Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1998 Broome-Tioga SuzukVArctic Cat Amateur Nationals allowed Cilbrith to take the lead. Kiniry had trouble getting his bike started, and when he finally did , he resumed racing in fifth. On the last lap, Kiniry crashed hard on the Broome-Tioga dinner table and DNFed the m o to , Cilbrith took the moto w in, followed by Kleu skens, Ellis, Kuhn and Mike Leavitt. Cilbrith aga in man ag ed holeshot honors in th e second moto. When the pack emerged from th e front section , Cilbrith still had the lead , followe d by Kleu skens, Ell is, Lea vitt and Caleb Miller . Cilbrith crashed in the huge ruts after the tree turns and dropped out of the top five , whi ch now included Kleuskens, Elli s, Leavitt, Miller and Kuhn. Leavitt got by Ellis for second on lap two and took th e lead from Kleuskens on lap three. Ellis took second on the las t lap and the moto finishing order read: Leavitt, Ellis, Kleuskens, Miller and John Lawr ence. Di Resu lts P/W : 1. Nicholas Lu u (Ya m) ; 2. Ryan We im an n (Yam); 3. Zachary Hat field (Yam); 4. Jona than Dan iels (Yam) ; 5. Ke lsev O'Conno r (Ya m) . T.J. Chicoskl nabs t he Over 25 Amateur Gro up B hole sh ot at the start of moto two of the Amateur Nati onals, held at Broom e-TIog a in con junction with t he AMA National • Motocross series. By Jim Sanderson B 'llGHAMTON, NY, AUG. 2S-29 h oe Sa n to r a, Wes le y Phi lli ps a nd Cha rles Ellis took top hon ors in the Over 25 Amateur class groups A and B and the Mini (9-15) class, respectively, at the 1998 Broome-Tioga Suzuki I Arctic Ca t Am at eur Nationals, which were held in conjunction with round 11 of the 1998 AMA Mazda Truck 125/250cc Pro Nat ionals at the Broom e-Tioga Sports Center. Day on e of the tw o-d ay Amateur event began with a ve r y w a r m and su n ny d ay, with ju st over 750 rid ers coming out to race in 23 classes. Due to the large rider turnout, prom oter Tom Hurd d ecided to run tw o g ro u ps in mo st classes - which wer e run, scored and awarded trophies sep a ra te ly rather than to run qualifiers in which ~ome rid ers would end up racing onl y one moto for the two-da y event. The first Over 25 Am at eur class, Group A, go t off the gate with Lou Scagnelli leading the pack through the 90-degree hard-right first turn. Trailing Scagnelli were Joe Santora, Doug Weinman , Jason Lewis and Chuck Markelon. Santora took the lead at the top of the hill just before the downhill triple . When the leaders emerged from th e jump-infested front supercross section on lap two, Santora had a comfortable lead . Lewis moved up to second, Wein- m an d ropped to third , Scagne lli was fou rth a nd Markelon held on to fifth. Santora took the checkers wi th a 14-second lead. Round ing out th e top five were Lewis, T.J. Chicoski, Scagnelli and Markelon. Ch ic o s ki abscond ed wi th th e holeshot in the second rnoto, with John . Gu stafson, Kevin Krueger, Danny Hubbard and Mike Me yers in tow . Gus tafson had the lead when the pack emerged from the front section. Meyers moved up to seco nd ,y nd C h icos ki dropped to thi rd . Santora mo ved into the to p five -and w as now in fo u r t h while Krueger dropped back to fifth . Santora managed to ge t by Gu st afson for the lead on th e d ownhill s tra ig h t near th e s tart area on th e second lap . Gustafson dropped to second , Meyers was th ird , Hubbard m a intain ed his fourth po sition a nd Ch icoski dropped back to fifth. By the last lap Santora was out front by 10 seconds. Hubbard got by Gustafson for second , wh ile Meyers and Weinman rounded out the top five a t the checkered flag. The firs t moto of the Over 25 Amateur class Group B go t under way wi th Mike Me leski s naggi ng the holeshot, with Scott Smith, Jim Strin e, Don Betts and William Bab cock in tow. The top five remained the same through lap two with the exception of Wesley Phillips, who got by Babcock for fifth . On the long downhill straight by the start area, Strine and Phillips blew by Smith for sec o nd a nd third , drop pi ng Smith to fourth, while Babcock held fifth . Strine cha llenged Meleski for the lead and the two we re bumping bar s with only one turn a nd the down hill tr iple to the checke red flag . Mel eski m an ag ed 'to keep it o n tw o wheel s a nd take th e m oto win . St ri ne w ent d own a nd remounted in fifth . Phill ip s took secon d, Tim H argett th ird , a nd Babcock fourth. Lee Ha zen took holesh ot honors for the second mo to, with Tom Fernandez, Betts, Philli ps and Rich Winchell trail ing. By the end of the first lap ; Ferna ndez had the lead , followed by Hargett, Betts, Phillips and Winchell. When the lead ers eme rged from the front section on la p tw o, Hargett had th e lead and wa s fee ling the pressure of the hardcharging Phillips, who was now in second . Fernandez dropped to third, Betts fou rth a nd Bab cock fifth. Phillips got a ro u nd Hargett for the lead and Babcock slipped by Fernandez for fourth at t he end of lap two . Phillips took the moto win, followed by Hargett, Babcock, Betts and Meleski. Jessie Cilb rith nailed the holesh ot in the first Mini (9- 15) class moto . Bob Kiniry quickly got by Cilbrith for the lead while Brandon Kuhn, Ellis and Joshua Pike rounded ou t the top five. On lap two, Matt Kleuskens worked his w a y up to third , bump ing Kuhn to fourth and Ellis to fifth. On the third lap , Kiniry got hung up on a hay bale, which 50 (7.08): I . ~\1ike Case (Ya m ); 2. Ma tt e Kleuskens (Ka w) : 3 . Mik e Le a vitt (Ka w): 4. j t's.;, Cilbri th ( Ka w): 5. Caleb Miller (Yam). 12 5 SC H Bl' : 1. Aa ro n Lindsey (Ya m); 2. Sha ne Bart hcl t (Ka w); 3. jeremy Cook (Ka w ); 4. johnny Mullen (He n): 5. Jimmy Miller (Yam). 125 NO V A : 1. Jeremy Alta m uro (Hen) : 2. Ju stin Hint' (Suz) ; 3. Co n M

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