Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Twin Air Filters $18.95 . Honda CR Riders... MAX Leathers Vance & Hines Supersport All MX bikes in stock . (413)547-6500. MA CNC mac hined brass oil caps. 524. Um ited quantities by Planet On e. www .denken.comi PlaneCOne. (860 )739-3222 . CT Custom Dirt Track Leathers. (515)26 5-8388 . IA. exhaus t for '87 CBR1000 . Excellent condition 5150. (804)739-0374. VA '98 CR250 Engines Custom rock and roll hall of fame insignia , $6,5 00. (734)4 57·S050.days MI Complete w ith Carb an d a ll e lectrics - 52 .295. Complete part s inventory In st ock. U.P.S. dally . W illi am son Ho nd a. Mill Hall . PA . (717)726-334 3. PA. D's LEATHERS (419)729-9639.0 H. Frames , mo tors , plastic. whee ls , race part s, race bikes. FZR , GS XR 's. Ka tana , Kawas ak i, Ho nd a (864)5 85-712 7. SC. Tearoffs and Goggle Lenses 98 Kawasaki KX250 Exce llent cond ition , injury torces sale . $3,500 OBO . (914)739-0908. NY "'Lou's Leathers'" Aluminum sub-frame for most dirt bike applications. Mad e tram 3/4 " ex truded 606 1 al um inum tub in g5164.95. Dealer inquiries welcome. (800)426-0086.CA. Yamaha TZ750b 89 RC30 (8SO )626-1 382. FL Racing Sub-Frames Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! F2 / F3. 900RR , GSXR Yam aha YZF . Kawasaki ZX7 and ZX9 parts : bodywork, wheels , fo rks, gauges, radiators. frames, motors. (602)660-4823. AZ. Dealer inquiries invited (800) 548-8354 . MN Parts ForAll Sportbikes ... 97 KTM Pure Duke 620cc Exc ell ent con di tion, never rac ed , wi ll deliv er Wes tern USA. $9.750 US OBO. (604)930·0878. BC 96 GSXR750 Fresh mo to r . Ccm putr ack, Yosh p ipe , Pe nske shock. steel bra ke lines. 56 ,500 . (603 )624-7794 . NH 94 Honda XR650L Excellent condition. only 4,000 miles. and new tires. 1987 Ford E-250 Stretch 1986 Ford Box Van All original. tlatpipes. Goody ear tires. stock pist ons. Excellent condrtion. 518,000 0 80 (770)479-1157. GA $3.350. (805)64 6-0232. CA Cus tom, ta n, ps . crui se, ca ptainc halr s, Kenwood stereo. fully carpeted, immaculate,reliable. 56,250. OBO (805)49 8-3469 . CA E350 Diesel, custom built in 1998. new interior, with tvNer, Sony stereo, sink, stove, microwave. hot and Heritage Racing Race Van ' a nd W e ll s C a r go traile r to r sa le . 19 98 G MC Savanna wit h ell options . 1998 10x5 mot orc ycle trailer with all opt ions. Take five guys and five bikes and cruise a t 8 0 m p h . no prob le m . 525 ,000 .. MAC 31750. (218)937-5166 . MN cold running water, hose and shower outle t in rear, 60 gallon wate r tank. 2 SIOrage compartments under floor generat or and pow er Inverter for ale, lighting an d ou tlets, side window , slee per cab , chrom e whee ls and new paint. Mu st see! 512 .995 OBO . (717)348-06 18. PA ZB50 1996 TM125 Enduro 95 KTM 620 RXC Flames and chrome, 800 miles , extra clean , graa pit bike, picture available. $2,000 OBO.(205)584-3707. AL Big bore kit , excelle nt con dition . 53 ,000 O BO . www .Vne 5)256-9803.CA Exce llent con ditio n, 3 ,700 miles , Megacycle cam. MS stainless pipe, extras, ex te nded w arranty. $3,7SO. (310)32()"7040 days. CA Triumph Blowout Sale Blowout sale on all Triumph inventory. W ill ship any· where. Ask tor Nick. (817)628-6400. MA 1998 ZX9R Parts Brand new. Bodywork. swingann . headligh t asse mb ly . T oo man y par t s to li st. (954) 977-0777 or (954)49 1-7862. FL I Billet Big Block Kits-Water Cooled M otors Fieldsh ee r, -slze 46 . red /w hite and bla ck . 5125 . (714)596- 5036 . CA . '97 KTM EXC 300 FMF , new plastic. good shape· $3.500 . Also. '96 250 EXC - 53.000 . (616)458-8224. MI. 94 KTM 300 EXC Like New CNC machined , Complete Kits available, ready to install. ZX11 1166 & 1195cc. FZ R1000 1125 & 1183oc. GS XR1 100w 1208 & 1268cc . Sup erbike Mike Eng ineering , Ft. Laud erdale. FL (954 )484· 6969. FMF p ip e. Z· Raci ng, Sco tt s , Dev ol. Ve ry cle an. g reen sti cker through 1999. Mus t see . 53,000 . (805)665·9046. CA 96 KTM 360 SX 94 Yamaha TZ250 Brand newl Never ridden! Second bike is in mint con dition and onl y has been ridden twice . Both bikes come with enduro hardware and lighting kit. 55,SOO and $4.500. (510)443-8047. CA Parting ZX-6D Parts 89 FZR600 93 GSXR750 FMF pipe, Z-Racing suspension, very clean, sam extras , must sell 53,200 OBO. (209)592-6428. CA Full spares kit jolly moto expansion chambers spare set stock expans ion ch ambers. All new bodywork spare set brake rotors , set of new rain tire s. new spare rear slick. Many new parts $9,500 takes all. (215)4 91-4899 day s o r (215 )542-4947 weekends and eveni ngs ask for Jim. 96 Husqvarna 610 WXCIWXE Motorcycle Racing Leathers Special Racing Suit Forza from Japan, ca rbon Kevlar. You must see (408 )358 -0466. CA 97 KX125 Motor New In Box Ca rbur etor, coil , ignitor box. Never been started. 51,800 leave message . (815)282-o81 0.IL Cycle News. W ant Ad Dept.• P.O. 3 Day Sleeving & Rebuild 1993 Honda CBR900RR Parting Out FZR Corb in seat. header, motor , radiator, gauge s and more. GSXR purpl e r.h. lower ligh t scratches, Deal er's welcome . Racer' s To y Store. (800)4047311.C A. • uppe r fa iring good race piece, front and rear 8 ,000 miles, everything good . with till e. (520)6287069 . AZ 1996 KTM 360SX Frame. 51900 , engine, 51200, swingann 5250, 10 mor e CBR , G SX R, FZ R a nd Z X parts . Ca i (520)861 ·2069. AZ wheels . 1987 Intruder 700 motor with carb uretors, exhaust. 1984 Hon da CR 250 pa rts cheapl Call (802)877-6 525. VT Box5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628·5064 714/751-7433 ' 0 WANT AD DEADLINE COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED 24 Hr. FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 Per word .••..•..•..••.••..•..•..••.•.•••••.•...•.••...•••.... $ 1.20 Ccharge or Co mmercial open accounts only, please) Headlin e in bold type _ _ $ 11 extra .$6.00 Blind box Service Ch arge ....................•; Photo (no larger th an 5x7L $ 17 extra WANT AD RATES Prices Are Fo r One Issue Only. Run my ad in the speci al section: _ _ Help Wanl . d . _ _ .Positio n Wanted _ _ Business Opportuniti es _ _ Collectors (1974 or older) _ _ General M erchandise 35mm film pref erred, black and white or co lor. Bl ack and whit e or color prints . Pola ro i ~ s not accepted. (one Photo per ad - Printed image size limited to 1 1/2- high. 2 t /4- wid.) Excellent condition. Pro-Ta per handleba rs. FMF pipe and silencer . 53,500. (915)697 -9606 . TX o PRIVATE PARTY Per word .............••.....•..•........•.•..•.......•.......••.$.60 $5 extra Headline in bold type Photo (no larger than 5xn S10 extra A private party is someone salling his or her own ite mCs), or wi shing to buy an item for personal use. Any ongo ing activity may be regarded as a busi ness and will be charged the commercial rate. PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE AFTER AD HAS RUN I N FINAL ISSUE. THURSDAY 5 :00 p.m. P.T. for th e n.xt avail able is sue. No cancellations after deadl ine. Ads are accepted on a first-com e. first-serve basis . Cyc le News reserves the right to edit/abbreviate copy & bold headl ines. Any discre panci es must be reported withi n one week of publication t o rec eiv e any adjus tment. Price advertising or specific referenc e to list price or cost on new, current year model motorcycles will not be accepted. Price advert ising is allowe d on pre-owned current models but th ey must be identified as used or previously regis tered. All in the Visa/M astercard Charge blank or send check or money ord er to Cycle News at above addres s. ~ CREDIT CARD LIM IT MINIMUM $5 .00 Signature Expir ation Date .:.... • -=-==_ _ Prin t narne. addres s and ad copy cl early. Please run my ad in _ "of issu es. Name Addre ss PARTING LATE-MODEL SPO RmIKES... www.eri com ol . 1-888-875 -8960 . CO 2 Speedway Bikes G odde n Max In God den Wigg Frame/NEB fTal o 51 .700 . GM in PJ trame 51,500 . Both race rea and in exc ellent condition. John Edwards phoneJf (582)8 679930 ema il 105273 1975 Z1-B 900 Kawasaki Ha ve $ 10, 000 in modificati ons. NEW :bl ue Trac b od y . b lac k Ke rker, D yna 3 . Blu e Goo se coil s thinned slotted double discs. Aeroquip lines. Street Strak er , match ing Dunlops, Le ster mag wheel s tapere d steering head, wheel and swingarm . bear ings, bluep rinted forks, seals, more tasteful modifi ca tions . Mach ine has never been ridd en . 52.500 (303)274-8268 leave message or monelson @earth CO Vintage Leathers Wanted Zip Stale City New CBX Engine Co mp lete eng ine . st ill in fac tory crate. 52 .500 (352)588-3459 . FL Jackets. pants, suits. Any cond~ion. (216)361·3919. 0 PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE 1L.av. spac.S> Bold headlines do not count towards want ad word count. PLEASE INCLUDE PUNCTUATION. _ __ ---''--_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 9 lu.0 ll 12 13 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 16 17.' 18 19' 20'-- 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ 22: 23 24'1..,...- 25 26 . 27 28 Track Master Haui you r bike with the Track Master. No trailer h sles , rugged con struction. fits all 2inch receive Great for sport ut ility vehicles . 5299 singie. $4 double. Visa and MasterCard accepted. (949)67 1640. CA Why Thump Alone? _ -:= 84 SO E-Mail orW.bsite URL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51 Ph. # ( . Join the Four -Stroke Singl es Netional Owners Clu Read Thumper News and rece ive a Free T-Shl Send $28.00 and shirt size to : Jack Rob inson FSSNOC. PO Box 1804 , Hutchinson. KS 67504 1804. (316)663 -1869. KS.

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