Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Ab o ve) Chuck Reed takes the checkers in t he firs t 125cc A molo at Kenworthy's Motocross in Troy, Ohio , (Le ft) Brent S tewart had two class wins and the overall fast t ime on h is KTM 380 in th e O tta wa , Illin oi s, Hillc limb, a dv...nntagc of the sit uat ion. Bla ck re co vered again in fifth. When the 250cc Pro class left the line, it wa s once again Jim C he ste r a bsconding with the holeshot. Fellow Suzuki rider Crisp was seco nd, Suzuki of Gastoriia /Barr's Competition 's Ben ji Rutled ge was thi rd, Honda rid er Roger Carrico was four th and Al Lane /MSR-sponsored Brian Lane wa s fifth . Th e rid er from Lenoir, North Ca rolina, quickly let the field know who was the top dog a nd es tablished a lead . Th e top fiv e re main ed rela ti vely unchanged, a nd Chester took his third mot o win on the da y, followed by Crisp, Rutledge, Shirley (wh o was the only rider to mak e a mov e) and Lane round ing out the top five. The final Pro mot o of the da y proved to be ant he r benefi t for C hester, as he too k t h e holeshot a nd sped away for ano ther convinci ng wi n. Following Chester home was Tu rli ng ton , who mad e up fo r a six th-p lace finis h in mo to one. Lane got a good start in thir d. Shirley finishcd a lone ly fourth and Rutled ge took the fina l money position in a racelon g battl e with Crisp. Ches ter took his final class win in the Over 25 A class . Su zuki of Gas to n ia / Reiko n / Tecriesel's Billy Liles (3-2) mad e his retu rn after a lon g la yoff, an d Al La ne /Performan ce Fri ctio n /Pro Act ion' s Kirk Joh nson (2-3) tr ied to keep Chester honest. Th e Ove r 40 class a lso saw qu it e a b it o f action . Suz u ki of Gas tonia's Rick Rikard set the stage i n m oto o ne and to ok th e win ove r Kingsport Yama ha 's Steven Lewis, Suzuki tea mmate Carl Vargo , Suz uki-mo un ted Keith Smith and Kawasaki rid er Richard Davis . Moto tvvo saw quite a mix-up in the action, as Vargo jette d away for the win, with Rika rd securing secon d and the overall, Smith bettering his first-moto finish by one, Lewis com ing in fou rth af ter recoverin g from a bad sta rt, an d "Boogie" Bob Man er roun d ing out the top five. Results 42 50 SH FT: I. Cody Rob bin s (ya m); 2. Colton Tic kl.. (Ya m); 3. Ian in (Yaml ; 4. Dol on Ha mbright (Yam ); 5. Trevor'tt · m (Yam ). 50 ( 1. \bdi :.on H.t m b ri g h t (Cob); 2. Bradley Bunch (Cob); 3. Ty lt.'rGlana- (Cob ); 4. Tn'vor Brown (Cob); S. Cody Rub· b ut... (Yam ). 50 (7-8): 1. Chri~t"'P hcr fl.'cwlon (Cob); 2. 4,", Smith (Co b ); 3. 0. 1. Ellis (Cub ); 4. Ty ll'r CLi.rk (Cob); 5. Gam'tt Church (Cob ). t10 (7 .Q) : I. Au~tl n Stroupt.' (ln Tu cker (Ko1W); 5. m .lke Huvi ~ (I-I n), o . 85 D: I. M.t tt Ll'l' lSuz); 2. Jdfrey Arnold (Suz) ; 3. Dav iJ Shaff ne r {Ya ml; 4. Chl"vil. KinJo; (Suz) ; 5 . M.\t t Sca rhu ro (Yam ). SCH IW: 1. C.l!>l' B.lrn l"5 (Suz); 2. Ada m O vercash (5 u z ); 3 . y A a ro n StAncil (Ya m); 4. Duug Ea r ls (Suz ); 5. Bradil' y Rubt.orbon (Yam). 125 PRO : I. Jim C hl's tl' r (Suz ); 2. C h uc k Shir ley (Yam) ; 3 . UranJnn Turlin~t(ln (Yam) ; 4. Troy Cri "p (Suz l; 5. Jt'rl"d Blade (Y.l m ). 125 B; 1. r "ul Jus tu s (Suz) ; 2. Danid Tes h (Suz) ; 3. los h u a Ca r ~ (Ka w ); 4. Col...y B.lml~ (Suz); 5. Adam Owrc ash (Suz). . · 125 C: I. AAron Standi (Yam) ; 2. E"an Owt"T\by < z ); 3. Jllck. Su !Iun Vick.(Yam ); 4. Sh.1un H t.'Met (5oz);5. Stt.T'h m We... ....,.( ' . IlS D: t . M ichael ~itchdl (l(awl; 2 ' Du~tin Ml-~ (Suz); 3 . C h r i!oEWrt.·tt ( Hon); 4 NO.l h Spl'ncl'r (5uz); 5 . We lt 8.I;netlt" (Ya m). • .,11'; 2.."iO " RO: 1. Jim Cht."Stt.'r (Suz) ; 2. Brandon Tu rlmg ton (Yam) ; J. Brian Lane ( ); 4. C hudr. Shirley (Y.lml; 5. Bt-n,amin Rcucd gc L'iuzl. 250 B: 1. JO!>hUd Dp?", ( ; 2. Paul Ju~tus (Su z ); 3, Richi e Oipp-trd (SuzJ ; 4. S""ne J.;onk ins l'"-.lzl; S. Clark McAli ..tcr (Suz) . 250 C; I. Evan Owenby (Sui); 2. My'-'" (Ya m ); 3. BriAn Bi!ihop (H on); 4 _Timm y Elrod (Suz); 5. Brett Pet er-on (St.!z). 250 0 : 1. Bn ·tt Wh it m o re (S uz); 2. Billv Gibso n ,""' w); J . Ma!>On Ht.n!>C.ln (Y.t m); 4. Tim ot hy Silvl-'r.. (S~ ); 5. kif · (Yam) . . 25+ A: I. Jim Chl"St~ (Suz ); 2. William till"!> (Suz ); 3 . Kirk John•• n (Ya m ); 4, Bt.·njdmin R Ul led ~ .. (Su z); 5. Dunnle Foster o (50.<1 25+ B: I. Rieh l.. Cbppard (Ka w); 2. Shdne 1t"1\!lo (Suz); 3. l\Oul"l Hall ( ); 4 , Jl'tf ~U~haLl (yam); S. Richdrd Tb "nlalo t K.lwl. 25+ C: I. Timm,,· Elrod ,Suz); 2. Ronald Wean-r (Ya ml ; 3 Kd th Ga rland (Yam i; 4. Richard Dave, (Ka w) ; 5. Kelly stl.'Vt."n~ (Su z ). JO+ A: I. Will ia m Liles (Suzl ; 2. Jo.·1 B.1Mor (Suz); 3. Ounnll' Ft.... tl"f (St.u. ); 4. Kerry Jmtt"5(Suz); 5. Larry H.l.rrison (Suz) . \ JC B: t . Muntl' Lewis (Ka w); 2. Bill y H.l r r ilo(n (Su z ); 3. l+ Jimmy Pitcock (Su.z' ; 4. R.indy 8easlt")' (H o n); 5. Rit:hdrd Willia m!' (K1'M. 1 • 30+ C: t . Keith C>drlaoo (Yam) ; 2. RUn.1lrl Weaver (Yam ); 3. Larry Stt'J>htt.Y(Ya m) . ' U /L AM. I. Daniel TC"h (Suz ); 2. Eric COli> (Yam); 3. Sha un . Hes ter (Suz,; 4, Tu Epps (Su z l; 5. Tim Gu nM· tSuzt U /L C/ O: I. ja ck son Vick (Yam); 2. Jo hn Gu kl'r (KT M ); 3. Stephl'n weaver (K.1W); 4. Brian Bishop (Hn n ); 5. Or.1J ley Thomas (Ya m ). Mueller and Stewart hot at Ottawa By Bud Northrup Photos b y Mark Lewis OTfAWA,IL,AUG.29 TI,e Variety Riders held a Satu rda y da yt ime hillclimb on Au gu st 29 at their clubgro unds near OUawa, Illinois, on a hill that was soggy and slippe ry from 5e\'eral da ys of dren ching rain.The first rides were useful mainl y for d ryin g out the hill, bu t the hill d id in fact dry ou t and second -round times got fast. Uoyd Muell er wa s th e fastest ride r in the amateur classes, wh ile Brent Stewart was the fastest overa ll v.-ith a faster time than Mueller's ma rk in Exhibition-elass action. " o Mueller ride s one of the fint. St-l oking .m d finest running Ha rley hilldimbers in ca ptivity. The fast time ca me in the Open class, and it wa s a come-from-behind win. Mueller had crashed hard on his first -round rid e on the slippe ry, choppy hill, and Ra nd y " Buz z'" Green wa s sitting on first place at intermission with a 4.659second ru n on his fine Ha rley. But in secon d· round action, Mueller unleashed his Ha rley's awesome power an d blasted over the top in a startling 3.780 seconds , the only ride r in the class to bre ak iQto the threes. Wad e Schu ltz top ped the hill in a good 4.115 Sl'Conds to take,the ;;<''Cond spot on his Harl t? fircbrcathe r, while Steve y Shafer glided over th e top on his Harley in 4.204 seconds for th ird . "Flyin'" Bob Fishe r ra n his Su peri or Cycle Spo rster ove r in 4.242 seconds for fourth , with Bill Myer s Sr. taking the fifth spot on his Triumph Stro ker in 4.369 seco nds . Stewart's fast overall time was d elivered in the 400cc Two-Stroke Exhibition class, in which he flew his JPC/RTR KTM380 over the top in a sizzli ng 3.643 seco nds fo r th e class w in a nd overall fast time . Hew as one of only rum rider s to take tvvo class win s, as he also wo n the 400cc class on the KTM with an 'o utstand ing 3.861·sec · ond run . e Stewart was well a,,- ad o f Jason No rthru p, wh o took the second -place spot on his box-stock Sportla nd YZ400F thumper in 4.302 seco nds . Kevin Tilso n was t he on ly other ride r to score two class wins, getting his first in the 750cc class. Rid ing a hot Trium ph twi n, Tilson took th e first-ro und lead with a 4.963·s econ d tim e. Then he d elivered a blazing 3.841-st:'Cond time , the fas t time-to that point in the competition and the onlv three-second run in the class. "Boots" Weber brought his classy Yamaha twi nin from Ma th ena , Kansas, and topped the hill in 4.269 seconds for second p lace, wh ile Jason Northrup ca rded a 4.526-second tim e on his Hond asa ki triple for third. Lane Schultz and his Yama ha took fourth, wh ile Kaleb Nort hrup tonk fifth on his Triumph. Tilson 's second win came in the 500cc FourStroke Exhi bi tion class, in w hic h he ca rded ,1 ve ry good 4.005 seconds on ye t a nothe r Tri u mp h to take the win . Th e Northru p brothers , Jason a nd Kaleb, finished seco nd and third on the YZ400F th u m pe r wi th tim es of 4.368 a nd 4.377 seco nds, wh ile Chris Meyer and "Peanu t" Flesh er took fou rth and fifth on Triumph 5005. Re sults FAST T IME A M: Lloyd M U.·J1l't (H·D) . FAST T IM E 0 / A: Brent Stewart HaM). 50 AUTO: 1. Blake Ca p po. (l l'm ); 2. Drew'is (Y,l m ). -lIt) 85 JR: I. Dan Myers (H on ); 2. lecob Tac kitt (Y" m); 3. Logan rr (Suz ); 4. Nick Su mme rs (Yam l; 5. R.m d y W illi.l m" (K.1WI. H SR: 1. Jus h Col er (Suz ); 2. Bt.-cka WilIi.tmt. (Kaw); 3. Bill 5 m Mycr!l lr. (Honl; 4. Cud y Jt.'n nt' r (Yam l. 200: 1. Scott Sht"l"ts(KawJ; 2. KeltySenn (""w i; J. Jim N yman (Y.l m); 4. B..cka Willi.lm s (K. W);S. Rob in Stonn (Bu ll. 1 250: 1. Kl'Vin Ca p pe llo (Kaw) ; 2. J.D . Laster (H un); 3. Kaleb No rthrup (Y" m ); 4 , Marvin Wiemken tK.1W 5. r ...u l Ha ckbarth ); (H n n). 4f( l: 1. Bre n t Stewart (KTM); 2. J.l~ ," Nu rt h ru p (Yam ); 3. Josh HOVl."y (ya m); 4_Sh've S""fer(Ya m); 5. Hank St.ll n (Ya m). ' 600: I. Tl,m Ro Uin!i (Hon); 2. Pa ul Ha ckb.trth (Ho n); 3. M.n... . Sh.tfl'r (Kaw); 4 , Ja<;(lfl North ru p l Hun ); 5. Luk~ WiJliam!lo n (Yaml . 750 : 1. Kel,jn T ilso n (Tri); 2. Boot!. We bt. .. (Ya m); 3 . Ja!>Un . Northrop (l<.1 w ); 4. I..lnt." Schu llZ (Ya m); 5. K.tll·b Nort hrup (Tri) . O PEN : 1. lloyd MUI"II.'r ( H·Dl; 2. Wol t' Schultz (11 -0); 3. t d Stt...·("Sh;,fl'r (l-I·D) ; 4. Bob Fishe r (H· D); 5. Bill Myl"l'!i Sr. ITri). ... PSH RD: 1. Ste\'e Sh.tft.. (H·D ); 2. Bub (H · Ot ; 3. R.intJv Gnxn CI-I-DI; 4. Ka l~ No rthnJp; 5. W.lde Schultz (H -Dl. . o SR: I. Milw MiUl"l" (lCaw); 2. Bill Myl- n. ITri); 3. RtIO~ We M (Yam ); 4. Tom Rollins (H,mt ; 5. Ga vle kfllt.inllo (Ho n). STK I. Kall-b Northru p (Ya';'); 2. Pau l Hackb.trth (Y"m ); 3. ml Ja""lIl Northru p CYa ; 4. Dun Lew!:>(Suz); 5. H",nl..5l"nn ; 2. luI«.' H.lI'wick lKaW); 3. Jo..h Ht","eY(Ya m); 4. Paul H..c lb.u1.h (Suz ). 500 4·STRK: 1. K.....'in Til",," (Tri); 2. 1.-.sonNo rthrup (Yaml ; 3. ""Il"b Northrup (Ya ml; 4. Chrilt ~Ieyl"f (Tri) ; r ... nul A ~her " ITn ). OPE:'IJ 2-STRK: 1. Pau l Hadbart h (Ho n); 2. Uoyd Mu..l1.... IKTM) . OPES 4·ST RK; 1. W ol l' St.h u ltz (Nor); 2. Kdl" b No rt hrup d · (Tn); 3. U oyd Mudll"T t H·o); 4. Lanl'Schu ltz (Nor). s. I Burkhart "Da Man" at Kenworthy's Motocross By Ma rk Bliss TROY,OHIO, AUG. 30 In 125cc A and 250 cc A ra cin g action durin g ro und four of the KK Motorcycle Su pply / F&S Suz u ki/ Hond .l of Tro y /Suzuki of G reen ville / Performance Pow er spor ts /Pro Action / Hon da of Chillicothe / Buckeye Moto cross Series, Mark Burkha rt becam e th e man to beat as he racked up overa ll victories in both classes. Stifled by a poor sta rt in the first 125cc A mot o, the Honda pil ot wo uld have to carve his way through the pack as a hoard of Suzuki s battled for the lead . Up front , ve teran local pro Chuck Reed show ed his younger adversaries the fas t way around the jump-filled Kenworthy' s circuit, se ttin" a blister- ing pace around the cou rse as he distanced himself from the rest of the pack. A raging batt le for th e seco nd- throu g h fou rt h- p lace p osition s included th e Suz ukis of Brad St ru n k a n d Tommy Collie r, as we ll as Jos h Steel' s KX125, with Stru nk ma intaining the point position for most of the mote. The cha rging Bur khart soon joined this g ro u p . Burkh art ma na ged to wo rk his CR125 aro u nd the gro up, passing Stru nk for seco nd place on the final lap. The second mo to S.lW Burkhart push his Hond a to the front an d immed iately establish an insu rmountable lead . Chuck Reed held do wn seco nd for most of th e mot o, with Strunk shadowing his every move. Mike Mor ga n rod e well to take four th, w hile Collie r rounded out the top five. Burkhart took the overall wi th his 2-1 finishes while Reed and Strunk finished second and third ove rall, respectively . In the 250cc A class , Burk hart ended any c h a n ce of d rama ea r l y on b y g ra bb i ng th e ho lesho t with his YZ400F an d p utti ng in Flawles s rides . In hi s wake, however, J battle e m erged fo r the second - thro ugh fif th-pla ce positions . RM pilots Collier and Strunk d iced for second p lace, with Strunk finally gra bbing and main tainin g the position. Kenworthy's perennial fast guys - Ch uck Reed , Mar k Musselman an d e Josh Ste l - all put in grea t rides while ba ttling for these spo ts. Followin g Burkhart on the-final ed tally was Stru nk in seco nd, wit h Re finishing thi rd overall, followed by Collier and Steel. Nic k Wol fe a nd his KTM l2 5SX dom inated the 125cc C class by stormi ng off to double mota victories . In bot h motos, Wolfe ga rnered top-fi ve starts and worked his way into the lead . Hond a ride rs Tony Taylo r and Tim Davis put in good , co ns is te n t rides to g ra b sec o nd and th ird , respectively. Scott Genekke gra bbed the overall in the 250cc C class via do uble mot a win s. The RM pi lot gra bbed the holeshot in bot h mot os and was able to fend off the at tacks of Kawasaki-m ounted Andy Met zger . He see med to try every ava ilable line on the tra ck in an un successful effort to find a wa y around Genekke. Metzge r finish ed sec ond in both motos for seco nd ove ra ll, followt.-"d by Tim Davis, who was a ls() rid ing a KX250. In the high ly competitive Schoolbo y class, RM-mo u nted Jos h Ha milton sailed to victory ahead of fellow Suz uki pi lots Rob Turley a nd Austin Snedega:, an d Ga\-in Cracyk an d Scott Craven. It was quite a n exciting battle for the top five positions as each of these fast, young r id e rs wa s airing it o u t over the monster "Wid ow-make r" triple, In the 16·24 class, Sam Yanni telli schooled th e com pe titio n with his ru na w ay victory and th ri lled the spectators with a nu mber of " heel cli cke rs" duri ng the final laps. Yannitelli would have a somewhat tougher time in the 125cc B class , finis hing fifth overa ll behi nd Jaso n McDo na ld, Kawasa ki rid e rs M ike C a mp b e ll .1n d Jos h W oods, a n d Hon da's Steve Hensley. Again, Kenworthy's GP G ub de mo ns trated to the 539 participant·.; why it is a first· rate facility. Th e tra ck was met icul ou sly wdl·prepped and thc staff performed with the professionalism that has bt.'COme their hallm ar k on this beautiful, late-summer d ay of racing. Resu lts MI N I JR: 1. Jafi!d G r.l b il'1 (5 uz ); 2. Jus tin Sip" !; (Ka w) ; J . J,lml"SwCl'y (Ho n); 4. Z lc h Anll' !i (K1MI; 5. Pa tric'" Ma..sie (Ho nl. M INI SR: 1. G avi n G racy L (Ka w l; 2. Ryan Sipt.'" (K" .....); 3. Dilv id Whi ter.1ft (SlIz); 4 , Du stin Pu n.,y (K.lW); 5. Br.mdn n Nic ho ls CS l. uz gO EX: I. Brnn J o n Nic ho l!> (SUL'; 2. D us ti n PlIIIl' y (SU2' 3. J; lam es Lact."y (Ho n ); 4. Jt."re y K.Ullh ner (H o n); 5. A I("> RtJS (Hon). m Ii !an (Ya m); 3.C h u c k Rc...d (Suz l; of. Io n Sc h m idtz (S uz) ; 5 . Greg fo.bdd en (Ya m). 30 + A: 1. M ik(" Mo rs"" ( Ka w ); 2. Ion Schmid tz (Suz) ; 3. Rich.ud Rubi n!OOfl (Hu n ); 4. J.}. Wel....h (Yam ); 5 . K{"f\ Frankmb\'1T)' (Kaw).

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