Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 02 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Barber led the 89-rider pack up Godzilla Hill, but Northrup charged from fifth to first in the first half of lap one. He led for the rest of the hour to the checkers. Results O/T IVlm I4.STRK: 1. Alex Jorgensen (Kaw); 2. Andy Borth (Kaw); 3. lrv Achz.iger (Hon); 4. Rich Thorwaldson (J'lon); 5. Giff B.1get; 6. o.we Longcor (Hen); 7. Danny Mnlfatti (Yam); 8. Terry Sage (Yam); 9. Dan Steele; 10. Jerry Wolhgcmuth (Hon). VET IOTHG: I. Rodney Smith (5\1%); 2. Terry Bostnrd (Yaml; 3. Don Bisceglia; 4. 0.1n a!Jt'ro; 5. Jon Varner; 6. Randy Denton; 7. Jerry Brandl (Yam); 8. Mike Scott; 9. Jeff Becker; 10, Dayton Blood. 125/WMN/MJNI: I. Mtke Newnham; 2. Dustin Bloomfield (Yam); 3. Pete Piantmida; 4. Toby Jorgenson (Suz); 5. Logan Master50n; 6. John Carili: 7. Phil Segundo: 8. Loren Thomns; 9. Travis Hud50n; 10. David Montgomery. OPEN: I. Dustin Bloomfield (Yam); 2. Jeff Brownlee: 3. Ed Heacox: 4. Paul Fun..1ro; 5. Gary Rose; 6. Jim Ingoglia; 7. Demelo Luchessi; 8. Cameron Brink; 9. Mike Spranger; 10. Mi~ Newm311. 250: 1. Jeff Northrup (](awl: 2. Eric Ducray (Yam); 3. Chris Vendley (Suz); 4. Jeff Brownlee; 5. Danny Barber (Kaw); 6. Rich Home (Hon); 7. Demus Stapleton (Yam); 8. Shane Wheaton; 9. Erik Kohler; 10. Gary Forrest (Yam). VEl" 0-1: 1. Eric Mashbir (Su:z:); 2. Marcus Sa~o: 3. Randy Denton; 4. Tim Vandc.rzweep: 5. Rich Oliver (Yam); 6. Mike Sprenger; 7. Tim Weberling; 8. Robert McDonnell; 9. Steve Lawrence; 10. Jim Brooks. Eide rides to CRC Grand Prix win By Greg Robertson (Above) Danny Barber (62), Chris Vendley (61), Bryant Hayward (3), Jim Brooks (32) and Jeff Northrup (44) drag-race tor the holeshot at the start of the 250cc race at the 28th annual Hangover Marathon at Sand Hill -Ranch In Brentwood, California. (Below) Corey Murphy (91) leads Todd Eide (111) during CRC Grand Prix action at Los Angeles County Raceway. Elde went on to pass Murphy and claim the 125cc Beginner win. (Bottom) Greg Harmon (264) sets up to pass Tye Crandall (61) for the lead in 250cc Juniorclass action at the Salem, Oregon, arenacross. 28 28th annual Hangover Marathon By W.H. Spencer BRENTW()()D, CA, JAN. 1 A chilly but bright day rang in the new year at Tom Anderson's Sand Hill Ranch for the 28th annual Hangover Marathon. The event took place on the newly designed 2-mile Tommyville track that starts at the base of the farned Godzilla Hill. Former dirt tracker AJex jorgensen topped the first of six one-hour shows, winning the OldTimers portion by nearly three minutes over hare scrambles specialist Andy Borth. Irv Achziger finished a close third on his Honda, with retired motocrosser Rich Thorwaldson finishing fifth on his CR. '1 was sliding around the flat track SO slow," stated jorgenson, the great IT rider of the late 70s. '1 thought l'd get in everybody's way, but hey, it was fun." If he was slow, then the other old-timers were very slow. Of the 150 riders In the first event, 25 were mounted on four-strokes. Rich Thorwaldson jr. topped the race on his XR. Greg Lepesh took second over Bryan Wargo, and james Ptarcinski grabbed fourth. Glenn Martinson rounded out the top five. The Vintage dass had eight riders, and jerry Winkelbauer took the win over Kirk Smith's Ossa. Third went to Carlos Romero. Vets and Over The Hill Gang riders - 154 riders in all - raced in the second hour. A great battle developed toward the end of the race between Rodney Smith, fresh from the Australian ISDE, and Over 30 Pro motocrosser Terry Bostard. Smith and his Suzuki were out front from the start, with Bastard's Modesto Yamaha close in tow. As the laps wound down, Bastard stepped up the four-minute-and-40-second pace and passed the newly crowned GNCC champi~ on. "I don't think he knew 1 was coming," said Bastard. "I sort of put a hard move on him and bumped my way by. I guess tha~s the motocross kid in me. I gotla go and apologize." "He ran over me in a corner, so I had to step the pace up a bit," Smith said. "No big deal, though." Smith won by a few seconds, and the two were bench-racing at the finish. Third went to Don Bisceglia, over Dan Castro and jon Varner. Cli.ff Coates topped the OTHG troops, ahead of Michael Renner and Peter Crowell. Baldwin Brandon finished fourth and Greg Ledesh rounded out the top five. jeff Northrup led the 125cc class at the start, but prior to the scoring check, Northrup did tl,e classic "flying W" over a double and was knocked senseless. Mike Newnham took control, and the Intermediate motocrosser went on for the big win over Dustin Bloomfield and Pete Piantanida. Toby jorgensen finished fourth over Logan Masterson. jeff orthrup got his revenge in the 250cc event, claiming. the win aboard his 10<. Danny PALMDALE,CA,JAN.10 In the new year, Chaparral-backed Todd Eide resumed right where he left off last year: at the top of California Racing Club's 125cc Beginner class. Eide's win at Los AngeleS C',ounty Raceway during the Happy New Year Grand Prix was not an easy one, though, as he had to climb from a last-place start to earn the victory. Chris Taylor was quickest off the line from the dead-engine start to lead Corey Murphy, Myan Spaccarelli and Richey Phy through the sweeping right-hand first turn. Luckily for Eide, he had 45 minutes of track time to make up for his back-of-the-pack start. Murphy was on the move, getting around Taylor on the opening lap and pulling out a slight lead. jeff Verseput got a midpack start but was quickly up into third, just ahead of Eide, who was passing his competition at will. Verseput put up a fight, holding off Eide for a couple of laps on the long sand track. Eide was able to slip around Verseput, taking over third place around the midway point of the race. Eide found out that the higher he climbed toward the front of the pack, the harder it got to make the passes. He dogged Taylor for nearly 10 minutes before finding a faster line through the whoops to move into the runner-up position; then he set out after Murphy. Chipping away at Murphy'S five-second advantage, Eide caught the leader with 15 minutes remaining in the race. Coming out of the back section of the track on a fa t, choppy straight, Elde was able to outbra'ke Murphy and then dive underneath him to make his way into the lead. Once out front, Eide continued on for the win, with Murphy sticking by for a dose second. Taylor came across for third, ahead of Verseput and Spaccarelli. The 250cc Beginner class was dominated by Ray Ritzler. KX250-mounted Ritzier made his way around the fast-starting duo ofChristopher Leiker and Bob Gilbert and never looked back. At one point, Ritzier held a commanding 25-second lead en route to his win. Brian Gluck went from fOurtll to second by lap two, bu t he was no match for Ritzler. Leiker, Gilbert and John MacMiller rounded out the top five. Results P/W BEG: 1. oDonnel Lopez Jr. (KTM); 2. Chance Lippie (KTM); 3. Scott Taylor (KTM); 4. Scott Winslow (HM); S. Cody Johnson (KTM). P/W YAM STK: 1. Nicholas Meissner (Yllm); 2. Sean Robison (Yllm); 3. Zack Springer (Yam); 4. Ryan Robison (Yam). P IW YAM MOD: 1. Sean Springer (Yam). S/P/W (4-6): I. KClth Robinson (Cob). S/P/W (7·9): I. Chase Lippie (KTM); 2. Donncl Lopez Jr. (KTht). 60 BEG: 1. Cody Shearer (~w); 2. Ken SI.Her Jr. (KTM); 3. Ethan Flores (}(aw). 60 (4-8): 1. Carrett LiUy (Kl"M); 2. Ryan NC\'cshch (Kaw). 60 (9--11): 1. Kyle Berpntz (lCTM); 2. Bill Balicstero (Kaw); J, Brys Kuntz (Kaw); 4. Casey Logan (Kaw); 5. Douglas Carter (Ka",·). go BEG: 1. Brys Kuntz (Yam); 2. Mark Brewer (K.1W); 3. Michael Brewer (Hon); 4. Tye Hames (Kaw); S. Zach Brown ()(awl. 80 (7-11): 1. Garrett Norr (Suz): 2. Kyle Bergal).tz (Yam), 80 (12·13): 1. Aaron Berg:mtz (Yam); 2. Anthony Barbacovi (Yam); 3. Mitchell Alsobrook (Kaw); 4. Darin 01isholm (Yllm). /j() (14-16): 1. Chris Norr (Hon): 2. Riley, Bcckingcr (Hon); 3. Adam Gragg (Kl1w); 4. Rylln Riess (Yllm); 5. S,1m ScMlon (Hon). B/W: 1. Bobby Stl:!fflln (Kaw); 2. Mike Ep6lcin (Yam); 3. LoUie Santiago (Hon). vtNT: I. Dennis Tooman (KllW). 125 BEG: 1. Todd Eide (Yam); 2. Corey Murphy (Hon); 3. Chris Taylor (Yam); 4. Jf.!ff Verscpu! (Yam); 5. Mylln Spaccarelli (Yam). .125 NOV: I. Jared Williams (Yam); 2. Sergio Po~ De Leon (Yam): 3. Brandon orton (Yam); ... Steven Eugenio (Yam): S. Andrew Cordoe (Yam). 125 INT: I. Jeff Eide (Yam); 2. Mjchael Meadow (Yam); 3. George LaMonte Cl-Ion). 250 BEG: 1. Ray Ritrler (Kaw); 2. Brian Gluck (Hon); 3.

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