Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By Greg Robertson 26 SAN BERNARDINO, CA,SEPT. 6 . len Helen Racew ay pl ayed ho st ~jo r the CTI -sponsored opening round of the GFI Racing Fall Series. Nearly 400 en tries made for a full d ay of racing that included a midday award s presentat ion of numerou s prizes. Close to 20 mountain bikes were given away for those who did well in the recently completed lO-race GFI at Night Summer Series. : . Out on the track, I6-year-old rookie Pro Bryan McGavran proved he' s go t what it takes to run with the fast boys as he cam e from the back of the field for the 125cc Pro victory. Kawasaki-mounted Jeremy Chau ssee did things the easier way by nailing th e 250cc Pro mota holesh ot and staying out front the entire distance for the win . As the 12Sec Pro s blasted d own the lon g sta rt straigh t into the sweepi ng right-hand first turn for the 20-minute o ne-sho t rna to, it wa s Jeff "Chicken" Matiasevich w ith the lead ov e r Tim Sharp, Tommy Harrison , Tyson Taylor and Chaussee. McGa vran found himself .bu ried in the pack as they exited the tight lefthand second tum. "I carne off the gate and I got a pretty good jump and Matiasevich cut over on me," explai ned McGavran. "I was still in second place but then I came into the first corner and I got hit and got put back into about dead last." Harrison ' and Chaussee pu shed Sharp back to fourth while Tim Langdon was around Taylor for fifth after a 10th place start. McGavran was all the way up to f:jfth by lap threeas.Matiase- vich was starting to feel pressure from Harrison and Chaussee. Everything broke loose a lap later as Harri son got sideways off a jump, lettin g Chaussee and Langdon past. McGavran was right there to pu sh Harrison back one more spot. Chaussee lost his front . end in a tum and picked himself back up in eighth place. McGavran got around Langdon; then a slight bobble on Matiasev ich's part gave the YZ125-mounted McGavran the lead. Lan gd on followed suit and passed Maliasevich a short time later for the runner-up position. With a clear track ah ead of him , McGavran sl owly pulled, away fr om Langdon to greet the checkers first. "I jus t charged the whole way," said the Fox/ NCY/ N-Style/Dunlop/Oakley backed McGavran after the win. "Once I go t ou t front, I wasn 't push in g it too hard . Most of those guys we re ou t of control." Lan gdon brought his Team Green / Pr o C ircuit / A xo-sponsored KXI25 across the line for second a good 15 seconds ahead of Matiasevich, "I was trying to ride a smart race and I cou ld n' t catch him (McGavran), so I just tried to ride smoo th and finish the race," said Langdon. Matia sevich had his hands full with Taylor and Jeremy Aleman on the last three laps and managed to hold them off for the third-place money. "I haven't even been on a bike in four months since I retired, so I just tried to keep a pace going where I could finish the race" said the 29-year-old threetime Japanese National Champion. "I guess I got a little bit of a racing itch to come out. I came out here with no expectations, just to have fun." Taylor would edge ou..! the Suzuki- mounted Alema n for fourth at the finish. Sharp held on to finish sixth ahea d of Chaussee. Ryan Orr fought back from a last-place sta rt to earn eighth ahead of Suzuki riders Oscar Valdez and Jason Dubin. When the 250cc Pros were let loose fo r their 20 minutes of track time, it was Chaussee with the early lead, followed by Jose Polasek, Ron Gilbert an d Ty Kady. McGavran once again d idn' t have the start he wa nted. He stalled his YZ40F on the line an d would begi n the race nea r ly a mi nu te dow n fro m th e leade r. Cha ussee was flying, and by lap two he ha d a comma ndi ng IO-seco nd lead over Polasek, w ho was fighting off Kad y. Gilbert ran fourth, jus t in front of Raymond Bowers and Dub in. Kady finally put the move on Polasek for second at the halfway point, but Ch au ssee now e njoyed a 12-second cushion. Kady trimmed off a couple of seconds bu t would have to settle for second pl ace behind th e Th ousand Oaks Kawasaki /Pro Circuit / Axe -sponso red KX250 of Chaussee. "Tha t was probably the first tim e I eve r got a good st art ou t th ere," mentioned Chau ssee. "I saw that he (Kady) was catching me a little bit, but I had a pretty good lead and just rod e sma rt." Even with a case of arm pump and a still-healing wrist, Kad y held on for the second- place mon ey. "I' m get tm gbogus s tarts," sai d the MSR /Pro Circu it / Wh it e Broth ers / Motul/Smith /Ceet-backed Kadv , "I' m just another clown ou t there with them s ta rts . I th ou ght I w as ca tchi ng him (C ha ussee). I d on 't k now if he wa s rela xin g, bu t I was pushing th e pa ce. I've got to get healthy for the races comin g up thi s w inter. I might hav e been a ble to push it a little hard er , but it might have ended in d isaster." McGa vr an had his thumper on th e gas the entire race and finished a creditable third. "I was mad (after the s ta rt) . I ju st cha rged hard because I could have won that race easily. I guess third 's al right for that kind of start, " said McGavran. Dubin broke awa y from Polasek and Bowers to finish fourth. YZ80 rider Brandon Layt on won three out of four motos ent ered to collect the SOcc Intermediate- and Supermini-elass wins. Team Green's Dylan Lord won th e remaining m ot a for se co nd overall in the Superminis. Ross Garcia went 3-2 for third in th e Superminis, with Donnie Gritton and Micky Griffin fourth and fifth, respectivel y. Thomas Glanbrenner used 3-2 fin ish es to edge out Kyle Mace for second in the Intermediate ranks. Garda returned to split mota win s with Billy Laninovich to take the 80cc Expert /Open-elass overall hon ors. Lord earned th ird over Anth on y Bruscella and Nick Alvarez. (~ Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, California Results: September 6, 1998 (Round 1) SO STK (4~6): 1. Bla ke Baggett (Cob); 2. Dakota Garner (Co b); 3. Chase L ippie (KTM); 4. Bryce Stewa rt (KTM) ; 5. Ala n Jiron (Co b), 50 STK (7-8), 1. Danny Gonzalez (Cob); 2. Richard Sterling (KTM ); 3. Marcus Carrillo (Lem): 4. Cody Tithof (KTM ); 5. john ny [ eld erda (KTM) . SO OPEN: 1. Blak e Bagge tt (Co b); 2. Da n ny Go nza lez (Cob); 3. Fran kie Ag u irr e (KTM); 4. Bryce Stewart (KTM); 5. Johnny Ieldetda (KTM) . 60 BEG: 1. Zac hary Cruz (Kaw): 2. Casey Huntley (Kaw); 3. Shaw n Hayes (Yam); 4. George jef fer (K.1W); 5. David Grossma n (Kaw) . 60 NOV: 1. Jerem y johnson (Kaw) : 2. B.' . Kuntz (Kaw ): 3. Bra ndo n Spe nce r (Knw): 4. Bryce Ter zian (KTM ); 5. Ju stin Ca rmody (Kaw). 60 tNT: 1. Jeff Alessi (Kaw): 2. Ste ve n Schwa rtz (Kaw); 3. C had Gores (Ka w ): 4. justin Mu lford (Kaw): 5. Tra vis Chris tenson (Kaw). 60 OPEN :·l. Rob e r t Memoli (Kaw ); 2. Ste ve n Schwartz (Kaw): 3. Cas Swift (Kaw); 4. Brand on Spencer IKa w); 5. Jere my Johnso n IKaw). 80 Fff: 1. Dustin Cum mings (Ho n): 2. Sha wn Hayes (Ka w ). ""- (Left) Rook ie Pro Bryan McGavran, 16, topped th e 125cc Pro field at round one of the GR Racing Fall ser ies at Glen Helen Raceway. (Abo ve) Jeremy Chausee led the 250Cc Pro race from start to finish. 80 BEG: 1. Dan e Jac kso n (Yam ); 2. West on Peick (Suz); 3. Sean Borkenhage n (Kaw); 4. Antho ny Cha ret te (Yam); 5. Jerem iah Whiteford (Suz). 80 N OV: 1. Paul Pearcy (Hon); 2. Spencer Meineke (Yam); 3. Brand on Curr ie (Ka w): 4. Robert Memoli {Hon); 5. Scott Theobald (Yam). 8 0 lNT: 1. Brand o n La y ton (Ya m ); 2. Th oma " Gla nbrenner (Kaw k 3. Kyle Mace (Yam); 4. Ke vin Payne (Yam ); 5. Donnie Gritt on (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. Ross Garcia (Yam ); 2. Billy Laninovich (Yam); 3 . Dyla n Lord (Kaw): 4. An thony Bruscel la (Yam); 5. Nick Alvaraz (He n}. SIMINI: 1. Bran don Layton (Ya m); 2. Dylan Lord (Kaw ): 3. Ross Garcia (Yam); 4. Donnie Gritto n (Ka w): 5. Micky Griffin (Yam). 125 BEG : 1. Mike Davi s (Ya m ); 2. Woody Sta hl (Ka w); 3. Nick Melanso n (Kaw): 4. Rob Styr on

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