Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Hu nl ; 3. Ch.trl~ D.mA ()(a w l; 4. Nic k MeL,n.·lun (Ka w l; 5. Sh.,un Trabert (Hon). 115 NOV : I. Chri" Elliott (Ya m ); 2. Richie Owt.'J1S (Ya m ); 3. Sca n O' Connor (Yam); -I. Tim Wt. iSand (Ya m ); 5. Jimmy Eber le (Ya m l. 125 INT: 1. Ito Pcsca (Yam); 2. T ra vis Smith ()(a w ); 3. Chris Tocco (Yam ); -I. Dustin Ry1 (Yam ); 5. Jdf Eid e (H.m). t."Y 125 PRO: 1. Michad Young (Ho n ); 2. C'lu'llotu plkT (Hon) ; 3. Ry., n Orr (Yam ); 4. Jl'1't"l1'ly Ch.1 Us..~ (Kaw ). 250 BEG: 1. Mile Rwr (Suz); 2. Sh>Ve Ewing t Ho n); 3. David McM.IT\o~ (V., m ); -I, G.w i;' Rom l' (Ko1wl; 5. Nei l Chlliho lm (H on). 250 NO V: l , Tim Wri );ol d (Ya m); 2. josh Ma.o;on(Kaw); 3. n Ouis Reed (K.l w ); -I. Jon Davidson (JCaw); 5. Wa rren Tittlcmier (Kaw ). • 2...-.0 INT : 1. Tra\,j~ Smi th (J(.lw); 2. Chris Sp rmkl {}(awl ; 3. Rud y Rod rigUl·i (Kaw ); 4. C h ri, &m.1t (Su:d. 2.-.0 PRO: 1. John Ser .-il.1 (Yam ); 2. Sh in teh i Kaga (Ho n); 3 . . Bry.1n Nl'lo;on (Yam ); 4. J.,son F... ld s (Y.1m ); S. Bi1l5oluro (H on) . · 500 NOV : 1. Ty!lun Tittlemit'r (H on); 2. Nul'U\ Sch id (l i on); 3. Stl"\'e Clark (Yam). 25+ BEG: I. Jeffrlj' Paull (Kaw ); 2. Ri~o lafontaine (Kaw); 3. R.1y 8l.-'('l(... (Ho n); 4. O"·.1n Baur (y am ); 5. Ja!Otm Sch4,,'a T{'T (Yam) . 25+ NOV : 1. Chris R."t"li (lCa w) ; 2. Jeff Ma th (Ya m ); 3 . Chris W"llen t (Yam ); 4. Chuck ()(> f'!"ry (Ka w } . m 25+ INT ; 1. JUlotinPelti er (Yam); 2. Chri..;Turner (K,aw l. )(1 + BEG: J . Mi!r.t Ca rr (H on) . · 30+ NO V: I. C ery ThumF'!"m : 2. Sco tt Pierre (J(.lw); 3. Anthony RuSt.· (YMnl. 30 + INT: l. Ran d y Tw eedy (H un ); 2. Chris Ray (Ya m ); 3 Cha d Nel so n (Y.,m); 4 Dar re ll Sa n de rs ( Honj, 5. Mik e Licitra UCawl. J( )+ r RO: 1, Bry an Nd so n (Ya m ). 35+ NOV : 1. Jol k M ill"r ( ); 2. M ik.· C a rr (Hu n); 3. Bri.ln c Bngd .ln ich (K .1W). 4fl+ NO V: J. Ton y Sc h ult-r (Y.l m ); 2. Bra d Sloa n (Ya m ); 3. ~ ich.l.,·1 Bu rnell (Suz) . ~ 40+ (;\IT: 1. [oh n H ll m~,lTd m'r (Ho n ). 40+ EX: 1. RoJ Richa rdson (Ya m) ; 2. Edwa rd o Flip po (H" n); 3. Bob Shi mp (Y.l m); 4, K.l rl Alllon(Hon); 5. Steve Clerk (Yam) . Kann can at Unadilla WML By Debbie Matthews and Steve Bruh n Photo by Frank Hoppen :'>iEWBERUN, NY,JULYI9 • Shell y Kann roosted to the ov erall win at ro und tw o of th e AMA / Wo men's Motocross Leagu e National Cham pio ns hip Series, held in conjunction with the AMA Outdoor ational Motocross at Unad illa. Pre-ra ce fa vo ri tes incl ud ed defending Nationa l Champion Tr ac i Fleming; fo ur-time Ladies Intern a tional Cup Champion Dee Wood ; the win ne r of th e firs t ro und, Seda nna Losey; 1996 Na tio nal Cha mpion She lly Kann; Tiffa ny Reed, nationa l number two las t season; and New Zeala nd Natio na l Champio n Tania Satchwell . In the fir st mot o, Amber Hu ghes ripped a start just a head of Kawasak i of New Zea land 's Satchwell. Both of them took off from Flemin g. Xa nn, Reed, Jennifer Schultz , Wood and Tan ya Roberts. Hugh l.S stayed o ut front for about half ' the mo to until Sa tchwe ll m ad e a pass, bu t she held on to seco nd . The real race ac tio n w as jus t a litt le further back. Kan n mad e a pass on Fleming for third . Tea m Gree n's Wood cha rge d , chin for· ward a n d e lbo ws up, bu t o n ly m a n a ged to elbow her way up to fifth. Satchwell stayed out front and too k the w in - in her first -ever mot o in the Un ited States. Moto two featu red a Wood ho lesho t, bu t it w as sho rt-li ved as Hug hes q u ickl y dispatched the stunn ed Wood for the lead . Kan n followed s u it a nd th e fo u r- ti me in t e rn atio nal cha m p fou nd herself in third . Firs t-mo to wi nner Satc hwell was left sta nd ing at the ga te wit h a broken throttle cable. Her cre w go t it fixed a nd she was off be fo re the first la p w as o ver. Whil e the top thr ee swa p ped po sitions a roun d the track, Reed worked herself int o a stro ng fourth. Defending champ Flemin g (in her first race back since sustaining injury at the Glen Helen Nationall ran in fifth. Satchw ell rebounded to finish an impressive ni nth. H ugh es kept th e point position to halfw ay, when Kann, wh o had slipped back into third, made a stu nnin g pass to take the lead over Hu g hes and Wood. Hughes wa s under attack from Wood a nd grudgin gly succu mbed to the onslaug ht of Wood . Kann kept Wood at bay and secured the win and with it the overall victory. Hu ghes fini shed thi rd , with Reed finishing fourth. Glen Helen winner Losey rolled across the line with a hard -fought fifth, over Fleming. Results O /A:'l . Shelly Kann {Yam}: 2. Amber lIu~ ; 3 . A I"'1l Rou("h (Yam) . O t T BEG: 1 , Doug King (Yol m); 2. W ay..... l'ia...;h (}-I n) ; 3. Jim u w scoen (Yolml; 4_Tum F~'itrada (Ho n ). McGourty, Eggers shine at Sunshine State MX By Kyle Myers B~ MARIONCOUNTY, FL, AUG. 23 Just ove r 300 riders a ttended the 20th rou nd of th e ProSports Sunshine Sta te Cha mpionship Serie s, held a t Motocr oss of Ma rion Cou nty. Suzuki pilots Don nie McGourty and Tim Eggers eac h wa lked away w ith two clas s wins o n th is ho t Florida day of racing in mid·Augu st. Cobra tamer Kyle Keylon wo n the Pee Wee Mod ified cJas s, and o n hi s KX60 he w on th e 60cc (5-8) class. McGourt y won all four molos in the 80 (12IS) an d Su per Min i di visions, wi th Pau l Perebjinos follo wing him home each time out. Egg ers to p p ed th e Ov er 30 a n d O ver 35 classes, winning three ou t of four motos, losing th e open in g Over 30 mo to to Ste ve Du m o nd . Du mond later returned ~o top the 2S0cc B class over Justin Tank. Willis Brock follow ed Eggers hom e in the Ov er 35 dass. In the Open Mon ey class, J.B. Ballard took hom e the lion 's sha re of the pu rse a5 he used a 1-2 punch to sco re the o verall, while Ty50n Hadsell went 4-1 for seco nd o vera ll. Results P /W BEG: 1. A m.1nd .1 C h i!l r k-bo is (Yam) ; 2. Adam l ay lo r (Y am ), P/ W (4-#11: 1. Mik McArthw (Cob); 2. j t"!l5l" FTft'ftUln (Cob); 3. C'hascCouture (Cobl ; -I. Ziggy G~Vl'S (Cob ). P/ W (7·q ~ 1. T.j. Rhone-Ili (Cob ); 2. A..J\k-y Vickny (Cob); 3 . Colton M ayn.rd (Cob ); 4. RYoI Lawhon (Cob); 5 . Jot;h Llo yd n (Cob) . • r /w MO D: I. Kylt' Keylon (Cob) ; 2. T.j. Rhundli (Cob); 3 . Colron Molynard (Cob); 4. Jos h UQyd (Cob) ; 5. Mikt' McArthur (Cob). (~ w); 2. Ma ll Rash (~w); 3. Moltt (Ka w); -t. RYoIn L.1 whun (K.l w ); 5 . Cory WOlJdard lKaw). 60 (5.8) : 1. Kyle ~Ion (Ka w); 2. T.J. RhoneUi (Ka w ); 3 . Mih Nico.Iini (IY w ); • . Cul IOll M. yn.ard (Kaw); 5. u k Coutu"" ( K.l w) . 60 (9-11>: 1. Ian He witt (}(a w) ; 2. Chris Catl."5 (K.1 l; 3 . Joh n w Ca mp ( !CTM); • . Don SoIlt."Y ( Ka w ); 5. Dillnny Wl")'" (KoIw ) . 80 BEC ; 1. Rich Su llivan (Su .r.:); 2. Willi s Broc k (Suz ); 3 . Pat Cai at'Za (Kaw); -I Kevin Wibon (Suz); 5. Kent Pra~e (H on ). 4U-+ : 1. Juhn Col m.m (Su z ); 2. Kt'vin Wi "on (5u z ); 3 . r ete Zn1'C'OJ1(' (Suz) ; 4. Ma rk COTnl"lia (Hon); 5. Stt-'\'eCorlt.'t' (Suz). 50'"-+ : 1. Stev~ Cu r k... (Su z) ; 2. AI Gotrd ner (Ya m) ; 3. Dou g Hammond (Ya m); 4. Roberl Dare (Ka w) ; 5. C u ent", . ~ n n m l'r (Yam ).· WMN: 1, Tra o.'C Smith (H o n); 2. As h ll'Y Jacb on ()(a w ); 3. R. Tra d t ll.!;lo (Suz ); 4. Tra cy H ebrt m (Suz) ; 5. En lln y No r lo n (K.l w ). ' O PEN MNY : 1. J.B. Ballard (Suz) ; 2. Tys u n Ha d!lCU (Yam ); 3, Tod d G.u d nt.·r (11(,"); 4. T(dd Wi ch nl'r O-Io n); 5. Ma rru l; Plodn·rtl (Su z). The Good, The Bad & The Hairy at Costa Mesa Speedway By Elaine Jones COSTA MESA, AUG. 29 It was ho t at Cos ta Mt..-sa o n Saturday night, and the raci ng was even hotter as "Rad Brad Oxley won th e Scratch main event a nd Shawn "Ma d Dog" McConnell won the Handicap main event and retained his title as the "Wheelie King. It was also Skirt Night: If you wore a skirt , admission was free. Gender was not a factor, and the males of the species got in to the s p iri t of the night, wearing hula skirts, mini skirts and even, in o ne ca se , a wedd ing gow n. A con te st wa s held d uring the intennission to pick the ugliest, the prettiest and the hairiest legs . Racing was the prim e even t on the program, and even though the moon wa s no l full, it would be a stra nge evening - with an even stra nger end· ing. On the Scratch side of the program, the first o rder of business wa s to transfer to th e semis. The first hea t had Brian Burch on the pole, with McConnell in tw o and John Ad ell in th ree . Rand y Di Francesco d re w th e fo u r s lo t and Richa rd Jo nes w as o n the ou tside in five . The first try a t a go saw the red flag come out w hen tw o riders went down in the first corner. On the second try, it was McCon nell who got the jum p on the field and we nt ou t on top, wi th Ad en in second . Jon es had dropped down to the pole and was runnin g in third , and DiFrancesco wa s runnin g fou rt h. On the w hite-flag lap, DiFran cesco got under Jon es arid moved him ou t to take .over third . It wa s too li ttl e too lat e , a n d it was McConnell an d Aden w ho mov to the semis. ' The 5eCOnd heat had "Fas t" Ed Cas tro on the po le, wit h David Taylor in two and Gary Ackroyd in three. Cha rlie 'The Edge" Venegas was in fou r, w ith Vance Felicia, d o\\'1l from No rt he rn Californ ia, in five. Castro read the gate per fectly H H Shelly Kann took the overall win at round tw o of the Women's Motocross League series at Unad ill a. a nd w e n t out on top, wit h Ven eg as run ni ng alongsid e him in seco nd and ma kin g the out side w or k. Th ey w ould batIl e a ll t he w ay to the checke red but the wi n wou ld go to Castro. They w ould bo th move to t he se m is - an d maybe an other show down in the lTh"lin. The third heat had Rick Pea rce on the pole, wi th Jason Chism iri two and Charlie Coo ley in three. Kit Nay loaded into four, with Gory Hick. , in five. Hicks was on fire as he exp lod ed off the line and went to the head of the pack. Cool ey wa s ru n ning sec ond but had his hands full as Pearc e was putting the press ure on big-time, and it would go all the way to the checkered, where the width of a tire would give second to Cooley. Hicks and Coo ley w ould move to the semis. The fourth hea t had Chad Felicio, anot her Northern Ca lifornia rider, on the pol e. Kon Baur d rew the tw o spo t, wi th Steve Furman in thret!o, taking Rider of the Week Johnny Walker' s spo t w hen he couldn't m ake the ca ll . A n dy "The Enforce r" Northrup loa d e d into four, with Oxley in five. Baur gOl the call and went p ut on top , bu t Oxley rode double wi th him all the way to the checkered. N orthrup was trying to find a way a ro un d both of them b ut had to se tt le for third, wi th Fu rm an an d Felicio fourth and fifth. The first semi had Oxley draw the po le, wit h McConne ll in two a n~ Cooley in three. Castro was on the ou tside in five . Cooley go t overanxious an d touched the tape, and this sent him to the 20-yard line. They loaded in again , the gate came up and it wa s Oxley and McConn ell w ho got the jump on the field. Castro hit the tu rn too ho t a nd hit McC o nnell, and it appea re d that McConnell's footpe g clipped Oxley' s foot. Castr o and McCon nell went down and the red came o u t. A co m p le te resta rt wa s ca lled a nd th e y lined u p again, wi th a lim ping Oxley decid in g to give it a go. Oxley ag ain read the ga te and went o ut on top, but this tim e it was Ca 5tr o, on the o utside, who w as run nin g second, making the lon g way aro und w ork. McConnell would settl e for third and Cooley, w ith bike probl ems, took fou rth . Both wo uld ha ve o ne mo re sho t in the last-chanc e quali fier. TIle second se mi saw Hicks draw the po Je, wit h Baur in three a nd Ve nega s and Ad en in fou r a nd fi ve . Hicks and Venegas both cu t a great ga te, with the edge goi ng to Hi cks as he went down o n the lo w line. Venegas was work- 39

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