Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Multi-Line Mechanic W anted #1 Dealership, 25 years, same owner/manager has an immediate opening. Top pay & benefits . salary and c omm ission fo r experienced - A & SMechanics . Wo rk on all Japanese bik es . Fax (94 9)64 5-3251 AMention Vic. Ca ll (949) 646·2428. Ora nge County Suzu ki. Cos1a Mesa, CA Legislative Affairs Specialist America 's oldest motorcycle enthusiast organization representing over 240 ,000 memb ers is seeking a bright, innovative and assertive indit.:idual to join the government relations staff in our national office. The position focuses primarily on state legislative and regUlatory issues, servicing membersh ip and issues management. Experience with Land Management Agencies and Resource issues, a pius. Motorcycling experience a plus but not mandatory. Candidates must have a bache lor's degree, strong writing and verbal comm unications skills, be able to travel and willing to relocate to our office near Columbus, OH. Send resum e, writing sam ple and cover letter to: A meri c an M otorcyclist A ss oc ia t io n , Hu ma n Resou rces Oirector·GRD , 13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington , OH 431 47. No phone calls, please. An Eq ual Opportunity Employer . OH Wanted: Aw esome moto rcycl e! wat ercr aft tec hni cian fo r Honda, Yamaha , Duc ati, and SeaD oo dealership . Excell ent pay and benefits for the right techn ician . Contact The Brot hers. (360 ) 479- 6943 . Fax (36 0) 373-4195 . WA Area Manager 2.9 5 26 Call for Special FREE Y2K Catalog Offer 4 8 Color Pages of the Best Motorcycle Graphics in the Industry -~ . Checldlats • Full "s.tured, Infrared " ....ion now shipping! 800-866-0709 -P!>ort to ano lhltl Ch8clcMlIl. lot ,~"' progIatn trans'er"'" l * g8ch Pl'ogrWTl enOl Cf'e(:tl " EM.. chedr ,nelle_lOt - De8tWlf'l5eft. nes . St1ows•• POSS .bIts , m ole ~ - Lap 1""_ . ~ 1. $h8s when VOu~ ••arty . RugglKl S,"l W"t5(lr -seee X :=:';t)t~and rues ~;.a;:.~~r d 24922 Anza D r ive. U n it D Valenci a. CA 9 1355 . USA Fox 66 1 255.1253 . ",1oCh. ml,Ch mOle · ,A utcC a l Tech (504) 882·3107 FAA (504)882·7700 WWW It Oroc mg com Based in the Southern California area. This positio n is responsible for the day·to-day ineraction with au dealer group and includes the wholesale sales of motorcycl es, accessories and mercha ndise. Ideally the candidate will have worked successfully in the sales department of a motorcycle dealershi p for a minimum of three years. This position requires that the cand idat e be ab le to wo rk inde pen dently , be w ell organized , an excellent com municator and posse ss strong computer skills. To apply for an interview, please forward your resume to Triumph M ot orcy cle s Am erica ltd., Hum an Resou rc e Department, 403 Divid end Drive, Peachtree City . GA 30269 . F AX (77 0) 631 -640 1. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE . Tri um ph Mo torcyc les otters competitiv e wage and ben efit prog ram, inc ludin 401 (I<) and hea lth/dental ins urance . EOE . CA BMW's #1 Service Dept Seeks Certif ied or Ma ster T ech . Clean , w ell- lit wor env ironment w/ sta te -o f- the -art equi p me nt , ai extraction, Lig htsp eed se rvice mgm t. system, dedicated Pa rt s Spec ial ist for tech needs . Hig efficiency shop, exc ell ent benefits and work in conditions. Pay commensurate with certification an ex perience, wou ld tr ai n ta lented app licant wit automotive experience. 5 years riding experienc and a clean driv ing record required. Contact EI Ohlhausen, Service Manager, clo California BM Tri umph, 2490 Old Middl efie ld Way, Mounta in View CA 94043 I e- mail Service (650) 966 ·1183. CA Merchandise BuyerlPlanner Cycle Gear, America's fastest growing motorcycl parts and accessories retail chain has an immediat openi ng for a merchand ise buyer/planner in ou corporate headqu art ers in Ben icia. Co mpetitiv sa la ry , D .O .E . We offe r an exce llen t bene fit pack a ge , in clud in g FREE c om pa ny stoc k, pa i vacations, and morel Fax resume to Ron Ogata a (707) 747-626 2. CA BMVVF&50 Performance Parts Exluust systems, high compression pistons, cams, valve ~ _tuned carbs. air fDIers. Ignldon advancers. Career Opportunities Ron Wood 755 W17~ St,10 COl1O Meso.CA92627 Racing P roducts (949) 645·0393 See the Product & Subscription Order Fonn in the back of this paper. FEATHERLITE TRAI LERS Co li 800 ·800- I 2 30 to r your nearest d eQ l ;ler V ~ ~ I/IIAICO ~~FirJorV~ NORTHWEST MAICO & CZ 'Vintage Ra c ing Specialists' c.... Large hventory • Accessories - VIntage to ent New UsecIMo'OIC)'de$ Parts- Buy • $ell • TIOde ~7 Glenwood Dr.. Benet OR 9nr:t2 '* 5.e. '* L - - - - (541) 389 -6112 - - - --' S pee l. 1 Z ero D r ag pla stic Is f ormula t ed to - W EAR UKE STEEL BUT LUBE U KE OIL -. Torture ' ested by ' 99 Nat ional Enduro c hampion TV DAVIS. Conalst s of Swtngarm ch ain s lid er. Hi--apeed Rollers , & t rick new Rear chai n q uide/pro-tector. Fits 95-00 VZ/WR 125-426. 1..:1 yea r w arranty & I. alao ava il abl e fo r CR , KX. RM & moat ATVa. PO Box 355-- Phoenix, OR 97535. (541) 535--' 61 2 I Tell them y ou saw it Cycle News I ~ ~ GO .0 E GO U GO C TOO TECH Suspension Since 1982' SUSPENSION Custom- Tuned Guaranteed MXlSX Off·Road Performance o All Models·ServicelRevalving •Parts InSt ck REASONABLE PRICES ' RICKJOHNSON 19333 Sturgess Dr. ~ Torrance, CA 90503 62 ~-310-371-3887---~ TIE _ CHOICE IN TEAM APPIIIEL .,....,j~~\(626) 258-9 000 -.z. I W1IW.v......~ (/l Grand PrIx _ . . IppareI & Accessories .--......,.r-.1!:i'I . .. ~ Cycle Gear, America's largest chain of motorcycl accessory stores, is on the grow again. We are a employee owned company and we have new store opening in San J ose , CA , Fresno. CA and La Ve gas , NV . Opportun it ies e xist for St or Man a~e ment , Sales As soc ia tes , and Servic Technician s in th ese locations an d throughou Northern CA. We offer an excellent compensatio and benefits package, including FREE compan stock, comprehens ive training , and a definite caree pa th . Please call our job hoUine at (707)747·5 x55 or fax a resum e to (707)747-6262 Attn : Skip . Technicians De alership loo king for experienced tech . Top pa and be nefits, New modem shop , latest equipment Send resum e: fax (4 19) 522·2287, phone (4 19 524- 2222. OH Ducati Parts, Access. Specialist Ouca ti Bev erl y Hill s is loo king for an ext re mel knowle dg e able specia list in Oucati OEM parts Ducati Performance Parts & Accessories and Duca Appar el with at least 3 years experience in simila pos ition. Call George at (3 10)360-09 16 CA Technician & Parts SalesPerson Estab lished Hon da Yamah a dealer in Sa Franci sco is of indivi duals with deale backg round . Call Gr eg at Mach 1 Motorsport (707)643 ·2548. CA ServiceTech - Orlando, FI. Established multi-line dealership needs mechani experienced with motorcyc les and PWC. Full tim position . Excellent pay and benefits . Fax informatio (407)695-4731 or call Mitch (407 )695-4900. ServiceTechnician-Helper Provided Experienced mechanic needed for bus y shop Your own junior tech to help maximize your outpu Year round work and excellent pay ava ilable in bot Salem and Eugene . Clean , new facilities . Movin assi stance available. Fax Dave at (503)463-6496 call (503)390-9000. OR

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