Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th e whoops. Wit h Smith having pulled out of th e r ace , Dej es u s ha d thi rd in the bag a n d T TUK had no chance of catching Ornelas . Jio Th e su n bri efly reappe ared for the sta rt of mot o two, and Dt.-Jt.~u~ again took the holes hct. In a d ownhill double section, Orne la s doubled and tried to pass Dej esu s. Both riders came in to th e foll owing sin g le-li ne right tu m d ead e ve n a n d mad e t he turn ha ndl eba r to handleba r . Ama zin gly. neith er ri d er we n t down . Dej es us held th e lead, with Truglio in th ird . On the ne xt tableto p. Ornelas a nd Dejesus collided in mi d air . Neith er ri d er w en t d own, an d Dt.-Jesus maintained his lead . On lap three, Ornelas and Dejesus again came int o the ri ghthander together. Ornelas grabbed th e inside but. with Dejes us nut giving him a ny mom, clip ped a hay bale and went d own. DeJ~ and Truglio "'Us qu ickly It"ft him behind . Dejesus cou ld sense a victory until a sma ll jump with a rutted-ou t section in it grabbed his footpe);s and do wned him. With one tap to go. Tru glio he ld off a charging O r nel as . Th e 1II0 to and the o ver a ll wen t to Truglio, followed by Ornelas and Dejesus. Tracy Bachman w as the big w inner at the opening rounds of the K Promotions Arenac ross Ser ies In Kearne y, Nebraska. Bach man made the podium In each of the t ou r ma in events, winn ing two 01 them. Results 60 BEG (0-8): 1 • Kum.. 8Iltry ( )f (flon); 5. Stuart R.1 ~ (Kaw l. S.turd.. y 50: 1. Cody G ilmorc (Co b); 2. Ja ke Erickso n (Cob); J. C rai g Fritz (Le m); 4. Za ch 5wim m (Co b); S. Ric ky Drol er (KTM). p 125 PRO: 1. Tracy & chm.J.n (Ho n); 2. Cory Francis (Suz); 3. Tl'1."I\t Ha nst"n (H on); 4. Todd Fld~T (Ho n); 5. M~ rtv McDo na ld (Ha n). iso PRO: 1. Trent Ha n~n (Han); 2. Tr,x:v Bachma n (Hon ); 3. Marty McIJrwWd (Hon); 4. Ch.1d uk (H on ); S. R..... .yju hn!; n ( )(aw). k o Chittem tops againat COTA Trial By Mike J olma WASHOUGAL WA, NOV lb . Round number on e of the Columbia O bserved Tria l" A!lc;ocia tion winteT ~ries was held at the Wa sh o u gal Mot ocro ss Park in u nseas ona b le Pacific Northw~t wea th e r and with a large rthan-exJX'Cted turnout of rid ers . and Ge ne Chitte m (a wi n ne r a t th e Ha llowt>en tria l ev en t) w on hi s ~t" co nd "Itr 3i ght tri al in th e l':ovice class. The tri.lot ron si~ ted of three loo ps of t2 !>t:'Ctions, and the &ections we re com prised of mu d. slippery 10);5, IlXN;' roc k5, dnd off-e.Jmber tum.s, and wa s loca tl..>d .. ,itmn the hills a nd va lleys tha t " bo rder the motocrrn.s tr ack. A spt>dal thank-you goes o u t to Ke n M u r p hy of th £> Wa ",h o ug a l Mut ucru ss Park for.his fab ulou s su pport . National nu mbe r nine. Denn is Sweeten. WSus and mad e a pa s ~ on the slip pe ry uphill. Tru gli o ma de up groun d on Dt-Jesus and began showing a front wh..-el. On th e las t la p, Truglio passt.>d DeJt$u s in 60 Il\T (9.11): J. o.nieI Sani (Ka w) . M BFG: 1. Aa"", C......lull (Hun ); 2. Jw;.tj GodoyO'am); 3 n Sf'an I Lunpton &w. 4. EricSt<-.u- {SuA . 5. RlIry R.Juvidl (Hu n) . SONOV: I. Nd [MVlS (Vam); 2. M..1t M<:Crutnmc:n (Yam); 3. Kyle ~ntz (Kaw); S. Cory McD;uw.oI (" .unl. Y 1, Chari if' Mtwmon (Y .. m ) . 1Z5 8£(;. 1. KriIo Rtv...~ (Y .. m ); 2. O>no.hlf>hot- LK)V; 1. R...J KJ'W'i_ €Soul. 2. o.~g 'io nid (Hnn ); 3 IWn :tu s.v. (~). 250 lf'I<'T: 1. A"AAI'"! ~ lHon);2 . St'th YoutI g o-ton); J.. Crai g Trugl io {)(.a w ); 4. P'tti1SrRundo (Hon) . RE : I. Moon King (K.a 2. la~ f>f'ny ( Han ); 3. Mi. " G wl; k zs- Mno.z akin), . R.ndy TWI8 fram ). ~ sov: I. ~ wn Ikord (K.lw l. ]5.lNT: 1. Mib St-gundo Kn:ilIIl fSuzl ; 2. Adam u..... 1Sw:), 3. MlkcH"ntw (!Nt ); 4. I>v"' n Vicha (Yllm ), S. Uwolin Rl;>Jc(Y.. m ). U/ L lm / I' RO 1. AUgj;i" Rod riKu ez ha ttlE"d thE" Fort Dodge race r for every inch of ground, howevcr, and finall y forced his way past at the finish·linf" tabl l'"top on lap three. Crall wa sn 't abou t to give u p, and the two lead e rs dueled for th e remaind e r of the ra ce un til Monta gu e sq u ea ked out a narrow w in o ve r Grall. Grall w hip ped out another ho leshot in moto t.....o. ju s t a hec1d u f Uta h 's Wesl e y Mal gr e m. Montag u e. wit h a poo r g ate. w as bla Zing through the pack to ra pidl y move in to seco nd . Mon ty was a p p lyi ng intf"nM" p rMSUrf' on t he lea d er, Grall, th rou ghout the ba ck section. By tht" tim e la p two st arted, he had secured the lead. From there on , he relilly opened it up and '5ohot across the fmh.h line to win by a Lirge tnar"4 gin. Montague's two wins earn ed him the over· all crown in the class. Ma tt Grall's two l>t!'COnds la nded him in .'iot"COnd ov rrall, with W eslt>y Mal· grem in thi rd.. The nO Beginner cl a~~ wert" al. .o in action . cc and Patrick Pro vencher pulled off the Superman imita tion among thf'S£> guys. Ht> blas ted to th e lead in moto one, just a hcild of Ryiln Undcrbrink, Ro n n ie Go od wi n and Cory A yers . Flds hing around th e track, he Opt.'nN up a big lead very r-... 0'\ 0'\ ,...... o ,...... .... aJ ..0 E aJ u aJ o 21

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