Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w hic h the g loves came off. In the first heat, Hall and Votaw got another grea t start and took the lead . With one lap in the books, Carr and Moreno got underneath and took over the lead , with Morrow and McDonnell m oving up with them . The y got ve ry up-close-and-perso...!'a1 in this exchange of pla ces . On the final lap, Hall and Votaw got a great drive o ut of fo u r, a nd it was enou gh to give them the second. The second heat sa w th e red fla g come out early when Co le got spit off. It was a while before the body inventory was complete, and he decided to restart. On the resta r t, Ga rdner and Lynch came ou t of the three slot and put the Kawasa ki out in front. Matherson and Co le we re in attack mod e as they went aft er them, and Gilmour and Jones were tryin g to ma ke a race of it but we re having bike problems. They would finish in that order. Th e third hea t look ed li ke a thrill show. Tailing and Carmo nt we n t out on top , and 'as they head ed for the chec kered, they wer e all of a sudden flipping in the a ir. Both rid ers w ere o kay, a nd they were gi ve n the wi n, but the bike w as beyond re pair and th e tea m was done for the night. Mat herso n and Leed er were d eem ed to be th e cause of the accident. Leed er arg ued vigorously but to no avail. Seco nd place was given to Lewis and Macy , with Provencio and Rand olph pickin g up the third. There was a ru noff for the final spot in the four-team ma in. Tailing and Ca rmont were una ble to make the call, SO it was a two- team go between the Matherson and Leeder team and the duo of Hall and Moreno. Matherson and Cole came off the pole and quickly disposed of Hall and Moreno. Lewis and Macy drew the po le in the main, with Matherson and Leeder in two. Ga rdner and Lynch were in thr ee, with Matherson and Cole in four. Mission Yamaha had gotten all three of its teams to the main, and it was Yamaha vs. Kawasaki - and the odds were definit ely stacked against Gardner and Lynch . When the gate came up, it was Lewis and Macy who got the call, and they proved why they are th e curren t National Champions as they wen t wi re to wi re in convincing sty le. The Mat herson bro thers bea t on each other for second, with the nod going to Matherson an d Leeder. Ga rdner and Lynch wer e . loo king for the mistake that never came, and they se ttled for the fourth. The first try at a go in the 600cc main w as cu t s hort w he n Jim Steet took a na sty fa ll on the back stra ight. On th e resta rt, it was "Ra d" Brad O xley w ho took it to them as he led the 1O-Iap per from start to finis h. John Gar cia tried to make a race of it as he pestered Oxley every s tep of the way, bu t he had his brothe r Ray knocking on h is door and six other guys trying to get a piece of h im. To n y Earl was running in the fou rth slot, but orm Francis got by him on the fourth lap and was hoping to make it 1-2 for ATK. Time ran ou t, however, and ATK would hav e to be con tent with a one-four finish. 0 Costa Mesa Speedway Costa Mesa, Califo m ia Results: J uly 10, 1998 SOCK: 1. P. Lew i:t/J . Me cy (Ya m ); 2. B. Mat herson / D . Leed e r (Ya m); 3. J. Ma tbe rso n / S. Co le (Yam); 4. D. Ca rd ner / D, Lynch ( K.1w). PRO 600 MAIN : 1. Br ad Ox ley (AT K); 2. Jo hn Ga rcia ( Rh:) ; 3. Ra y Garcia (Rh ); 4. No rm Fra ncis (ATK); 5. Den nis VoU (Ru); b. Rick Schroed er (Rtx); 7. Ruben Malagu amero IRtx): 8. Billy Bevers (Ho n); 9. Jim Sleet CRtx). Snapple CanadianN tiona MotocrossSeries, a l Round 3 Nielsen P C ro hallenge Series,Round 1 Gaddis on top By Dave Deringer LAKE GENEVA, WI, JULY 2 , N earlY 300 rid er s tu rn ed ou t at Lake Ge neva Raceway for th e ope n ing ro u nd of the Nie lsen Pro Cha llenge, a t h ree- race series in w h ich Nielsen Ente rprises is putting up more than 512,500 in cash. A poi nt fu nd for the 125 and '250cc Pro classes will pay out $2000 to the overall winners. Second-overall winners w ill ge t $1000, and third will receive $500. An d loo king to ta ke home th e big chunk of coi n is SECOND ANNUAL AMA GRAND New Hampshire Intemational Speedway September 25-27, 1998 . Test yourself against racers from other region s. Pre-entered riders gridded First by random draw - deadline September 1. Nevada's Jimmy Gaddis, who rode his N ielse n / Thor-backed Kawasaki to overall wins in bot h classes. In the first 125cc Pro moto, it was Banzai Suzuki/Maxima Wiseco-backed Tom Hofmaster who grabbed the start, . but he went a little too hot into the first tu rn . As a result , H ofmaster hit th e embankment and went head over heels into t he gra ss . Gaddis quickly too k advantage and neve r looked back. Suzuki-moun ted Rob Erschen held down second for a lap, u ntil the d uo of Dave Oe ttel an d Eron Ezerins motored by th rough the whoops. Team G reen Kawasaki / Sinisa lo-s p on so red Ran d y Vala de m o v e d into fo u r th a t the ha lfw a y p oint of th e 10- la p moto, as Hofmaster was busy pick ing off riders after his fall. Gaddis cruised to the wi n, followed by Ezerins, w ho made his way by Oett el for second . Valade crossed in fourth , with Ho fmas ter ro u nd ing ou t the top five. In th e second rnot o, Ga ddis nailed the start, with Valade and Hofmaster on his tail. Banzai Suz uki/Silkole ne-bac ked Ezeri ns a nd Sh oreli n e ' s O ertel w ere m ired b a ck in t he p a ck. H o fm a s ter moved by Valade on the third lap and was gu nning for Gad dis, but the form er 125cc Su perc ross and two-time Ar enacross cha m p jus t turned u p the' wick. After his uncharacteristically bad 'start, Ezerins made his way through traffic and settled in to fou rt h . At the finish it was Ga ddis , Hdfrna ste r, O ettel a n d Ezerins taking the checkered flag in tha t order. Gaddis too k the overall wi th his • IPROADRAm ~ Six AMA Premier Championship Classes for Expe rts. 17 Nationa l Classes for Experts, Ama teurs & Newc omers. Attractive Entry Incentives for top riders from recognized organizations. Licenses from all recog nized national & regiona l organi zations honor ed AMA membership, but no specia l license required, top professional riders . excluded. . - Penguin Rood Racing Schoo l and open practice ava ilab le September 25 ~ (Pengui n Schoo l q ualifi es riders for compet ition]. . - Entries: $5 0 per closs, $80 per solo endurance closs. ~ - _TtItITDtICYI:US_ ~ For a ".,istratioII-'r...., call: ('OOJ AMA.JOIN and asIc for Member Activities. For race inlonnaflon, rail: (914J 679·5547. For ",""",in Road Racing ScII_finforrnation, call: (50'} 339·4673. For tidret information, call: New Hampsltire InfemationalSpeedway (603} 7.3·"931 INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY 55

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