Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Buy a gift subscription to Cycle News and you get the rDJ ~-y--r1/1fJI U """""""';i:J ) r-r-r( 2000 Cale dar of Cham io s with a subscription to Cycle News. This latest edition of our popular calendar features lu ll colo r photographs of 13 1999 motorcycle racing champions In action. Each day gives you plenty of room to jot down your plans for the week and weekend. And, this calendar Is only available through this promotion • it is not for sale anywhere. Call toll flee -831-2220 Call now and you 'll get FREE Cycle News st ickers! YES! I'll buy a gift subscription to CYCLE NEWS and take a 2000 rQ--~~~~':~~Calen_~a!;~f_~~~,,!::~ G:::dG: I I I I IJ This is a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL (j)J:'ll J(!J!J1Ji.:.lj ss: li CYClE NEWSSUBSCRIPTION/ORDER FORM 2000 Calendar of Champions IJ This is a NEW SUBSCRIPTION for me Fill Out And Mail Today. Calenda rs Mailed starting in December '99. IJ This is MY SUBSC RIPTION RENEWAL .EQB: "" ... _ _ blI"" CALENDAR INFORMAUON IJ ONE YEAR (50 issues) • • • • •• • • . , " •••••• $42 .00 IJ 6 MONTHS (25 issues) , . ... . . . •. •• • ••• • • • • . .. . . .• .• .. . • • $22 .00 Nam e = : : : c ; - - - - -- - I _ ..... - "V) - - - - - - - -- Address _ IJ ONE YEAR (50 issues, foreign delivery) ... . .. • •• • • •• • • • • • • •• $86.00 Cily 2nd class, Canada or Mexico and all other countries (payable in U.S. Funds) (First class and airmai l rates available upon request.) Phone number ( PAYMENT METHOD: Exp . Date _ ~ _ . _ Zip _ Order Date _ _ _ (please print clea rly) _ Signature _ Address _ Cily -----'.Stat e Zip Please sign g ift card: only . Oft.r QOOd while auppl iea Iaat) Mail to: · CYCLE _ Name .- :-.---:-:- . IJ Charge Number (Paid _ Send the~to: IJ SEND ME A BILL IJ _ GIFT SUBSCRIPUON IJ ACCEPT MY PAYMENT ENCLOSED (check or money order please) IJ CHARGE MY Slate _ - _ NEWS, INC.' P.O. Box 5084' Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084' Order by Phone (BOO) 831·2220 or FAX (714) 751-9685 - _ --- - I I I I

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