Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-------~-~~~~-~ (Above) Pal Fo sl er (78) overcame local fav orite David Barrett to win the 25Dcc Pro class al Bishop. California 's Tri-County Fairgrounds. (RighI) Kyle Foltz (152m) held oft Brian Melshelmer (173m) 10 win the 80Cc Begin ner class at th e CRe Wild Turkey Grand P rix held In San Bernardino, California time for the littl e d eeds as welt and wa s often seen fixing a kid 's flat tin." or helping othe rs in any way tha t he mold. Roge rs will be sor ely mi ssed in the Tu lar e v in ta g e ra cing co mmu n ity by bo th his fe llow racers and the ma ny others touched by his ge nerosity and kindn~~. Results WMI'\' NOV; I. Ell", ......., n.i.o aX.,\; 2. 51:....11I 5.mfUult...i .... (SuzJ; J . ~ H.IId! (BuO; 4. Kim W41'd (yam ); 5. Shipky (Yam ' W\o1" I"IT : I 0......... ~d.. (rn 30.. ~OV ; I. J "Ii tehc-II (II onl ; 1. Rid. Zimll'r (lion). 3. elf MiU YOWl~ IH I>5 4. Robert Soampauksi tSuzl; 5. Phil l.;ystn:nn 1; m \1h) . • 1. l~i .. HArk"" (CZI; 2. ()l~ (Hon), 3 Schulho( QIon );". Curt Foum irr II "-Ill ). 5. Qui-.tklln On.'tV !Sw:). .:JJ EX: 1. Matt RMr (Tn); 2. Ed Sim.lHon); J. Rod DUJ\ 'n\t + h 10.. I~T, "'on). 40+ NOV , 1 81D(".oId fnuli (),Ion); z. ~ Pit'tnyI< (!ion): 3 Mil; .. . Dr1uu, W,urownll:!l.t (Bu.II ; 5. d Tom I\.o....-tt (H,..). ' 4().. EX. I. l",uJy Lew... tibet 2 Owr1... Bod. (lW i); 3. Rub Pook ( ~); 4. o.uc: Gnxnboll~h (H('II'I); 5. fillrry Bdlicittl ((7). so.. NOV : I. St.-w l..lcYy (lionl; 2. L.a_Al...... (6u!I ; 3 O\onrw; Rt__ (ffiAl;. O'... ·k Ho-m"" (8 "-'); , . 01"" Wo ud (Y.lm l. 5G+ tNT: 1. Oo).-k Cool.. (Suzl; 2. J.d Mungu (I TOlll; 3. Ron Cbwsoro ( M.oi); • . Terry!'Ntt ((2); 5. Richard McConnid<. (Hon ). EX: I . Du.a~ Spcl\n' Oi orn ; 2. ~n eerolrd (H ull). l'lIl + XOV , 1. Chud, H ' 'l'Tl m (RSA I;l. RlC'h.\rd Mlly<'f (Hon );) so.. Md Shapiro C OMl. 110+ INT: 1. k icM rd Mc<.:ormick (Hu n). ClSSC 125 NOV, I. Milo.t- Foh.'T\II (Ricl. ' CL'iSC 12.i INT: I. I.... F,.b ry (H",ll; 2. n"yh' Cnn k (7.u n). CLSSC 125EX: 1. Mllrk Barnett (! IWl); 2. Ken G,·roU (1Innl; d 3. G.lry lJ.w ill { Hon); ~ . J.U, Hmml,ot(SlId ; S. Hllrry 8c lliri tti CH u~) . ClSSC 250 :'\i V : I. Joh n Guilliford (0...<); 2. EUK" n~ Craw. O fllrd (AIS); 3. D.·llbio 1\,"1,· (IJSA); 4 Hilt S.lln~L&g · CLSSC 250INT: 1. GrotJ;t Wh iloe tAIS); 2. G.tryCochcU(A/5); 3. Dave L>uoln,· (AISI. Cl55C 250 EX: 1. Rob Pool~ CBSAl. CL<;; 3. lIlrry M.dripI < lISA); • . Edwlrd Crowd! ( Mol t); S. M.nh Runyun (H- DJ. rREMOPE.'l TWEX: I .CIry 010 (TnJ. "" Sf'TSM~ OPF ~ TW ","OV: 1. P..... <;; v. ITn) ; 2. w..n.-.~ I ITri ). SPTS M:-.i OrES TW I~T: I . a u " SumMT ITn); 2. K.c.-vu. 101'<' · (Yam) ;) IWn C1l~. SPTS M.... 2SO INT : I. IJDYld 8roaky (Hon ); 2. T(IC!I 8Ilmrtt ~hk SchuIhoff (Hon) ; 4. P..ul M,U~ lH~ ) ; S. 0 ..10:- lHonJ; 3. 8n.... y(H.. n l SMSMN 250 [X; 1. Randy loewU(Riel ; 2. Greg own.alnn); 1. lid Sun.. (Hont; 4. M.anut-llJal&n (Yam) ; 5. Sto:-vc SpnIgk (Yarn). SMSMN 500 NOV: I. Qw-le DittnoR' fCZ); 2. DAVld StA" ('V.. m ); 3 Jrlf CYRrwn (C'Z) ; 4 n.vid 1("01" (flu!) ; Ii. Fvan Mykw- bust(H u , l. SI'TSMN SOU INT: 1. Mark 81«l~ (Hem); 2. Luu i$ Harkr (CD: 3. l.ft' FAbry (Yam). 4 Om.tian A rtft'O (Suzl; S. Br~ ()I;,Nn soc SPrSM. .. . EX: I . G"'-"Ili 8IuIrl 1M.b); 2. P.ul Sot-IY« tHIS ); .1 Ron Duni~t (Hon); . s.- Spr~gtW (Hus) BM8R NOlo' : 1. MUI ~ IH u..l; 2. T""Y W.I!ft'I; .1. Mi.... 8IKbnAn; • . Ted GibbonJ,Olol d . KMBR 111.'1': 1. ~ ~~y fh m); 2. Knit Fftttn.on ( Mu); 3. OIovid MoIynts . 3. R; o.~ Shrlton Foster fast at GSC MX By Ric h WIlliams .B ISHOP CA. NOV.9 , Pa t Foster too k lo p honors in the 250cc Pro class at his home track at Bishop 's Tri -Co u nty Fairgrou nd s. Fos ter outraced ano ther local favori te, David Ba rre tt, who wac; taking a sho r t br eak fro m p la ying motorcycle s t u n tm a n fo r th e mo tion-pictu re ind ustry . Befor e th e sta rt of moto one, all bets we re on Barr ett, d ue to th e fa ct that Poster held neve. won a race at this track. But no one told Foster that, an d he ca me o u t sw ingi ng, n ailing the holeshot , wi th Barrett in pursuit. Foster, pe rhaps sensing victory or en couraged by the spectators' cheers. rod e like d man possessed. He shut the door on his friend Barrett , who triM ('very ronceivab le line availa ble in an atte m pt to d ispla ce F~tE"r to thE" mnnE"1"-Up slot, but it was not to be . Foster squeaked out the first·moto win in front of Barrett, Rob Brannon a nd Rich Macy, in that order. Moto two was almost a ca rbon ropy of mo to one. Foster holeshot the start, but Barrett slipped in und e r Foster in com er two. Barrett 's lead wa s short- Iiw d , though, and by thE" ne-xt tu m Foste r had re ga in pd th e lead . So me close m om en ts occu rrt.>d wh E"n Foster mt.-l: u p w ith backmarkers, but Foster was uns toppable and w(. "t on to " • mo to two and tire ov erall, along wi th a sizable cas h prize. Results r/w 50; I. !\.Lu\ Scott ('(.ml; 2.}.&rod E!boenN.rnl. P/W Ol), 1. <,.llrU M"nzuli lK. wl; :t L;Nrd MudIant (K. w). 3. au-.~ Iioodm.wI (l il.-!Y4I m l; 4. M utT)' Mill .... (K.Jwl . p O f'f.N : I. RoI nd y I'l."l"k lHoo ); 2. G tep; Co HTftjln(lton); J . Mdt!: Grllt'lf (,,",w); • . Md~k gomey (Hn " ) -2.'ifl rR O: 1. ra l Fu ..l' or (~ul.l; 2. o.. vid B.irnotl CSuxl; Rub 8 r. "· nn n (ATKl; R. Miley lI l, ,,,l . Simon, Foltz fly at CRC Grand Prix By Greg Robert son SAN BERNARDINO, CA. NOV. 16 Scot t Simon and Kyle Foltz fou nd the high-speed Glen Helen Racew ay Crnnd Prix course to their Iiking .s tit")' won tit. 80cc (7- 11) and 80cc Beginner, re\JX'Cl1vely, du ring California Racing Club's Wild Turkey Crand Pr ix. Th is fourth round of the 10th ann ual Spo ll.'.ors hip Series saw Simon run awa y with his win, while Foltz had his hands full right u p until the checkers waved. Sim on sta r ted h is d omi nance of the cla s s right from thl;! d~ad"'i!1lgint!' sta rt as ire gra bbed a n im med iate IE"ad o ve r fell ow Suzuki rider Edward He rrin g and J..ut."d Minor . Within a lap, Simo n ha d wor ked his FMF/ AGVlFox·bac ked R."f up into the 80cc (12·13) class, wh ich left the startin g li~ 20 !>eCOnd !!o ea rlit'r. Simo n co ntin ued to pick off the older rid ers while maintaining a l 0-ser0nd lead OVer Herring. In the end , it was Simo n t'lki ng the win with a comfortable margin over Herring and Mino r. Andrew Petrie led th t.> cha rge in the SOcc Beginner clas.q for a cou ple of l.1ps before Foltz came from his third -place start to ma ke the pass . Brian Md sheim er pa ssed Petrie for second a short time uter an d se t ou t after Fol tz. At one tim e, Fo lt z h ad a I O- second c u s h io n o n Mclshcimcr, bu t Mclsheim er slow ly inched clos· to r u nt il hl" w as at hi s ba ck fend e r when th e white nag was thrown. Foltz kept his KXBO jus t out of th e reach of Mel sh eimer fo r the welld es erv ed w in . Petrie hel d o n for third . Mike Epstein came out o n top of a battle for fou rt h with Chris Epper. Team' Noleerr's Daryl Eckl u nd a nd Sco tt llent d ice for the lead in the How e had a n e-xce 80cr 02-13) class for the first 25 min ut es of the 45-minu te race un til Ho we's nanny started making fu nny noises and he had ttl back off the pace. Ecklun d took the win well ahead of Donnie Gritton a nd Kell y Tedde r. Howe nu rsed his bike horn e for fourth, ahead of Nathan Parruntua n. j oh ner Faulkn er got around Mark vekore on the ope ning lap to run ;I\...."y wi th th e SOcc (1416) w in on his PAX/ N-Style-sponsored C RBO. At one point. Kevin Payne mov ed up in to seco nd place , but Valcor e worked ba ck int o th e runner-up position by the finish. Results r /w BEG : I . J.O'IM: Diekson (J(TM I; 1. Fr. nl,;ioe A jI; u in- " (hm) ; 3. MaK'W CuriUo-. tLernJ. P/W YAM , I. MiUvGuoiO".InT, 2. BnncIon OoIIltun);J. o.r;..BrIl(Y.Im ). . S/ STK (().6 ) : I .).-.:ob l.ft Burhw. S/~TK (1 .Q): I. N~ haN (KN); 2. SNwn ButkT (Act); ) . "'"' SlIIM' (Cob); .. Losom R-U (KTM I. flO 8F<; : t Mu lfnn J ( J(" w ); 2 JImmy WiIIil" m. IJ(" w ); 1 TyAn McComb oc.wl;". SMwn fIl.Idt't oc.wl. 60 (ll-tll: 1. DuusWurt,., 11<01010'); 2.lon.&tlwn Ai'll"" (Jr:.w); 3. Tim my RJ~ (1<0110' ). Ml (~IH' 1 R....... n H. U ( KoI ) ; 2. C.rTP!1 SM1' {Hon.l; 3 w Cody s.ndd"C'f(K.lwl. IlO BEG: 1. Kyfeo fc,Ilz (K. w l; 2. 8ri.An Mo:-Ww-imrl' {Y. rnJ; 3. And",w p" trio:- CK.awl; • . MIJr.40 Epo. " .n (Hon); S. Ouv. Eppet t ( IlO(i·IIl. I. Scott Simon

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