Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"I knew tha t if I co uld get a good. start that I co uld ha ng with those guys," Frye said . "'I w as chasing Daryl w he n Nick Pearson blew by us, bu t we sa w him la ter off to the side of the course with a bike probl em. " . Sho rtly aft er t ha t, bot h Folks and Frye h opped in to th e famou s (o r " i nfa m o us," depending on o ne 's luck) creek. Fry e ma de it out, but wa ter found its way in to Folks ' igni tion and put him o ut of con te ntion. Frye went o n to hold off Russell Pearson to the checkers, w ho came into the pits with a pretzeted pipt'o Even a fter severa l crashes, Pea rson m ana ged a se co nd overall on his KTM 250. Corkey Maug ha n , M RAN 's ScOIl Morris and USRA's Mark Lu ndgrecn rounded out the to p five Experts . Wa ylon Shaw shifted his KX2S0 to a nother amateur overa ll victory, two m inutes a head of fellow KX rider Ben Williams. Both riders were nov in'S 1t.'S5 tha n a yea r ago . A real "battle of thl' borders" took pla ce in the 80cc class , w ith MRAN's Kellen Wa lch just edging ou t USRA's Chris Butte rfield to the finish by a mer e 36 seconds . Cory Ayf..'TS had his d ay in the su n a~ well , o vera lling the SOcc da~s. Results 50 NOV: I. Du"ti n Mllk 'l" (Y. m): 2. A shl~')' lnomd~ (Hon); 3 1 O..n i..l Br..J lry (lllln ); 4 . Ry.... rrill' (U" nl; S. O i.. lon Br"dl~'y (Yam ). 50 AM: 1. Kmlol lJ liaroi(KTM);2. IUMln WaUis(Yam) . 50 U : 1. e..ry Ay•.,.,. ( Lo.... ); 2. Cody WalliJl (KTM); 3. Tyl~'I" Tht.'""''' (Hun) 60 NOV : I. Ki,1r. T'A«>Il (K. w); 2. Ju. .rin GibM.m(K..w5; 3. . DuliN Klinl. (K.!w). · bo AM: I. 1t"'Y Parw_ (K. w). ' f(l EX ~ l . J~ C"tIt'f""(KAw). II()-,I. D." ,," OI-vrr (l<.Iw). *1 EX: I. K..-IIr.... Wakh lHon.l; 2. Ow BuItcrfiC'kJ (Yam) ; 3. CvI Ra ...... (Yam); 5. Kl'~~ (Hun). 12S NO V: 1. Rob MUIIlp'" (Suzl; 2. KWy Mtil1ipo; (Ya m ); 3 0......-1 o..v i!-(K.l w); 4. lwlIJ y M..r..I..n ( K.. w ); S. Luk o.uObl. 125AM: 1. RuMy Ruby lJ(a wl. o 125 EX: I.Oln l lSnu n ( l<.I w ); 2. Danny u..n. I (H.. n) . 250 NOV~ 1. Bry.-o f'Iftm,m MiN AM- I. c.y..'I" NII'wkM nCThO 2. c... y Davia (l ion); ). ; o.VIl' H.I~ (Ho llo); o$. C&m BaIxuo;.1r. ucrMl; 5. J,avil:r. lK>nII' 1 (Iionl. Of'EN ~ I . M.arlo Lu~ IK..w); 2.R~W~ ~w); J . o.ryl F.. lb (Kl'M); 4. Bill N.-IM.... OCTM 5. }rlf Lund gK""l ); ",,"W' 30+ NOV: 1. 1.'1l..., lk¥1I'f I H on ); 2. B.ZIo>nII' Cha mbll'rlalft (YMrl) ; J. J-on WoJrftn O:... w ); 4. Miu SI~ (; 5. 8.,a n I"rin-("r'.m) sa .lO+ A M ; I. T~>ft (lion ); 2. Grq; ~ (Y ,un ); ). 8ryul Lutz (yMrll; o$. Jdf SdwIl'\ilChcr (Yam). 30+ u.: 1. Scutl M<.m. ( !(aw ); 2. G5II'nn ToI' Jor (KTMl; J. l C!wflto,o C -tfTry (K.ow ); 4 M iI. I"I r e--w oc. w). . " l JS+ ~OV : I . Du lfll'Y ( lion); 2. StO"II' McCart ha ( Hon); 3. Dan ~ (Suz); ~ . MuIr. KoycoII' ( Hon); 5. tfynJn Pf'l'ry (}Ion). 1'>+ AM; 1_,..h., Did ... yIGal:hrr( 1CTM'l; S.}ll'ff 1...mIkn (Jc.wl. 35 .. I:::X: J, St ev", SWoll tK h1l'fl1 (Ho n); 2. K.nd v T ho m .. s UCTM); 3. l.>Id< Ya Nko)' U(fM l; o$. Jim Buclr.norll (Honi; 5. &.yo n Jm-(yoI ). m «l-t NOV : 1. Dl-nnilo C..J wi.. (KTM); 2. Ko,oUy Sm ith CKaw); J. Ryan Per ez continued to wreak hav oc in the 125cc Begi nner class by on ce again d omi na ting both mot es of co m pe titio n. Per e z p ushed h is way to the front during both motes a nd simpl y smoke a wa y to a se t of uncont est e mot e victod d ries . Jus tin Scott wa s the closest co mpetition and reco rd ed runn er -up hono rs for the- nigh t, while Jeremy Ray, Jo hn McCo nnell an d Ga rre U Stines rounded out the top five . A mob of P~ Wt."e racers we re in att endance, perhaps fu eled by Dea n Dickinso n, Cha rles Cu rnutt and Mike Mead e, wh o were all doing their las t-m inute testing before the Ponc a City Gra nd Na tional Champion sh ips . Mike-Alessi was a ru naway winne-r in bot h SOcc Modified (7-9) m o tes, while C ole Seely to pped the charts in the Stock (7-9) d ivisi on . Th e Pee Wee (4-6) d ivis ion was the sole property of Trent Pugmire, who, having arrived three hours late to the Iil CC a nd missed practice, still swept the Modified class, as well, with fou r mo to wins. Kyle Sm ith wa s the ru nn er-up in the (4-6) Mod ified class, while Hayd en Co mmans was the seco nd- place fin isher in the (4-6) Stoc k divisio n. Results r / w Bro 1. o. nid K.arign; :' 1.« Sa u!. 3. Sedy ; 4 Dylan ~MtTO; S. A nthony MUI'I(>Z. P/ W S/STK (lU>I: 1. Thlftl Pu~; 2. Hayd..., Conun.tns; 3. m...... B. ggrtl; 4. Kyw Smi t h; 5. Iltyid M,....t... P / W S/ST K (7· ,*); 1. Colo, Sft, ly; 2 . Milr... Mead ..; 3. Billy &Ibt\"ro;~ . tIl")"tT T~n; 5. Tylor Henme . F/ W MOD (7.1,1j: 1. Mib Ak-t; 2. Chad Conos;3. Brya-T~. w.; o$. JlNi.n M ulfu n.1; ·t Mi.... M....k·. r / w ItO: 1. And",,, M. yuI. Jim Campbll'UOCJ"M1. 4O-t AM: I. Mlb Und lO'l'WOlld (ya m). tIOBI:::G: 1. Sam Scanion; 2. B~1r.c M.rgho.. '1m; 3. M.1t Horton; 4. J(..-ph Ma yo!; 5. Lou il.· s..ntiaKO, Af) NO V: 1. Chri " Flli ll Tt 2. TJ. Otol 1 Rklr.y HI"lTl mt'; 4. o.vt' ; ·; 40+ EX ~ I. S1l"V1I" Pit hiIAT K); 2. N iclr. Ta n.., ( l<.I w ) : J . Ron Bu ..... (K1'Ml; 4.C,n-g Bu"", (KnVl); 5. O'... J Tnom.on UiI ...). j C. m.'f; 5. r:.Jw. rJ I llm ng. 125 BEG: 1. Ryim P~z; 2. Scott lus tin; J. Jcn.'my R.ty 4. John ; 45-t NOV I. Carry (K.w). : 4-ST RK NOV : 1. Stl"Vcn KC'If'lItII'I'ld C ICTM 2. lady W n~ht; 3. ); la""" 0....;..(K.. w ); 4. F r1lfto (K.... l . ... 4-STJUC AM : I. Sooan H.. l1ing~worth (H u n) ; 2. Tim B.1orn.... Cllon) ; 3. Jo,'fJ}' 00111'1" (J lun ). 4-snuc. EX: 1.11L't(lI'I1 ~ {I<.llw ); 2. N "'I tw.n h>nc:i U baUled closely fo r the lead positio n a nd were ca u g h t o ff gu ard by Sca n lo n, who d oub lejumped bet w et"n both rid ers to lake over the Ic ad . ScanJon bc g.:m to s li p awa y wh ile Ma rgheim and Santiago no w bduled for second pl a ce . Joseph Ma yol W3S ha ving 3 consisten t ride in fou rt h, and wa s n"wa rded with !i4?COnd pla ce a fter 5.1ntiag o and Marghcim crashed into o ne another in a n o ff-ea m be r tu rn . When the checkered flag wavt'd, it wa s a ll Scanlon, while Ma yol, Matt Horton , Ma rgtu..-im a nd Gary Lat~ nio rounded out the to p five. The second molo saw Margheim come back with a ve ngeance by passing ea rly leader Scanlon for thl" moto victory. Whf..'J'l the dust settled, Scanlun had scored th~ gold with a 1-2 finish over Marghcim ~4 1 ) and Matt Horton (3-3 ), Mdd. From tha t poi nt for· ward , Mini o n a n d his Pro Grip / AC Ra cin gbac ked Kawasaki pulled away to a comfortabll! lea d a nd moto win. Bohrer co nsistently worked his way into second by the finish, w hile Pea rso n too k the top finish in the 60cc Beginner ra nks . Million look t.>d like a hands-d own, runaway winner in the aU. important Sot"COnd mot o, bu t a loss of concentration on the fina l lap left him on the ground and not able to start hi s mach ine. Bohrer inherited the lead and ran with it to the fin ish line, wh ere he pos ted the motu a nd overa ll victo ry , topping Million , w ho cha rged back to second pla ce. Million did , however, get a win befor e the nig ht end e by top pi ng th e ch arts in the SOcc d O pe n class on the main track.. Million escaped. a chao tic sta rt in w hich nu merou s micro race rs bumped and shoved o ne anothe r, wh ich res ul te d in a h uge p ileup . W h ile Mil lion scoo te d thro ug h th e traffic jam, hea vy fa vorit es Chad Cores and Jus tin Mulfo rd were no t so lucky and beca me pa rt (If the mess . Million powered a wa y to the win, whitt' A.J. Kusc ha tka fini shed St'C. ond . Go res m ad e a n imp ressive cha rge fr om de ad-last to third, while Mulford go t the best of H un t ley for fourth. Re su lts U n t. TfiId STRTR STK (4(6): I. ROOnt ~ (Yaml; 2. Ry. n Ebingn (Knot); 3. c.:hril'l:op~ 8II'ttrrI ( Lnn); o$. Camll'fOO Bal<\mp (Yam I; 5. C1'uw C'.orra ( lAm). STJITR STK(7~: I. ByTd< t.."lM) . 8FC STK /4-11); 1 Rit"h.onI 51O'rli g ( ICT'M); 2. ~imua.r. e.Iur.zi n (Le nd; ). J,.mno MII'I'riU (KTMI; 4. D!:omlnK Ea.,,, S. BIi. (Lnn). STK B NOV: I. Ry..n Parkrr (Cub ): 2. etu-tuph.-r : 3. CAo."8W' J<,offII'f"J (lrm); , Moi I'('U~ C.rnlio Qcm); 5. Awn Jin... (Cubl. STK A EX: 1. CNd Gofts (I.n n ); 2. o.nnv Gonukz (Cob). JR 50 P/W < 4....): 1. Xilvill'f Stol.. !lt- A~ (Yam); 2. Mlt d w U rolnnon (y.1 ); 3. ~ ll rodwn CY.un); 4. I.ur- GUWlT (Y,un); m e 5. Riclwrd Rum..n ' (Y",m ) • MOD D N OV : 1. Ry. n r. rk ..r (Cob) ; 2. Don ni.., K,...m l'}' (KTM I. MOO A Ii)(: I. Hunl\cov (KTM:; 2. Ctt.d. Herbm (Cub); l 3. Ju uin Mu lford (ltaml; .... Roblorto Jiron ( L.-m); 5. Danny GonzA. It'l«'(lb) . MO D BEG C4.. » ; 1. M..lIhc.ow Durm.Kk (KTMI: 2. la~ Mno f n U OerM ); J. Richard.Sll'I"li ng (ICTM ). MOD BF (7· IU; I. Ty le r Hopson (KTMl ; 2 . N..t!\;:ln Vo n.G ea-v 'TroIN The first-m o te sta rt sa w Link a nd firs t- ro u nd winner M elis s a Billin g s ly ta ngle, leavi n g Billings ly on the ground 50 fee t fro m the ga te a nd Link with th e boles ho t. As hle y Mendenhall. on the mo ve fro m a slo w sta rt, tea med up wi th Billin gsl y o n her cha rge t hr o ug h th e pa ck to clo se the gill p o n t he ra ce lea d er. Yo u co u ld thro w a blanket o ve r the first three ra cers as they sta rted th e ne xt-to- last la p, a nd the battle end ed wit h Billingsly a nd Men d enha ll o n the ground . The ever-stead y Jess ica Go mez, in seco nd, reeled in Li n k a nd e ve n s ho w ed h er a w heel. o nly to ha ve Lin k click it up a notch and hold on fo r the win. s Yvctte Morri on powered her Rick Peterson Mo to rs po rts C Rl25 into the lead in the seco nd moto. Link charged to the point position a fe.w tu rn s later, followed by Morriso n, Mendenhall a n d Gom e z. T he battle fo r seco nd th rou gh fourt h let Lin k pull to a five-second lead o ver the pack . Once pa st Morriso n, Mendenhall hunted down Link and cleanl y passed her on the last lap . Link kn ew a sec o nd- p lace finish w ould secure the o ve ra ll win as she followed Menden· ha.1I a ~~ the line, with Go mez a nd Morri~on in tow . The third round on August 3 should see the bdtt le rontinue. t~ Res ults ~ ~TR (4 ·Q) : ( K!M ). S/ P/ W: 1. J U~T i n M ull oN (I .t·m ); 2 . Ch.od CoilA'" (lKm); J . CoJ:ocy Ilulltk')' (KTM); 4. Chad 111 bm (Cob); S. Du nnie-""a!Tll'Y 'I" (KTM). Mai .. lfi1('k SO ST K: I. A.J. KUlJiC h.l lk.J, (Cob); 2. C hotd (Left) Te rranc e Mala n lead s brother Lex In th e 125c c Pro class during round tWo of t he Full Bl own Pro motio ns Supe rcro ss Ser ies, held in Lancaster. Californ ia. Lex finis hed sec ond and Terr ance finished Ih lrd 10 winner Br ian Swe aney. Lex came back t o win the 250Cc Pro c lass over Terrance and Sweaney. (Abo ve) B.J. Bohrer won Ihe 60CC (6-8) class at a Sat urd ay night Motocross held at Slarw esl Cycle Park in Moreno Valley, California. Go~'!I (Lrml; 3. R.ohI'11" Jim... «('(110); ". C"' l' l......T.. ft OCT'M); 5. o.. n.. y ColonuII·z (Cob ). 50 MO D: 1. Brandon Million (Co b); 2. QIad Herbert (Cob) ; J. u ,,"')' Hun th"Y( 1crM); 4. Dnnnw KNnwy (Jcr"M ): 5. Na lha n VonTI'OINcK 1llln . S/P/ W /"'(1): 1. l u..t' ll Mu lf.wd (Lrml. 60 BEG (6 -9 ): I . Ry. n s.."C'J;a r ( K. w) ; 2. C h., IC5 Pca r.>on O< w ); 3. Jab Huk1t Uc...wl ; 4. A.I. KUKh.Il ka Uc... ). .. w eo (&-S ) : 1. 8.1. 8oftnor ( I<.l w ); 2. Br.ndon MiJIiofo (K.. w) . RO BFG (0· 11); 1. RrIKl Hut...1: 1. limmy Gon.z,lk (K.1w) . :z 110 BEG (1 2· 101: t . Io1 n J(u v ha llr.a ( Hon ); 2. EVolIn Bu~k ('r (VoIm). flO n2·13); 1. o... ny Mo II 10.",). ohf 110(14-16); 1. N~ IIm...wy (Yam). 125 BEG: I. Andy StII'phans (Yam l; 2 Rrly Cruz ( Ho:>n); J . Ryan 8.Imn (Suz). 125 NOV: 1 . Coli n MorriIIon (Ho r'll. 2!iO BFC;: 1. Koonny Pririwn.1 ~). JG+ BiiG; 1. Gobrin 1nill:\>l'Z tK.. w). Link lands Lemon Grove Motocross By Ryan Chapin P1RU CA. )UlY20 . AXO / Bent-bo'lckl"d Amy ""Bu bbo'l" Link too k her firs t overall victory in the Women 's Open class at Lemo n Grove Mo tocross. Notoriously beau tiful we athe r a nd a s ho t at winning J '97 KXl 25 fru m Simi Villn~y J(;a wa sa ki o r a new [.em P~ Wee brou g ht rid eN a nd specta to rs out in force to the seco nd rou n d of the s u mmer s e ri e s . Chuy's Grill and. a list of rontingency sponsors played host to exce llent ra cin g. 1. C udy Farr a r (KT M ); 2 . Erilr. St".." h u l (KTM). 50 S/srK (4-6): 1. tl.1ydo n C Orrunoll3; 2. Kyl e Srmth.. 50 ST K (7. 9) ; I. Bill y Ball ....I.. ' o ( KT M) ; Z. L;onn- Co u r y (K1'M) ; J. T".. .... r IWht'l1'il.n_ · 50 MO D /7.0,11: 1. Iw.lin Mullfurd ( LC'm ). 50; I. j _,n lind o; 2 Y I'la.'C oury;J. Myk." NoU. flO BEG: I. M ld"... 1Torn"ll; 2. la ",.." Co! ton . fIO {q..11): 1. CI""Y WalflonJ; 2. IIL tin S!I"T\..... .l .. 60: 1. Riky I I. rprr . 1lO ~TR.TR: 1. Robby GilbII'ft . 110 BF.G ; 1. BMa n Bu i u and ; 2. Mu ro Foach.. t1i ; J . J.,u A "'~ *1 NOV: 1. Shoonil'Smith; 2. Mol! Gornorz; J. Jdf 8I"ad.~y. l tlO lNT: 1 . MiIcc M~ OrEN MOD (4-9 ): 1. J_m Endo (l...m1); 2. Justin Mulf ord (bm ); 3. My,", Nu n (c.. b .; 4. Colb ... J. rnn.( u-rn). LID STK (U) ; 1. K. yl Kollnwn. • LTD ~ "K (7. ,,): 1. c.rnot U Uy. WMN ~: 1. Am y Unlr.; 2 J~ Gorntt. 125 8El,: 1. BrWn fb ot ; 2. Qui,. CLul; J . J-- 8ft.wrr; 4. h ShaoII' Sa u th; S. Well Clark.. 125 NOV : 1. M .b MillII'f; 2. ItoI aII'I Mll'ans; J. M!ke Wftd; ~ . f Lu.. V;b(;jlW".l13 1NT:1 Nrl\Ul n~2.NidYott. 250 BF.G: 1. M.i thrw B.I~ 2 D1vkl La~ )' 00VC' KJrin. ~ 4. Chris Cowllh.on; S. I.Ju.,.ty S ..boI'. 250NOV: 1. H.lnzo; 2. Enc'HuffinII';J. M 'kc MillII'f. 250 1ST: 1. Ja.... WOld; 2. M.. rIr.ABrn. 250 J"RO 1. Rilly l'.krOo:r. JR VET 25 .. BEG : I . Fr.nlr. ul\Klgno; 2 M .rlo. H udson> J. o.vtd l..IWft'nC'II'; 4. 8nId PK-tro. JR VET 2S-. NOV : 1. SI.......Edwards; 2. PoIuI Slwffft; .3 LanRo C.....Jn... n. 4. Rk'1r. Smi ltl. IR VET 25.. 11'10'1: 1. Andy 5I:g.l.Ic; 2. &idle Cuoaj;tn:lo; J. Troy e.-w.oo.. JR VET 2S-. EX: 1 lIi11y Mo-rrirr_ VET 30+ BEG: 1. SNff"; 2. Mi k Vilt.rNl; ). BrWn o..rn-n ~ Sr-..; ~ . I...:Ir.Noya; S.GII'ortic:~. VIIT 30 ... NOV, I. M,b Lytl., ; 2. G..-org" Jim _ ; 3. Aloo>< Conrokl 8rool.!l; 5. Chut;Ir. St. Ronw in VET 30+ 1ST; 1. A nJ y ~..k ; 2. DR- OIivw ; J. GIrn Com- T~"I'IO; " ~ VETJO+ EX: I. Louir Ff".nro. 5R VFT8f G: 1. Pau llUwd y. SR VET NOV ; 1. Cu m ..... ~ 2. lI c:rlont Alkn.. SR VETttlo'T; 1. 100: Rocot. SR VET EX: 1. MII'II" Wrbb. ~Sl1lK: I. GII.. ln Comrn.t.... 2. Om..... Pt'tt.occ:a; 3..Mik ~ f 500. 1. Drrw O livw.

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