Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 09 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the Wind Dougi e Lampkin (Beta) wo n the final tw o ro u nd s of th e FIM Wo rld Tri al s Cha mpions hip in Lava ron e, Italy, Septemb e r 11-12 . La mp kin, w ho had alrea dy locked u p th e titl e, his th ird , was th e to p rid e r both days in Ita ly . French rider Bruno Camo zzi (G-G) was the ru nner-up after tlie first da y of compe tition. He was followe d by Ja panese rid e r Takahi sa Fujinama (Hon). O n Sun da y, Grea t Britain's Graham Jarvis (BuD and Spain's Albert Cabestany (GG) finished second and third, respectively. Lamp kin fi ni s hed o u t th e se as o n wi th 392 points (ou t of a possible 400 points), followe d by Fu jinam i wit h 277 points, Spaniard Marc Colome r w ith 243 points, and Jarvis with 219. Team Suzuk i rid ers Terry Rymer and J e h a n d'Orgei x w o n th e Wo rld End ura nce Championshi p wit h a victory in the final rou nd of the series - the Bol d 'Or event at Circu it Pau l Ricard in the so u th of Fran ce, Sep tembe r 11-12. Rym er and d 'Orgeix ende d the season o n eq ua l p oints a fte r th e fou r-rou nd seri e s, a nd w e re join e d by co -r ider Christian Laville in winning th e Bol d'Or, Davi d Wa tson (H on) earned the 800cc class w in while Paul Pinsonnault (Hon) wo n the 540cc class d uri ng rou nd nine o f th e AMA N a tiona l Cha mpionship Hill climb Series a t the Bushkill Valley M.e. Clubgrou nd s in Steel City, Pennsylvania, on Sep tembe r 12. Watson was joined on the 800cc victory podi um by r u nn er-u p James Large (H -D) a n d th ir d -placed Lou Gerencer Jr. (H -D)' Last week' s 540cc win ner, Ted Wilkins (Rtx), wa s second to Pinsonnault a t the event , while Chad Disbennett (Tri) was third . Ke lly Smith (KTM ) wa s the ope ni ng ro un d wi n n e r o f the A MA Ball z ee l Husqvarna Eastern Four-Strok e National MX Series at Budds Creek MX Park in Bud ds Creek, Maryland, on Sep tember 12. Taki ng ru nner-up hon ors was Barry Carsten, followed by Robb ie Ho rton. In an all-Canada Top Fuel final, Warren Hill (H-D) defe ated Ron Hounie (H-D) for the class w in in the AHDRA Northwest Na tional s at Woodburn Dra gstri p on September 12. Hill tripped the lights wit h a time of 7.156 seconds and a top speed of 190.47 mph - abou t .2 of a second better th an Hounie - to claim h is first major AH DRA win. Johnn y Campbell, Torsten Bostrom, Jimmy Lewis a nd Drey D irks (He n) team ed up to wi n th e In a u gural 24 Hours of Glen Helen in San Bernardino, Ca liforn ia . The ra ce, wh ich sta rted a t noon on Sep tember 11, took riders over a 10-mile cou rse for 24 hours of nonstop racing. The winning team completed 85 laps of the motocross I deser t track on a Hon d a XR600. Coming in seco nd was th e te am of Dave Onda s , Rich Barker, Chris Barker and Shane Esposito (Ka w) , foll o w ed b y Jeff Willoh , Dustin Evans, Tod Sciacqua and Bill Sauro (Hon), Rex Fisher (Rtx) wo n the 600cc Expert class at th e An d y Tr esser / Ricky Graham Memorial Oregon State Dirt Track Champio ns hi ps at Mad ra s Speedway in Ma d ra s, Oregon , on September 11. J.P . Simonsen (Rtx) was second with Ryan Anderson (Rtx) third . Kurt Hawk (ATK) w on th e 600cc Pro-Sport class, while Bryan McGonical and Eric Beers were seco nd a nd third, resp ectively. Steve Martin (Due) dom inated the final r o und of th e Au stralian Su pe rbi ke Championship at Eastern Creek on September 12, cla imi ng h is a nd Ducati' s fir st -e ve r Aus tra lia n Su perb ike title . Martin won both legs of the race to take th e t it le . In A u s tr a lian Su p er sp o r t Championsh ip action , the title we n t to Andrew Pill (Kaw), Mike LaRocco (Hon) scored the win at the Manchester Supercross in Manches ter, England, on Sep tember 11. laRocco took the win ahead of fellow Americans Jimmy Bullon (Yam) and Mike Brown (Ho n). Travis Past rana took home $18,000 for winning the Freestyle Motocross portion ot this far How the Y oshim ura Suzuki 's Mat Mladin leads Vance & Hin es Ducati ' s Ben Bostrom by Just eight poin ts head ing in to this weekend 's series finale at Pikes Peak Raceway in Fountai n Colorado. And Bostro m's team ma te Ant hony Gobert is just anothe r 10 poi nts behind after 11 of 12 roun ds. Got it? That's Mladin (333), Bostrom (325) and Gobert (315) with just one race to go. The follow ing graph illustrates the kind of consistency it takes to make a run at the AMA /M BNA Superbike National Champions hip. On to Colorado, shall we... .. I: ; ~ III ~ lii Q '" '" '" N N G; ..c E is. III I: 0 So 1II c::I Ie 'is III Cl .II: Ill. '0 J :! i . Ill. III Ill ' III en u .. en III III III III I: :::I III 1II ... III ! III u I: ';: lIZ lIZ 'II 1II 0 = III i III 'II III 0 I: II: II: E 'II 1II Cl II: 0 'II :iii , = ... i I: 0 :::I 0 'II . 'Ii . 'II III I: III 1 2 3 4 2 lread y close to legend ar y in the off-roa d wo rld (des p ite a fe w d o wn y ea rs lat el y ), Husq va rn a is pl annin g to hit th e tarm ac in 2000, offering their famed 610cc four-stroke in du al-sp ort and Su pe rmota rd ve rsions. Th e d u als po r t m od el s h o w n h e r e, p h o tographed by European corresp ondent Andrew Clubb, is similar, but not iden tica l to th e ve rsion to be brought int o the U'S. For example, there are no plan s to use the somewhat odd , fend er-moun ted luggage caps ule Stateside. Dual-sport bikes are not completely new for the Italian company, as bu yers in Europe were offe red a similar mod el in '99. U 'S, bu yers, howev er, were forced to convert off-road mode ls, as the bike wa s never hom ologated on this side of the Atlantic. California residents may still be ou t of luck, as Husky is not su re if it will a ttempt to meet the strict CARB standards . The Sup ermotard bike will be very similar to the dua l-spo rt package, wit h just a few significant differences, such as sma ller wheels and different tires. of the Gra vity Ga mes, held in Pro vid ence, Rhod e Islan d, on Sep tember 12. Pa s trana topp ed Brian·Deegan a n d Carey Hart. Pastra na a lso team ed u p w ith Kenn y Bart ram to w in th e Team Freestyle event. Last week we reported that Joh n Dowd a n d Larry Ward h ad , u n offi ciall y , signed with Tea m Kawasaki. Well, it's offici a l now. Ac co r d ing to a pre ss release from Kawasaki, bot h 34-year-old Dowd a nd 29-ye ar-old War d will join 19-y ear-old Rick y Car m ich ae l (w h o turn s 20 in No v e m b e r) t o m a k e up Kawa sak i's 2000 250cc MX team . "We' re looking for Dowd and Ward to provid e th e ve tera n lead e rship to h elp Tea m Kawa saki be co m e a co ns is te n t co ntend er for race wins and cha mp ionships du ring the 2000 season," said team man ager Bruce Stjern strom, Speaking of K aw asa ki, Mitch Payton 's SplitFirel1-S00-COLLECT/Pro Circuit team will, once again, be responsible for Kawasa ki's 125cc race effort. The tea m will be mad e up of five rid ers: Na than Ramsey, Nick Wey, Shae Ben tley, Billy Payne, and Tallon Vohland . A medical fund has alread y been established to aid Gra nd Na tiona l dirt track racer Toby Jorgensen. 17, of Stoc kton, Califo rnia, w h o receive d near-f ata l injur ies in a crash at the Dallas Mile on Sep tember 11 (see Cycle Neuis ' cove rage of the event on pa ge 14). As of 5 p.m. Mond ay, Sep tembe r 13, Jorgensen was still fighting for his life in the intensive care u nit at Parkl an d Memorial Hospital in Da llas. He is listed in critical cond it io n . Donations ca n be s e n t to th e Mokel u mn e Fed eral Cred it Unio n, clo Toby Jorgensen, r.o. Box 1717, Lodi, CA 95241. Card s an d let ters can be sent to Jorgensen 's home, 5031 E. Palmer Ave., · Stockton, CA 95125. Th e Checkpoin t M.C.'s Bad Mo un tain En du ro, scheduled for September 19 in Ca lifornia 's San Berna rdino Fores t, has been postponed and rel ocat ed due to forest fires in the area. The new da te and location have not yet been set, but there wi ll be a trail main ten ance d av a t the origi na l loca tio n on th e origi na l d at e. Fo r mo re informa tion, ca II 909 /338 0311. The Los Ancia nos M.e. will again host the Tecate Hare Scrambl es race near Tecate, Baja Californ ia, Mexico, on January 16. The race w ill be using East Coas t "GNCC-style" for ma t in two- and threehour races. For more informati on, call Jerry DeBerry 619/28 1-1400 (day) o r Greg Reynolds 619/561-0431 (night). 5 6 7 a 9 10 '" '" Ul Hus ·varna oes on-road A Mladin [333 pts) Gobert [315 pts) An swer is cu r re ntly acce p ting rid er resumes for the 2000 season. Resu mes can be sen t to Answer, e/ » rider support d ep artm en t, 2102 1 So leda d Ca nyo n Road #509, Santa Clari ta , CA 91351. Top industry professionals - including keynote speaker Stewa rt Dot y of Racing Pro mo tion Month ly - will be lead ing a weekend of semi na rs, presentations and netw orkin g oppo rtu n ities at the AMA Events Promotion Convention in Worth ingt on , O hio, Octobe r 2-4. For mor e inf o rma ti on, ca ll 6 14 /8 56- 1900, ex t. 1221. The two-d ay MSF/NHTSA Blue Ribbon conference for the d evelopme n t of th e Na tiona l Ag en d a fo r Mot orcycl e Safety w ill be held November 12-13 at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix in Phoen ix, A rizo na . Fo r m o re in formati on , call 800/ 381-2453. • AMA Pro Racin g has a n no u nce d th e cr e a tion o f th e Ricky Graham Dirt Track Rookie of the Year Award, to be p resented on Decem ber 11 a t th e AMA P r o Ra cin g N a t io n a l C ha m p ion s Awa rd s Banq uet a t Caesar ' s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Ricky Gra ham Dirt Tra ck Rookie of th e Year award w as crea te d by a grou p of Graham' s fri end s, fa mily a nd racin g associa tes , inclu d ing spo nso rs Danny and Ca role Mal fat ti: tu ner Johnn y Goad an d wife Sarah; Gra ha m's fa ther and ste pmother, Bill and Pat Graham; an d Graha m' s m o th er a n d s te p fa th e r, Ba rba ra a nd Mik e Homen . "This is so me thing w e a ll wa n te d to d o so th a t fo lk s co u ld ta ke a mom en t to th ink abou t Rick y, w ho he was as a person , and w ha t he meant to our sport," sa id Dan ny Malfa tti, "In the years to come , roo kies can look back on Ricky' s career and ta lent, an d ha ve something to shoot for. You could ne ver cou nt Ricky ou t. He was a scrapper, an d he w as always there at the end . Those are quali ties any good rook ie n eed s t o h a v e ." T he awa rd incl udes a comm e mora tiv e p laq ue bearing Graham 's like ness, a nd a significa nt cash award. G rah am died in Jan uary 1998 during a fire at his home in Salinas, Ca liforn ia , a t 39 vears of age. He wo n the 1982, 1984. and 1993 AMA Grand National Cha mpio nships, a massing 39 ca ree r victo rie s over th e co u rse of hi s 19-yea r pr ofe ssi on a l caree r. As par t of the 10th ru nnin g 'o f the Cycle News Du al Sport Jamboree d u al spo rt rid e, Gary Bailey w ill teach a special trail rid ing schoo l on Satu rday, October 2, the d ay p rior to th e rid e. Th e class w ill be taught near the starting area for the rid e in Devore, Californi a, close to Glen Helen Raceway. For more informat ion , ca ll Ca lifo rni a T ri a l Rid e s a t 714/992-9291.

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