Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Eric Wh eelwrig ht ha d three c lass wins a nd th e top tim e of the day at t he Ottawa Hillclimb. Re s ults SCR: 1. Broki(hIt..,. (GM); 2. 5h.lwn M<'Cu" nd l (GM I; 3. Ed Castro Onnd l (e M ,; 2. Bri;lln Burch O.l W); 3. r R.lndy Difnl'iCftOO (j.l w ); 4. Cha rlw Ve ~ bFl.-.b.T (H-D); 5. Bill M vers Sr . (TriJ f'SHRD: 1. Kevin Ttlcon 2. KAl b ~urthrup tT rH; 3. r Wade Schultz (l'f-D J; 4 . D.wid o..·a\',., (KSA); 5 . Bill MVt-n Sr , ITri) . STI::: I. Eric \VhL-lwri" ht tYam l; 2. Jallon Northtu p (Varn i; 3. , Kaleb No rthrup (Yam ); 4 ~brc (Yam l; 5. Pa ul H,-w,.i..bart h (Va m ). 400 2-STR K: 1. Bre n t Sh' wolrt (KT M ); 2. Eri c Wh toclwril' h l (Yam); 3. Paul I-I.rlbdrth (Hun); 01 . l UM- H.lrwick (K.a l; 5. j .D. w rr-n . ~ tt"f (Hon) . '" 500 ol- TR K: I. Kevin Til!oOlfl (Tri ); 2. J"... n Surthrup (Yam. ; 3. S > r t> nu t Fk~ ITri.; 01 , Trov u.-..'.,j ITri); 5. Chn.~ Mt. "-T (T n ). " " orEl' 2·STRK: 1. \i<1rc Stamm ( Hon ); 2. liovd Mu d lf' r CKT\1 J . Ene Whn:+''''nl'ht tHor d ; 4. Slw.ft."T (~w); 5. lolJIOn ); l'orthrur (tea w l. OrE.~ 4-~"TRK: I. ICc'lrm Tilson {Tnl; 2. o..Vi . McCo nne ll went on the defensi ve, a nd althou gh he was try ing to find a wa y around Ox ll. y, he was m.lkin g s ure tha t Ca stro wa ~n ' t o goi ng to find a way to get by him . The m.lgic of Scrat ch racing is the fact tha t it is so sh o rt a nd ~o fast, and four laps ar c go ne in a heartbeat. The win \Vent to O xlcy. ".-ho is a tiger when he is hurt. McC onnell ca me u p with th e pl a ce mon ey a nd Ca str o ro unded ou t the top thrCt'". Hicks he ld off Venegas for four th . TIle first Hand ica p hea t had Burch, co ming fro m the lO-yard line. go wire to wi re for the wi n. B.lur, from the 30. was in for se cond, wi th McConnell. coming all the wa y from the 60, getting through the fid d for the final transfer spo t. The ~ econd heat had Da vid Ta ylo r come fro m thl.' 20 and go wire to wire. Jones. a L<>o com· iog from the..' 20, wa s out seco nd , bu t .Venegas ca me fro m the 60 and ran him down, taki ng over St.."Cond with two la ps in the buok. C had Felicio also got by to pic k up the final transfer spot. The third heat had a n 'd flag co me ou t wi th two lap s in the books whe n Kit Nay got clippc>d a nd wcnt do w n in onc. O n the resta rt. Hicks got throu gh from the 60 a nd led th e tro ops home. Vance Fel id o wa s sl.'Cond , with DiFr.m cesco getting the fina l tra nsfer spot. The fina l heat saw Mark Ad ams come from th e low y.u dage a nd lea d for on e lap before Cooley went by to take over. Ox ley , cu ming fro m th e 60, had come through the field like a freight train and took comma nd by the third lap . Cooley held o n to seco nd for two more 1 ps .1 be fore Ackroyd mo\·ed him out , and w ith him ca me Aden. Th ey would be the three to move up the Llddt.'T. It was a g rea t job by Ad en. as ther e had been a crash in the fir st try at a go w hen Ackroyd appeared to park it. Aden, Oxley and Ackroyd all went do wn. Aden was deemed to be the cause - a point he argued vehementl y. He wa s sent to the 8().yard line and wa s s till able to .make the transfer. In the first semi. it wa s a repeat performance for Burch. as he aga in took a dva ntage of th e low-yardage sta r t and w en t wire to wi re to e ns u re for h imself a s pot in t he main. DiFra ncesco moved Baur o ut to pick up seco nd . with McConnell a n d Van ce Fe licia ge tt ing through for the final two spots. The second semi had a red flag a ppear with two laps down, and Ackro yd wa s deemed to be the cause. Ackroyd lost his chain whil e trying to show his displeasure to the ref and was un ab le to re start. The seco nd tim e aroun d. it was Taylor , com ing from the 20, who w ent wire to wir e, with Oxley, Ven ega s and Chad Feltcio all mak ing the transfer. The lineu p for the Hand icap ma in had Burch all a lo ne on the 10. Taylor W .1S o n the 30 with Va nce Fel icia. Di Francesco a nd C ha d Feli cio shared the 40. McConn ell, O xley and Vene ga s were ho usekeeping on the 60. Burch go t the ca ll when the gate came up and was out first, hopin g to get so me d is ta nce o n the fie ld . Taylo r wa s runn ing second , bu t it wa s McConne ll. w ho loves traffic, wh o was running third by the end of one. One lap late r he was in second a nd on the fourth lap he had ta ken over the lea d . It was on the fifth la p th at Taylor we nt into o ne a nd then stood the bike u p, a nd with the th ro tt le wid e open took d ead aim at the turn-two wa ll. He hit with wall s traight on , goi ng thro ug h it and stopping onl y w he n th e cha in link oute r fe nce too k over. Mira cu lo u sly, he w as able to walk away. though he did n~ some help. The fence was so badly broken and the rare was half ov er, so th e off ici.l lo;;, fo r sa fety reasons, called the event co mp lete. The win we nt to McConnell, wi th Burch seco nd . DiFrancesco third and Ven t. " ga s fourth. The Sidecar main got a little rowd y in th e battle for the " .'cond and third spo ts. The team o f Pete r Lewis and Ja m ie Ma ey , th e cu r re n t Nation a l cha m ps. h.ld no problems puttin g thc big Yam.lha uut in front. It was the b.ltt le fo r st"C . ond that got a little ugly . John Math er son and Scott Cole. the Mission Yamaha team. were out seco nd , but their rid e ther e was s ho rt-lived as ' Duane Cilrmon t and Richard Tailing w ent to war with Ste \'e Morrow a nd C hris Chapman. On the second lap . Ca rm on t and Tailin g wer l.'in the lead after pus hing thcir wa y through o n the inside .l nd gett ing ver y up close a nd personal with Morrow an d Ch apman. On the next lap, it was Matherson and Cole who got back into it as they go t a ro und MOTTOW and Chapman again, get ting very touchy-fee ly. On the final lap , Morrow and C ha p ma n had had e no ug h, and th ey cam e roaring back and got through o n the inside for third. Rand y Skinne r put ano the r Suppo r t main win in his hip pocket as he toppc>d Fra nk Pocce a nd Gerry Duttwieler . Sean McDou gall won the Support B. William McCarl ey was second, wi th Harry Bradwell third . Eddie Co nnl.'r w on th e firs t Pee Wee SOcc heat over Clayton Frazier and Joseph Kluka zyn · s ki. Phillip Harmatiuk w on hea t two, ha vin gco me fro m be hind to to p Lee "Leema n" Miller and Dustin " Aying Dust y" Phares . Eric Wheelwright and Kevin Tilson wer e the big winners a t t he Varie ty Rid e rs hi llclimb o n August 30. wheelwright nailed three class wins, o ne second, one third . and a lso delivered the fast time o f the day. Til so n claimed four class wins, winning every class he entered. ~h eelwright ' s fast time came in the 600cc class on his CRSOO. He took the first-round lead with a 3.008-seco nd time, moving und er Jason No rt hru p. who had run a 3.08O-second time on Gay le Je nkin s' Honda, But in second-round action, wheelwright's time was beaten several times. ra ul Hackbarth ran a good 2.848 seconds o n hi s CR500 , U oyd Mueller was right o n hi s heels wi th a 2.87&-second time on his KTM550, a nd Mark Shafer wa s close with 2.920 seco nds o n his K X500. Marc Sta m m also broke into the threes with a 2.998-second run o n his Honda. Wh eelwright wa s ready, and on his second rid e he unl eashed his high-flying act a t its very best. He flew his Honda high a nd far ov er the top with a 2.79's"second time. a tim e no o ne would tou ch th e rest of the day. Whe elwright took the 250cc-d ass win with a good 3.135-st.'Cond tim e o n his YZ2S0 as Kevin Cappello took S<.'COnd place on his KX250 in 3.222 seconds, followed by Paul Hackbarth, J.D. Laster and Brent Stewart. Wh eelwri gh t was even faster on his stuck-leng th YZ250 as he took the Stockclass w in wit h a n incr ed ible 3.033-sl"Cond r ide . Jaso n No rthrup placed second on his Sportland YZ400F thum per with a 3-104-S<.'COnd time while his brother Kaleb N orth ru p pu t his Sportland YZ2,50 over the top in 3.347 seco nds for third . Marc Stamm and Paul Hackbarth filled out the top five , Tilson 's firs t win ca me in the 750l."C class, in " which he took th e firs t-rou nd lead o n his Trium ph wit h a 3. 1 09 -~o n d time. No one in the class could beat tha t tim e, bu t Jason No rt hru p ca me closes t wit h a 3.172-second ru n on h is tr iple Ka w. David Dea ve r was close be h ind Northrup w ith a 3.194-st..-cond time on his classy BSA, an d Uoyd Haas was just another tick off on hi s tripl e with a 3.2 19· seco nd run. Kal eb Northrup cardt-d a 3.31J.second time on his Tri> um ph for fifth . Tilson took a "free" rid e in the second round and punctuated hi s win with a sizz ling 2.93J...second run. Tils<>n brought th e Triumph back for two mor e class wins . taking the Push rod class with a 2.881-s<.'COnd time, wit h Kaleb Northrup running 3.089 St. 'Ctmds for the sl'cond spo t. Then he took the Open Four-Stroke Exhibitio n-ela ss wi n with a 3.038-sc.."COnd time, \\;th Da'dd Deaver and his BSA running seco nd . Tilson's fourth wi n came in th e 500cc Fou r-St roke Exhibition class, in whi ch he rode ye t another Triumph t,,;n to a'Cond w in , as Jason North rup finished sl.'co nd on his Yamaha 40 0 thumper wit h a 3.412-S<.'COnd time. Results: FA.-'ITmtE: F.ric Wh<... lwri~h l (}-ton). · 50 AUTO 1. Bl.Jlo.eCappello ( u -m); 2. o...n.'k SW.n..... (KTMI ; m 3. 1,1:01:0 ro.kCull<.l u~ h (,<;U z) . 1 0 85 JR: 1. D.ln Myt.TS(H o n); 2. jacob Tackitt (Ya m ); 3 . Do n B. · u bt"T III (SuzJ ; 4. ~l n C m l" uz) ; 5 . Robt"l1St'Jln (Su l). K5 S R: I. JO Ca rrier (Suz); 2. Bill Myen Jr . (Hun ); 3 . Doln !lh 8"ylJtH u n); 4. Cudy JeJ\nt."T (Y<1 m ); 5. Bo.oclo..l Willi;lm :< (K.1w l. 200: I. Kelly Se nn (l(a w) ; 2. Sn'tt Siwe ls (K.lw); 3. Milo.t· Mil lt.r ' · Jr . ( K.1W); 4, G n.·); Lis t,," (K.1W ); 5. ~ka Willi,lms (K.1W). 250 : 1. Eric Wht'Clwrig h l (Yam ); 2. Kl'vi n Cilp pd ll1 tKjlw ); 3 . r a u l l-Iat. "lo.b.uth t H o n); 4. J.D . LH . ll· f (H u n) ; 5 . IIr"nt S h ·W.1f t (Kot wi. 400 : 1. Brt·"t SIt.wart (KT M ); 2 . ' asu n Nmth rup (V.lm) ; 3. ' M.He St. m m (V. m); 4. SIl"V ~ Sh"f("r (Yam); 5 . r,lu l tt•.cIo.b.u lh d a he licopter ride back to Las Vegas ; he had a co ncus sion a nd possibly some facial fractun.'S. Ma rk Burn ette Sl.'emed to keep his pmblems to a mi nimum. riding his .... iM to first o \·erall Amateur and th e wi n in Over 35 Amat eur. Kawasaki pilo t Trent Sandlw a)-wo und up firs t overall Novice a nd firs t in 2.!iOcc N(w1ce. The SOccand 60cc riders took on a portion of the big-bike cou rse• .\\;th litt le Ka\,, asaki-riding · Jesse Canepa swallowing u p the comf"Ctition in defen.."C of his 60ce title . Kyle Kischer ne ut.xi the SOcc Expert-c1a~s win o n his Hond .l . Results 4-STRK A M : t . Ch ri!l Molrtin (K.IW ) . 4·5TRK EX: I . Awn B un tin"tull (Y.\m ); 2. Kdly Yan cy (Kaw); Tim FI.'l mt."!!(Hllnl . o r EN NOV : 1. ShdWII Sm ith (IIun ); 2. DtTeIo. Zo rne lKaw);3. Tyler Skca ry (KTM ); 4. Fr.lnci s z..m u th; 5. Sh.1nm ln SW itZl"T. OPEN ~M ; 1. J"!llln Sh'phl'n lO (I-Ion ); 2. CI"y C o n n...lI~ y (tea w ); 3. Kt.",n r OWt'r!i (lInn). s O rEN EX: 1. Sa," MUrTi (lUl w) ; 2. JI.....h Lilson ( Ka w ); 3. R,m Punrine50IKTMl . 50 fIoiOV: 1. Jt·ft.·m y rurvin<-"!! (ICTM); 2. Tyler f-Iendriclo.~ (k-n.t'); J. Dalla s kwiti (l i un) ; 4. 1l\om.a!l ("ndfn.-y (Le nd; 5. TI't"VOf o RoyeT ll..em ). SOAM: 1. N; hk-v" If-11m); 2. KriM.t O'H.r. (KTMl. 50 EX: 1. justin' Walli ~ ( Kn-t); 2. C urt i 8radll'Y t Kn-t ); J TylerlnomalO (Act I.

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