Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jackson, Ezerins win Pro Challenge MX By Dave Deringer LAKE GENEVA. WlJUNE 27 (Left) Paul Blnnqulst w on the SCratch ma in event at The Track At Victorville In cal ifornia. (Above) Kurt Hawk won the 250Cc A ma in althe AMA District 27 TT at Castle Rock, Washington. W eidman wastes Las Vegas Motocross By Dick Good win Binnquist bags Victorville Speedway By Mike Maher VICTORVILLE, CA JULY25 . With ma ny o f th e top riders a bsent d u e to a nation a l q ua lifier in Nort he rn Ca liforn ia. Coat Breke r a nd his G Fl cre w maxi mized the potenual of those riders who attended by creating a forma t tha t allowed the lo p riders to rare several times. and in the end it was Paul Binnquis t w ho ma de the mos t of the new format to beco me the night's scratch-main-event winner at "The Track .It Victo rville" . Taking a hint from European speedway, the riders were teamed up in pairs. yvith the pairs racing eac h other, and the standard speedway points system of 3-2-1-0 being utilized; the top fou r points scorers of the night the n go on to the main event. The individual races were' some of the best of the season, but when the dust settled. the top four seeds were local hero M icha el H ull. Bria n Pappa lardo. Kon Baur and Paul Bin nquis t. In the mai n event, Bau r and Pa ppa lard o blasted into the first tum side by sid e, with Baur e merging with the ea rly advantage. Binnqui st and HuU began to move up a s they both passed Pappa lardo, and then Binnq uisr took over the lead frum Bau r. Hull the n dosed on Baur a nd the tw o drag ran-d nff the fina l tu rn , with Hu ll just nipping Baur at the line fo r seco nd place. In th e su p port-cla s s ma in event, Rich ard Jo nes took the lead into th e first tum . Marvin Sonn ier closed u p to wa rd the end, bu t Jo nes led wire to wire to score the win over Sonnie r, Sean Lemed an d Gerry Du nweiler. T ht' sidt"car main eve n t ~(lW the teams of Pt'ler Lewis & Jamie Macy a nd Dale u.>t.>r & Ross Milie ch,uge throu gh the fir:-t lap in do~ U quar ters before u.'t. ad van t.lge. Then u~'Wis and Macy's luck ra n out as their rig let o u t a lo ud rong a nd slow ed., and they we re then clobbered by o ne of the followin g co m p t> tito r s, t u rni n g the bike ove r and thr owing the riders off. It.oedcr and MULlr too k the win, with Josef Petraglovic and Brian Sc ip ending up scoon d and Ra nd y Mcin tyre and Jeff Mo.'db.rry taking third . The even ing ended wit h an appearance by the "'Wlu;.-elie King.." Doug Do mokos, w ho set a new rt"Cord for con~tive roll-overs o n his spe-cial thrcc-whccler with five stra igh t rolls. configu ration, with their first main-even t ba ttle coming in the 2SOcc DTX final. Hold en he ld off all of Ha wk 's ad van ces to earn a narrow w in . Ho ld en, wh o hulesho t a ll nig ht long, ra n well ah ead of the 250cc A main, while Hawk, w ho sta rted poorly, overtook Nathan Whartun and, fina lly, Eric Beers to close in on Hold en , ma king . a last-la p mov e that ea rned Hawk the win. J.P. Si monsen con tinu ed his current hot streak after a w in in t he Exper t main even t . Simonsen, how ev er, was the recipient of a midpac k start in the IS-la p final, but carved throug h traffic to na b 5h..'VC 5mith and Ryan Anderson at the mid way poi nt. Del Schnitzer. the crafty TI veteran, had a bi g lead up fro nt, but his lea d evaporated in the late r stages as Simo nsen na rrowed the gap. Simonsen eventually clawed his way past Schnitzer for the win, his third in a s many weeks. Schnitzer, Smith, Anderson, Ro n Waters and Iason Enderson foll owed, in that order. An overflow of vintage ma chinery was o n hand, with the ma jori ty being Vintage Twins. Mike Harritt and Willie Ward, both aboard 7500:' Yamahas, were the heat- race winners, bu t Tri umph rider Mike Stertng separated the two in the- main event, whi ch Harritt won . Trov Renfro won the Vinta g e 2SOcc fin a l. ah ead ;' f Ja son Ros ie, while in the Vintage O~ class, Garry Roller was a winner, ahead of Allen Morrinville. Tony Fox continued his reign of terror on the Tf track by p lacing hi!' Rota x into the winner's circle in two classes. Fox picked up 01 win in the Open A main, ahead uf Beers and Kris Anderson, then s to rm ed back to do lik ewise in th e Over 30 Open final , getting his to ug hest challengcs fro m fellow Pro-Am rider Ma rk Stud ebaker and Expert Bruce Scott. Chris Wait e, the new ly crowned 80cc Amateur Nati(lIlal Ch.\mpio n, followlod Scoot\.~ Verno n a nd Nick St-l1efS to a th ird-place fin ish in the BOcc A mOl in , a head of Michael Rocheste r an d Jerry Ha nsen . Wa it£> convincingly won the 125cc A ma in - the eveni ng's largcst class, with 11 rid e cs - tu be dt j a re d S1. C e r m dine, Bra d Smi th, ScOln Ught and Del Po well for th e clas s win. Results P/ W: I. Tua T~ klo;2.JD. a-:~3. A.U. fkor];;m.In. !IO JR~ I. tuyrock ( loom): 2. Jonb n St. Gemuo~; 3. Jor...1.&11 BnoilUaT; 4. Goarril.i. ~ s. fJ liutl OIjui.-ot. SOSR: 1. ChrisCC'!o,w (KTMl; 2. Du.ootin ~ (KTht) ; J. J~eom.~ in action a t Las Ve ga s MX o n Sa tu rday nig h t, and G lenn Weid man domina ted the fu ll ga te wit h a wi n an d a dose second to ca p tu re th e overa ll hono rs. Sha wn Sze p jus t edged Rick Esse x to sta rt the ac tion in race one. E.. .sex stayed close a nd . passed for firs t in the back sec tion . We idma n made h is move on Szep in the roc kers a n d moved into second . Essex, Weid ma n, Szep, Paul Hemsley, Dave Gifford an d Dusty Schaller ran nose to tail for the next lap. Weid man utilized his skill in the rocke r section again, this time passing Essex for first. Weidma n conti nued his blazing pare an d held off Essex for the wi n. Gifford mo'red up in the later stages to fini..h third . Sup, C a se y Rob ison, Charley Rennie and Waylon Sh aw were all involved in a first-lap dogfight for the lead at the start of th e second mota. Szep won the battle and pu lled away to a sizeable lead. Weidman battled his wa y into second with just a fey,' comers to go, bu t had to se ttle for second at the finish. Weidman 's secondplace finish was enough to ea rn him.the overall wi n in the 250cc Novice division, while Szep's seco nd -mo te win captured second overall. Hem..le y su rvive d th e rest of th e ca rn a ge to na il d own third. DJOt! Patao, visiting from Hawaii, dusted the locals and walked away wi th both wins in the co mbined 80cc races. Patao hcleshot rac e o ne, just ahead of Kellon Walch and Derek Cos tella. Wa lch passed him quickl y hut Patao repassed on the big back jum p, only to go o ve r the bars in the follow ing corner. Patao picked himself up in sixth pla ce and started th e lon g charge to th e front. Rick Scha ffne c ro ttled in to the leild , a nd he and Walch wt'nt at it for several laps. By.the 100st Lap Po1Llo had wo rked his wa y up to seco nd , and just man'lgt.'d to nip Scha ffne r a t the line for the win. PaLlo, ra cin g in the Super Mini class , stuck his big bike o u t in front again to sta rt mo to two. ntis timt> he di d n' t go down and raced. wire to wire for th e victo!)', sewing up the overall w in. Iong Sd41ffne r and Walch p u t o n another raet.-d uel, wi th Scha ffner takin); the nod a t the cheders. tlO A: 1. Timmy tu ycnck (lUIw); 2. Muir. Stu~ (~w); 3. t""'w); 5. Chri'l Cri.. r.... 8 ,",1... Sdmil7-ft t1Y w ); 4 frit: n REMCN I. a. ·nnw D : rown; 2. Or oJ lr.-y HoInrujy 3. Chru Rid· a hoT, 4. kff ~ S. n Campbo:U. f /W A: I. Matt H. rri :"(>l\; 2. C hn. r c:ruw:wd l; J. Ronnie Coodw~ 0.-"'..., I. Scoofcor v~ CHon); 2. Nick Sdkrs (Su,t); 3. <:hri. (l-ion); 4. MIIChwI ~ (Hnn); 5. ~ Han...< OWn) . III UI'X; I. S id .. ~); 2. /ftry 1-1.";"'" ; 3. Amy 1«) .... P .- 5CR.: 1. P.u1 BinnquaoI; 2. MM:Nd Hun; J . ICon B.loar; 4. BriAn Wall~ SUP: 1. Rkb.1rd 'on..,; 2. l&W ; 4.Tunmy Rio.:k-tb O-lun ); S. Kyk R.agsd.-Ir.- UkJn} . 125 A: I. 0 ....... ~Ile (}ion ); 2. Jltk... ( lion); 2. Kurt Hoo wlr. (HonJ; 3. Mi>a M~TV1n So:JNtirr, 1. Se.n l..enwd ; 4 DAle wdC'r / Ro... MiIl. r; 2. Jose-I J. R.ond Md~/J df M.....n>nTy; 4. Prtl-r y rt'tTa~/ s",p; Uwis/J_ M&cy . s..u..n PnKzi~ Sd\~tz.e:t"(Hon). Hawk, Holden clash at Castle Rock IT By Clay U ght CASTI.E ROCK. wA. JULY I. Former minicycJe cha m pi on s Ku rt Ha wk a nd Ja co b Holden, both mo unted on H o n d a s , dolShcd in tw o 250cc e"'e nts a t th e Mount 5 t. He1tms MC- p rom o t ~ , AMA District 27-sa nctioncd IT ilt the Cas tle Rock O ubgrounds . Hawk and Holden spe nt the t.'I\ ire ev ening· t in hf'a t race!\ a nd mi\in events - in side-by-side fX : I , lr Sim.. ........ (t lon) ; 2. [)pl Xhnll.l,"" (RIlt); 3. ~ Sm.ith(RbJ; ol. Ry.nAnJr.."'I"!IOfl (Wfltt S. Rt., W. trn IRb J . f'RO. AM 250:1. Robnt Ro8iC' fStul; 2. BN Ol M&nky cK,a w);J. ~tI Sch~1z. (fU,.); 2. Eric 8fton CR 3. Km A t"". .... """ (lit.....; ~ . ).lmn twpod.r.ko O(~ ; 5. Scooter VcrNWl (ATK) . ) O I"EN TW : I. M,b turnn (YA m); 2. M,ke 5... l,n~ ITnl; J. r W ill I(' W ard (Yam); 4 Ca..., ""..tI lTl'il. 5. Okk S1~ (Norl_ Jlh. orEN_1. Tony F Jr. IRtd; 2. M..n. StwIrbakrr (Hon); J . ... 8ruct' Scott (Hon). 40+ A : I. lid 8)'fft lHon>; 2. Da n Kirk (Hon); 3. Vlnc'r Holl (H..,, ); 4 Cl1Ii~ R.",tm (lit..u; 5 c.'Y 6Nch dri<:b (5uz); 5. J.uon Rowe: (5ut:l . lZ5 R: 1. Willi.'(Y~ m): 2. Ryan Bund (Ht....I; 3. bC Sa p ko (Y" ,"); 4 Nur n, I..trtIW n·k ln); 5. B..trtH.,ll. ·rk..tmp (Y oIm). 125 C: 1. lam.·, Rt.~ CSuzl; 2. W...Je ' oh n.",," (K,a ; J. Ry.n w) K< o:o ( k.1w) ; 4. SN wn Shaet..,(K.-wl ; 5. Hans Rt>cllChli (Suz). _ • 1 ~ PRO: 1. Juni ..r ' MU'" (Hu n); 2. Jimmy G&dJ ... ( K", w); J. F .nJlt Ur'O l'" CSu.t); 4. Jim Puvnln y 1.Mt:d; 5. ~Lui Mum . (Sud 2SO B: 1. M,'II Kirar (S Olz/; 2. RYlln Bond (Vam) ; J. J...,on Urbrk Mo m. \Sud; J . Tim B.1n. (Ka w) ; 4. Roy N~fzgo.... (.....w ); 5. J .. ;IlIOfl W~mt't" (Hun). 3.. I. R..y N.. ( "," wI; 2. T..m Drt-tr...... (","wI; : . r:n~ ....; 1 fknkd (Stu); 4 . Brad r"'r LmdtSuzl ; S. Fra n k Dunn ($uz). 'lIm : I. j<", H ytk cHon); 2. Jdl MOOOl: ( ~ k>n); J. r l'k' Wellt.. ... (K.t w ); 4. John M, (KlM>; S. Dan ~ (""' ....·1. . J._ . Results (K.&iow). Re s ults C..".,. Du ll.....-iln. SDC AR: 1. LAS VEGAS, NY. JUNE 21 The 250cc Novice class was the la rges t division Round o ne of th e N ielsen Pr o Challen ge sa w Ni else n Enterprises' juniur Ja ckson a nd Banza i Suzuki / Torque Centers ' Ero n Ezerms ta ke hom e the go ld in the 125 and 250cc Pro classes, respectively. A Luge pur.;(' and ma nufactu rers' conti nge ncy brou ght o u t many local and se veral Na tio nal l'ro riders. In the firs t 125cc Pro recto, Xtrcme...backed Marl Morns g rabbed the start, in fnmt of Young Arn crica /To rq ue Ccnter / MX Tech -backed Tom Hofmaster, [a ckson and james Povoln v. Ezerins a nd former Arenacross cha m p Jimmy Gad d is, also riding for Nielsen, we re back in lite pack. By the seco nd L1p, Ezeriru was in third aro und .. Povolny, who had a lre a d y passed Hofmaster. On the third lap , Ezerins was o n the rear tir e of Jackso n, who in tu rn had picked up th e pace and taken bo th tu Murris ' ta il. Th e two riders passed Morri s o n the fo u rt h la p and pu lled away. Povolny also sa w what was ha p pe nin g and moved into thi rd around Mo rris. Jac kso n bea t Ezer ins to the line, a nd Po voln y settled for a d ista nt third . Ga dd is, w ho had a lo t of passing to do fro m the back of the pa ck , go t by Morris o n Ute fin al la p for four th. " It's d efinitel y ha rd to pass, bu t I'm ge tting some g ood passing lines a nd pu tting th em in a spot th ey d on ' t really wan t to be in," sai d a n excit ed Jackso n. "I see m to have th e edge, and as lo ng a ~ I ca n keep ma king pas ses lik e th a t, I don't thin k I' ll ha vc a problem ." Hofma s te r snagged th e sta rt of the second 125ee m ot e , wi th Gad dis o n his tail. Jackso n wa s in the thi rd spot, wi th Pov olny in fourth a n d E7.p in", in fif th . jackson mad e h i", mo ve pa s t r Ho fm a s ter on the t hi rd lap into second, a n d Ezerins went around Po vol n y in fourth and mo ved up fast on Ho fmaster. Ezerin s, Povol ny and a late-chargi ng Brand on Bartz a ll mov ed by Hofmaster int o third, fou rth an d fifth, ces pKrivel y, with two laps remaining. Gaddis was long gone and took the ¥...i n, follo wed by Jackson, Ezerins, Povolny an d Bartz. "Thi.. was only the second tim e I've been on a bi ke since February," sai d a smiling Cad dis, who has not raced since- the final Arenacross in Denver, "so I wa s happy just to be o n a bike and racing again." jackson, with a 1-2,. took the overall in fro nt uf Gaddis' 4-1, and Ezerins snagged th ird wi th a 2-3. I'o vo lny finisht'd fourth overall 'with a 3-4 . o.:-.. r /w B· I. lWd:y DIAntomo; 2. Andrt"W Tovtno; J . "f1IontM, ('_In.,.; 4 Tun y ('.rr11O;5. /'I:lt'hoI.H bn.D no BF-G. 1. Anthuny H. 11; 2. '~ 3. Sr~n n..... J""' n; l ,oAn'" 4. ratricll"'rtwc:r..-h.:r. S. J,imnun Brown. 60 ~v D: I. ShAnt rAt.too; 2. M.n. J>rocdIc:.; J. ~; 4. Ryan ~ 5. 8rwn lIlJ B6C: 1.)orJtua Thurgood. 2. Ak... SkIt:wn; 3. Tyk.,. ~nnfy. 4 Jim! thrm.; 5. Rnan l.£ornI'lII ~OV 8 : 1. Itobby W ood ; 2_ SanuuUI b ........; J A..ron lbtJrn&un; 4 T.... , Wr5Ib. y; 5. Drndaan. IIONQV A:. 1. Rid.s..~2.Cro:ftkCO&tdla . 110 L...T : 1. Krllorl W&kt\. .. r.1.IIO; lIJ'S / ML"J1;1. Danc: 2. ~ Parkcr. 3. J,uon W.alka. 125 BEC: 1. Qwd; Mdtw; 2. Chrv.Symons.; 3. Tun r•..-.. . 4. joWl TAyb; 5. JaY'O" 8roUam. 125 NOV~ 1. "",, nJ~2. Dt.ft.... ' . ~J . Tyt.-r ~.rt;4 . J<-.h King.:S. ('. .ry Lau ...... 1251ST; 1. Dan ICing, 2.. M.u H.>pUnL Z50 NOV; 1. Glenn Wc:idm&n; 2. SNwn Sup; J. PAul fJ..-nky; 4 Dro~ CifIunL s. Cha r6c: Rc:nniC'. 2SOINT: 1. J - DawdI; 2. Cullin Hunwm. a- zs...: 1. Dn-.k TINs; 2. D.u1Dt+"aku; 3. Fr~nk StnJ:n;~ . f\ros.ltO; 5.Jc:ff MUT"Y MSTR 8F.c. , 1. Bryan Lutrs Calit'nt~ Grand Prix, and t."Vt!rVone was a s surprised with the o ut co me as the uv...caU winner. Davi d Fry e. Frye pulled off his first 250cc overall win in a surpri.w attack that left w me of the fas test racers in the Motorcycle Racing Associa tio n and the Utah Sportsman Riding Association scratching th eir heads a nd wondering who just ate thei r lunch. lhe Suzukimounted Las Vegan, wi th chrome spike5 on hi~ chest pru t\. Clor an d an approach thar looks more " like a weekend wa rrior tha n a M'rious threoat, surp rised even himself 'wi th his \\in. The fir.ot s igru; from the race indicatai tllclt U ta h' s Co rky Mau g h a n, w ho g rabbed the ho lt:shu t o n his KX25O. would ru n awa y with it. u ntil KTM·mounted Daryl Folks ree led him in on o ne of the course's fast open secti ons. Not too fa r behind Folks wa s F!)'e o n his RM250, as well 0I1i broth\.l'S Nick and Russell Pea rson. '

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