Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Costa Mesa Speedway Costa Mesa, Californ ia Results : July 11, 1998 seR.: 1. Bobby Schwa rtz (GM); 2. Cha rlie Venegas (GM); 3. Chris Manchest er (Jaw); 4. Joh n Aden (Jaw); 5. Greg Han cock (GM). HD CP: 1. Ch a rlie Venegas (GM) ; 2. Brad O xle y (GM); 3. Ed Castro (Jaw); 4. Chris Manchester (Jaw); 5. Gary Ackroyd (law) . SU P: 1. Billy Lyon s (Jaw); 2. Tim Tucker (Wes) ; 3. Joe Win ston (Wes); 4. Rand y Skin ne r (Jaw) ; 5 . Mar k Adams flaw). SUP B: 1. Michael Storm s (Jaw ); 2. Greg Starve cic (jaw) ; 3. Greg Coron a (Jaw). Snapple Canadian National MX series,Round 3 Roy . unstoppsble By Jason Griffiths ~AYMOND, ALBERTA, CANADA,JULY 7 ean -Sebast ien Roy continues to be unstoppab le after round three of the Ca nadia n N ati on al M ot o cr o ss series , held in Raymond , Alberta, on July 17. The Tem ple Hi ll race track event marked th e second tim e that Roy has swept both motos in the 125 and 2S0cc clas ses . The Acton Val e, Quebec, rider rem ain ed virtually unchallen ged for the d a y until th e la s t m oto , w he n T w o Wh eel / Pr o-A ction /Walker Tr ansport rider Blair M or gan jumped ou t front early and lead his teammate Roy for the . fi r st half o f the r a ce . M org an was pla gued by bad starts in his first thr ee motos, w hich resulted in d ismal resu lts for the Canadian champ. In the first 12Scc moto , Morgan hesitat ed off the sta r t w hile Marco Dube grabbed the hole shot and led the rest of th e pa ck aro u nd th e ro ugh and dust y Temple Hill track. Roy started the moto in thir d, but wi thin the first two laps he h ad passed b oth H o nd a r ider Rudi Zackso Jr. a nd th e Suzu ki of Dube to take the lead . Mor gan struggled back in th e p ack and w as on ly able to fin is h 18th. Du M finish ed runner -up to Roy, while Honda rid ers Chris Pomeroy and Lane Olanski finish ed third and fourth. Chri s Pomeroy fou nd an op ening up . th e m iddl e of th e T empl e Hill s ta r t stra igh t as he grabbed the holeshot in the second 12Scc mot o. The Honda rider was over ta ke n b y Roy on th e second J 54 lap. Th e Q ue be c ri d er ' s pace was too mu ch for Pomeroy. Blair Morgan's bad lu ck con tinue d as he suffered ano ther bad start: But Mor gan, disappointed by his earlier results, rod e a hard- charging mot o similar to th e likes of-Cana dia n grea t Ross "Rollerball" Pederson. Mo rg a n collected seco n d pla ce for h is efforts, but that only gave him eno ugh p oints t o fin ish a n overa ll ninth . Pomeroy finis h ed th ird in th e moto, w hich gave him second place overall. Dube took the overall third wh ile Ola nski took fourth. The first 250cc moto wa s a rea l ba rbe nder for DuM and Ryan Gauld . O n the first lap Dube tan gled with Yama ha ride r Marty Burr, which sent Dube tum- ' bling down the hill section after comer number th ree. Dube rod e with bent handl ebars an d a twisted front whee l to finish the moto in 16th . For Gauld, the race finis hed more abru ptly when he collided wi t h Sea n Ed zerza . Th e you ng Mach ine Racing Yama ha rider was ru n down multipl e times by the rem ainin g pack, which badly damaged his ankle. Gauld DNFed the race and was unab le to comp ete in the final 250cc moto. Roy once again won the mot o and Mo rga n and Pom ero y finished second and third. In the final mot o of the day, it was Morgan who shocked the crowd after he stole the lead from Roy jus t seconds into the race. Morgan continue d to keep his d istance from Roy for the first half of the m oto until a mi stake on a co r ner all owed Roy to ga in grou nd and take over the lead . Roy was the n able to run away with the win w hile Mor gan fin ished in second . "The last 250 moto was a lot of fun ," Roy said . "I was confident that I would win the race, but I wasn 't playing w ith Morgan. I had my bik e pinned and Blair had his bike pinned. I knew Blair wasn't going to cut me, so it ended up being a clean and fun race." Roy w ill miss the next two ro unds of . the Ca nad ian nati on als to con tinue racing the AMA Outdoor series , but th ere is sti U a chance that Roy may wi n the Canadian Cham p io ns hip si nce Ga u ld, DuM and Morgan have all fallen in the l'X points race. Temple Hill Raymond , Alberta, Canada Results: July 7, 1998 (Round 3) 12 5 PRO: 1. [ean -Seb as tten Ro y [Kaw ); 2. Ch ris Pomeroy (Hen ): 3. Marro Dube (Suz); 4. Lane Olanski (H en) : 5. Alexandre Langevin (Yam). 250 ~ RO: 1. [ean -Sebas ti en Ro y (Kaw l: 2. Blair Morga n (K.:Iw ); 3. Marty Bun: (Yam); 4 . Chris Pomeroy (Ho n): 5. Rudi Zac kso Jr. (Hen). CA N ADIA N NATI ONAL MX SE RIES POI NT STAN D INGS: .1. [ean-Seb astien Roy (297); 2. Blair Mo rgan ( 89); 3. Chri s Po mero y (187); 4 . Marro DuM (181); 5. Bill Wa llin (149). Blair Morgan (1) and Jean-Sebastien Roy (80) lead the way at the start of the final 250cc moto at the Canadian National Motocross race in Raymond , Alberta. Roy took the overall win in both the 125cc and 250cc classes. Costa Mesa Speedway Fair Derby Lewis, O .xley at Costa Mesa By Elaine Jones COSTA MESA, CA, JULY 10 t' s fair time at Costa Mesa, and Frida y nig ht's speedway program had somethin g for everyone . Lewis and Macy gave the cro wd a thrill by winning the Sidecar Cha m p io ns hi p , while "R ad " Brad Oxley threw his leg over an ATK mo torcycle w it h an elec tr ic s ta rt a nd ' wo n the Pro 600cc Flat Track. The win ner's circle also saw Pam Skinner, wife of speedway racer Randy Skinner, win the Mid get main event. The Sidecar side of the program was the t ou gh est, as they had to qualify for th e main with three rounds of racing . Poin ts were awarded by finish : 3-2-1-0. In the first heat of the night, the team of Jeff Carr and Mike Moreno came ou t of the third ga te and put the race away ea r ly o n . St e v e Morrow a n d Mike McCon nell followed th em h om e, with the te am of Bob Brayto n a n d Parke Weaver limping home in third. In th e first tr y at a go , th e team of Mike Gilmo ur and Ch ris Jon es ran into trouble an d Jones go t spit off the bike, badly bru ising his ankle. The team was unable to restart. The second hea t bel onged to Dir k Ga rdner and Dou g Lynch, w ho dusted off th eir Kawasaki for the rac e. It was their first appearance all season, and the closely kn it family of sideca r racers w elcomed them with ope n arms - and some lighthearted teasin g - wh en they roUed int o the pit s. The team's ability was soo n a p pare n t, as th ey t ook co n tro l of th e race from the ge t-go and wen t wire to wire for the win. I John Matherson and Scot t Cole were a soli d seco nd, with th e flamboya nt team of Richard Tailing and Duane Carmont in th ird . Pat Pr ovencio a nd Jeff Randolph round ed ou t th e fie ld. Th e other half of the Mission Yam aha team Bill Matherson an d Dal e Leeder - let th eir presen ce be kn own in th e fi nal heat, as they go t the drop on Lew is and Macy and held them at bay i1i the quick four-lapper. Ala n Ha U and Dirk Votaw picked up the show spot. The first heat of the second go-around had a little bit of everything. On the first try at a go, Matherson and Cole lost their seat and the red flag came out. Unfortunately for Brayton and Weaver, they had the lead but we re called back. On the second try, it was HaU and Votaw who got the call and they went out on top . They held on for tw o laps befor e Matherson and Cole took over. Brayton and Weaver had pulled off after one lap, and their night was over: They had thrown a rod and toasted the motor . On the white-flag lap , Hall and Votaw fell victim to tum four and spun out, and this allowed Pro vencio and Rand olph to move into second . They almos t staUed their rig trying to get a drive on Math erson and Cole for the checkered and they were grateful for the second . Lewis and Macy made thei r seco nd heat look like a walk in the park, as they went wire to wire. Tailing and Ca rmo nt did a little rubbin g (but not much) on their way to the seco nd over Morrow and McDonnell. Math erson an d Leed er were on track in th eir se cond round a nd , a lt hough Gilmour and Jones gave them one heck o f a run fo r th eir m oney , they wer e unable to move them off the groove and settled for the second spo t, with Gardn er and Lyn ch in th ird . Ha ll a n d Moreno were DQ 'd for going into the infield. Aft er tw o ro u nds , Mission Yama ha was d oin g very w ell . Matherson a nd . Leeder were in th e p oints lead, with Mathers on a n d Col e a n d Lewis a n d Macy one point back . T he th ird round w a s th e one

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