Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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sent to Per fo rman ce Engineering USA, 1333 Pine Avenue, Suite B, Orlando, FL 32824. Race Tech is cu rre ntly accepting rider resu mes fo r th e 1999 ra ci n g seaso n . Res umes can be se nt to Race Tech, a ttn: Ri ch Watchorn, 3227 P roducer Way , #127, Pom on a, CA 91768. The H ond a Riders Cl u b and FMF Racing will co-h ost a Than ksgiving Da y Feas t fo r a ll a tte n dees at th e Mi ni Olympics e ve n t in Flo ri d a . Fo r m ore information, call 310/ 539-8884. MaxTrack, formerly the Lemon Grove MX faci lity in Piru , California, wi ll ha ve its g ra nd ope ning on Friday, November 27 th rou gh Su nday, November 29, w ith motocross pract ice sessio ns sc he duled fo r each da y . Marc Pet ers, w ho has g iven the tr ack a co m p lete face lift, is op erating the tr ack . For more information , call 949/367-9583. The AMA's Eve nts a nd Entertainm ent Department is seeking a moti vated ind ivid ua l w it h travel -industry ex perie nce and a pa ssion for mot or cycle touring to hea d up th e A MA's Tra v el sec tion . AM A T ravel arra nges a va riety of tou ring and travel opportu nities for road -. rid ing ent hus iasts and race fans, ranging fro m weekend visits to ma jor AMA Pro Racin g events to mul ti-w eek international touring vacations . Resumes ca n be sent to th e AMA H uman Resources Department at 33 Collegeview Road , Wes terville, OH 43081-1484. Excel Mot o rs p or t s h a s sig ned Jo sh Demuth, Jaso n Th om as and Kurt Jennison to ride the team' s Yamahas in the 1999 AMA Su pe rcross Series and AMA Nationa l Ch ampion sh ip M X Series , acco rd ing to Excel. Last w eek' s read er poll o n Cycle News O nline as ked the qu estion: Could Scott Ru s sell w in th e Dayto na 200 o n a Harley-Dav idson VRI000 ? Wit h close to 900 peo pl e responding to the poll, 68.39 percen t vo ted no, w hile 3L 61 percent vo ted yes . Vo rt e x Sprockets is now acce p t ing res u mes fo r th e 1999 racin g seaso n . Resumes can be sent to 1844 N . Belcher Rd ., #1002, C lea rwa ter, FL 33765. Whi te Brothers has re-signed Spud Walters an d D ou g Dubach to ride the team's Yama ha YZ400Fs for the 1999 racing sea- Grand Prix chan es in store C hanges in how th e FIM manages its G rand Pri x roa d rac ing m ay be on the way , if proposals put fort h by th e FIM's Permanent Bureau are adopted . The bu rea u, con sisting of FIM presid en t Francesco Zerbi and Doma managing d irector Ca rmelo Ez pe leta, has p roposed some cha nges based on various incid e nts th at occurred d u ring the 1998 W o rld Championship Road Race Series - including Kaz uta Sak ata' s fuel iss ue, Max Biaggi 's d isqualification fo r ig no ri ng a stop and-go penalty, and th e re cent last -lap incid ent bet w ee n Loris Ca p irossi a nd Tet su ya Harad a in th e A rgen tine 250cc Grand Prix. . In regard s to the fue l issue, th e bureau has proposed that all fu el sa m ples remain w ith th e FIM. The "A" sa mp les of th e test ed fuel w ill be sent fo r ana lysi s to a laborato ry chosen by the FIM . The same proced ure w ill be u sed fo r the " B" sa m p le in case th e rid er as ks for a coun tertes t. In a n effo rt to prevent w ha t h appened in the Biaggi inciden t when the Italian w as brought in for a sto p-a nd-go p en alty for pa ssin g und er a yellow fla g, th e burea u ha s p roposed that stop-and -go pen alties be u sed for o nly fo r sta rt-li ne in fractions . In ad d ition, no suc h pen alty wou ld be open fo r a ppeal. The bl ack flag, which Biaggi recei ved after ignoring the stop-and go sign, can o nly be shown after a unanimous decisio n of th e Ra ce Di rectio n . Again , no a ppeal can be lod ged against th is Alan Eadie, and no t Ala n Edie as printed in an earlier issue. FO RMED : Ranchworks Co nsulting, a sales-and-ma rketing consulting firm headed by Marcel Fortney . Initial clients includ e Field sheer lea thers and Mo tion Pro . For more information, call 805/649-2139. at th e fo llowi ng a d d ress : http:/ / www.motogra ph . OP EN ED: BBR Mo tors ports' hom e page on the Wo rld Wide Web . The si te can be found at the following a d dress : http:/ /www.bbrmotorsports .com . son. Walters will defend his ti tle in th e PACE Off-Road Th u nderbike Se ri es w hi le D ubach will defend h is Fou rStroke, Vet and Mammoth MX titles. CO RRE CTION: Kawasaki is still prod uci ng a Voyager Xli for 1999, contrary to w ha t was p ri n ted in Is su e #44 of Cycle News . In fact, Kaw asaki currently has w ha t it calls its Tea m Tour conce p t, featuring more than 600 dealers nationwide. Kawasaki lists its touring bik es as . the Voyage r XII , th e Vu lc an 1500 Nomad, th e Vu lca n 750, th e Co nco u rs a nd the KLR65O'. MOVED : Durelle Racin g Product s, to 1625 Keith Dr., Co lora do Springs, CO 80916,719 /637-2555. O PEN ED: Classic Biker's hom e page on the Worl d Wid e Web. The site ca n be foun d a t t h e fo llow ing a d d ress : http:/ / ww w . OPENED: O ve r th e Hill Gan g' s hom e page on th e World Wid e Web. Th e site can be fou nd at th e following ad d ress : http:/ / . COR RECTI ON: We recen tly gave the w ro ng a d d ress fo r th e Bult a co Owne r 's h o m e p a ge o n the W orl d Wide Web. The address is as fo llows: http: / / /jzielke/ bu ltaco .htm . . CORRECTION: Virg inio Ferrari nev er won a 500cc Wo rld C ham p io ns hip as p ri n ted in la s t week's issue of Cy cle News. OP ENED: Matto Cycle's ho me page on the World Wide We b. Th e site ca n be fo u n d at t he fo llowi ng a dd ress : http:/ / OPEN ED: Cyril Huze Custom Mo torcycle's home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be found at the follo w in g a d dress: h t tp : / / w w w .cy ril CORRECTION: decision . In the Biaggi inci dent, one pers on - Dorna's Rober to Nosetto - made the d ecision to di sq uali fy the Italian. New penalties in trod uced by the proposal fo r ru le inf rac-" tions are: ad ded time in seconds or minutes, w ri tten wa rning, fine of 1000 to 100,000 Swiss Fra ncs, sus p ension for o ne o r more races, excl us ion fro m the race in qu es tion , a nd w it hd rawal of champions hi p po in ts (of not o nly that ra ce, but of races already run). The Race Directi on is also so mething new . The Race Direction, accordi ng to the proposal , will be co mp rised o f four member s: Claud e Denis of th e FIM, Nosetto o f Do rn a, rid er s' represen ta tive Franco Unci ni, and Paul Butler of IRTA . Th ey will have th e authority to make any decisi on during practi ce sessi o ns and ra ces with an appeal again st th eir decisions to be lod ged to FIM s te wa rds, with the exc e p tio n o f th e black -flag ruling and st op-and -go penalties . Th e FIM s te w a rd s wi ll be led by fo rmer CCR president Luigi Brenni, ac cording to th e pro posa l. If the stewards back up the decisions of the Race D ir ection in appeal, no fu rther a p pea l w ill be a llowed . If the s tewa rd s d isa gree with Rac e Di recti on, th en an a ppeal may be lodged to th e In te rnational Disciplin a ry Co urt. A sectio n ca lled " Rid ers Behavior" was also ad d ressed by the bureau, likely be cause of wha t ha p p ened wi th Capirossi a n d Harada. The bu reau is calling for a rticl e L 19 .2 of the Grand Pri x regulations to be redrafted so that "beha vior considere d as dangerous may be sa ntioned with excl usio n, fine, suspensio n and / or withdrawal of championship po ints ." The proposal s will be su bm itte d to th e Gr and Pri x Commission for co m ments at a meeting in December , acc ordi ng to the bureau. OP EN ED: M otorcycle ar ti st Harry Miller 's home page o n th e World W id e Web . Th e s ite can be fo un d ational Number 64 is O PEN ED : G regoire Spo rt's home pag e on the World Wid e Web . Th e site can be fo u nd a t th e fo ll owi ng add re ss: http :/ / w ww .g regoirespor m . M OVED: Vin ta g e Iro n , to 22605 La Palma Ave., Suite 517, Yorba Linda, CA 92887, 714/ 694-{)066, 714 / 694-1566 (fax), e ffec t ive im m e d ia te ly . T he to ll-free nu mber is unchanged at 800 / 422-IRON . CORRECTION : We inadverte n tly lef t Gra nd National expert d irt tracker Steve Mayfield off o ur Gra nd Natio na l numbe r list in Issue #44. Mayfield is Grand Nationa l number 38. 1:"\ r--- - - - -- - - - - ----------------------------- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , (j]ill ~. 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