Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 09 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bill' s Pipes is n o w accepting racer resu mes.for th e 2000 racing season . Bill's Pipes is interested in offering .su Pport to motocro ss and all other forms of off-road racers. Resumes w ill be accepted from Se ptem ber throu gh Novembe r and ca n be sen t to Bill ' s Pipes , Rid er Support, 226 N orth Maple Str eet , Corona , CA 91720. Fass t Co m p a ny is n o w a cceptin g resumes for the 2000 racing season . Sup.i po rt for motocross a nd all form s of offroad racing is offered . Resumes can be ; sent to Fasst Company, Rider Su p po rt, 25 Savona Walk, Long Bea ch, CA 90803 betwee n the mo n th s of Sep tember and November. Th e AMA ha s taken a ma jor step to in cr ea se it s influ ence on in tern a tio nal d ecis io ns governing motorcyclis ts. In I August, the AMA ap plied to es tab lish a consultative relationship with the United Na tion 's Economic and Socia l Council. If the applica tion is approved , the AMA will be formally recognized by the U.N . to provide expertise on motorcycle-rela ted iss u es . The Economic and Social Co uncil, under the a utho rity of th e U.N . Gen eral Assembly, promotes sol utions fo r interna tio nal eco nom ic, soci a l a nd heal th pro b lems , a mo ng o ther responsibilities. Th e application is a natural extension of the AMA's longtim e invo lvement in global issues affecting motorcycli ng . AMA Executive Vice President Robert Rasor serves as president of the FlM 's Commission on Mobility, Tr ansport, Public Policy and Road Saf et y . Through th at involvement, th e AMA he lped organize th e first in ternational motorcycle riders public policy . co n fere nce in 1997 a nd a sec o nd su ch ' 1 event scheduled for October of this year. , Final approval of the AMA' s application to the U.N. ma y tak e se veral mo nths. J ; , ;' , . ~ I ; , - Th e Bu r e au of Land M a nagemen t (BLM) announced that it will ex pa nd its Re cr ea tion Fee Pro gram a t Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area in so u theast Cali fornia, to inclu de all cam ping areas, except the Mammot h Wash area. Und er the recr eation fee p rog ram, visitors are charged $10 for a weekly recreati on user fee or $30 for a seas o na l pass for th eir primary veh icle. Visit ors m ay purcha se a t se lf-pay s ta tion s that are lo cate d a t a ll campgrounds w ithin Imperial Dunes as w ell as Glamis Flat s an d th e Cahuilla Ran ger Sta tio n . Th e pa y s tations will accept cash, cred it or debit cards. All fund s will go to ma intain the Railroad Wa sh Road at the facilit y 's ea stern b ound ary . Additi on al mon ey ha s been allocated to cons truct a new ca m pi ng pad alo ng Ge cko Road . For more informa tion on the recreation fee program, contact the BLM EI Centro field office a t 760 /337-4400 o r on th e Web at www.glamisonline.or g /trt. PortugallSDE: Finland leads after da one Th e offer of a free membersh ip in th e AMA with th e p u rc hase of a p air of D un lop CruiseMax motorcycle tires has been extended , a ccordin g to Dunlo p Tire' s nationa l mot orcycl e tire s a les manage r Mike Buckley. In making th e a n n o u n cem en t, Buckley sa id that th e coo pera tive Dunlop / AM A prom otion orig inally sched uled to run fro m May 1 through August 31, 1999, has been so well-received that the com pany w anted to make certain ev eryone interested in taking advantage o f th e opportunity had time to d o so , by co n ti n ui ng th e offer th ro ug h September 30, 1999. he first da y (Monday, September 13) of the 74th International Six-Day Enduro in Coimbra, Portugal, is now over. Just as this issue went to press, some of the day's results started trickling in to our office. In the Trophy di vision, the defending champion, Team Finland, has taken the early lead , follow ed by Ital y, Sweden, France, and the Czech Republic. The United States Trophy team, made up of Ty Davis, Randy Hawkins, Pat and Brian Garrahan, Russ Pearson, and Des try Abbott, is currently ninth. In the Junior World division, Spain is leading, followed by Italy, Portugal, France, and Sweden . Th e Ll.S, team - Oay Boreing, Brian Brown, Nathan Knight and Craig Wesner - is 10th . Already nine riders from the Ll.S, have failed to finish out the first day, but none wer e forced out by major injuries . Th ese rid ers include Junior World rid ers Wesner and Nathan Knight, Jo hn Burgard, Blake Plonsk y, Mike Monroe, Matt Stavish, Brian Sperle, Steve Silvestri, and Ma rk Adkins. Finland's Mika Ahola is unofficially leading in the ind ivid ual results after topping all but two of the day's special tests. The trail conditions in Portugal the first da y are reported to be very difficult. Tough hillclimbs have claimed many rid ers, and much of th e trail has been dry, dusty and rock y. It appears, according to our ISDE correspondent Paul Clipper, that the organizing clu b js dedicated to thinning ou t the ranks, which they seem to be doing very effectively. T America n Su zuki want s to remind Suzuki RM own er s that the RM Cu p will be played o ut September 18-19 at Las Vegas Mo tor Speedwa y in La s Vegas, Nevada . Suzuki Sports will be on ha nd to p ro v id e tec h nica l and e mergency parts su p port for all participants a nd pro vid e lu nch fo r a ll racer s at th e awa rds ceremony on Sunday. More than $102,000 in cash a nd contingencies will be u p for g rabs. For m ore info rmation, contact Jason Simmons at 714/996-7040, ext. 309. racer J ay Hey ing , who was severely burned in an aircraft crash. Moto-X Wes t is sponsoring the race to be held in Fernley, Nevada. For mo re information, call 775/423-8226. Kawasaki's Ricky Carmichael will race a 250cc Kawasaki in the 23rd Annual Kawasaki Mo tocro ss Race of Champio ns at Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey, October 2-3. Pre-entry for the race is now open. For mo re information, call 732/446-7800. Joh nWiman, 71, of Morristown, New Jersey, died on Au g ust 31 after a long battl e with cancer. Wiman w as o ne of the found er s of the vintage mot orcycl e moveme nt in the northeast, racing a Seeley G -50 a nd ex- works BSA Triple in WERA, USCRA and AHRMA even ts . W iman is surv iv ed by hi s tw o sons, John Jr. and Eric; daughter, Alex Cafaro, and four grandc hild re n. The Donnie Hansen Motocross Academy will ho ld four sessions in Californian this fall. Schools are currently scheduled fo r September 24 at Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, California; O ctober 1-2 a t Ri verfront Park in Marysvill e, California; and December 45 at Hollist er Hill s in Hollister, California. Ch ap arral M o tors ports will be holding its 13th annual parking lot sa le on Saturd ay, October 2, at its fa cility in Sa n Bernardin o, Ca li fo rn ia . Th ere w ill be ove r 48 vendo r booths. For more information, call 909 / 889-2761. O ff-road racing legend Larry Roeseler w on th e T r o p hy-Tr u ck clas s a t th e SCO RE Las Veg as Primm 300 on September 11. Ro e s eler drove a Team MacPh erson Chevrolet C-l500. The Cal- Expo Vintage Mile, Bike Show and Swa p m ee t w ill take p la ce a t th e Sa cram ento St a te Fai rou nd s in Sacra mento, C a li fo rnia , September 18-1 9, highlighted by the running of th e Sacra. mento M il e on Saturday, Sep tember 18. For m ore information, ca ll 66 1 / 2680105. Victory Mo to rcycles has announced its plans to begin sell ing motorcycles in Canada in the Spring of 2000. "We are v ery p le a sed with the grow th and p rogress of our d ealer network nationwide," said Matt Parks, general rna nag - A be n efit motocr oss will b e he ld o n O ctober 17 for m otocro s s and d es ert er of Victory. "Coming off the s trong dealer meeting last month, we're convinced that gaining a firm foothold in Canada is another step in t he right direction for ou r company." NAMED: By W I" Suspension US A, as distributors of W P Suspension parts . prod u cts and service: White Brothers Performan ce Products, J and M Racing P rod ucts. Marie tt a Motors ports , Lindemann Engi neering, Works Enduro Rid CT and Factory Connection . For sa les a nd service of WP p roduct s , con tact th ese di st r ib u tors directly or see you r local dea ler. MO VED: AGV Inc. to P.O. Box 489. Buck eystown, MD 21717. BORN: Braden Austin Sanford, to former off-roa d fo~ Oa kley, 0 Fear, One Ind us tri es , Accrb ts. and Xtre me's Darren Sanford race... and cu rrent sa les fl." a nd h is 'wi fe. Shelley. o n A ugust 28, in Sa n Diego, California . BORN: Adrianna Leslie Folks. to off-road racer Bryan Folks and his wife. Sa ra. on AugtL<>t 23 in Las Vega s. N evada . OPENED: Moses Lake Yamaha Kawasaki's home pa ge on th e World Wid e Web . Th e site ca n be found a t th e following ad dress: h tt p :/ /ww w .mlpower-. sports.rom. BORN: Irel and Jad e Hawk, to GNCC rid e Barry r Hawk a nd his wi fe. Kristen, in Smithfield. Pennsy lva nia, on Septe mber 6. CORREcnON: In his Final Mot o col umn in issue #35. Chris Jon num mistook the yea r Jcff Emig won his first 1250c National Championship. It was 1992. c:. 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