Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~aftnJ~~:r~;; 4-time National MX Champion em the you reme e Honda four-strokes are legendary for Getting their first Honda. That's the fondest holiday memory ofmillions ofpeople, durability and reliability. They've got . smoother powerbands so they're easierto including these motorcycle champions. This holiday, share the memories. With ride. You don't have to premix gas and oil. the motorcycle that's still the best choice And they're so reliable and require so little maintenance. for beginners. 051. Right now you can get Honda's smallest XRs7 and the Z50R'" with no down payment*and low APRfinancing through Premier Credit by Honda Finance'." Which means priceless memories are now very affordable. ALWAYS WEAR AHELMET. EYEPROTECTION. PROTECTIVE C THIN LO G,AND PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT. o~ thelawand read your owner'smanual thOroughly.Specifications and aVilJlatJilrty subject to change wrttlOut nonce. ·Nodown payment does notinclude tax, license and other fees 12.9'aAPR financmg upto 48 months 101 preferred customers only available onallnew1999 model year andpriorXR100R. XA80R. XR70R, andZ50Rs ISttlrough Premier Credit by Honda Finance, Higher rates for lower credit Umrted timeonly Other resmctore apply Dealers setactual nnees Chettl: . . with yourparticipating Honda Dealer for complete program details. For a bee brochure. please see your HOnda Dealer or wnte American Honda, P.O. Box 3976. Gardena. CA 90247. XR~ Z50R"" and Honda Finance Tlll are rrademarks of Honda Motor CQ:. ltd. e l 998 American Honda MotorCo.;1nc. (9ra8~ :

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