Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 02 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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finish. Sweet was followed by Suzuki rider Jon Kauffman and KX jockey Sean Connaghan. Sweet then capped off a triple play of his own with an Up The Hill-dass win. Results rjW (4-61i I. Landon Currier (KTM); 2. Clenn Prestholt (Cob); 3. Steele Anglc--D,wld)lon(Cob); 4. John Dick("l"SOn (KTM). P/W (7-8): I, Scan Berglund (KTM); 2. Mnrk Wolf Jr. (Lcrn). 60 BEG: 1. Derek Butzer (K.lW); 2. Jared Wood (Kaw); 3. Nick Brown (Knw); 4. Trenlon Bromfield (Kaw); 5. Travis Emery (KTM). 60 JR: I. Tyler Villoputo (KllW); 2. Sean Berglund (Hon). 60 SR: 1. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 2. Ryan Vil1oputo (Kaw); 3. Ajay Olinger (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. ShOlwn HUl'gC (Hon); 2. Thomas Hayes (Hon); 3. uri Plumlee (Yam); 4. Heidi Kocr'$Chgcn (Kaw); 5. Chlld rlumk-e (Yam). 80 (9-11): 1. Ju:.tin Keeney (Hon); 2. Joshua Hill (KdW); 3. Adam Metzler (Suz); 4. Brock Chnppclle (Yllm); 5. Ryan Villoputo (Yam). 80 (12·13): 1. Tllte Major (Kaw), 80 (14--16): I. Chris Leiby (Ytlm);2. Alex rlill (Hon). S/MINI:1. jUSthl Kecnt'y (Han); 2. Tat't' Miljor (Kaw); 3. Adam Mctzkr (Suz); 4. Joshua Hill (KilW); 5. Brock Chappelle (Yam). 125 BEG 0-1: 1. Brody Bilxter (Suz); 2. M,ll! Pel-z (Suz); 3. Jesst.' Crrmdal1 (Hon); 4. Drew Colt.·y (Han); 5. Shnwn Huege n·lon). 125 BEG 0-2: 1. jc::Jsc Foglio (Yam); 2. Eric Boc;hcnski (Kaw): 3. Ryan L1Ub (Hon); ·l.jCl>:lY Ushc:.r (Hon); 5. o.lnicl Ellis (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Will Wallace (KTM); 2. Kcith Ford (I(.w.·); 3. Scott DenhOlm (Yam); 4. Bryrm Thlbcdcilu (Kaw); 5. ChaS(' MaJOr (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Ryan Sw\.'C1 (Yam); 2. Eric Roth (Yam); 2. Ryan Metzler (5uz). 250 BEG: I. Ken r~omero (Yilm); 2:"bll!>tin Canno)' (Han); 3 joe W)'aU (lIOn); 4. Colby Sli1mp:- (Hon); S. Manny M('rcicr (Yam). 250 jR: 1. Greg Hnmlon (Hon); 2. Cory Johnson (Yam); 3. Tye Cr,mdall (Knw); 4. Dustin Wilfong O-Ion); 5. Nick WlllK/n (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Rynn Sweet (Yam); 2. Jon Kiluffmill1 (Suz); 3. Sciln Connilghan (Kaw); 4. Devin Connnghiln (Kilw); 5. JamIe Large (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Tony Cr,w{-'S (Ynm); 2. Scan Wright. OPEN AM: 1. Blll Grl1\'I.-'S (Yam). BTH JR:). Ryan MC12ler (Suz); 2 Keith Ford (K......'); 3. Cory Johnson (Vilm); 4. Will Wallatt (KTM); 5. Ch.,~ Major (Kaw). 8TH lNT: I. Jon Kauffman (Suz); 2. Se"n COl1nagh,lI1 (K(\w). 3. J:A>\'in ConnnShan (K.1W). . UTH INT:·1. Ryan Sweel (Yam). aTH BEC: I. Bill Cr.wl'S (Yam); 2. Taumc Still'S (Ynm), aTH INT; 1. Line Linebaugh (Han); 2. Gn..g "I"rmOI1 (Honl, 3. Dan Kauffman (Hon). arH jR: 1. j.\mt:s Wlrkll!> (KTMJ; 2. Curti!> Pau60n (K,lN) , OIT MNY: I. 0.111 K.luffmilt1 (Hon). 50+ 0-1'1. Richard Mathew!> (Hon) 2. Dave OilVI:. tK,lw) . .50+ 0-2; 1. Bob Smith (Yam) WMN I. Roch...lle Nelm.lnn (Yam), 2. ",lumc Stlt~ \'I-,lml; 3 .... Heidi Kocrschgcn (Krck BUI'Zl'r (Kawl; 4. L.lndon CUrrier (KTM); 5. M:lrk Wolf Jr. (lcm). Hart hoofs it back to Woodland Motocross By Clay Light WOODLAND, WA, JAN. 9 Goldstar Pencil Portrait • 20"x24" • Black & White Lithogr,aphic Print Unsigned Print $30. 00 • Signed & Numbered Print $55. 00 CA residents add 7.25% sales tax • Includes Shipping (U.S. only) First of two of a continuing series of "The Europeans," featuring racing stars and classic European motorcycles. (also available - "Walter Zeller" • 20"x22") ~ To Order, call CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS at (714) 751-7433 (9am-5pm PST) Attach Label Here For FASTEST service attach mailing label. PleBse aJlow 3 weeks forchange to take effect. If abel is not available print your name and old address in this box. Print your NEW address here. NAME ADDRESS CITY _ _ _ _ _--'-_ _ STATE _ _ _ ZIP 30 Mail to: Circulation Dept. Cycle News, Inc. 3505-M Cadillac Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Former pro rnoloct'osscr Grayson Hart marked his return to the Northwest vintage mota ro:,s scene with a two--c1a~:- V..10 at the fourlh round of the Northwest Vll.1ta 'e MOtocross Seflcs at the Woodland Motocl'os~ Park. Karl earne wins in the 250CL ~H\d O\'er 30 EX~It c1a:,:,e~. A record 239 particlpant~ \y~n,' on han , which can be partiaJJy nH-ribllted to the current Evolution-cla:)s crnze. Thcr~ wer~ nine two-class wirmers, led by Hart. Ha.rt, who hails from Oregon, bad lu:- hand:s full with Joe Casey and Chris Clock in 250cc action. Hart and hb longtime rival a:,t:y .dashed in both motos, and they were J0InOO by Clark in both motos. Hart lind Casey, each coming off a lengthy l.t1atu:, from vintage motocross racing, [ini~hed ahea of Clark by a nanow margll1 Cld.rk nding with a badly injured hand, rillished tlnr with 3-~ placU:lgs, ahe,l of Dane Ball '~ 4Dale Franklin wun the Intermediate 250ce da~s, which ran with the 250ce Expert class. Yamah.1 rider John Zigler (1-2) claimed second. ThirJ 111 the moto WL'nt to class newcomer Cody Sprague, bul it wa~ Todd Badhc)ln's conSI~[ent .:1--4 that netted him thi.rd behind Franklin a.nd Zigler HiJtl's Over 30 Expert win alsu cm'n~ With c1 two-moto sw~~p, although C.bey ran 111 his shad.ow duru)g bothmoto"_ Yamaha rider Ron Fish .finished third to the Honda-mounted tandem, followed by Batty. Zigler, who won three of his four metes on the day, won the Lntermediate portion, ahead of Keilh Wcb~ler (2-2) Jnd John Adorns (4-3). Form'er national star Scott Tylel ruined Har~" perfect tally by barely edging out Hart at lhe bnj~h 111 the fir~t mot However, ead1 of th~ Maico-mounte rid r~ bnlslwd hi::. J.l) 1n despair, as Kart. ",.'ho ~aled lflle in mu[ two and then broke J chaIn, Jnd Tyler wh fell .1lld finished ~eventh, were not (igllre~ in the overall tallies Mako rider D~nnis Sweeten, .1 two-elas:, winner, took the overall WI11 \'1(1 5-1 plac\J1.g~ to beal KUl'j levens' 4-2 and C;(::'l'::y'~ con~istenl 3-3. H nda-mounted 1m) SawtelJ boaTed to a win In the 250ce Evulution Expert c1a:,~, finhhll1g ahead of Mike 80110CIl1I ,md Yamaha rider Gene Boere. The trio wa~ followed by Intermedlatecla~b wumer Sean LJghl~ who got a lucky break wheJ) first-mota '''''UlJ1eI Walter Welter cra:)hed. Clark, riding 0 ' nl.-works CZ, look the lead

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