Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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QUIKSHOP ProClean ... <> <> <> DUCAD AUTHORIZED DEALER E g • M OTO WOR L.O TEAM GRAPHIC KIT S & SEATS AVA I LAB L E . $124. 9 5 J EFF FR EDETT E 19 9 8 ae t t e m t r r u t n u u r e Champ ion Sen ior Clas s · W ORLDWlO E OEM PARTS & ACCESOR I E S U OJ ~ 0 ~ D ISTRIBUTOR. • eeST SERVICE ON THE PLAN ET PERICO • 2&4 S TROK E PER FORMANCE KIT S AVA ILABLE 0 ~ • A LL OFF ROAO GEAR & V I O E O . ~ AT T HE BEST PRICES 0 ProC l DD is avail abl e at the fine st n nt nrs por ts neeiers =m~&i! . _S 5 GR E G S CH NELL T EA M M O T O 'WO RLO nationwide. or ca ll us at 1 -8 DD -~J l -J~58 D WRID ~ MDTOWORLD O F EL CA.JC N aDO 249-3556 619442-0941 ' :~~:~g~."'g.: :~~:i'D ~ . ~ ww w KT\1 • ACTl()~ • LE\1 • COBRA 1', G it W · snreu it O • uese it Off et et n "II" 1' 1 • 11' (lr Skd t)'f~ ~fli'l;11 wl publlllii. (SXIt~.QalI ....... " ENGI!tt rARTS Garoteu '" ..... -- CAIIIUIEIUIl J9nun "w r orkl 24rnmtlfb. ... , U2 ' pnm;ry PI iIIoy93 .00 IIfO:Il llS.oo $l74,95lor lhi entir. ~ystllrn. 67.fIi ""'''''' 1l9S ....... CIallll ann, (Banenes and videO inclu ) ded '"'" .i "".k""" 1I r,llcr poU , - ,." 199.95 Illptlldbeai llJ JJ 9.~ UJ HJ pdoljt'l ,,, 19I'IllUl aJIl - ,. "" ..." IS9.9S <&lfflberalttoi --""" hual Ink table CYUN / I'ISTONS DEl a1loyt)'blllJef 1 .lXl 6S .-Ioyt)'lillllcr l ,OO <4pedi1 22S,oo • 2pcda1 IPJ 1 9.95 ,." "''J' . '" l3 91S HANDI.IBARS :2==: Ourproven electrori: OCIOmIlfl' is luSC $1!l9.95 "" 24,95 (8atlIfieS in:::luded) III '" It I!.,h ..........., ""' ......, "'~ IN GINES: ~ SX.Ql1 SXR<:JIZ.OOTlAW "" 1211 mm carb. <4 . 1.10 ilW,lllacl; . lilt kiRbuttnn III", , "" pdm lit.lU2FPro Jr Atlad ) , l.OJ p l.t<, "'19 .00 135,00 m .lXl ptSlUI nn.1d Jjl l.~ atad tlhalsf ~IuldI CO\'tf Endurd J most pcJiIIt'ertu & /liable l l;CJTlIaralllf has a lowpri:e01 on~ - U7 IJII bead 1~ , ''':' 11 , I wcWC'/JiIlcler CRJ2"", LX2F,PlllJ, . • ..... ~ Alla;.tMex CHA SSlS PAK'I~ ........ I 1", 111,11 • 1< J.J.'B 4~,OU IB ~ SOtt or 6lIo: MOO KITS . toIllJMelf loptnd ""'' ' bet dutch J!lflotdutcb COIIIlltrwfl lo.ll lK95 1 9.95 l'l" ll lf.j cylindtr. htad, intaktrt'td block,pidookit. pskttli _ '!O'." . Dlmlopb ~ 8~ ~ ow. 24 9,00 S25.OO SoIS. 0 0 "'.00 83 9,00 1110)0 "Wcrb --44-SO 420dllin "",....... IJllOO '2" '2" ,." 25." 19 .95 '" 49S.00 J1 .1.95 199.95 RO X R .UT" (; B 1-800 -~5 5-88~9 Pro3 displays the 'ShOuld be' rtilBags !Of CCfTllirision 10}'Qlf 000 Also $159.95 . Q U I . SHOP advertising lIftakes dollars as well as sense. (Batteies ircluciedl '",men' Guards Machi nedfrom BOIid alurTinum billet. !tie Si'lgIe guard lorone ICOi\stJu nwntis $49 .95. JiIiI M O "'':." O' . lBl Husqvama A'nC Cagiva IIIIAII::D And Now, t he F.ntastlc New Swedis h-Bu ilt nnlli~r?n 1lI~L!.I TIME TO MAKE ROOM FOR TliE 1998's CALL FOR PRICES ON AL L Leftover '97 's NEED PARTS? UPS Daily LOTS OF VINTAGE MECHA NICA L PARTS . OhU & White Power Experts·Suspensio n -Portlnq ns Heli arc We lding -Precision Boring-Machine Shop 136 1 E. 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