 8Clivi1ias ri1I1 UJlIo the W Il'TT\UP andGrand Parade 36minutesfromWhit SlaflO Video $3'.115 . e uke . (#1258) Classic Superprix '89 JOIn &11881. l aven Minier& M , arsha the largestgathenng 01 ex-worb GP llat bikessince the '5Oa - MV'I, Gilera, Ihe ll4'8n::harged '39 AJS V~ & Pon:upine and ' the only nJnning Honda06& Norton Cosworth! 52 minutes lromWhIt Slar!Duka t (#1055) Golden Mountain Video. 534.9S Twome morable Ha~wood yea rsononevideo. 1961 wasa wonde"u1 f9COl'd of hisstunning IT Jubilee V_debut. the 1963Se IT cast HaiIwood w. Hartle& nior Read in the IaIt glory da 01Nort n, Ma ys o lchle6s, AJ 52mlnuteslromWh StarIDuke 5..• ile Video. $34.95 , . (#1292)Daytona Classics '96: Return of the Legends Soek141 tile ~ IlavoratthebigAHRMA Monl:Ey at Davtone Irdemalional Speedway WlIh CkNlVlda.n.BMWs Ba!lle 0I1hllLegends. StoudontoeM en.orHlb Harley Iootl9l lVldmonI . IlO miml8 1rom'MIit S1an'DUIe VIdeo. $34.9!1 e (1296) Mad Sunday: The Fans' TT ·AdcIcttve", "exhiaralilg" "tlttaItItamg'. ;.at lOIN at!he reactionI.... 've tIId to lhiI , UI'llqUII8Il8I l'tlidl1etl you "ride'the kIarIome10M TTdrtull ona vanety 01 '901 matlinlIry. FUUAlIOlO& IiOecI rloctav-, stenM:l bill; 1«I1dI nl Dr . c:ommentanel. 85 nInuteIlrom Wl'Mte Star!Dulte Video. S34.95 (#10A) CruSty Demons of Dirt: 2 This sequel • loaded WlllIIwttoffl ~ ~ and aenalllS8fllly alset to a , &kataJrock 5OIJl'IdInIck. W ldCh lhIse rilIefsgoolll...Jeremy M th, Jet! EII'ig. seth cGra EreIow, Mille Metzger, Ryen Hughea. Joel Abedt. Mike ~ lr'Idmora. locatJonI ndude CalrIomia, Oregon, SouthAlnca,NamblaandMellt'O 40 mlllUltlaltom . FIeItl oundFilms. $29.95 w (#10B) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 3 The'97 l1di1ion of the !ille thaI launched alhoosandlreesty1evideoa. IfdJdeI lootaglt 01 Pesltana, Dymond, Seth Enslow HU\118I. Lawrence, M , e. , ~,Goodman, Linkogle, Dlega Rustysetzer and Bubba. all withinsanegrea1 1t1Jn18. Filmedaround n, the WOIkIlncludrJgBrazil FIoOOa andCalilomla. 35 ml ul 8 lromFleshwound F~mI . , n & I""OC) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 4 (#l "G Bless the Freaks·...Themost hign.poweradlOUt\dtfac IIV1IfbllCkIl!le'98 tdItion od k 01 the!l8ries thel started n an .exoticon-loce.lionloolagelromCos Rica Panama,Italy •• ta , , France, plus Colorado Utah LasVegas. andNewJersey 40tnIflIII8IfromFles . , , hwound F~ ma . Uw the TTII O'IW an hour at~ orKlikIandsidecar 8Clion. 80 minlnS from While Star1Dl.M VlcI&o. S34.95 (#1034) V-Four VIc10ry AI8IIllUIIyIldclr::lNe....,.~WIltlacllonlfomlll"83lJ1st«GP andHonda .... Sun*i "rnegllbb"c:haIIenge, pt,aa c:IasIlC ~ .. 01III TTCOI.WMWlIh Joey DInop. 50 rrnneborn WMe SIantluke V\cIeo. $2'9 .95 FMti.nIIor bt lIrIl:tInI . on-taeefI daIaIoggrIo. scary and!oldy ~ ·'"b'y(lUIIlIIwhyIheTT •• It8;lr.::elikltnoother. 89~ 1nlm ...". SlariNe VlcI&o. S3U!Ii ~ (#1090) Old Indians Never Die A,.,. lrut lot Indiantans. trKJng the story 01 a devoledIIfOI4l oIlncliannom and thelf bIk.. onan IfIlC rally lromthe US 10SCotlancL AlsO packed with 'IIrOf'lOIrtuI b*llaIk andnoata afChive footage . 38 minutn!Tom WhiteStar/Duk.Video. lgic (#1606) 1998 Isle of Man TT -am."'1tS"_Owr 2 Inn 01COlA\J8 WId brlMI'y. n. w CIMIf8g& Yid80 lakes .,.." Best of British : Triumph (#1086) youdownb R*llI¥eIdl awesom& Q.Ilb.camshols b 'lYe youa ~ pidure 01 fl'lICtWle8c:omng_you_ 1ao_ Otcoune k lllrolXll'lll'Mlllll tlleaaziel _ 1hI streIMpeIty . 140nft.Ies fromWhleStwJtluke VIdeo. 542.95 T , oIhgNlllll""" BrIIIIlmaloltydI t-.:ry, wGll9Rat...7S~ IP-' ~ 1lIwcR1 The... $by on.....bnWldlrom I)llIlIbPf'llrt 1rI:m....,.~V-. S3U5 (#1608) 1999 Isle of Man TT "Pure GnI" . 1M I.Dng ReYiew_Motyneux & HaIBm. ~1lih8f & l.cln;.~ , ~,Dw*lp Ifld at au. JeIIeries werellllUlg tie 1l* bIaled. lnII 0Wlf tile g..-1OIdI. etxItred on by ttloIJSanjs at liehaItt Ian&. 1401IWIIAIS from .l (#1087) Best of British : Norton NoIlon • one at the fIlOII eYOCIdIve namea~ IheI'Isloryaf BroshIIlOUtydrlg. andIhia 'IldIo" the 'IIIIde Ib'y 01tile grand mBllJIB. 75 iTft1eIfrom WIWSUlntUe VOIo. TheITlOIl memorablemomenta ol lTlll illm incWng Harteys, ~ DirlTJ'lld(, y IaI8of Man. HIcIimb 8lackwater, PmMX endmore 60 mln'lles lromPClWef'IIlO'lS , . VIcieo. S2U 5 GaryAotIIweI bnngI youthe Idtlm8tIM4l8rtlika sll.Ilt alQl9fl9f'C8 onthis"oIlJciaI" VIdeo. Packed 'd!l11lgh-apHdwheeIilla. donuta.ltoppiea andIfldudeI RoltnteII'a 1.(JMPH "SId" Recon:l fIA'I &kiting beIInd the bikeon Ilia!eel • yoUVO 9V8I' IMI9fl RoItlweI perlorm.thlsis a "must-have0lape. 30I'I'ln.IleI lromX·FacIOf. I:2U5 (#87) Team X-Treem: Vol. 1 Todd & Lori Colbert ExclIIi¥e IootageIlIa! ToddCobelfl damg wheelieI. bLnKlUs. ~ IIiliirl;. doubleIUlII ancIfTlOfe! Waldl Ilia wife L.oIi Cotleft. 1MIirsf!email pe-..merlllkler In . Ihrtworld. HokIontoyotl'hln:Ietlmforltia ~ ~ ~ I'IlOIOICyCIeSMl petiormInc:e. 30 fTifUeafromX.f8dol' S21.15 . (#89) Craig Jones: What II Takes SlI'9t out:lItheGaryRoltNreWnIish W . CoaaI Stln ~ c:or.- "'" ~ . lllLnmastet" ClWg JonBs. Achi8w1g a top WOIfd IMI nder rwUlg iJ \Rjer r.o ~ Joneshaa brouItt sportittl c:ontroI irdoa ""' li'nenIion. Wrlh ~ loatage, wild wIle*s. l.IiJeieoAtbIe 8lllppies lWld nu::tl1TIlILJClneI . !Ny • mISler 01power..:I pt8ClIIOll. 30 fTlllUlelbornX.faetor S2 5 . U (#5202) '98 European Stunt Riding Championsh ip Moet "'*'IoolIsalltl8IIl8 sporttlike Iley'rediJone "ltNmI" rD'lg: QlIta \ Trials un.. SlarlOuke Video. $34.15 (#2047) Extreme Trials with Steve Colley ACF--. Kem eam.:tIaef. CnIgJones. JImmy FirebIade, Jun1IrlllJab Sem1ac. FlOfI8 Beale. Dave Coetes andN'6f ~ 72 mrues Inlm!NIWle 5:antluke (#1088) Best of British : BSA (#120) Terrafirma Altheenclal tile 50', no ~ n III world . . aeIIIIg monI rnoIoIqcIeIthin Bruil's BSA~. T-.Ity'ye;as .... lhegianl~_OI.f ol~Q1JpIedb'f ~,,* nwngemenllVld lID. allMlslmert Thilinodepth videoIellIhe IIlhoIe Itory lrorn b ~ ll lhe amwnents /lllde ol lhe 18lh Cllll'-.yll1f'Cu1l lhe fay The0figinaIbigair IreeslyIeFox \'ideo teanmg wid antics by Doug HerIy, Ezra ll*, RobbIe Reynard. Ricfo;y Camw:t1acIl Tra Paslrana" ....... SIewaJt. .... andthe Kftg 01Aodt n' RoI . Soundtrack by~ , a-.. Alice1\ Lu:Y' FurCoet. Futurl Soln:ts at London andSouncIlot.. 35 minutes lromFOJ; VOIo. 124.9 5 yen cl WOfklITJllDt:yC:it ITIIfUl doninaIion 10the IlnalIOfIY dITlu. 70 maMellrorn , Whh SIantluke VIdeo. $34.95 (#120A) Terrafirma2 If'Cf9dbIe Ioolage 01 Jeremy McGrath, DwgHenry, Steve Lamscn. Robbte FI&ynan:l, MIks t.Ietzger, JohnOowd. Em Lusk. Ricky Carmi:haeI, Pedro'Id thelale Donny SChrm.Soundtrackby MadSeason, Faceto Face CorrosIon, . Pemywiae, and Sprung Mriey, 45 minutesbornFoxVideo. (#6) '98 Vintage Iron World Championsh ips =~~~~=~~~ro:~~~G~ D AL ~~~~f?-~~~~~::::·~~·~~ ENDURsO '&RT U ·"'''" wne to Shelhekl to delend his WOIId Cha ~ crown agansI Cobol. CoIomer, BIIbeo, Jarw . Coley and KuroylllTl& An'lIMgbikecontrot. beIanceand allTlOlpMre••.65 mlnut8lIlmm Wlvte StadDuke Video. $34.95 (#116) Geoff Aaron: Balancing Ac1 :::::=:, Anutremllriall'lideolNtlmg usTrialsheto GeotlAaron. It you"" '" hillhoWI, : talent lr'Id amamgITlllY8t 01pmtH8ionII S2~ ."." Helen Raceway. Larry' Maiers ho6lI thiscompilation 01t!'Ie weekend's highll\ttllS withVlt rviewl of k:onIUke DeCos1 Bmley, laPorte DeSoto, Aberv.1.aJIIen, e er. , anda strolldown 'memory lanelooking at 1Ileequipment 01lhe wMo:.oor1 Intense on·track aclion, IOO. le3tufing Lac Eirsledl, Moat", Stalen Holley, k&y. . Johnaon and toonl . 52minu!es 1romVllltage Iron 1:24.95 . po The worfcf's beslln actionat the 1996Shetflekl lndoorkeno TrlaI. 55mm lrom WhIte SWiOuktl Video. S34.95 ulltl (#2063) 1999 Sheffie id Arena Trial .,"', _ " " ' _............."""'"'-" onelII a llnW:imagile IlOlI nu::tl1heystep . ~ Video. S2U5 SIeveColley aIIo lull 01history and Inte . restinginlolor developing riclm. 60 minut . 1rom WhiteStarlDuke Video. S3 . 4.85 Wortd ~ Techniques aredemonstrated IIfI! explailed b'l1997 Trials dis Nations wW1nel' SlIM!Coley ncwng 1f1O.degrue , bact · w!leeI baIanl:Ing and other~arad moves. 62rmA 8I lromWhIte ~.", plII::ae:t:lrf4llllinglor~honoIt...the~at doesn~ CXI¥W II !htII perIom'lancea:. FMluring IOJl ricIlIIs S3U5 TRIAL 71!-;~ S (#2056) This Is Advanced Motorcycle $29. 5 9 (#85) Gary Rothwell: Showfime Hera )IW' dwICI to JlWI DIveRoperM'IUnd Ihe Isle 01 ManTTCIfCUit ona W8lchIeaI ', GSawIlhdthe dasIic ICUIdsand8igl'I1s onIhebig siIge. 30 mnlIea from W!lIIa Slar>'tluke VIdao, S2U5 (#5563) On-Bike TT Experience 3 .m. adVice lor beginners lrommaestftll Sammy Mit\efand Jer1lmy'McGrath. Ryan Hugl9I. Mi;e Metzgar PhI Uiwrenca.lany AoeIeIer and , more. (This.. tile oedled'" wrsion)...30mnlIes In:mFlnhwround Fhs. 121.15 (#179A) Bike Wars (#1069) Classic Racer Experience (#5559)On-Bike TT Experience 2 (#2043) This Is Motorcycle Trials The CIllgNIoul-d-<:ontrollreesfy'e wideo' Jam.pIcbd WllIlbee ~ ~ en:! Mn8Il maniIy alSllC 10 a hard ~ ~ Irlck.dM0fIII 011111 most talcecHtlotA videote1IflllStI'Ief: Seth EnsIow" 00ga ible aaatL IrlC:IuciaI don wiII'I Jell Emig, Thr~ seriel from Ihe David WoodllIChives 01 woM-eIU8 rnoIOICyde fOld racing.Volune 1:HowhAI Began & IheTT(62 minutes ; Vo/ 2: Birth ollhe GP & ) 1he.JepMeae Arriv (731lWlUl81); VoIumI3:ThI CllI'Ier 0\iwnpi0rII & Presaur8, Money al and IheNeedto Wrl (65 mnutea~ FromWhee StatiOuke VIdeo. S9U5 (#5554) On-Bike TT experience ...-.v....."'"" (#10) Crusty Demons of Dirt (#8) Castrol History of Motorcycle Racing The 0IflerIidI 01ttIlI magiC mcllOrCyC:Ie 1M1ivaI, from Plbi to t1and5,IlfeeC par1MlI. sand fIICilg. ettm n'lBel$. and 1OII 1TIOIe. 60minJl8l lromWh neSIaJ/Ou VIdeo. $34.95 ke PKked A lI'IlJIIlIlI!li!1« iItlllhe KeMy RobertsTtIi'ing ~ .. 8aIceIona. SpIn wher. hi lWld Aln:tt MMnola lb::uI:I ttIebenefila at ~ IhIi' eql8lienolon10Iheechocls partic:ilanls. 651T1RJ1es fromWhIle Slan'DuU ViaIo. DU5 ProNee: ollhe 1qI names in ItJAA Grand NalioneI DirtTta:k RD'lg. bItWId the. . . . . Ihe 9'NIhdcI.1hl!I1IgancIs n the rookies takl ilIlr shot Il lhe ONe. Prockad II W,leItunnGthe '98 teI8ClrI . Pn:IC8eds benefil the Di1 Tta:k Hal at FIfTII. 50 tnIUlIlI !romOle! EUb ProcU::IionI. 119.95 \ 1fldeo. S3 S U (#1722) 1998 Bike GP 500 ser ies Review mRlles from W!it Slar!Duke VkIeo. S2U5 e (#1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way (#184) Best 01Dirt Trackin ' (#5956) Champion: Phil Read !.!1;:~~~~-, (#1763) Route 66 l1II&flO8bIgIC PftlI1lIm takesa tr;l alOng Amenta'a beIoYed h9'Way, lromCtMc:ago 10 LosAnge'" exposlfIj) !he now '1lidOen' Amenca lIIalmodernlreeway I'idetInever .... Oiac:over whytIlete iI su:tl!lfMl intereIl in restcmgthispiece at AmIJncana. 105 (#183) Ricky Graham: The Career Vear The wrf it,..,.1Dob Inlmthllidlr's eye vihrraftUld tile "" af 1IWl...1*lody E.qle;rienceIhe wonderandbNury 01CoIorado'a MiIion 00Iat Highway inltle c:dorlesl: ..-on -golden aspenInMlI:. bbt slOesandclean cnspIt! greMyou 18 you hAct noflh onlhe 130 "* IidI IrDm Durango 10TflUG. Join aot:tr,~, Bruct PemaI, Malcc*n &Mh w~ 0aIenbch andtnends al lh8y nde a V8nlIfy 01BMW , a lI'lr'llIqllhe heeI1 01the SanJuan Mod'dainL60 mR.dn trorn Peter StarrProO.ctions. ROAD RACING Comproheflsiv' tlighllghl5 fromeachround of the'9BAMA. Nahooal EllduroSEmes. 90rninul S!rom Millennium ProductiO 124. 5 & ns. 9 Acareerprctile 01legendary British WOfkl Cf\8mpiOn speedway rac Bony Bnggs. 7S er rni'lU196lromWhrte StarlDuke Vide S34.95 o. (#5932) Champion: Mick Doohan The dolilllYe VIdeo review 0I1hll1992AlItA Na1Jon8l 125. 250 & 500MOlocross l WlIneIS lItIM reaIyhIppened !hi WhileStantI'*eVIliIIO. S3U5 minu tes'romL& Video. $29 M .95 (#250) 1998 National Enduro Series (#5950) Champion: Barry Briggs (#5904) Champion: Barry Sheene (#162C) '92 AMA Nat'l MX season Review (#2110) 1997 Motocross des Nations Aide""lttl lhe legendary Malcolm Smrtll onthe moslllller9Stlng traiIa Itlrougtl this vamsl'llng trontltlr. Includesseenes 01rIdof5'longtha beache6, lhrougtllhe BoojumandPirle Forests, across !hespectacular Baja Sierra mountain range. acroll$ dTy lake beds. and ridlnog 10 thetiP01 Bala. over 1300 mil sInall 130 e . Heldin May'99al Califo!fia's Aubum Speedway to OOtennine llle AMA Na.ionaI Speedway Clwnpionshipll. IIlCkJdes an el(Citlng HoI Rod Show segmenl andis dedicated 10the AMA ', Iale BIU Boyce. 60 minul8SlromRAZVIdeo. $39,95 A pro!jle OIlheracing ClreerotBritish GP starBanySheene 6& . Sones NafTItedby Larry' Maiers; 90 mmut.. !romPowersports Video. S . 34.15 .,.." (#214) Malcolm Smith's 6 Days of Baja S39.95 (#5903) Champion: Kenny Roberts ~~~~~~:"~er;e;u~ ~~:senny Rcberts. Fonow lhe 13 'lops onlhe 1991 AMANalional MXSeoes asMikeKllIdrowskJ duels with GuyCooper tor ltle11 pIa Irte honol'l; 250ccand 500ccactionlollow le l the dommance 01J.M. Bay16 ovor 51l1ntoo. Ward andBradsllaw. Approx. 2 houl6 , 12 ·lap8P&CkaQlJ!rom Powersports VW;teo. 542. 5 9 (#4724) 1999 Granada-Dakar Rally (#47) '99 Auburn Speedway Nationals lNtliteSlafitluk VldflO. $34.95 e From~~v==WllhlhtbM.onboetcl! SOITlllUl. The Daka RallyIsone01the lOUgl'IeSl molOflPCl'l event& IIIfhe WOIkl. r ~ors raceaaoa !he desert In cars trueka & on bbt tacking , monstrously difficlJI drMngcorOIiOna. leawr.18ll1andIcllpesand CCUl!Ies:s dangers. The '99 Flatt began ...Granada, crtlW'Ig Spain, t.Iorocco. Maurnania, Bali, Burkina F880 and Senegal. 52mnllleslrom While Stal/Ouke Video. U U 5 Sllged II Album. CA III $eplernb8r'98, lllls program COYefI lht FlMlAMA. Amencan FIMIIOdellrmlle those ridersWhowould repf8I8IlI1tle us aline WOltl FlfIlIIs. Hostedby Bna F1Int&rs, Mlk Rooney and HowieZllChne 60mll'l ute& lromRAZ VIdeo. . r. Gel)'OUr II'lQIf18I hlfldI4J asyoulUlwllh_ lINIOR01spectacuIIIr aetion, From ~ i Seca to ColoradoSPrir91 to !he amazing round at SearsPoint See incredIbIt footage D r eachroundas Ma Mludn, MIguelDuha l mellll1dDoug Cllllndlef baltle Iorsupremacy. AU !he actionis herein thiscomprehensive 1997 revi9w. 48ml ul96lrom n (#162B) '91 AMA Nat'l MX Season Review _ (#46) '98 American Speedway Finals (#1916 1997 AMA SUperbike series Review ) Roger DeCoIlel 0II8eCI8 tome 01 the grealesl MXballles Axton '00w/Coopef VI. : Kiedrowski; Budd's Creek '90 wlStanlon w. Ward;Mt Morri '91w!SlantonVI s Bradshaw; Millville '91wiBraasnaw 'II. Bayle WalhOugsl '92wlSwinkva Emig. ; Additional1iol SIIots"locua onlechniques lor liotta, passing andsomespectaculal C hos. Narrallon by lany Maiol'S; 60 mit1\lloS110m Powersporls Video $33.95 llL'l . RlQln trom 13 amtn8B face d\aIIfII'lgwlg tellS nlhe ,.ngllle and mcu'IIall'II(II Ptru. us' VidIo. $34.15 IIldoo. "'"" (#1798) Incas Rally rJ'7r.r.I~....... Tllt1Y CIwIloncaIIlhe Idion from!he lamDUlldrilO- FflIIIIreIIhe belt In the 110 mR.Ites !romRAZVideo. S29.95 HelNIy be goneltom!he ac:ene - bUtthIre's no"'Y youcan!orgelhlm Het1!', Kng l Kevin on IQ way towinningI1lS hrstWorld Cl\ampionsI'lIp, ..." muaic !romQueen. brbn1 1'1C8 action . nd rmn-ttl oft·trackfootaoe. 80 minu1es!romWhil SllriOuke e (#12) Dirt Devils M tIlICapll video lar1Marrnct\Ii' cn.ner ~..lOIn . ~ bIn:l 01y.".. Idvenl\nlw fortnasIic all",*, )cuneyI ~ ~ Austr-..l/IatI'. UorunIIIt Vally . and Pansto (;apelown. 90 mnuIM !romWhQ Star.tlL*e VI08o. $34.115 Colnv F~ in Costa Uesa. CaMomiI. Bna FIandMlWICl (#1521) Schwantz: World Champion 1993 Gary5emicshas put togelherItle aoryat rnolocfo8I' earlydays. highllghbng 52 years01 European and AmefiCan racIlg. From Ih8daY' wh8n BntistI dinosaurs n*

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