Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in third. Borde n was able to set aro und Fland ers on the motocross tra ck. and the duo raced down the dr ag stri p separated by only a bike length. Suzuk i rid er Broc Daugherty was the man on the move, p ick ing up three posit ion s on the motocr oss track. Fourth belon ged to Rob inson , w ith Eric Rizzo in fifth. Yamaha-mo unted Borden was able to increase his lead over Fland ers to five seconds as they left the cany on and headed towa rd the mot ocr oss track. Daugherty followed in a distan t third. Flanders repaid Bord en by pass ing him back o n th e mo toc ross track. Wh en Fl and ers appeared on the d rag stri p, he had a IG-serond lead that he wo uld never relinqu ish. With first and second place pretty much settled , the battle for third remained. Theis was able to move back by Daugherty for third with a late-race charge. Theis : s tay in th ird w as brie f, how e ver, a s Da ugherty qu ickly repas sed hi m . Flander s received the checkers, followed by Borden, Daugh erty, Theis and Rizzo. Results 80 BEG: I. Pe lll."l' Wright DI (Suz) ; 2. And~w Na aon (Yam ); 3. Bry.Jn Si m~ (Yam); 4. C I.t...m Patton (yam); S. 8r..ndun Fn.oisul (Xdw), BO NDV: 1. BryC'l' CA:ky (Vdm ). 80 EX:1. J.I IlOII Jeffny (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. ~",,)fdo A.1nden (Suz ); 2. JUIOh Lloll EIordt'f'l (Y.ilm); 3. Broc o..ughmy (Suz); 4. JdfTheia (y.un ); 5. Eric Rizzo (Y.lm). 125 NOV : 1. De ve T~agull! (Suz); 2. Billy ~ (Suz); 3. Eric C hild ( Hon ~ 4. Ch.Id Austi n (Suz); S. Brad Dlugherty (Suz). 125 AM: 1. Mondo Duran (Suzl. 2SO BEG: 1. RodnII!y ~1iOIl (Hon); 2. Childre5li (Hon); 3. n Rodger (lion); 01 _ Terry &ny (Suz ); S. Ck-n Etlwrin gton (Suz~ 2SO NO V: I. Dwayne BL1y (yam); 2. M i u Puk ( lUo J; 3. w Bn..n H.l ni gno (K..Iw); 4. l..rtuy Stowns (lion); 5. Neil H'"Pbum lHon~ 250 AM I. Chris Uddy (Y.lm);2. o..-nnia lK.iw) . 250 EX I. o.vid Oona toni (tIon). : WMN BE 1. S.nd y Onmund (Y.Im ). G: OPEN BEG I. J.uon5tn.ockn (X.Iw ). : OPEN NOV: 1. Jim Woodruff (KTM); 2. Chris Owir (I·Ion). 30+ BEG: 1. Ad.ilm Underwood IY.lm ); 2. David H.lllworth (Y.lm ); 3, D.lvkt Duboi!> (Hon ); 4. Dun Hu tchint;on (Suz ); 5. Glen GlU."rvi.l (Hon). 30.. NOV: 1. T.ilb M.llddin (Y" m ); 2. Todd Frel llol.J1 (Hun); 3. Will brth (KTM); 01. Chris Kirby (ya m ); 5. Tommy Leone (Hon). 30... AM: 1. Brya n Sta lha m (Sw: ); 2. Sieve fund l'n; (Ya m); 3. DuugLu.Alb in (Hon); 4. Br.d e Call to ll f ree MindSpring- Direct To The ,In t e rne t c 19118""dSpnng E~, Inc;. 1-888-M-SPRING (677-7464) Wet, dry, s a n d y, even i n the muddiest co n di ti o ns, ou r pads and shoes p rov id e s u peri or s topp ing power w ith S tandard (S I) and Ra cin g (RSI) compou nds fo r fr o nt and rear. High-flyin ' MX, trall-tourin ' dua l sport or hard-workln ' ATV, SBS has a full range of OFF-ROAD Ceramic or Sinter com po un d brake pads a nd shoes that p ro v ide yo u .t he ultimate sto pping po wer in any conditI ons. At a time like this, you shouldn 't be asking yourself " Ho w are my brakes?" Visit your nearest dealer today to find out wh ich SBS brake pads are the r ight choice for you. SBS .,..THE POWERTO STOP YOU. 59

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