Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 C: 1. Rick Bamt.'S (Hen): 2. Jdm ie Tri pl l-tt (Ho nl; 3. ja so n Conditf (Yam ); 4. Nathan Buskir k (Hon ); S. Craif; Ratai (Yam) . O rEN: 1. Broc k Chand k'T (K.Jwl. 2·STRK B: 1. Scot t Weppkr ( Hon); 2. Robert McC abe- (Ya m ); 3. Nt"olol Ad.lm.~ (Hvn); 4. Lowell Byen (Ha n); S. Wol~ Ped erson (Left) Richard Sheriff (4) leads eventual class winner Jase Lew is (722) In the fi nal soee (12-15) moto. Lewis also won the aGcc (12-13) co ntes t at the 11th rou nd of the 11th ann ual AMA Georg ia Champ io nsh ip MX Series at Bremen MX. (Right) Micha el Harasmi sz wo n th e Vintag e Exh ibition race at Hunt Moto Park In New Yor k. ». Ill.. Al" 4--STRK B: 1. Gn'S Fi-.hL'T {Hen}; 2. Aaron Slmshoff Bowlden (Cub ); 3. Wi lllOtl (Cob); 4. Taylor Johnson ( KTM> ; S. Patrick Kelley (Cob). . ); 60 (7..-9): 1. J.J Mak'5kr CKTM 2.. J~ Van Patten (Kaw ); 3. Dou gl as 8.U 1~ ( KTIII ); 4. Erica H y att (Kaw); 5. D.l Wi echman (Kaw). 60 nO- HI: 1. Matt reida le (Ka w l; 2. Keeg a n Ked (K.awl: 3. O.n ny Lu tt r t"1I (Ka w ): 4. J ~ph Hoyt ( Ka w); 5. W n Th a cker (Kaw). 60/80 PREl"EE.:'l (7· 11): 1. Brett It-'t'' (Yam); 2. ChrUtian Gibnry (! (Ya m l; 3 . R. \ Thom.ts ( K"TM); 4. Sto lA.<:roy (Suz ); 5. Dani el Hi tchrod u an (Yam). 25+: 1. Tom my Ma rtin (Suz); 2. Sal Urga rt e (Yam ); 3. KPVin Cozadd (Ya m ); 4. Mike c.u re tt

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