Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Willie Phee charges down Ca rlsbad's drag strip en route to the Over 40 Expert-class win at the SRA GP . (Left) Mike Campbell c lears a big step-up ju mp in the 125 and 250cc B c lass at the Sunday Creek MX in Millfie ld , Ohio. heatin g up even mor e, onl y now they we re a rg u ing over th e seco nd po sition beca use o f Diez's crash. Dilkey seemed to ou tlast David, as he wa s able to go back around the Kawasaki rider and put himself into the second position . Diez had also rem ounted q uickly and was rid - ing hard, trying to get back into the fray. As the w hite flag ca me o u t, Dan iel was still out front, although Dilkey was starting to make a move and was gaining g round . Diez had sunk a hook in to David an d was trying to reel him in for the thi rd spot. At the chec kers, it was Dani el takin g the w in, w it h Dilk ey ru nning ou t of tim e a nd settling for the second-place position. Diez.iwho ma de a last-lap pass on David , rode in for third . Th e second moto a ga in sa w th e H onda of Dani el o u t front a t th e s tart. Th is tim e, Da vid had ga ted much better and occupied. the second spo t, w ith-Diez in third . Dani el see me d to relish th e hea t and the roug hersecond-m o to tr ack , beca use he sim p ly checked o ut from the rest of 125 JR: 1. Brian Stoner (KTM ); 2. C liff Jen ni ng, (So2 ); 3 . Max Ed dy (H on l, 250 JR; 1. Tom Melor (Kaw); 2. Dave Riley (Kaw ); 3. Alle n McKa y (Yam) . 40+ JR: 1. Steve Roark (Ya m ); 2. Scott Ma ys (J.,."TM); 3 . lee Ama radio (Yam). . 41) INT: 1. Mar k Ha ll (Yam); 2. Mark Moor t' (V,1m ); 3. Mike + Rigdon (Yam) . . 40+ EX: 1. Too Ku kla (Yam l; 2. Den nis McAdam (Ka w ); 3, Gary Sco tt (Yam) . 40+ MST R: 1. Georg e Koh ler (Su z ); 2. Tom White (Yam); 3. Alan Olson (H e n). 50+ MSTR 1. Bt-ngt Joha nson (Yam ); 2. Horst Leitner (Ya m ); 3. Geo rge Lazenby (Ye m ]. VET JR: I. C huc k W ll1t·tts (Kaw l; 2. Rock y Ha sh (rlo n); 3. Keith Stoner (KTM ). VET INT: 1. Bryan Daniel (H nn ); 2. Dan Dilkey (Ya rn]: 3. Mich ael David (Ka w). Reed wins Sunday Creek MX By Ru pe rt X. Pell ett Photo by Mike Le wis the pack, bu ild ing up a 20-second lead by lap A B ,~ ~ MILLFIELD, OH :JULY5 three . With Daniel lon g go ne, the rest of the rid er s were le ft to argue over seco nd . Da vid sti ll held the position, but Diez was righ t on his rea r w hee l, app ly ing the p ress ure . Jus t a fte r th ey rece ive d th e ha lfw a y sig na l, Di ez m ad e hi s move and pa ssed David for the seco nd pos ition. Dilkey, mea nwh ile, had been rid ing hard after a bad start and closed to mak e the battle a threeway one. Diez aga in was bitten by the crashing With the firework s from the nigh t befor e still smolderi ng in ne ar by fields , the firs t ro un d of the Buckeye MX Series w ent off w ith a bang as a hearty field of m ore tha n 300 Midwes t ri d er s ra ced fo r fac to ry co n ti ngency bu ck s at th is So u the rn O hio race tr a ck. Race p ro mo te r Je ff bug, and he got off in the back section of the track, taking himself out of the race and giv ing second ba ck to Da vid . When the white flag came ou t, it was Dan iel wa y out front, with David still in secon d and Dilkey in third . The la st lap S< W 1 no changes, and at the finish it wa s Daniel with th e w in , fo ll o w ed b y Da vid in sec o nd, and Dilkey hold ing dow n the third position. With his d ou ble mot o victo ry, it wa s Daniel wi th the overall win on the day. Dilkey. by virtue of his -, 2-3 scores, finished second, and David, with a 42 sco re, netted third. Results ' .58 PRO: 1. Willy Musg ra ve (Ya m ); 2. Ma rk Tilley (TM) . MI N I JR: L Jeffre y Ha rris (Yam) . 125 BEG: I. A nd y Bakken (Yam); 2. Robert Skin ne r (Ya m ). Russell had his hand s full as he carefu lly jugg led a fu ll-blow n har e scrambles in the nea rby woods of the Russell family farm, w hile he concu rre ntly ad mi nistered the lar ge-scale mo tocro ss race. C h uc k Reed w as phenom en a l in bo th th e 125cc A and Over 25 A classes, w here the "farm bo y" hus tled his Su zuk is in to the mon ey wi th so me very in tense rid in g. In th e 125cc A di visia n, he stole the second -mo te win from Tommy Co llier to tak e the overa ll over Collier's 1-2 fin- ishes. In Over 25 action, he fought off Pe'm sylvan ia' s Ca ylon Dickson to go 1-1 ahead of the Kawasaki-mou nted Dickson's 2-2 postings. Dicks on came out the winner in the Over 30 A clas s, however , as he storm ed aro und the ve ry length y circui t to 1-1 finishes over second-placed Mike Mor gan fro m West Virginia . An d Co llier got.his revenge in the 250cc A class, in w hich the ama teur astronom er flew his RM250 to the front, finis hi ng w ith 1-2 pos tin gs to ta ke the overa ll mo ney.· W e st e r v i ll e , O h io ' s Ky le Pre s to n wa s un stopp ab le on the d ay in the 65cc and Mini Junior classes as the speed y you th wo n all four mot os on the challenging course. Medi na's Ken Frankenb e rry w hip pe d up o n the O ld- Timers with tw o d o m ina nt w ins over seco n d -pla ced local Gerry Bennett, with Sunbury' s Mark Matheis screaming his Yamaha in for a s teady third place ove rall. Whi le M ike Ca mp bell wa s the fastes t B rider o n th e tr a ck, hi s sec o nd - mo to D NF a llowed Mar k Bosn ic to take the overall wi th 3- 1 finis hes over J.C. "H am me rhead " C ra'vens ' 2-2 per fo rman ce. With six ro unds rem ainin g in th is prestigio us serie s, many of the area 's top riders are excited abo ut the challe nge these events present for the local racers. Results 50 P /W· 1. Jo rd,111 Strickland (Ya m); 2. A.I. Rlttcr bcck (Ya m ); J. An thony Ben tley (Ya m ); 4. Justin Sh an no n (Yam ); 5. Eli Keren s (Suz ). 50 (4-tll: 1. Rya n Ive rs (Cu b); 2. Nt .... lon Dickson (K" w ); 4. Jas o n Frec ker (H o n ); 5. S ha n e Sh i p ley (Ya m ). 250 B: 1. Mark Boenic (Suz ); 2. J.e. Cravens (Yam) ; 3. Mat h ew Wa itma n (H o n); 4. Brian Rt'hm e rt (Suz ); S. W. Bla ir (Ho n). 250 C; 1. Sco tt G ene rke (Suz ); 2. M iles Cook (H o n); 3 . Mark Moore (Yam); 4. Bry an Ellio tt (Yam ); S. Wilso n l..ewi!l ( Ka ..... . ) 16 · 2 4: 1. Ja s o n Fr e ck e r ( H o n ).; 2. Mike Iv e rs (Y a m ); 3. Matth ew Wa itm a n (Ho n); 4. Te rra nce Sz,lrka (Suz); 5 . M il... Cook 'S (Hen). 25+ A: 1. Chuck Rl"l>d (SUl ); 2. Cey lon Dic klion ( Kaw j : 3 Mik e V. Bla ir (Suz); 4. Sha ne Sh ip ley (Ya m) ; 5. M ike MOfl~an (Kaw ). , 25+ B: 1. Josh Dohn (Suzl ; 2. C u rt is Rehm ert (Suz) ; 3. Brian ·rt 1 Rehm e (Suz); 4. Mike Pa lm ...-r (K. W); 5. Marty Berberi ch (Hen) . 30+ A: 1. Caylon Dickson (Ka .....}; 2. Mik e MClI'gan (lGlw ); 3. Jo n Sch mi tz (5uz); 4. Ken Franken berry (Kaw 1; 5. Ke ith Gw inn (Yam1 . 30+ B: 1. C urti s Rchm er t (So2 ); 2. Mar ty Berbe rich (Ho nk 3. Sh' ve A nncs ha1lli ')' (Hun); 4. Terry Bla kd y (Htln); 5. Terry B, me; k l (Suz ). 40+: 1. Ken Frank enbt.·rry (KilW); 2. (".crry Bennet t (H nn) ; 3 Mar k Math eis (ya m); 4. J. Henry Gre f (Hrm]: 5. Boyde Wol k! (502). O PEN : 1. J.e. C rave ns (Yam); 2.·Je rry Caldwe ll {Ka w l; 1 St e v e A nneshansle y (Ho n ); 4. Ji m Wittell\a n ( H u n ); 5. Marlo: McDani d (Yam ). Phee rules Carlsbad SRA GP By Dave Da in CARLSBAD, CA,JUNE 21 Willie Phee do min ated the Over' 40 Expe rt class at ro und six of SRA GP Series a t Ca rlsbad Raceway . The dry, dus ty co nd iti ons a t Ca rlsba d pu t ad ded pressure on ge tting the holesho t o n race day. Phee, with a' steady clutch fing er, put his YZ400 out in the lead, and Paul Vogelsa ng follo w ed in second , w ith Brad Wootton in th ird a nd Suz u ki-mou nted C h uck Duran in fo urt h. Approaching the d rag strip, Phee had a sizable lead tha t w ould rem ain unchallen ged thro ugho ut the 45-minu te race. Wit h Phee gone, th e bat tle was for seco nd. Yam aha -mo u nt ed Vogel sang w a s in second, w it h Woo tton in th ir d . Woo tto n, o n a C R25Q, was ab le to keep Voge lsa ng in sight for a cou ple of laps, but Vogelsang eventually pulled away on the mo tocross track to secure seco nd . At the checkers it was Phee taking the win, with Vogelsan g a d is tan t seco nd . Round ing ou t th e to p five were Wootton , Yama ha-m ou nted Tom Kna pp and Duran. In the 12Scc Begi nner class, it wa s Suz u kimoun ted Bernardo Fla nders tak ing top honors. At the start of the race, how ever, it w as Yamaha rider Ryan McPh ill ip s w ho g ra bbe d the holes ho t, follow ed by Josh ua Borden, Fland ers and Pau l Robinson . Borden and Flanders mad e qui ck work of McPhillips, as both riders were able to move by McPhill ip s o ver the fi rs t ju m p , rel e ga tin g McPhillips to third. Head ing int o the canyon, it wa s Borden in the lead , w ith Fland ers o n his heels. Flanders mo ved by Borden in the canyon sectio n, w ith YZl25 pilot Jeff Theis now running

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