Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Four- time World Champion Eddie lawson (21) made a cameo appearance at the Supe r TT race in Buttonw illow, Califo rn ia. class, which filled the s ta rtin g ga te . Tyson Leggett tu rned in a great ride in the Schoolboy class , riding a lOOcc bike against the more powe rful 1255. Bria n Ger th took the win w ith a smooth a nd fa st s tyle. Gary Macuich made it " th ree for fo ur , ta king the Senior 2 class , having been bes ted in the last race by Fran k Gallo. Nea l Davis rod e a Yamaha 400 fou r- stroke to wi n the Open B clas s against the tw o-s trok e com peti tion. There were 16 series championships awa rded d u ring th e second rou nd of mo tos . Th ere were tw o double winners: Kevin Gnapp in the Over 25 and Heav yw eight Money classes , a nd Tim Reger in the Seni or and Su per Mini classes. Th e only rep ea ti ng cha m p io n was Na tha n iel Lasky, in the Schoo lboy class. Results BEG r / w; 1. Rick y Sm ith (KTM); 2. Brandon Co ur tney Ulus l; J. Jfll-J D.w is (Yilm); 4. Nil"k Risden (Yam); 5. Ch ris Gregory . (Yam ). JR P /W: I. vtnceot O leni ck (Cob ); 2. RyanWorth (KTM); 3. St. tl F~'rry (Co b); 4 . Kenny M,lzurkiewi cz (Co b); 5. Robbie Risch-n 'u (Yam ). · SR rtv« 1. Kyll.. G ilch ri~ 1 (KTM); 2. Scott Dye (Cub) ; 3. Moltt Stor k (Co b); 4. Tonv Ga llo (Cub); 5. Michael Blauman (KTM) . NJ: I. Kenn y li l' nry (Kaw); 2. joh n Syzma nsk i (Kdw) ; 3. Billy B.1 (Kilw ); 4. Johnny Do.·In.1 1 ~ (K.1W) 5. Ton y Ga llo (Kaw ). Y!O ; SR MIN I: l , Micky M.lfS h,lll (Yam) ; 2. Tim Rager (Yam ); 3. II",h u.l Kom pa (Suz) ; 4. G n.,; Myen (Ka w ); S. Derek Cullins (Sozl . S/ M IN I: 1. M icky M.U'Sh.11l (Ydm); 2. TY.'lOn U"ggl-t1 (Kaw ); 3. Ti m R.l ~I'T (Yam) ; 4. Do."'I'\,k Co llins (! {KTMl ; 4. Bria n H.lI.... (KTMt BMBR: I. Scotty !-I.I)'l. Sd (Suz) ; 5. Brcn t Ct· ntufan ti (H un ). d -I-STRK: I. Ne dl o.1Vh! (Y.l m ); 2. Bra ndon l::kAn~di~ lY.lm ); 3. Erie WiIli,lms ( I-!(ln); 4. C h.,J Kimmel (I lu s). Findl Se nl'A Re sults JR. l' /W: 1. Vinet.·nt O ll' n ick tCI,b); 2. Rub bie Risd ... (Y.l m ). n SR. P/W: J. Mieh.1l'! BI,lume n t KTM1. 1 tlI): I. jo hn Sy 7. n.msk i (K.1wl; 2. Billy B.1Y (Kaw); 3. Jo h nny r S Dl·IB.llso (K.1W). SR. MINI : I. Tim R.l~l'r (Y.1m); 2. j.lke Kelley (Suz ); 3 . Ke n I-II ~l' ( Yam l . . S /M I:"IJ I; I . Tim Rol";"rlYa m ); 2 . Ty Bickle (5~z). JR. MI.J\.:I: 1. T v Bick le (Suz ); 2. Bill ~cK l'nm'v (Y'lm l. SCff8Y: I . N.; th ,m i,·l Ldsky (Suz ); 2. Joe McKt'11J\l')' tYam ). 125 8 : I. N id.. Yol" (Yam) . 12.'1 : 1. B..'1l Ortt t Ka w ); 2. Jim Sch nl'idl'T (Ka w ). 250 8 : I . Bry.ln Sant i... (Suzl. • 250 <:: 1. Bill Gorbv (H('ln); 2.jllt"VWill mott l!-to n). L/ W MNY : 1. Jd f 'M.1J t' ri tz (StUI. H /W MNY : I. KC"Vin G nolpp (l Ion) . 25+: 1. Kl'vi n Gnapp U lun ). SR 1: I . John DcIB.tbo (Hun); 2. A.iTon Ri..ot."I1 ( l. SR 2: I. G.1ry Mdcuich (Su z l; 2. Wayne 8cty!> lK.lw ); 3. Kl'n Ca rtwn j;h l (Y.lm ); 4. M.lrk (Ytlml . BMBR t. SctJlty !-Iayl'!!(Hun); 2. Mike Pozq;;a (Ya m). 4 : 5. Pearce pounds Buttonwillow Super IT By Fred Win du m 30 BlJITONWILLOW, CA, AUG. 16 Univers..1J motorcycle ract:r Rick Pearce d ominat ed the tw o p remi er classes a t Bu tto nwillow Raceway' s fina l sched uled Super IT race . Also in attendance wa s Eddie Lawson, who showed u p w ith Wayne a nd Sandy Ra iney on hand to coac h hi m in his return to Superbikers ·style IT raci ng . Pe a rce 's fi rs t victo ry, o n DeWa yn e Jones' C RSOO TT co nvers io n, ca me in th e Un lim ited Sing le & Twi ns Supe r IT race after a few passes be tw een the s ta rf and the end of the first lap . A.). Her err. led the field through the first turn, foll o w ed by Ell io tt Iverso n, Da vid Dia z a n d An tonio N u nez . Pear ce wa !'f mired in the middl e of the pac k, passin g to third as Iven;on was hit from beh ind , sta lling the mot or and taki ng Ca rl Blake wit h him . Hererra had pulled away from Nu nez , w ho w as now u p to seco nd , and a charging Rick Pea rce . Pearce quickly wen t a round Nu nez in the d irt !"eCtion, coming on to the pavement seco nds beh ind Her erra .· He rerra continu ed to lea d th ro u gh Bu tt o n w ill o w 's " Sp a ce Moun bin" esses, but Pea rce had p ulled rig ht in be hin d him. As they hit the long back s traig ht , Pearce's Jon es-buil t CR laun ched past Herer ra' s highly modi fied ATK, leavin g it be hin d . Hcr crra mot ored o n to secon d at a fast pace. N un ez and Sha ne Scott w or ked pas t David Diaz, wh ile Iverso n sli p pe d by Rob Weaver. Pea rce took th e checkered flag well ahead of Hererr a, wh o was a sim ilar d is tance a hea d of thi rd -p laced N unez . Scott, Diaz, Iverson, Weaver and Blake followed, s till on the lead lap. AMA 600 Su pers po rt racer Mar k Cern ick y also had a good day a t Butt onwillo w , lead ing the Open Doa l Sport class on his basically stock XR400 wire to wire ah ead of Alle n Yarro w and Mike Harker . Cernicky's real accom p lis hme n t came in the Midd lew eigh t Supermotard race . He cras hed ea rly, got u p dead last, sliced through t raffic, pu ll ed in be h in d t hird -p la ced Kurt Edward s and , passing on the entrance to th e pavement , caught second-placed Yarrow . an d then headed a fter lead er Don Canct's YZ400 . Th e pa ir swapped the lead sev eral times before Ccmicky too k and held the to p spo t. Ca net followed in seco nd , ahea d of Yarrow, Edwa rds an d Paul Kerr . H e r e r r a has the s tar ts a t Button wi ll o w d ialed , and he led the Open Supermotard race , with Lawson and Pearc e close behi nd . Th is time Hererra held o n to lead the fin;t lap , as Pea rce foug ht to find a wa y around multi-time Wo rld and N ationa l champ La w son, w ho was o nCe again po w ering a n A TK down th e lo ng bac k s traight. ~lwson pulled in behind Pea rce and the tw o head e d a fter H ererra . Again, on th e back strai g h t, Pe ar ce powered by Hererra to ta ke th e lead, w hi le Lawson pulled in be hind Hererra. Do n Ca net, on e of the even t' s o rg a n iz ers, and An ton io Nunez were locked in i.1 ba tt le of their own fo r fourth, N u nez' big Hu s ky fou rstroke cou ld motor past the s ma lle r YZ400 of Ca ne t, lea ding ac ross th e finis h s tripe . Ca ne t could div e inside the taller, hea vier bike into the lef t-hand turn one, onl y to ha ve N un ez pa ss back by on the longer d ir t s traig htaways. N unez finally pulled an adv a ntage big eno ug h to take a nd hold fourth , lea" ing Canel fifth . Maybe it was the d ry , slick comers, maybe it wa s the pres sure, but L.lw son ca me by o n the next le'p alone . Here rra ha d slipped in o ne of the d irt righ t-handers, gi"i ng u p seco nd to L. wson 1 a nd ~etting th e o rder to the finish. Pearce was go ne o ut fron t, rid ing a fla wless race wit h long, s mooth slides thr ou gh the pave~en t comers; he was fo llo wed bv Lawso n and Herer ra , wit h N unez and Canet seve ral co mers behin d . Results :\.I/W S / :\.-tTR D: 1. :\.-tdTk C ernlc "" (H o n); 2. Do n Ca ne l (Ya m ); 3 . Alle n Yarr o w (Ya m ); 4_ Ku rt Ed w.lnh t Hu nl; 5 . P.tu l Kt.'Tf(Hunl. O f'E:-.i DUA LST'RT: 1. \ Cl'Tllicky HillIl l; 2. AlIl"l1 Yarrow (Y.u n); 3 . \f ikl ' H.l (Hon ); 4 . Rydn Bu lg ra m (K.Jw ); 5. A I.ln Lund (Ya m) . 1. Rick T' ilTCl" (lIon); 2. A.j. Ht. n 'ITa lA TK); 3. Arllunio e · , N u nt.'z (!-Iu.'1); 4. Sh..m l· Sco lt (AT K); 5. Dav id DMZ(:\.-tuz) . \f I:'>01 MTRD. 1. Ps at the finish line . Jared Kapoor co ntin ues to im pr ess s pectators wi th his ex ce llen t rid in g . He scored a ha rd earn ed first place in the Middleweigh t C P race after being fourth in a s i x ~man freight train led carly o n by Jerem y Toye ou t of Bonita, California, on a very fas t GSXR600. Toye It'd Cass Morga n, Jim Co x, Kapoo r, Scott Jen se n and Mike Noschesc at the sta rt, bu t wi th three laps to go Kapoor fou g h t his way to the . fro nt to w in by less than a second. Results U/ L Sf'T / BK: I . Chri~ Gn."Vt' (Suz l; 2. I,lm l'!i ("(IX (Y.1m). H /V\' ST'T/ 8 K EX: 1. Dav id Duprey ISuz); 2. Jol.'lOn Pa r ke r (Suz ); 3. Ch ris G n ·\!t· (Suz ); 4 RI~l'r HI'(.mslll.·rgl"l1 (5ozl; 5. Neal · H."lZdctt (Suz ). H /W 5 PT / BK AM : 1. Mik (' Wid"l' (Suz); 2. T rl'n l FI·ltnMn (Kaw ); 3. J(le fMum (Kilw ); 4. 'J1lc:lfThlf; IMk('r (Suz ); S. Ste\'e Kopp (Suz). M /W SIT / BK EX: 1. David Duprey (Suz ); 2" ledt"S1Tht tK.J.....; 3 . D.we lA ngfo rd tf(a ",,); 4. It' hn kwell (Suz ); S. C1"''' Mllr) · j;.m {Ho n ). M / W SPT / BK AM : 1. Michild M.tcL .4.·an (HI.n ); 2. Thomas Stu ll (Han); 3. Eric A nd t"T'iOn ( Due); 4, Brad Rusht un (Suz ); 5. Tum &.....J (Y"m ). a L/ IN SPT / BK EX: 1. Ch ri. . Bush lLl v}; 2. jdf In' n.u d lin Ka oni (Yam l; S. Henry W.'lIl~ tH on l. /BK EX: 1. Charlt'S IJIl1;Cln(Su.1;); 2. Tr .lVl."Shu rt (Du d; SR SI"'T 3 , Mich.l d Sundt.Tlin (Ya m); 4 . Rick Str attun (5u z ). SR SIT / BK A :\.-t: I. \fark C u m bt-rfurd (Su z); 2. Rtll/:l'!" Coyle tKa wl; 3. Tod d BawlT\ol (Hl' n); -I. Tom C h.1UTK"'1,·y {Dud; 5. Ray n Hy nwr (!.1M(lrga n (}Ion ); 4 . Mikt· Nosc ht.'S4,· (Ya m) ; 5. ja m.'!; Cox (Y.:.m). M /W G P AM: l. Mieh"d M" d......d n (H on) ; 2. 8 rild Rush ton (Suz) ; 3. Ho w.lTd IYpl.ln (Hon); 4. Sh'Vl' Kllr p (Suz) ; 5. Bri.1n H.1S· g il n -Ion). ol 1 L/ W Gr EX: I.M ar k u -dt'!l n (Yam) ; 4. Milrk Di rietn1 (Yam ); 5. D.-rTl"Ck a Dixon lYam) . L/W GT' A M : 1. OMIt'S Coyle (Kaw); 2. Rich ard Webster OR (Duc) ; 2. Cha rll.'.'!l Co yle {Kawl; 3. Rich ,n d w ebster (K.1W 4. Ken u 'Slil' (Yom ); 5. Ron;iIJ ); Spalle tta (Ya m]. L/ W SPTSMN EX: 1. Mar" Ll'll t.Sm .l (K,lW); 2. S con jen sen ' (K.1 3. Scot Welch (Ka w l; 4. Mich .ll' I 5ond ,·rh n (Yam ). W); L/ W 5rTSMN AM : 1. Charles Co yle (Kawl ; 2. Richard weestcr (K.1Wl; 3. T om Cha u ncey IDue) ; 4. Steven H ym er (! season, having wo n thr ee of the last four e\'l;~n ts. Th e New Mexico End uro Riders hos ted their first enduro, w hich wa s ro und 11 of the Rock y Moun tain End uro Circu it's championship series an d co-sa nctioned by the Texas State Cha mpions hip Enduro S e ri e~ . T he firs t-ti me RM EC event was held just so u th of the resort tow n of Taos, and it came off without a hitch. Promoters Allen Cla rk a nd Eugene She llen berger provided . . all the ingr edi ent s required for a q uali ty en d uro. Th e two-loo p, 73-g ro u nd -mile enduro s ta rted the ride rs o n a m ilt.'-and-a -ha lf sec tion of deep sa nd w hoo ps t ha t h a d th e arm p u m p go in g ea rly . Fortuna tel y, the terrain cha nged to tr ail an d cross·g rain wa s hes that fed tow ard the Rio Grande River. Tht.~ high -desert terrain com bined with the in teru;e 90-d cg rL >-and-h igher tem pera'l. tur es crea ted a tough rid e. The 21- and 15-;m ph speed averagt'S had riders kt'Cping time th rough the first three chec ks, wit h most of the top rid ers cardi ng zeroes u p until chec k four, where th e course tumt.>d into a tight, narrow , sand y. arroyo that robbed po ints fro m the top rid ers in a hurry a t the 24-mph speed average. Ride rs were reset and chf.."Cked int o the last test secti on , which It.>d them back in to the camp a nd ga s sto p . Thi s sec tio n w as a fa st a nd fun ridgeto p tr ait that kept the riders hon est as they rod e o ver the many blind rises . "You had no idea w hich way the co urse was go ing to tur n a s yo u cres ted the to p s of the mou nt ains," ex pla ine d Stret ch . " 1 didn ' t tak e a ny cha nces and ca me to a dead s top at the top of ea ch o ne of those." Stret ch made his s tate ment ea rly ; he was the o nly rider to zero the firs t loop. ~ The second loop util ized man y of the sa me trails as the first bu t a t high er speed averages . Again , rid er s worke d thei r wa y th ro ug h the lo ng, tight arroyo s p eci a l-tes t sectio n. A t the re;et, ride rs were pan ting hard as they snuggk"d u p to t he pinion p ines fo r th e a ll-impo r tant sha de. Riders were loo kin g forwa rd to the fast a nd fun ridgetop st."'C tio n lead in g back into the finish , but trail boss Ken Giles had o ther plan s. He turned the riders in to a not her wick t.>d-tig ht. narrow, s tee p an d sandy ar royo that mad e the first on e look like a freeway. Ride rs struggled in thi s " 12 m iles of hell " sec t io n th rough two chec ks. Giles teased the riders a few times : The ribbon wou ld come up o ut of the wash just lon g eno ugh to ge t a glim pse of the ca mp a rea and the finish, only to tu rn back down int o the tigh t stuff for more "h am mer tim e." Th e Moose OffRoad / FM F/ C ha m p io n / Brid gest on e / Ultima te Moto rs po rts-ba cked Stre tch w on the eve nt with a score o f 24. Second o ve ra ll went to Forest Tobin with a 31 on his KTM. Th ird -over all hon -

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