Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Don Upt on was the ov erall winner in th e 2SOcc Pro class during ro und th ree of th e SuperBowl of Motoc r oss, held in Lanca ster, Cali for nia. (Abo ve) Brad Spe nce r (7) leads Pau l lwanaga and eventu al w inner Rod Spe ncer (rea r) in the F·1 00 Vet Expert mai n ev ent at round tw o of the Barn Burn er Short Track series In san Jose. California. quickly. Cory Ayers had fought h is way into St'C-" a nd , bu t now John Morrow moved up to chal lenge- him . Provencher was long ~ and coasted to an easy win while, behind him, a battle royal was raging between Ayers and Morrow for ' the next two spots. Morrow would come out on top by a slim margin over Allers, with Eric Whi~ p ie and Frank Iovino rounding out the top five. Ryan Underbrink s torm ed into the lead to s ta rt ra ce tw o. Patrick Pro vencher wasted no time muscling pa st for the lead. He stay ed on the gas for a carbo n ropy of the first rare, wi nning it going away . John Morrow fini sh ed a solid second over Frank Iovino. Resul ts P/W (4-&) B: I . Dr-vIn M.i rty (1CJM1; 2. Chm ProreI ioo ( lAm); 3. K~an Tu tti.. (Ya m ); ... (Y..... l. r /w (" ·6) B~tt Harritinck " (H on); 2 . Ronni. Undrr· G brinlin). {Y .. ml. J. Jri fnoy r.. (}(.awl; ... Erik Hodgn fSuz ). S" IlO BIG 112·16 I. Mik Dowtlq tHOR); 2. Jimi!-Lurie- UIun); ): 3. MIke btn. Jr. (Hon); 4. Brook V.\I~n (KIw i; 5. Robby Wntfall. f'IO!'lOVI~ II ) : I. Robby WOOIh(Hon); 2. Bud< Guilt')' (; 3. Mich,,,"ran...T (liun);". Ty Ml.-Tow (K.lwl ; 5. Ry..n Bluwn . tIO NOV (12·13): 1. Kevin Roberta(Hon); 2. Tony Wnlbly ( K.1w ); J..J.- Lopc% (KoIw ). 80 NOV 04-16 >: I. Ryan Wilaon.. 80 S/ ~UNl : 1. Kf'r>ny" ,umlt')' (~wl . 125 DEC.:1.Jnnn Mn.hl.uIf CKaw);2. SNn Kim.hdla (Ya m); 3. M.II M~ U'aw). 125 NOV: 1. Juatl n V_~ t!; 2.).uon Burt.::.\(Surl. 125 PRO: I. Mon k Mon tasuc (Sud; 2. Mi tt GraD (lion); 3. WeNryMal~(Yam). l.'-.. 0\ 0\ ...... o ...... .... OJ 2!lO NOV: 1. MMk Ho-rmann (ICoI ); 2. Rrl ESM'II. (lion); 3w Owritoy Rnm .. ( KoI w ). 2SO1m : 1. John Edw.nko2. WC5tkyVaupm.;3. Jim~ 2SOI'KO: I. Monk M; 2. Rory O"S II"i ; 3. .G: U Thom.Io.. Dly; " ,)o."'" ~~ OIonl; 5. ElOOb,o HlUII . MSTR. 2S+ 11-.'1'; 1. Oua,.. Holt (HonJ; 2. Jim Owaw; 3. Dnm c.mbl:U... GftogSk-pnn. ( Hon); S. Paul H.ubaud. MSTR 40+ or'E."II : 1. [)mni,. ChoImb«Wn (lion). Upton one-ups Lusk E at 5uperBowi of MX OJ .0 u OJ o 22 By Tony Alessi LAI'.CASTER, CA,NOV. 15 Don Upton baggt!d the bea r tha t is Ezra "'Yogi" l usk in the 250cc Pro class during ro un d three of th e Su per bow l of Motocro ss, held by Fu ll Blown Promotions at the A V Fairgrounds. Lus k, ma king his Hond a debu t on a Mik e Go sselaar-tuned HRC CR2 50, r oo st ed ,lwa y frum the field in the opening nin e-la p sp rint, whil e Upton and Brian Sween y rou nded out th e top three. For the" restart, Up to n w ou ld be- gi ve n th e pole position while Lusk wou ld be relegated to last. For ince ntive. each rider Lu sk would pa ss was worth $50. Lusk not onl y took off last bu t ga ve the Pros a healthy 12-serond head start . Then he went to wo rk, pa sain g the P ros one by one u ntil he moved into second. Once into the runner-up spot, lusk kn ocked thr ee seco nds }'t"1' lap off of Upton's lead . Lusk made his pass on the final lap by performing a low-flying ae rial man euver. He seem ed to be on his way to victory , but disaster struck when he stalled his machine a few turns from the finish and ha nded the victory to Upton . " I don't care how I did it," Upton said , "but w hen they read the results in Cycle Neun, it will show Up ton first and lusk Sf..'COnd." Jeff Tilton and Brian Sweeny had a privat e battle for th ird that lasted all mot a long, wi th Tilton getting the noo at tht! finish . Team Green miJ~j racer Mike Aless i put his nt!w position-sensitive cavity shock - bui lt by Cha r les Ct~ m u tt - to the tt"St by jumping an ~ foot tripl e jump on a KX60 on all 12 L1ps of the 60cc (9-11) ta ct". Th e gia nt leap not performed by any other 60cc or 80cc roeer, with the re ptiun of pro min i rid ~ Chris TocC\) Alt."Ssi . swept all six mot os en route to wins in the 6Occ: (9-11) and 5Od\oId HaD;• . tbvdftl Cornmarw; 5. Pa lu.z:zi. P/W (7.A) s /Sn::: I. Mik" A~ 2. flnao TenioIn; J. Chad Sn",NrHr; S- Ty1l"l' H...... .... _ • P/ W (7·9 ) MO D- 1. M i.~ Ak.N; 2. 8ry•.., T....-zwn; 3 . Mi. .. . "'Ie - c..........;" • . o...J Cons. 60 BEC: 1. Ryan UMo; 2. JU5bft Mulford; 3. Riley HoIrpcT: • . B1.3k Robn1troono 5. Jol~ Hu ktt. ~; flO (o-H); 1. T~ H.111Wl1; 2. c....,eo- &t) ( ~IO: Jetf A~ 3. Jona th.:in Arana; ... 1. Mi .... 11.1",1; 2. Edwolrd R.odriguez;:' ChoId Hl"I'bc-n H "rrin~ 3. C .. u ld class is very competitive, with Rodney Spencer jr., 5.1 m Clark and Chris Touchatt m ixing it up at t've ry opportunity. Resu lts P/W A /B : 1_sP.n Jot- CKTM 2. ShoownAnm--.(Kl'\oO; J ); 8ru... Strw- fIt...y (Yam) . r /v.: 0 ; 1. Tra¥ia Franlilin (Ya m) ; 2. Alex AuI' cky Kmawo (Yam ); 4. ~ Cli fton CY..m); 5. BrrnI HrIr\ndl (Ya m) . P/W C 2 : 1. Er k r oth (Ya m ); 2 . St"v" R.. n .... y (Y.. m); 3 Frank.., m ). ... Moor" elwvn CY..m); 5. Bn-n TlCmwn t (Ya m) . PI"'" PI":. 1. All ... Jo:oI-n (Ya m ); 2. ~ Potl\ (CoO); 3, EII\Ifti Doniak (Yam ); • . Swphanic- HUII'Ol!t (Yam); 5. u u ren Waf. I.n-bm Smith (KAw); 5. Ronny ~ lHonJ. fIl)«I 2: 1. RodIW')' Spnw:'erJr. (yoIDl); 2.. Sam CI.orlr. {HeW ; J. ).uon~ .. (lion); • • Touchatt (lCaw ); S. TftYOI' DonsaJ,. ",.m) F-l00 (o-Ull ~OV 5TK: I. &O ....lII lndf'1b,lH"n ;3. Q\ad Tornli.nlooJp fllon) ; • . Mu:h.Id CoInnin& c.rcioI ('( .. 80 SO\': I. Edward fkn'inJ; 2. Jarnd Browne; J . Taft; • . Knin t-tw.lft; 5. Rody Hanznc. 110 I!'I. I . On. l'Oihan. 'T: 80 O rE.'l: 1. Om TOttO; 2. ChrU Nihan; 3. Ibcky HI."tnIIW; .. , Fdw ard H..mng; 5. Mi... So:hu.......... 1.:58EG; 1 .~ Wa rd; 2. Kurt Ncbon; 3. CanTttStinn. ... lanny Roi,.; 5. ~ Dahl. 125 NOV: I . Mld ... . 1 M~aJ.ow.; 2. Brandon M II",~;ad; 3. Brwil Cam; . Rict\w ~"'; 5. C1~ AdoI-. 125 1ST: I , Bryan Mc:C.-vran; 2. (" - t....r; 3. ... AndrftI t.brador. ... Jod SdAon. 125 PRO: I. T im l.anr;don ; 2. Eapc- Elik . ta ; 3. Don,a ld n V pton;" Dou~ PoII'IOIW; 5. B.....n SwNl'Y. M BEC: I . Cory BaldWIn; 2. ~ WiI1Wns; 3. Lloyd Wnm; .. Ril")' ~.,n&..... S. Wi),.",,,. ; 2SO Bte. I. St"'VC' Dr volt 2. Nic. JC'IUIllC"; 3. Sh.IWI'I C.lloIhan; .. Ton y Amoe; S.Cc-ciI Aw:ry . 250 NOV : I. Brolndon Ml1.ste.ld.; 2. Cl\m:lof'her Barrett. 250 NOV : I. Brian Sh.ilaon . 2~ PRO: I O...." .. ld Upt o n ; 2. Ezra Lus k; 3. J..t Tilton; • Dri.nSwra.nv. G RL; I: Cryml Pfuntne-r; 2. Tiffa ny Smith; 3. B..>nnK- KclIy; ... c.......nJ.r.. ~mola. WM~ ·l . Dft,iw En~rom; 2. Julio" Higgiro._ am. lHon);5 . GcuffWkd dUIonl. F-100 tt)-16) NOV MOO: 1. ~~ Mcwtan..r lHon); 2. ~ Pontorl (HonJ. F-IOO (()..16) JR: I. Bradtry ~ Jr. C III); J. Chri.o .... ( H " ,, ). c.....,. (lion ); 2. Fn!ddy Poll r-roo (16+) NOV STK; 1. Jdf Sh ultz Glori); 2. Bryan ~ Ulan>; J. Jo-h~ (Su.d : -6. Richard Dilyton (Hon); 5. Ryan ~n."(Hon). F-IOO (1 ~ ) !": V MOO: I. John RoIndolph (Ho n); 2. Bryan O Agmrn.- (H" n ); J . Mlc~1 Doly (Hon); " Otris ~ (Hon); 5.}.Iy K.Uolra(H.lII). F-IOO llt>+) JR: 1. K.m Wcdingfdd lHonr. 2. 5rott Ho-ywolxl (Hon.l; 3. L.uuis c.l'II.~ lHon> ... J<:- V.anKo! (H on). 5. Tony KOIIC ; (HonJ . F· lOO(4t). ) : 1. Rod Lake (Hort ); 2. Ral\dolph (HorI); 3. FnodP"li (Hu nl. rohn Kunsman cooks at Barn Burner 5T By Mykeal Clark SAN JOSE, CA,NOV.8 Mike Kunsman skillfully used a front -row sta rting p«.)'o\ition to sco re his !'Ot'"OOnd mai n-t'Vt"nt win in as many weeks a t ro u n d two o f the Barn Burner Sho rt Tra ck.SeriC5. Winning two in a row gives the San Jose ra cer the poi nts lead in the race for the cha mp ions hip, wh ich has a purflC to tali ng $3{XX1, with $1000 o f that go ing to th~ champion. Ch it"f stt"wa rd /starter Jt"rry Ken nt"dy dis· qualified '3 few rid ers during the hea t races for overly aggr~~ i ve rid ing an d took timt! bt!fore tht" featu re to remind rid ers to contro l tht"ad J't"naline flow, noting tha t most ha d jobs to go to th e next day . Kunstn.l n won with style. Rod Spencer took second and John U1ebo III too k third. Spencer ,1150 wo n the Vet Exp e r t main, with Brad 5pt>nrer !S, as there were nea rly 30 Pee Wee racers on hand. The kid!!i all havt" big time fun and, as we all know, this is th e fu tu re of our sport. Tht" 6CH«kc: MINlllt I. Mi~ V..nUC"nJnI (l ion); 2. Joe- MeS. Wayne lk"'1Uleu was a double cL1ss winner, taking the 12See Novice division and lilt:' 16-to24--year -old division champioru;hips, while B.1ny Mayo took the Over 30, Over 35 an d Over 40 das~ Results 50 (4-6l; 1. umnlm Moirtin.-z; 2. Kyl.. 5traubo:-; 3. Krlby l.a~ bka;". Robert C

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