Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ors went to Scott Brigh t, ridi ng his KX. Fourth went to KX-m ou nted Ma r k Stevens a nd fift h went to Casey Co lbert on his V ickery Yam aha. The overa ll B-class wi n wen t o nce aga in to Su zuki-mou nted Dav e N uerne is ter, w ith Be n Jansm a repeating the Oclass overa ll. Results 0 / A A: Scot Strdch (K.;.w). 0 / A 8 : Dav e NlOUrnelSh.'f (Suz). 0 / A C: B.-n J.Ul!Omd (Yam ). AA : 1. ~ Tobi n (K"Thf); 2. Scott Bright {](awl; 3. Casey Co lbt!rt{Yam); 4. Otonni."i Luran (Ka w l; 5. Brian p ~ (Kiw). 200 A: t .Lee Cecper ()(a w ); 2. Una-Bf05S (Ya m ). 200 B: 1. Ad"m Griffith IKTMI ; 2. M:ik e Decker (KTM) ; 3 . Leke Mat lock (KTM); 4. Ktoil h Kiuctl (lUIw) ; 5. Chris rurino (Kawl. 200 C: I . M" rc Baker (Kaw); 2. Topht-r Chandl...., (Suz l; 3. Paul TUml.T (Ya m) ; 4 . Scott Cl\andll"f' (Hool; 5. Todd Elfdd ( K,aw). 250 A: I. Monk Stevens (Kawl; 2. Chad DuttOfl (Yam); 3. Jerry Churchill (KTM); 4. ' eft Hernandez (KTM); 5. Cha rlll"S Cregory H l."fld cb ( KTM) . ri OPEN A: 1. Robbi e C la u!>!l (Va m); 2. Bob Conner- (Hon); 3. Bill y Bu rg en er (KTMl; 4. Rya n O'Ne il (KTM) ; 5 . Pet e r Zt. proa - (Ho nl. OrEN 8 : 1. Jol!'iOn Cooper ( KThi); 2. Kevin O' l...eary (KTM); 3. kff Perter ( K1"M). O r EN C : 1. [).ave Koecove (Kl"M); 2. David Jad..o;on (Kaw ); 3. Ja son Ec ka rt (Ka w) ; 4. 'Joh n Wabh (KTMI; 5. Go rdon Moen ch (KTMI. SR A: 1. Phil H oover (lGIw) ; 2. ' a ry Pe n ney (KT M); 3 . Ed fk.Ju mont (Volm): 4. Randy Wa lker. SR 8 : t. 8 i1l Agardy (H on ); 2. Dave Scha d le (Suz); 3. M ike r Teocht.-r; 4. Steve Vanatta (KT MI;5. Brad Duvall (Kaw l. SR C: 1. Da vid Mid thu n (KTM ); 2. Ton y Cooper (KTMI: J . Bry an Gtol tg l--r (Yam); 4. Jo hn Godwin (Kaw ); 5. st ev e N yl:oi ()(a w l. l S/SR LONG: 1. Ac.' d Stretch (J(TM ); 2. Ken ny Otto (Kaw ); 3. y John Omaha (KTM); 4. Larry G R..."I1 (Kaw ); 5. O. Win gdclh (Hus l. . S / SR S HO RT C: 1. H o wa rd Utsey (H o n ); 2. lo hn T obin (KTM I; 3. Jim M..mckt. r (Varni; 4. Steven Mu rr a y: 5. Jam es Ei'inn". 4-STRK A: I. Eric Nljka mp (Yam); 2. Kenny Perkins (Ya m l; 3. [am es Pl 'dnllm (H (m); 4. Jim Wey (KJ,w); 5. Kdth Al~ (Yaml . 4·STR K B: 1. Pa u l F. um (Ya m ); 2. Scott Milsaps (Ho n ); 3. Go rd on Mast en (H on ). 4·ST RK C: I . Scott Ho ffm e yer; 2. Rich Vose (Suz); 3. Jack DL'ITf(H u n l: 4. C hristO hlT Fl5ht. ( J(TM); 5. Joe Slagle (Hoed . p T VET A: 1. T roy Raynor (Yam ); 2.Waynl:' Intermill (Yam) ; 3. Mo rga n Mum (Ho n ); .. . Gary M il1~ (Ya m) ; 5. Troy O'Con no r (KT'M). VET B: I. Steve Sill, r ( KTM); 2. Eric Jord. n ( KTM); 3. Rex " McKin ney (Y. m); 4. Greg Mare (KTMI; 5. Jeff Hanrwn (Ya m). VET C: 1. Da n Dail~ (Ya m); 2. Bob Thoming (KThO; 3. Tom Dillon (ymtJ; 4. Sh."Ve Lar.lOCl (KIMI ; 5. Pa ul Franke ( . MSTR S/ SR C; I. Jack Henry ( JCTM) ; 2. 5I:.n Simpson. 5 /60: 1. W ill Hendri. (Kawl; 2. M;srv Dun.1kbon. LOS; I. Nicole Brad ford (KIM) ; 2. Stwwn Stretch (Hon); 3. Pa tti Schmidt (Ka w ). Turbo charges to two Castaic Motocross wins Chad Fra nk was kin g of the 125cc Nov ice class tonigh t after he ju mped a big tri ple jum p on the front stra ightaw ay that most of the topranking Intermedia tes woul dn 't dar e jum p. Frank ra n awa y with bo th mo tos but was challenged by Rob Healy for much of the second mot o. Jess Albreco trad ed in his 80cc Hond a for a new KXSO and ca me ou t a winner in the BOcc Beginne r class . Albreco looked great toni gh t after he absconded with the ho lesh ot a nd led most of each 80cc Beg inner-class moto w hile performing awesome lea ps ove r all the tra ck's double jump. Matt Gomez was untou chable in the older a nd more experienced 80cc (12·16 ) age gro up tonight by lea d ing a lmost every lap of bo th motos en route to a convi ncing win over Josh Bagge, Adam Gregg and Kevin Williams. Cod y Farra r was the night's top Pee Wee after he swept all four motos he entered in both the Stock a nd Mod ified 50cc (4-6) classes. Farrar was so fast , in fact, tha t he finished in front of all th e o lder 7- to 9-year-o lds , in cl u d ing cla s s champ Hayd en Comma ns. Results 50 (1.1-6 ): l. Cody Fa rr ar (KTM); 2. C h ris Plouffe ( KT M ); 3. Robt. rt Redell (Yam ). o 50 (1.1-6) MOD: 1. Cody Fa lTar (KTMI. 50 (7-11>: 1. H a y d e n Co m mans ( KT M); 2. Justin Eu ban k!ll (KT M) ; 3. Anna nd o Aguila r (KTM); 4. Ethan Flores (KT MI. 50 (1·9) MOD : 1. Ha yd en Co m ma ns (KT M) ; 2. A rma nd o Agu ilar (KTMI ; 3. Eth a n Ptoses (KTM). . 60 BEG: 1. Greg Owa n (Kaw) ; 2. Michael C o ve lli (Ka w ); 3. lA·rrick M u rp h y (Kaw); 4. Ma t he w H ealy (Ka w l; 5. A n t h o n y Mu no z (Kl"M) . 60 (Q..S); 1. Tre nt Pug m ire (Kaw) ; 2. Lance Coury (Kaw l. 60 (9-11); 1. ' eff Aless i (Kaw); 2. Riley Harper (K.1W); 3 . A nd y Hammer (Kaw l. . 80 BEG: I. [ess Albreco (; 2. c.J. Ma ho n (yam); 3. Stev en Ho yle (Yam ); 4. Ryan M..lht.. u Caw); 5. Rei<: Bakt.'T (H onl. Tbc 80 (1· 11): I. Bret t Moun tai n (Yam ); 2. Jef f A less i (Ka w); 3. Ta tl" MilIi.lszek (Kawl . 80 02· 16): I. Go mez (Ka w ); 2. Jos h 8a ~1!' (l Io n); 3. Ad a m GrL"gg (Ya ml ; 4. Ke v in W ill ia ms (Ya ml ; 5. Ad a m Ta ki (KiIw l. S / ML"III; I. 'eff Ak"SlOi ()(a wl ; 2. Ma tt Gomez (Ka w); 3. JOlIh Ba ~ CHold; 4. Ad am G~ (Yam); 5. Kevin Will iams (yam ). 125 NOV: 1. Chad Frank (V.m); 2. Ja y JohI'l!iOl\ (Honl; 3. Rub Hea ly (ya m); ... Jeremy Cruse (ya m); 5. Oint Ewing (Ya m). 125 (NT: I . Turbo Reif (HOld ; 2. el Me.mll (Yam ); 3. Mike a Miller (H ord ; 4. Colin Morrisorl (ya m); 5. Brad Terry (Yam ). 250 BEG: I. Da m n Hobbick (Kaw); 2. Elmer SiUiei (Va m) ; 3. A nd rew Cordos (Kaw); 4. Jay Bagge (Hon); 5. ' d f PoI.Lud (Kaw). 250 NOV : 1. Wa m."I1 Titt1emMor (Kawl; 2. Jeremy C rullole (yam); J . Eric G ro pp (Hon); 4. T.). Bererio (Ya m ); 5. Gene Eiunbt.-nl..T (VarnI. 250 Il\T : 1. Twbo Rei! (H on); 2. Rafael M....ns {Yaml ; 3. Mike 'ITf Meadows (; 4. Mike MilkT (H un) ; 5. Brad Tc. (ya m). JR VET BEG: 1. Ja son c.u penter ()(a w ); 2. Di no Ca tuoyno (Hon) ; 3 . Mik e Mal h erb.!- (Ya m) ; 4. Douglas Ru nya (Kaw); 5 . c.u neron RoblnllOfl(Suz). By To ny A lessi CASTAIC, CA, AUG. 2B Turbo Rei! wa s charged up tonight after he post ed ov e rall wins in both the 125cc a nd 250cc Inte rmedia te classes d u ring sse Friday N ight Racing by the lake. Reif led mos t of the first 125cc Intermediate moto bu t, just when it ap peared that victo ry was imminen~ Reif made a mistake that would ulti. mat ely cost him the m~to win. Rafael Means p icked up the lead a nd held on to it while Reif finished a di sappo inting seco nd . Reif rebou nded in the all-importa nt seco nd moto a nd pos ted the moto overa ll victory while Means, Mike Mill e r a nd "Ju m p Kin g " Co li n Morrison rounded out the top four . Reif returned later in the eveni ng and scored. the overall win in the 2SOcc Intermediates wi th a pa ir of bril liant rides. Mean s pla yed bridesmaid for the second tim e durin g the night w hile Mike Mead <:tw s, Mike Miller and Brad Teny rounded ou t the top five. VET BEG: 1. Fnod lnouye (Yam) ; 2. Jay Bagge n-kmJ ; J. Ma rk Pa lhaco (Sud; 4. John Lund berg (Hon); 5. Gu y Smith (KJ,w). VET NOV: 1. Bryce J~ (Yaml: 2. G...oorge SiWzar (Ka wl ; J. Y. Eizenbener (Yam); 4. EImer Silfies (Yam) . VIrr (NT: 1. Ed C w j.:rrdo (Suz); 2. Rub H eal y (Ya m); 3. A la n lipsky (Ka w); 4. Brad Thorn (yam); 5. Joe lozano (Hon). o VET EX: 1. Tod Sciacqw (Kaw l; 2. Jeff Stapkot n (Ya m). SR BEG: I. Mark Ma rtin ()(a w ); 2. Chris Berlaw (Ya m) ; 3. Ton y M u noz (Ya m) . SR NOV : 1. R.1lph Collins (Ka w). WMN : 1. Chr'btine Ncbon (H o n). Price is right at Shippensburg Short Track By Len and Ben Breech SHIPPENSBURG, PA, AUG. 23 Provin g that he still can ge t the job done with mo ney on the line, Georgie Price won the 600cc Pro fina l at the Bear Racing-promoted , Cumberland Kawasaki/ABBA System-sponsored short track at Shippensburg Speedway. Two a nonymo us spectators kicked in mo re than $2()()() to the pu rse, with $1000 going to the wi nner o f the 600cc Pro race and $500 to each of the 2SOcc and 600cc A-elass winners . All th ree classes were full, wi th many a rider begg ing or borrowing another rid er' s bike to have a shot a t the big bu cks. The 600cc A contest wa s wo n by Don Mullen, who as a Pm Spo rt ride r took fifth in the Pro final. a nd second to Bob Sweet en in the 250cc A race. Rick Winsett took th e Sp ortsman w in , wh ile Nic k Taylor topped the Ove r 30 gro u p. Bruce Miller too k his first Over 40 w in o f the season, a nd Todd Kend ig proved the Jim Cha pman Yamah a is one of the fastest 500s in the area by easily taking the 500cc A Two-Valve win . On the Ama teu r sid e of the led ger, Ja red Mees fi na lly got t h e gre mlins o u t of h is Mich ael's H-D Classics-sponsored Hondas to stop Chris Klinefelter's 125cc,lass dom ina tion, and he also too k the 250cc B win . Bill Stillwell made a n opening -lap holeshot hold up aga inst Joe y Tyeryar for the 600cc B win . Help ing to prese nt awards to the you nger rid ers was former National Ch ampion Chris CarroEvan Beer won the SOcc (4-6) and Oil-Injected classes, with his brother Shawn again taking the 85cc win. John Lew is topped. the 65cc clas s, while Joe y Par ks took his turn in front of the SOcc (7-8) group and Co rey Horm es held off Jason lsennock for the 125cc Schoolboy win. With more riders, the normally wid e groove got a little smaller, p lacing a premiu m on a good start in most classes . Sandwiching Price in second were a pa ir of riders who hav en ' t mad e many starts this season, Mike McKee (in front) and Todd Winsett (in third ), wi th the lead trio ahead of Kevin Varnes and Don Mullen. As the y com pleted the third lap, Price slip ped the Bob Sweeten Rotax und er McKee's Ha nnu m's H-Dspo nsored Rot a x for the lead . Price gradually put a few lengths on the others, while Winsett started po unding on McKee' s rea r tire for the res t of the race, but he cou ld not get the opening he need ed . Jake Johnson, on Georgi e Price's KTM, led a full field of 600cc A racers out of the second turn ; he wa s closely follo we d by Dallas Baer, Ace Phillip s and Don Mull en. In a grea t d isp lay of how to rid e an afternoon groov e track, Mullen sliced his way into second by the third lap and sta rted to pressure Joh nson for first. Johnson is one of the best in the a rea a t riding the low line, bu t Mullen found an ope ning as they came off the fourth turn on the eigh th lap to take the lead . Baer s ta r ted slip p ing off the groove , as Tom McGrane Jr. got by him on the 10th lap, and John Winsett Jr. took fifth two laps later. Sin ce winni ng the number-o ne plate in his d istrict for the 250cc Pro Sport class at the Am ateu r Na tiona ls, M u llen ha sn't w on locall y , alt houg h he's bee n very com petitive. Tod a y he d idn 't help his situa tion any by low -sid ing in his heat and starting on the outside of the back row. But he was helped by two comp lete restarts that thi nned out the front line. The thir d start wa s the chann for Bob Sweeten, as he ma naged to ge t in fron t of previous leader Tom McGrane Jr. a nd Ace Phillips, Ra u n Wood a n d M ull en. Mu llen got by Wood on the second lap, and the fron t fo u r pulled a wa y. Ph illips got u n d er McG rane as they enter ed the firs t tu m on the fift h la p, w it h Mu lle n d ro p p ing McGran e to fourth in the same spo t on the next lap. Unlike his heat race, in which he tried to ge t by Phillip s, Mullen slipped un der Phillips as they came off the seco nd turn on the 10th lap . With the laps winding d own, Mu llen rot into Sweeten's lead , but not enoug h to mount a serious threa t. Jared Mees outjum ped this season's holeshot kin g, Chris Klinefelter, at the start of the 125cc B (Ab ove) At the Shippensburg ST In Pennsylvania, Don Mullen (29A) pu lls into first as Jake Jo hnson (71) takes second in the 600cc A cl ass. (Abo ve left ) Chad Frank was th e 12Scc Novi ce winner during the SSC Friday Night rac ing in Casta ic , California. co ntes t, wi th Bry an Dougla s a nd Shawn Baer d ose behind . The front three stayed very d ose the entire d istance, bu t no one made any mistakes an d the order stayed the same. The 250cc B race had Joey Tyeryar taking the lead from Mike Brabson, Mees and Nick Lipira. Mees got under Brabso n as they hit the first turn on the second lap , with Mees pressuring Tyeryar. The pr essure paid off as Mees slipped un der Tyeryar as they came off the second turn on lap seven. Results 50 (4-6): 1. Evan Barr (Act) ; 2. John LAms(LA.nd ; 3. Andrew ' Smith (Act); -I. Bryan DeM u ro (Act). 50 (1-8): I. JOt.")' Pa m C lem); 2. Ml'goln Jam es ([.em); 3 . Be and on Robinson (Act). SOO IL-L"\lJ: I. Eva n s.....T(Yam); 2. I'ugh (Yam l; 3. R.J. Ha rt (Ya m l. 65: 1. Joh n lA. "Wis(Kawl; 2. Brandon Rub irelOR (Ka w l. 85: 1. Shawn Baer (Yam); 2. Bria n Phi llip!' Jr. (Yam ); 3. Zlch Calcu tt (H o n); 4. Joh n Lewis (Ya m); 5. Travi s 5l. nnclt (Vam) . 100 4-STRK: Br ian Ph illi ps Jr. (He n ), 2. Bria n Phi llip s Sr. (Hu n); 3. Shawn Whitma n (Hurd . 125 SC H BV: I. Co ry Hermes (Ho n); 2. [aso n IlOt."nnud (Ho n); 3. ' ona tha n Rl-id (KTM). '" 125 B: 1. [ared Ml-\. S (H o n ); 2. C h ris Klind elter (H o n l; 3. Brya n Do uglas (Ho n): 4. Shaw n B.1 (Vllm); 5. [.... so n [sennoc k er (Ho n). 250 A: 1. Bob Swee ten (Ho n); 2. Don Mullen (Suz); 3. Ace Phi llips (Vam) ; 4. Tom McG ra ne Jr. (H u n); 5. Raun Wood (Yam ). 2SO 8 : 1. Jared Men ilio n ); 2. Joey Ty ery a r (Ya m) ; 3. Mik e Brabson (Hon) ; 4. Nick lipn-.... (Iionl; 5. Bry an Dou gla s (Hun !. I 500 A 2·VA LV E: 1. Todd Kend ig (Ya ml ; 2. Da v e S m it h (y a m); 3. Nick Tavlcw (Yam) ; 4. Rau n Wood (Va m ). 600 A: 1. ~n Mu llen (Rb I; 2. Jake Jo h nson (KTM ); 3. Ace Phillips (Rbd ; 4. Tom McG rane Jr. (Hon); 5. John Wimett Jr. (Rb). 600 B: 1. BlUy Stillwell (Rbd; 2. JOl. T)"- )'Ar (Rb); 3. W illia m ")' T 8or'a n (Ya m); 4. Brian Phill ips Sr. (RbI; 5. Bob H ildebrand ( Hon). 600 PRO: I . Georgie Price-{Rtx); 2. Mike McJU..e (Rtx); 3. Todd Wil'\!idt (Rtxl; 4. Kevi n Va ~ (Rbl ); 5. Don Mul kTl ( Rlx). 30+: 1. Nick Taylor (Yam) ; 2. V~ Ca ld w ell ( Hon); 3. Mike Keane

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