Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Er ic A eming (39) leads eve ntual 125cc Nov lce-c la ss winnner J .J. Bonanno (519) at rou nd one of the ssCITao Kawasak i Winter Warmup MX ser ies, he ld at cas taic Motocross in Southern californ ia. o wner Scott Caldwell flew his Yamaha .uuund in the Over 30 class to ta ke both wins, w hile Rod Hook jamm ed his bla ck Suzuki to both win s in the 250cc B clas s. Result s 50 C +-bl. I. " .I....Il l . .kt'tt lCub); 2 }ud ...... C ......1ry (Art); 3 MltchcU T. ylor ( JaM); t . Ry.n ICnl (K'TMI; 5. Dr....Jun ~.-i (Y;lm). 50 O .M.I: 1. Aa nltl K1 .. !Cob); 2. am. IJrba n (Art); J. l.octI n ......... "'. 00 (lI'm); 4 Andrrw IKTMl : S. lun my Willon (Kn O. bS: I. Mx:hold WiIUord oeawl; 2.Cr.lg Thorn.- (K.owl; J.0ri0 C h. p m.n (I(".w l; 4. Hay~n Ho ld ' rof t IK.w); 50, Aaron KIi_ (J(;;a w l. !lO (7.111: 1. M ld\.l d Willard 1Sw.1 3. Dillion RhoAo.kI (Suz); ; 3.0..... Whitcra ft (5uz I; 4. Idf ~u.. (Yam ); 5. C1u'U; Clupman (K,.wl . tlO(12· 15): 1. o.vid Wlutcnlft (Suz,I: 2. And y Willard CSw.);1 A .J. M..a d~ ( l<:..I w); • . Will y lJro w m n ll: (YlIm ); 5. ROM Ad .m. (y llm). 2.~+ : I , RiIIl...... l< (Yllm); 2. 501ft Cald w..11 (Yam); 3, Rob 8lnS.. man (."'-'zl; ~. Ridwrd ngl er lKd w) ; 5. 0.. Y<" Hum (Stu). 30+ : 1. Scott C. ld ~1J (Y . m); 2. Ridulrd Spa ng ler (""w i; 3 Cr~ If.o\..... lh ln (Y. m l: 4. Brilln !lrjo rman (Hc> n n); S. Roh Mlntvn 5t.. (Ji. In ). 010+: I. Rill t...~l< .. k (Su.z); 2. Brla n Duston (Yam) : 3. J"h n M rC u rnbrr (}I. m); 4. Ton y flruwn (H un) ; 5 Rryant T"rn"! (IC ,ow) Thomas takes three at Southeastern MX Banquet By Ky le Myers REDDICK, FI.NOV.9 The 10th a n n u a l Southeastern Re g ional 2SO~ . 1. 5I:y... Doty (JUcwl. 2. CluUtuplon B.urrn (Hur,); 1. 8natl Shcm.od (lion); 4. Du.ty Soob« (Y am ). 2SO L''T, 1. ChrD NetM {)(;,a 2. CJv1. HormoId (Kaw ); J . wl; Todd c. mpbrll (lYw); 4 c.ry Trkhy (Y~ 5.}on bhn (lYw). 2SOrRO: 1. G...oo..W..d. (']"MI. sao BEG: 1. Paul Croudl ( Hen). ~ IfltiT , 1. M.lrk Dur....d ( lion). JR VET8EC: I. Rid:. V.~ (Y.m); 2. ~y ~ (Suz); J. 4 f'ri. n H...... (Y . m) J5I: \TT s ev: 1. Eric: u thn:,. CKl ); 2. Wiu.w.mWddUwnn' w (Honj; J. Gol aAt-you (lion); 4. A..t Aluah lKlwl. b J5I: VET ll'to'T: 1. Chuck ~ (Sw, J; 2. Robbior Dunnam (Yaml; l. flr.od P'M-tm(Sud; 4. J<-ph tumor (Y.m) vcr BI:G; 1. b y Riu!..r IKTMl; 2.. ~. n 'rrl.and (H" n); J . Rusa Schoul~ (Hanl; 4. Kory Ru~U (Hon); 5. Ken J(innu u n Kri th ~m. .... ('(am); (Yam ). VF.T NOV , 1. St,,,,,, M"no.....llHon); 2. Dllvid Du bois lJion); J. jcet r lolV.ji, . II Ion ); 4. o.rnn St. ff " CHon); 5. t4vid Mull... n (H on). • VFT INT, I . RodJl.oy Morn.on (lion); 2. Tom Hunm- (H on); 3. Vinn" B.1o i"ni (H. ....); 4. Mikfo lkitnl (H" n); 5. Km T.pnt (IUIw). VFT EX· r RO: I. Jon Zl hrt nywl; 2. Tim T~lford m un }; J . A a ~ ~ r-... ~ ~ ...... a ,..... ... QJ .!:I E QJ U QJ o 26 Fnnk Co....n...(1 (Han); • . ~.c l (Y. ml. SR AM : 1. Bub Baron (Hon); 2. Bm ~f ( I<.\w ); 3. O.vld Md"l ll....... n (!-f ; 4. Dunn il- Qu . ,w n.... (Hun); 5. Rub Du nhllm un) O'a ml. SR INT · EX, 1. Willi ... KC'nnt"dy IHon ); 2. Edwll rd o Hippo ( lion ); 3. Sh~V~ Cl. r k (S\lz); 4. bndy Anderson (Yam) ; S. l· V.'t rdnn (TM ) O /T JRVET 1. Grqj: Robnt"IUn i,;hWdl!Im- . O IT A M , 1. (ltonn i" T. ",m"n (I( aw l; 2. K~lIh C h"d w i, l< (lio n); J . Do n Mt"in t"r IHu n ); • . C h ar i,... W. t..... bc, ( Hu n) ; 5 . Richou'd BcAlcr (Y4m). orr EX: I . AWn O'B 2. Gt"orK~ Uzo.-nby (l<.1 wl: 3. Xott nmo McDonnall (H" n ); 4 , ' 1m Mtl~ (Hon); 2. M iu ~ (Ji< 'Ift); J.J. }. Ko.·U (I lu I,,). Tum RIltt BEG TM; I. John BartoI / l Billy Payl"lt! and R.J. Thompson took control of the top tw o spo ts in the 12Sec Int ermoo iate c1.lss during round one of the SSC/ T&O Ka wa saki Winter Warmu p MX Se ries, he ld at Ca !>ldk Mo tocr os.!>. Thousand O aks Kawasa ki wa s offering s ho p co ntingency money to a ny Kaw ,uaki rider and al so d onat ed a 19 97 Kawasaki KXl25 to the series. Last year's l 00cc Crand National Champion, R.J. Th omp50n , made hi ~ 12..5cc Intermedia t€'class debut a memora ble experience by pulling tht>h o l~hnt in the hr.-t mota . Nit rea ll y feel s good to be ridi ng a 125," Thompson said. " I led for A lap, b ut Billy got by., Payne took O~ the lead un the second lap a nd roosted a way to a comma nding lea d , follo wed by Sw ed ish Pro ra cer Espen Bliks tad , who a lso pa ssed Th om pso n. Pa yne went on for 3 co nvi ncing moto victory well a head of the Pr os while Thom pso n showed awesome control a nd sty le en route to a second- place fini s h in front uf Jeremy Santoro, Lanny Turner and Joe l Nelson. The S(.'COnd mo to sa w a pileup just after the sta rt. "So me guy jus t went flip p ing in front o f me," Payne said . "'1 had to a lmost stop because he bounced rig ht in front of me .... Thompson had a sh ot a t the-1 a d but he, too , ehad p rob lem s. "Some Vet ~ y crossed lin es wi lh me, and I hit him and fell,'" Thom pson reported. Lann y Turner took o ver the lead and led fo r about two lap~ before Payn e blas ted by . Th e res t was histo ry. as Payne pulled away for the mo to a nd overa ll victory in fmnt of Tu rn er, Thompso n and Santoro. PAyne returned for a double moto vict ory in the 250ce lnt er med ia te cla ss as well, where he tup pt.'tJ Jaso n Wood., San toro and Pa t Wade. Hayden Comm a n s st>l"ms to bt>o making a name for himself in the Pee Wee ranks by dominating the field. of 4-t 0-6-yt" ar-old raCt"r'io. Commans ran off and hid dUring both motos, to pping h igh-fl y i n~ Da vi M.:oa d.:o, 4-yea r-old Chris Plouffe , Kyle Smith an d Jake Lacey. The Vet Intennediclte clA !'o~ ~ w a dud d ew l· o p between Mike '"'Chicken" Uttle and the eve rpopula r Eric " li ttle Gu y" Casa s . In the end, Casas had the sty le and the look, bu t Little had the spt.'tc'd and the strength, a nd he posted the 'o vt"t'a ll victory in front o f Casas, Jei Harriott, Ed C uarjard.o an d Eric fleming. Results soC I . H.oydm eomm.... (KIM); 2. DllvicI Me.M (Cobl; 4-fl): "TM ); 5. J.b U«y ) David P1(l1JIf~ ( K'fM); 4 . l(yl~ Smllh U.. ( Knf). • so so (7-9): 1. Mike- Aleltli (J(TMI; 2. Ma.c ~adC'(Cob); 3. tkyu TlI'mAn {KTM); • . o.YId MC'd1no\ (KTM I; 5.'C' Cowy IKTM). (7.Q) YAM: 1. Juann Eubllnb (Y.m); 2. D;on~U.. Und ft"· ..... >d(YMIl I. 60 (().31: 1. Jdf A1n«i (Kaw ); 2..~M.~ M.:-ollIk (Ko\w ); 3. T.1lOIT Alrl<..andC'l' Ckawl; t . ~ <.:oury lIe wl ; 5. K¥k Snutt>(k.o\wl. •• tlO(~ II ); 1. KyUl M.Ihatlr (lUlw). AO Bfr.: I. T. II'Mi~(K.w l; 2. AdamT...l< i(l"' w);3 TM>""' Aln..lnd~{'(aml; ~, John B41;P' (}-lp nl. IICI NOV (7· 111 1. 1I~ Willun:oun (lion); Z. Btrlt Mo\lnt.D n : ('(. m ) '.rrod Nl (12· IM, 1. Olo\d Fr.nk (H . m) ; 2. Williams (K.Iw); 3 Miu H.I~ ( I<. w); ~ . Rio; .lrd Eub.mb (YAm ); 5. Rob.or1 C1. r k h (Hon l. IIO I:'\IT: 1. ' ,R. TC'l'T)' fY.-m> 2. V~f Rhoold. (Youn). ; flO S/ M I:Ir. I . M jk~ Alrui ( leaw); 2. )rft A k-i (lU w) ; 3. 1; Brua Willo.iMon Ulord ; ... Brrt1 Mounl.l.i n -24, 125ccand 250cc A classes. Thomas collect ed th e largest cut o f the I SO-percent payback and also enjoyed th e HSKS famous pig- roast dinner. In the 12Scc A action, Thomas led from st.u1 to finish in bo th mot es, as Jeff Carmilmani and Ryan Kelley battled for the runner·up spo t with Ca nnilmani getti ng the nod for seco nd overall. Th e first 250cc A mo to saw Thomas score the easy win over John Fesler a nd Ma rcus Pedrero. In mota tw o, Fesler kept Th omas honest for the entire moto but coul d not make a pa ss for the overall win. T.J. Rhon elli was the o nly double class winner, es he won the Pee Wt>e (7-8) and 60ccc (5-8) d ivi sions. Rhon elli also won th e Pee Wee (7-8) and Pee Wee Modified -class champion sh ips at the award s ban qu et. HSKS-ba ckf..>d Ryan Dav is, who is sid elined with an injury, wo n the ch.ampionsh ips in the 80cc 02-15) a n d S u pe r Min i cla s s e s at th ~ a wa rds banqul.1:, as well as picking up the honor~ for ea rn ing the mp st po ints in the series. 1:"1 Resu tts r/w (U I, h A. hl..,. Vklo -ry (Coh); 2. Troy SmUh (Cnh); 3 Km IliII (Cob); 4. Bl"efllon (Cob l; 5.J .....Grt"OI:h,....,. (Cobl. P/W (7·8): 1. T.I. IU1ont"lli fCob) : 1. Co llen MlrYNtd(Cob); 3Ky lrolCcoy lon (Cob); 4. MIk RorM"(CobI; S. Ted I:Irown (C<>bJ. P/ W MO D: I . Col l~n M" yn .., d (Co b); 2. A .hI.,- Vi'kC'l')' (Coo); J. TJ ROOnP (Cobl ; 4 Corey Woodard {Cob l; S. Bn.ont.. n llJ Alk.w. y (Cub ). 60 (5..111; I. T .J. Rhondli (K. w) ; 2. Kyle CoI~ By Rupe rt X. Pellett U~'VllLE, OH, NO 2 V. Local rarer Michae l W ilL d lives right acros s the u s tr cct fro m Hond a H ill s MX, and the you ng !oupt."T!>tar u~ his fa miliarity wit h the circui t to his adva ntage as he swep t bo th m otos of fllkc acti on a nd went 2-1 to take the Mini Juni or class. W hilt> thi!'! ta lt'"ntro yo ungster wins almost anypla ce he goes, th e F&S Suzu ki-sponsored racer a bsolu te ly ha u ls a t Ho nd a Hilt s . In the bOcc mo tos , Willard r an off fr o m the pack to ledve the seco nd -p lace battle to Cra ig Thomas and Chr is Cha p ma n . Thomas ultimat ely took 5oeCOnd place behind Willa rd with his 3-2 finishes, bes ting O1apman' 2-3 fin b hes . In the 80cc Mini Junior class, Willard faet"d u p~i tion . from upstart DiIlion Rhoad t$, a lso F&S S uz uki-mou nted , and C h ris " Mil km a n" Wh itcret, a no ther Mini supersta r. Rhoades wa s inC'n"d iblt> in moto one, taling the \'\ro-m aht"ad of W illard an d Jdf Roelle in third place. Moto two wa s all Will .-ud as hI" rom~ to the win over Rhoads a nd Whitcraft. Bill Ledke was th.:o older man to beat, as the nath'e whipped all comers in all fou r motos of th e Over 25 and 40 d ivi sio ns . Trac k (K.\w) . K~ ~m ["," wi. 3 . Motyn.trd (""wl; • . Corey Wooo,:l,.rd (Kaw) ; S. SIwlr' Brid "'y" f'I() ('Jolt ); I. WilliolMOll (KI w I; 2. Don SoIWy (Nowl; J . l R. noJy C mblo- (""' w ); 4 JurI u mp (l(aw); 5 Dltn 51 (,,", w i. ... "n '" (7·11>: 1. MiR~p (Suzl; 2. Ky" Chisholm (JC.. .1, 3 . 0.100 Kump (lWn); 4. Philip ~ ( K..w); 5. Bobby luaoy IiP Kumr (H.:.lJ; 3 l .1l: ~ -2. : I. n Thomu ( K.1twl 2. Tom r anon. (KI w i; 3. ; Olnll n M, KomZlfO ( ; 4. J"M' BI" l r ( Hon); S. Bn "n ~"~ri-;

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