Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Paul Morgan (40) leads race w inner Larry Marsh (29W) In the Expert main event at the Spokane Short Tra ck in Washington. Yezek dominates 0·5 motocross By Chad Davis JOHr-:sroWN, PA, JUNE 28 In the firs t ro u nd o f th e AMA Dis trict 5 Su mm er Series, Davey Yezek too k the overall wins in the 125cc a nd 250cc Expert d ivision s. The 125cc Expert d .1 !>S started w it h a ban g as Da niel Pasto r took the holes hOI, with Yezek a nd Br ad Be rke v clos e be h in d . Pa s to r m ad e the m u dd y track loo k smooth as he flew across the wh oo ps on the far side of the trac k. Yezek wa s fo llowing closely but seemed to be pic kin g hi s lines ca ref u lly . His cha nce to pass ca me w hen Pas tor wen t d own bv the fin ish line o n th e second lap . Brad Berke) ' wa s a lso close eno ug h t~l ta ke ad vantage of Pas tor 's fall. Yeze k p OWC Tl!d his F&5-bilCked Suz uki to a com ma nd in g lead . On lap (our, Berk ey railed th e wrong rut a nd wen t dow n. allowi ng Pastor to take ove r seco nd . Aft er that , the o rd er rem ained the sa me, wit h Yezek the top man. In moto two, Pas tor aga in too k the ho les hot a nd was in thc lea d as they dropped down into the wooded section of the track. It wa s Yezek, however , w ho reappeared first, wi th Past or right behind . Th e riders maintained those po s itio ns throughout the mot o, bu t Yezek rea lly po u red it ~n as he continued to pull a big lead on Past o r. Berkey was also flying. but he claimed afterward that a flat tire held him ou t of contention . In the 250cc A class, it was another good bat tle tha t induded Yezek and And rew Tsaka nikas. It was Tsakanikas flying thro ugh the comer first , wit h Yezek a nd Jason Sisler ho t on his hee ls. Yeze k mad e so me good mo ves o n Tsakanika s bu t could no t get around. Both riders w ere coming out of the woods and clearing the big tabletop and nea rly q ua druplin g into the Wh oo ps side by side for the first three laps. Th en Yezek a ppea red to have gon e down in the bo tto m sectio n of the race track, This left Tsaka nikas with ~o ml' breat hing roo m, since Sisler pulled off the trac k with mechan ica l prob lems. In the last two laps, however, Yez ek reeled in Tsakanikas , onl y to be a cou ple of bike len gth s shy of the young speed ster from Maryland at the checkered flag . The seco nd mo to fou nd bo th Yezek a n d Tsa ka nikas powering th rou gh thc fir st corner wh t'eI to wheel. Sister leaned. over jus t a little too far and wen t down on the far o utsid e in the first tu m . After a fight for th e lead in the firs t la p, Yezek came arou nd with the spo t and tu m l.'d it into a ru naway victory, wi th Tsaka nika s and Sisler followi ng closely behind . Results 50 (4-6): 1, Stw rlO: Our Ni m (Cobl; 2. Tylt'r McC' (Cob ); 3. .off 4. Dy lan SI\UIM"T (Co b ) 50 (1-1'1): 1. Keit h Mu ran Jr. (Coo); 2. Ryan W illia m... (Cob ); 3. Ch rn. Gu l.., (KTMl; 4. Tim Tu ttle (A ct ); S. Lee Boo t (A ct ). . 50 O rEN: 1. Ryan Au,;u!oline (Ya m ); 2. Tr.wb lI t·tri ck (Yam) . 60: I. Mark Mill s. (KT M ); 2. Ro~rt K(')le r (Ka w); 3 . Bri an Sh~khaTt ( ~ w ); 4. Jt'ffrry Mu lwr (Io ::ollW); 5. Bry oUl Em...ry(K.lwl . RO 0 -1 1): 1. Bnx Heples' (Su z); 2. o.n Raib le (Suz); 3. Room Kd kT (Suz ); 4. Ed w a rd Hei ric'" m on); S. TdTance Ma nning (Suz). , 80 02-13); 1. Tr avis Mahneoy (Yam ); 2. Chrilo ~b.nning (Suz); 3 . G rr-g Mycon Oeaw) ; 4. ltandy Schu~k (Suz); 5. J(!'!oh r a tton n c..w ). 80 (14- 15): I. Robnt Shuck h.lrt (Kaw); 2. Br.llndon BriIdJev ( J(.aw);J. ~ Nolll:w lI (Suz); ". Stepht-n rt'dicone (Yam) . • SlMlJ'I.,l : l. B1'andon B~ley Uc..w ); 2. R.lndy Schuck (tC.w); 3. G~ M ~ Uuw); 4. J~)"Luui (le4lw); 5. SlothRl"l"M' ); 04 . Trollv itoSti ch e>r (x.. w) ; S. Ju s.tin Dec ker QC.lw). P/ W AM; 1. Ad.1.m lLtorve>y(Iu w ); 2. Bndy Sh.trp (KI w I; 3 Trr'llor Monb (Ka w ); 4. Sha nt' OIr'Scmzo U(a w ); S. Zac h lanMltl 1K. W). 1 M INI NOV; 1. Ky k Stroud (Yam); 2. Bryan Wt"igal (Su z) ; 3 . lot'! Giv m {Ho n ); ". Du'tti n Cl.1Tk (Ya m ); 5. Nic k Achley (lCaw). O PEN M lN t 1. Jf'ff No rieg a (lion); 2. Ma tt Bu rritl (Ya m ); 3 . C od y j('n loC' n (K.. w ); 4 J",f'my Wi l"On (Yam ); 5 . 't'Jr m y Riddle (Hon). . ML'\JI A M: 1. JC'Tt"II\y Wi!'I;(ln(Y.lom); 2. Brad y Sha rp ( )Caw ); 3. Chri~ ~w (Yam );4 . Ryan Conklin CUanl; S. Adam Ua rV(' (Suz ). y ML'JI EX: 1. Ma ti Bu!'TU(Ya m); 2. Cody Jm:;e n (K.1w); 3. Brad Ala rid (Ho n ). 125 NOV ; 1. EJrnn Pisan o lHon! ; 2. Brendon Em.tro m (K,aw); 3. C o r ry Pri ce (K.ilw ); 4. A.non Alley (H on); 5. JOllh Mill ik a n (lCaw)' 125 NOV SrTSM. : 1. Adam Burris (Yoll m l; 2. C ody JeRN!'n (Ka"," J. 115 AM ; 1. Mol '" Wa rm u th (}-Ion); 2. JU!iin RiddJ(· (Hon ); 3. r t Tim ulh y Riddlt' (Kdw ); -I Ryan Lu cero (K.lw l; S. Bren t R.lit-W!>1d (K.1 w). 125 INT SrTSMN· 1. lva n Ted esco (Ya m ); 2. Andn-w ShuTt (lY wl; 3. Tv h-r W.d lo.'T (Y" m ); 4. D a v id G(lnz.a l~ (Suz); 5. Rvan Nd!oOf\n-'lo~). • " 125 PRO : I , GioTl.JL~{Ydm);2. J'l!oh KellOAA (Yam ); 3, W..!\ Hal e (Suz); 4 , Kl-ith C., m pbdJ UColw); 5. T1"("llt Ha n!>!.," (Hon). 2..'i() NOV: 1. Jt"ITV ~ l"t"r z ( Koi w) ; :z.. Dan Balo n (Hu n) ; 3. Phil BlacUord IKa w) ; 4 John M a e~ta ~ (Ya m ); 5 . Blynn Kd lt"T (.... t). n 250 AM , I. JO!oh Lehnberr (lIon); 2.. Eric JohnMln (K.1w ); 3. Chm Morgan (Hon); 4 Wilhe>B. (Suz); 5. M lc~'1 Kea ttJi (K.J,w). :so I!\.'T SM'SM: : 1. Andn..w Short ue","w); 2. Rya n Sd50lJ O-lnn); 3, o.vid GonuIC'5 (Sur); 4. Ty lt"f W.tkn (Yam) . 2SO PRO: 1. Jttt.-my Hinrich tSlul; 2. rollul ~y OGlw) 3. Kcil h Ca m pho ll (Kl w) ; -' . Waynt" 8.llllt.-tt (Yam) ; 5 , J05h Kt'lkJgg (Yam) OI"EJ" :'\lOV: I . 'lif Regan (Yam); 2. Jm-y M t.'ef u: oc.w); 3. b f'hiJ BLM:kford (K.1 4. CotTY 1'riC'C' CK.1w); S. Blynn Ktu..-,. HaM). w); O P EN AM : 1. rr to n Bo..trom ( K.lw ); 2. Chris M o r g a n (Hon); 3. Willie B. (Suz); 4. IJl>tlg a:'\koiO (Yillm 5. JOllh lehnhen ); CHc.m l. OrE."l rRO: 1. Jerf'my U inr ieb (Sud; 2. Keit h C" m p hd l (Kaw); 3. Kt-vin Fol~y (Ydm); 4. Jo hn Mnw in

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