Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00, decided to try a run, an d eased up to the line with only seconds lell in the 10minute window. In a fairy-tale ending. Kimball blew over the hill and into second in the class. The 0-7OOcc Unlimited class tackled a more difficult hill on Sunday morning. It included two 9O-degree turns right at the steepest midpoin t in the hill. This time Neal Payne was first over, but Whitlock was again fastest. A tota l of 10 rideres topped the hill, including six from Montana. The last was Ed Taylor on a Honda CRSOOR. Taylor joined Kenny Kimb all and Dusty Beer as the only riders to fin ish in the money in all four classes, Nex t on the hill were the Open Tire bikes. Normally, the hill has a designate d "lane" ma rked i n fl ags, b ut in a cha nge this year, the cen ter of the hill was fla gged off, a n d riders w ere allowed to go anywhere on the h ill except wh ere it was flagged. Most riders chose a line pretty much straight up, but that path negotiated a jumbled doublecliff area around 200 feet. Sid Seitz p iloted a 1994 RMI25 fitted with a stock 1992 Suzuki GSXRI I 00 engine to the win . Th e 38-year-old Canadia n has a fairly a tomic rid ing style, and he blitzed the d ouble cliff like a dou ble jum p : He rammed the rock face near the top hard enough to jump the entire top of the hill as well. That made him the only man in the 14-second slot. Jerry Seeley was second an d Beer third . A total of eight riders went over. The final regular class was for Open Unlimited bikes. Anything goes here, but like last year, only Pat Johnson and Steve Stit h opte d to run Nitro . Shane Davis was th e first rider over th e hill, b ut again Whitlock was fas tes t, as the only rider in the 12-second bracket. The first five riders were on Yama ha and Kawasaki fo u rs, with th ree Harleys (Cha m be rlain, Ron Zundel and Larry Coleman) following. Ed Taylor was the onl y two-stroke over . He was p iloting Chamberlain's old YZ980 twin. The top six riders in each tire class is seeded into the Ad vanced class, and the winner of two runs there becomes the Montana State Champ. Payne wa s the fast est, followed by Chamberlain and Whitlock. The Senior class grows every year, and first-t ime compe titor Da vid Ru ff toppe d th e cla ss, over LeRoy Ebeling and Karel Kramer. '" Bil lings MotorcycleClub Billings, Montan. Results: July 26-27,1997 7 01+ U/L: 1. Trav is Whi tl ock (Ya m ); 2. Da ve Johnston (Suz ): 3. Dusty Beer (Xaw); 4. Mel Kimball (H on); S. HMold WaddeUoc.w). fin. rid er over: ~ Davia. fut time:: Tl'OIIv ia Whitlod. 00700 UIL: 1. Travis Whitlock (Hon.) ; 2. Mib Reoesor (1UIw); 3. Mark Polen (l(aw); .t. Bob Spadt (Hon); 5. Slw.nnoo Chambt!rl&in(Han). Finl rider oyc-r:Neal Paynr. OPEN RUBBER. 11RE: 1. Sid Seitz (5oz); 2. Jrny SC'eJey (Yam) ; 3 . Ou .ly B"'IH (Kaw); 4 . Sh .nnon Chamberlain (HO); S. Kenny IGmb.o1l (Hon~ Fin. Rider ovn: Mel Kimb&ll. 0-600 RUBB ER. TIRE: 1. Travis WhitSoc:k (H on); 2X...nny Kimball (Hon ): 3. Ken Long (Ka w); 4. Dave Johnston (Hon); 5. Nul rayne ~w). first rider over. Travis WhitlocL ADV: 1. Nul Payne; 1.. Sh.tnnon O1unberlAin; J. TrII\iI Whitlod. S R (40+): 1. David Ruff (Hon); 2. u-Roy Ebeling (Hon); 3. K.in1'1 XrAl1'll:"l" (lCTM); 40. DouS Shnbum (H on ). TROMtYHfLL SO: 1. N'1ChoZu Gabrl; 2. W~ JGmb.Ul; 3. SNwn Weber; 4. ~an Catdwtll 60: 1. JASOn Smith: 2. Mathew Coleman; 3. Logan HoIo

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