Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 12 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2nd Annual 50 SUPER. (.wI': I . AIld'lony Fou.c; 2. T~ ~). JSdun..... 4.""" Dubowal.y; 5..A\Dtin ~ SOSUPER (1-8); I. Jarrod IRe; 2. Crq: Duriva~; 3. SNne UnIdr. 4. Kyr ~ll; 5. Damon B.lua- . 80 P/W: L Ky. r..yIor; 2. J-tu'l Canr-l.;1 Dumn Houk; "~ Kudo.rik.;5..J.-d>s..~ 60 (J-11); 1. ~ ~ 2. lenin 5eooio1 ........... Inc:: 4. e:e:-ySunorw; KeliR ~ ~ R£.C: 1. Jo.huI. B...:bn; 2. Bmc: B.I~ ].. A1Ion Sfrwns; 4 s. o.vid MnriII;.5.. ICrvin SturaI 85 NOV: I. ~ Javia; 2. Ju.tiR unm.; 1 Matlww Nuber; 4. aer- RiIrndoNuo S. Anciftw Janrwy . Il5 EX: I . MibSwnan; 1. J-my a.U;1 .y.... ~4. 0uiI. T.Ibut; 50M. 1t W~. 125 JR;1. tan I~ 1. c..brieI SUN.; 3. Qw.d CritzJNk· a; 4. Miloto Suma!.; S. e-ny lIltIe. 125 BEG: I. Rot-t ~ 2. Jftf HoUowd; 3. Fnttk ~; 4. J_l..arnbU;.5..}.-:t Shftm.ft. 125 NOV : 1. Waynr ~ 1; 2. NoII.... n Sclwid. 3. Tr n ia McfarL1nd; 4. John SicbcR.lDcr: S. 5-nlYSO MMtineL 125 INT; 1. J-on FokWs; 2. Ttoy Harwood,; 3. Milt 1Uy; ... 1&n ~.5..GuyIUendNu.. 2SO BEG; I. Ituy Mu rp hy. 2. Mi"~ JO!'nninla; 3. Brandon Boune; 01. Juan M.liloux;.5..Kylr Cullen. 250 NOV : I. Mich.wl ~ 2. RoM.ld I'hipp" 3. StevO!' ~ggi ; 4 Min VmnllyO!'a; 5. Don SUluffll/l". 2SO INT , 1. Mi<:h-I RingO!'I.; 2. Oan V.n 'Thommr; 3. Cory'tIlk-1dcr.01. Mich-d.Taut s.Malt Swrobura.. 115/250 EX: 1. John Punm.n; 2. Ian Hammond; 3. Jtrnm.y Wi.....; 4. J~ ~ DI Vis;5. JohnK1dd Jr. 16-24. 1. W.ylW Bo.'RI"ot; 2. M.u IWy; 3. Rob S.. hn; 4. C uy t Rimdcau; 50 Brad DillOn. 25..: 1. Non ; 2- MIChkI Ringd.; 3. Dill P.lge; 4. llIn Van· Thomme; 50 Sh.ane B.al1ll\.ll\. 30.-: I. Barty Mayo; 2. Todd Dlonnt>r; 3. [).an Van l11ommt'; 4. MicNel Ringt'l; 5. Sloovr HulLmd. 35..: 1. B.rry MoIyo 2- }coff Wtbo-r; 3. Eric BaUt"r; 4. Charl~ ; Roge n; 5. Don Slau ff•.,.. 4{1 : 1. 8 a.rry M~yo; 2- Rick Simp kina; 3. Rick Baldwin; 4. + O\.rlo.... R1,&,""-, 5. Ryn:... Cook-yo oIS..; 1. Rick Baldwin; 2. Eric CarillOn; 3. Lynn Conwa y; 4. Willl.1l m H.I~M; 5. B.lrry Mayo. VlNT· '"89: I. }eff c~rIaorl; 2. ~ c.ggi; 3. Neil Carlson; -4 Tad l u ll s. Dry,,",umiltun. 0 / A H -PT: 1. Kt-vtn StorAi; 1. Sh.anr Unkk; ]. StO!'vO!' c.CJi; 4. Wa~ 8ennlott; 5. Rrl 8ll1dwlR. Adams, Pfeifer grab wins at WSIR Road Races By ErIc Vi ncent ROSAMOND. CA. NOV. 15-16 Chuck Graves , the racer who has dominated the Willow Sp r ings Motorcycle Club se ason th is year, too k the weekend off from racing. leaving Curtis AcLuns and 101Cl: Pfeifer w ith the oppo rtunity to take home victories in two key races of the 11th round of racing at Willow Springs Inter na tional Raceway. Th e victory was Adams' first this season in the Toyota Gold Cup Fonnula On e Road Race seri es, which had been dominated by the absent Grav es, In fact, Gra ves had won seven straight Formula One f,lCC5 at Wi.1low Springs prior to th is month, and has not only clinched the class championship, bu t ilppe,lr5 ce rtain to win the WSMC number-one pla te this yea r. AnotheT class championship that Graves has wo n is the Coors U gh t/Tom Sera Racing / XYZ Clothi ng Form ula Two GP series . That turned out to be one of the most exciti ng races o f the day, as Jerry Evans Jr. po wered into the lead off the line bu t wa s pa ssed by Jack Pfeifer going into turn o ne. However, rou nd ing turn t w o , Evans re too l: the lend . Hold ing onto third at that point was Karl lowry Jr. By th e end o f the third la p, Brian Parrio tt emerged in fourth after sta rtin g from the back of th e grid. A lap later. as the leaders headed do wn the fron t straight, Pfeifer drafted and passed Evan s to retake the lead on his Dunlop-shod Post En tries $25. Per class Friday $35. Per class Sat./Sun. $70. For all 3 days $15. Pee Wee per day Gate Fees $10. Per person per day $15. For Sunday $20. For all 3 days Children 12 & under Free Gates ~ Fri. Dec. 26 6am - 10pm Sat. Dec. 27 6am - 10pm Sun. Dec. 28 6am Sign !l2. Opens Fri. Dec.26 6:30am Sat. Dec. 27 6:30am Sun. Dec. 28 6:30am Hond a CBR600 RR. At the ha lfway point, Parrio tt was all ov er Lowry's rea r tire an d, as the racers roun ded the first tum of lap six. Parriott found his mark and powered arou nd Lowry. At the same spot in lap seven, Parriott used the same maneuver to get past Eva ns to move himself into second. At that point, the top four riders were all in a n.1tTOW pack and running nose to tail. On the final lap, as the riders rounded the long turn-eight sweeper, Parriott attempted to pass Pfeifer, but was denied . Evans moved alongside Parriott. but. exiting tum nine, Evans backed off - leaving Pfeifer with the w in . He was followed by Parriott in second . Eva ns in third and Lowry in fou rth. '"It doesn't get an y better than this: ' declared Pld fer from the victorypodium. "Ir s a high!" Results F.1 ~ 1. Curtlt Adama (Sw:); 2. Toby II«t ('5w); 3. 0Nn vtnHoW C'uz);5. Jd; ""'" (Hom). F· Z; I. JIKI. Ne iln' (1lof,l; 2. BN n r arriotl CHon); 3. kny Ev_ (Suz); 4. K.arl LowryJr. (Bon}; 50 t::.cnnnn aa-.-~ ). f-3: 1. (Kon); 2. J ohn Hopkins (H0I'l); 3Iro6ch.ooI-I tt-nu Jr. (HOI'l); 4 M..hiro lina '" (Mo...,); 5 , CI!Il.I (Y.lm ); 4. ~ Sod.omp o lon). _ f-40: 1. 0Iv1d Pnez (INc). 2. Jeff .u-lUnO!' lSuz); 3. Pmr RObb"" (I:Nc); 4. Ulvtd Molitor (Yam ); S. Ct.aiS Cook (lAIc:). 500 S/ STJ:: 1. Rott'-"" su- (Y~m); 2. Buldl Erwin (Yam); 3,.. H.umn.1nlI{Y. m); 4. sa- HiD {Yam);.5. J<- f.-tnIoILa (Sou) . 6OOS/STK;L}.drwa (lion); 2-)nTy Ev_(Suz); 3. Brian Kov.arid (Henl; 4. H.lnHd Wirlkks (Yam); 5. ~ a....~). - 750 S/STX: I. I...ano!o HoW ~); 2. ff.ank Araplci (Suz) ; 3. Bryno en- (Suz); 4, ViranI HakoYft: (Sw:l; 5. M.1t C ...... rMf>O ""'" OPEN S/ 5n:.: 1. Cunil Adama lSwzl 2. Jeremy Toyc:(Hon!; ; 3. 1Cevin~1 (Yam); 4.1tobm NO!'Irrw (Suz ). e-, 0\ 0\ ...... a ...... .... Q) ..0 E Q) u Q) c 23

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