Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI MOTOCROSS (17) The Evolution of Motocross Gary Semcs has put logether the stOlY 01 moIOCtOSS' early days, higlIighling 52 years of European and American racing, From the days when BriIlSh dinosautS ruled the roost to Jeremy McGrath on his CA250, youl see b aI in this 95 l1WllJIe _from Gary Semics . - . $42.95 TOURING/ROAD RIDING CRUISING (I106A) SO Years of Daytona consecutive year. the lop 16 speedway racers from the Uruted Stales meet at Orange County FaJrgrounds in Costa Mesa. CaJilorria. Bruce F~rs. Tany Clanton and Ma1go King call the adiorl, Wllh 6 C8/Mra locations on thIS eXCIting race. 60 minutes from RAZ YIdeo. $29,95 $24.95 400,000 _ _ desc8nded on Daytona lor the 1991 50th annMlrsaty 01 Bike Week. See the "Main Streer & HaJ1ey 9C81'lllfrom the biggest year ever. 60 minutes produced by Panacom from Progressive Design. $22,95 DIRT TRACK (1213) The Roads of Colorado (1182) Smooth Moves Roger DeCoste< dissec1s some of the grealest MX ba_: Axton '90 w/Coopef w. Kledrowski; Budds Creek '90 wlStanlon V$. Ward; Mt. Morris '91 wlStanton vs Bradsha'K, Miflville '91 wlBradshaw vs. Bayle; Washougal '92 wlSwink w. Emig. Adcitional 'Hot ~ts' locus on techniques lor starts, passing and some spectacular crashes. Narratloo by Larry Maiers; 60 minutes from POWllfSPOns Video. $33,95 Actuallootage of setected roads and points of interest lhroughool Colorado. This video makes an ideal loollar anyone planning a motorcycle lrip lhrough the Rockies, 90 minutes lrom L&M Productions, $29.95 A IIlVMlW 01 the 1990 Can1eI Pro Series Championship, as Scott Partter and Chris carr dueled all year for the titie. 60 minutes from Missing Lank Video. $34.95 (1650) 1994 Motocross des Nations (19) U,S, Grand Prix 1988 After 13 years of winning the "OIympics~ of motocross, the American team came up second to the British champs. You'll see how It happened in this 9O-mlnute sl10w !rom MOlovideo. $25,95 Real Grand Prix road racmg for the World Champkmship revives In America as Steady Eddie Lawson and Fast Jimmy Filice beat Ihe best at Laguna From Powerspons Video, $33.95 (112) Dirt Devils VINTAGE (#118) Enduring Memories (#68) 1994 World 2SOcc MX Series Review Race wtth Wayne Gardner as you crouch over the handlebars of a 200 mph Grand Prix Honda In actual race condltlonsl60 minutes. From Powersports Video. $34.95 Onginal narrated footage of classic enduro competitions, Including the 1962 & 1964 Jack Pine Enduro, and the 1959 Greenhorn Enduro. This video iIIustrales how the bikes changed the sport in just five years. 45 minutes from Missing Lank Video. $34.95 (#41) Bike Experience Highlights of all the rounds 01 the '94 250cc MXGP Series featuring Greg A1bertyn, Stefan Everts, Donny 5ctlmit, Yves Demaria. Marnlcq Bervoets and Kurt Nicoll in their quest for the Wood Championship. 90 minutes from MoI0vide0, $29.95 (1149) 1994 Budd's Creek 2SOcc USGP Team Pepsi-Honda's Yves Demaria s/locked the American MX lans when he won the U,S. round 01 the '94 250cX World MX Championship Series at Budd's C-' MaJyIand. Demaria led a massiYe E1Jtopean . - . eager to beat the dominant Americans at their own round of the World ~ 47 mutes from MoIovideo. $24.95 (I162B) '91 ANA Nat'l MX Season Review Foiow the 13.- on the 1991 AMA NaIionat lAX Sones os t.foke Kledrowski duels WJIh Guy CoopOf tor the ., plalo IitIe honors; 250cX and 5OOa: adiorllollow the dominance of J.M. Bayle over Stanton, Ward, and Bradshaw. Approx. 2 hours (2-tape package) from Powerspons VIdeo. $42.95 (I162C) '92 AMA Nat'l MX Season Review The definitive video review of the 1992 AMA National 125, 250 & 500 Motocross Series. Narrated by Larry Maiers: 90 minutes Irom Powersports Video. $34.95 (11620) '93 AMA Nat'!. MX Season Review Follow the highlights 01 the 1993 outdoor Nationals in all 3 classes, from Southwick, Gainesville, Sacramento, Mt Morris, Unadilla, Buchanan, Glen Helen. Troy, MilMl1e, Washougal, Delmonl and Binghamton in the chase for the 125,250 and Iast-ever AMA Nalional MX crowns. 90 minutes lrom Motovideo. $24.95 sao (I162E) 1994 AMA Nat'!. MX Season Review Narrated by Larry Maiers, it's all here-highlights of the entire 1994 AMA 250cc National MX Championship Series. 60 minutes from Motovideo. $24.95 (#81A) '90 laguna Seca us Grand Prix Rainey and 5ctlwantz race clear 01 a crash-filled field featuring Lawson, MamoIa, Gardner, Chili and Magee. 250cc action also Included. 52 minutes from Mote Video. $33.95 (181 B) '91 laguna Seca US Grand Prix With alilhe familiar top names (Corser, Edwards and Russell) returning to !he WSB wars aher the fust AMA round at DaytOna.. the SrlloKin' Joe's dynamic duo of Mike Hale and Miguel DuHamel slonned their way through the rest of America to return the U.S. Superbike Series Iitle back 10 the Honda mantie. You'll see highlights lrom oach round in this 47-minute show from Motovideo. $24.95 (I4OOA) 1994 AMA Superbike Series Review Follow the highlights 01 oach round 01 the '94 WSB Series as Ducati's Cart Fogarty. takes his Ducali down 10 the wire for the World Championship against defending cham~ Scott Russell after a season-long battle. 6O·minutes from Molovideo. $24,95 TRIALS (ISO) Arenacross Madness An acfion.pocked music _ features The 2nd and 3Rl rounds of the 1996 US National Triats Championship took place near Mount Olive Illinois. Mark Manniko claimed the 2nd round victory and Ryon Young won the 3l'd round. 120 minutes from Technovideo. $24.95 showcasing althe best ".at have maoo Mike Kidd'slWA National Arenacross Series '""" a M with moton:yde tans aD over the United StaleS, 30 _from MoI0vide0. $24.95 (1325B) Airlime - Thrills of SUpercross A review of each round of the 1992 IWA Camel Supercross series as Jeff Stanton, Damon Bradshaw, Guy CoopOf, Je" Matiasevich, Je" Watd and the res! go lor the gold. 60 minutes from MoIovideo. $24.95 (132SC) All' Crossed Up This nMeW of the entire 1993 Supercross season sees the emergence of Jeremy McGrath as "the greatest Supercross rooIrecht. Mike Healey and more. Locations inctude California, Oregon. South AIrica, Nambia and Mexico. 40 mmulOS. A Flesh Wound Film distributed by Fox Video. $25.95 (I10B) Crusty Demons of Dirt; 3 Fleshwound Alms releases !he '97 edition of the tiUe lhat launched a thousand lreestyle videos. Includes looIage of Pestrana, Dymond, 5elh EnslOw, Hughes, Lawrence, Metzger, Slephenson, Goodman, Linkogle, Deegan, Rusty Setzer and _ , all with insane greaI stunts. Fimed around the world including Brazil, F10ride and carrfomia. 35 minutes from Fox Vtdeo. $24.95 (195) Paris To Dakar 1989 (#11OC) 1993 Blackwater 100 ThIS speaaI extendemeniacs Brian Manley, RicII Taylor, Phi Lawrence and oIhefS in sean:h of the t.«imate motocross adYenfUfe. HoI_ music from Purple Bosco, Rozed in iliad<, BradnlinentaJ irdudos CXlf1'l'Iele OOVOfage & commentlJy 01 500 & 250 "raid'. See the h9IIi!tIts from the ground and the classes, sideca1s 100. 52 rOOutes from Mo'o Video. $14,95 helicopter cameras in this toughest race of all. 60 minutes. From Powerspor1S Video. $34.95 Troy CorsOf, Jemie James, Cotin Edwards, Fred Mer1iko Series. 40 minutes !rom MoIovideo. $24.95 FREESTYLE .. CRASHES The original out-ol-<:ontrol Ireestyle videol Jam-packed ROAD RACING seca. visit to the Aoeseler home, then on to harass National Enduro Champion Ty Davis. Follow Larry Roeseler aJoog on the trails he used 10 train to win 10 Baja 1000 events. Combine i~ scenery with great heImet-cam lootage with an ongmaI music scundltack lor the best oftroad riding _ ever. 45 miRJtes from _ . VIDEO MAGAZINES (#11) Rick Johnson - Profile of a Champion By John Bradley Entertainment. 78 minutes all about your favorite -sad Boy.~ From Motovideo. $24.95 (#62) WhalUp! The new generation video from Full ThrotUe ProductJon that brings oul insane aerial maneuvers by featured riders Ty Davis, Je" Emig, Damon Bradshaw, Mike Craig, Damon Huffman, Ryan Hughes. Kyle Lewis, Phil Lawrence, Many Smith, RicII Taylor. Ray Sommo, Nalhan Fletcher, and inI1O

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