Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS EDITED BY CAMERONCOATNEY ~== ~"'--~ unfain Breakdown Enduro, Round 9 ---, (Len) Fred Hoess won the ECEA Foggy Mountain Breakdown Enduro in Penn sy lvan ia. (Below) Jack Lanerty Jr. took second ov era ll. The afternoo n loop, d espite its being short ened at the last minute, provided plenty o f o p po rtu n iti es to catch the leader. Three points-taking sections we re plan ned, ru n in th e mounta in s west of Blain, and it is in these wes tern points-taking sections where the boniest SORR course lies. Trail tha t wi nds its way u p an d across the boulder -strewn face o f Tusc aro ra Mountain prov id es lengthy, tou gh up hill climbs and nea rrelentless rock garde ns. In the first test. Hoess and Jack Lafferty set benchmark four-poi nt scor es, bounci ng over the ---l "a good ride" in which he "d id n' t make any bad mistakes." Aga in find ing him self on th e d irty end of the sti ck wa s Jack Lafferty. A tou gh compe tito r, yo u could see that Jack Jr. was again disappointed, assuming the bridesmaid spot he has so often expe rienced over the past two seasons. No nethe less, Jack' s ll -po in t card was easily good enou gh for second ove rall, besting a hand ful of 12-poin t finishers, but still three points behind the blistering pace set by Hoess, A logjam of top racers bu nched up at 12 ticks, includ ing AA riders Mike Moore, Rich Lafferty and Jeff Kirchner, as well as A-class co mpe ti to rs D re w Sm ith a nd Mi ke A re ndas ky, to fill ou t AA and top Aclass stan dings. WER gu ru a nd Is DE veteran Smith earned the High Point A awa rd , eking ou t the victory on emergency poin ts over Mike Arendasky, who mana ged first place in the 250cc A class. Veteran-class rid er John Ross squared off with B-class rival Brian Bolyard , each d ropp ing 19 points on the da y. Ross earn ed the High Point B trophy on tie b reakers, w hilerunner -up Bol ya rd claimed the first-place B25O-class prize. In the Novic e class, Robbie Lockar d and Sean Cully each posted respectable 23-point scores. In another near pho to finish, Locka rd bested Cully on emergency points for High Point C ho nors, the latter fin ish in g tops in th e C 200 class. (:\ Foggy Mou ntain Breakdown End uro Blain e, Pennsylvania . Res ult s : July 20, 1997 By Mark UthlTra ll Rider Magazine File photos by Paul Clipper BLAINE, r A,JULY 20 " ast " Freddy Hoess di d it again. The Suzuki rid er posted another ECEA End uro Series overall win, this time at the Foggy Mountain Breakd own End uro and , in th e p rocess, padded his already-sizable points lead in his qu est for the series cha mpio nship. G iv ing hi s Bromely Suz u k i- bac ke d RMI25 a rest for a change, Hoess campaigned his RM25O, pos ting top scores in every special test and winning by a sizable three-po int margin. Series rival and multitim e ECEA Champion Jack Lafferty Jr . rod e his KTM 250 E/XC to a n 11point finish, earniog second overa ll. Tinder -d ry conditions prior to th e race nearl y saw the eve nt canceled, as th e club d id not rece ive the fina l goahead until Friday afternoon. As a result of the event's closed-course forma t, this event usually draws a big crowd of riders, bu t d u e to q uestions reg ard ing whether the race was on or off, as well as a Iast-minute concession that required bikes be equipped with spark arres tors, this year's end uro was a little thinner than usual and played havoc on un prepared riders. Neverth eless, near ly 300 rid ers showed for the event, still billed as one of the tougher endures on the ECEA sched ule. Starting from the Blaine Fairgro unds, the Susqueha n na Off-Roa d Rid e rs (SORR) pu t on a run that crissc rossed the valley between Tusca rora and Blue Moun tain, with much of the run falling in the Tuscarora State Forest, northwest of Harrisburg. sORR la id ou t a two-loop course, with a gas stop back at the fairgrounds. The SO-mile trail was split nearly e venly between the m orning a nd afternoo n loops. Last-minute concer ns of local fore st-fi re officials, howev er, resulted in a shut-down of a lengthy afternoon special test, lopping off some seven or eight miles of perhaps the boniest Foggy Mountain trail. Th e e nd uro st a rted w it h se ve ral miles of mostly blacktop connectors that led to a start control at the beginn ing of the grass-track special test. The re was troubl e right at the onse t, as an insufficient num ber of spotters and /or ribbo ns failed to keep competit ors from shaving comers (or worse) in the grass-track test, leading to a scoring nightmare. For riders that followed the cou rse, th ree or fou r points down would have bee n a good romp through the section. However, nearly universal corner-cutting led to grea t disparities in the scores seen at the check-out, eventually necessitating that the test be disqualified. After this inauspicious beginning, riders headed off to the woodlands for two fast-paced special tests, each controlled by check-in 'a nd check-out . Hoess immediatel y seized the ad vantage here, going 1-2 through the two points-taking sections, while most other contenders for the overall dropped five, including Jack lafferty, Mike Moore, Rich Lafferty, Jeff Kirchner, Bill Atkinson, Drew Smith, Mike Arendesky, Dwa yne Shi rk and Mike Sigety, each posting identica l 2-3 talli es through the test. From there, it was back to the start for refueling, with Hoess enjoying an easy two-poi nt lead . loose fields of gra nite, while a hand ful of others - including Moore, Rich lafferty, Kirchn er, Smit h, Sigety, Arendasky and Kenny Law - scooted in a point behind at five. Cha lleng ing mountaintop co n necto rs saw man y rid er s fall behind in the co m ing miles, which could have been a problem if not for a canceled mid loop points-taker and the resulting lengthy reset. A heigh tened fire threat in the woo ds in wh ich the midloop section was to be run led local forest officials to close down that patch of forest and , with it, nearly eight miles of points-robbing trail. Ins tead, ride rs were g ra n ted a big reset and encouraged b y club me mbe rs to safely rid e ah ead to the next reset. This leisurely break in the aclion recharged the riders' batteries , most being well-rested for the short final test that began with a checkin near mile SO. Hoess again set the pace at the secret check-out, coasting in a single tick down and thus besting the two poin ts dropped by the Lafferty brothers, Moore, Kirchner, Smith, Arendasky and Todd Reder. Blacktop connectors brought all back to the known control, weary but none the worse for wea r. Soon afte r the dust se ttled , Hoess emerged with an apt victory, lightin g up the competition wi th a no-sweat win at eight points down. Cool at the known control before knowing how ev eryone else had fared, Hoess was well-reserved when queried about his ride, ratin g it as O/A; Frrd H~ (Suz). HIP A:. Drew Sauth (Han). HIP B; John RoM (He n) , HIP C: Robb ie Lockard ( Kaw) . AA : I. Ja ck Lafferty Jr . (KTM ); 2. Mike Moore(Yam ); 3. Rich Lafferty (KTIA); 4. Jeff Kirch ner (Kaw); 5. Bill Atkinson (KT'M). 125 A:. 1. Mlkc Sigcry (G-C); 2 En e Pine (Ho n); 3. Ed M cGall (Ya m ); 4. Bob Agc nrs (G -G l; 5. Cra ig Co pc L1nd (H on). 125 B: I. Eric Hanna h (H o n ); 2. Joe M,)rch ... e n -s (Yam ); 3. Jim Rink (H us ); 4 . Steve Fox (KTM ); 5. Joh n Diobild" (KTM). 200 A: 1. Bob Mohn (K,aw); 2. Todd Quinn (Kaw); 3. Ron Lu cas (Kaw); 4. Joe Tav ani (Kaw); 5. Jeff [ensen (lU w) . 200 B: 1. Mike Lagcla (Kaw); 2. Mark Relen g (Ka w): 3. Gt>u rg", Sigler (Ka w ): 4. Dav e Moo reh ou se (Ka w ): 5. r Aaron IGtl isllt.' (Ka w ). 200 C: 1. ~ .. n C u lly (Ho n); 2. Ma rk Bu rkholder (Ka w ); 3. Br..d Bom be rger : 4. [a-on Sm ith (Kaw); 5 . Terry y it.'1lgst CKawl. 2SO A: I. Milt' Art'ndt"'\l.:y (Hon); 2. Dw..ynt> Shi rl.: (KAw ); 3. D av e Maco (Suz); 4. Sa m v eedet eo (K.l w ); 5. Chric\l:en Eyrich C"-'TM). 250 B; 1. Brian Bolyard (H on l; 2. Ke vin Sc hu le-r lKaw ): 3. Bob Howar d ; 4. Pet e Burn ett (Yam); 5. Da n Ho Sha rp less C n). 2SO C: 1. Joey Snulh (KJlw ); 2. John Swoager (KTM); 3. Jdt Hu ghs; 4. Mike StraUM ; 5. Jim Chapman (Ka ",ยท ) . O PEN A: 1. Matt Spi egelm ye e (KT M ); 2. De an Spencer (KTM); 3. Rich Kline (H o nk 4. Jamie Wri gh t ( ~w,; 5. Chff Tenn y (KTM). OPEN B: 1. B liol. Randa ll; 2. Pol l Bittin g ( KT'M); 2. u JoeCalae Jr. (KTM); 4. Rod White O

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